Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - Full Game Movie All Cutscenes

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foreign [Music] all right [Music] that hurt but it worked no pain no gain my boy I ain't your boy Stark all right that should do it won't be any latvarian air support bothering us on our way to Castle Doom now we'll take it on foot and bring in bravity once we hit checkpoint three on foot you're kidding right do you have any idea how little arch support I get in this outfit what a socketed Webhead oh sucks make it worse actually all right ladies let's move now Bravo Team come in come in Bravo to your coffee huh nothing new to me so far but Black Ops aren't really sop for you boys are they how'd Fury get you same way he got you two I expect everyone knows that are War Horse favors and he always calls them in sooner or later could be much worse yeah but don't you guys wonder I mean invading a foreign country like we're Soldiers of Fortune or something I've known Nick Fury a very long time Spider-Man we wouldn't be doing this without a good reason ah bringing your little hands over the poor latvariance huh you think they do the same for you Colonel Fury what do you have for us Mr President one of our ongoing investigations into Super Villains recently had a major break we've always been aware that many of these criminals who run around in high-tech armor were getting their materials from an underground figure Phineas Mason aka the tinkerer but what we didn't realize until recently is that the tinkerer himself is being supported by someone outside the country specifically Lucia Von bartis elected prime minister of latvaria as you know the link to a foreign power makes this by definition International terrorism the evidence is right here sir we're under attack trust me they've earned what's coming to him [Music] great here we go again hey Fury where's that Bravo Team you've been trying to reach communication still jammed someone's gonna have to go round them up and you just volunteered what and leave all the fun of you girls despite me no time to argue shorty take Wes with you locate bravo team and find another way into that castle were the man Webhead let's move yeah yeah respect I'm here this place is going down along with your little operation should help deter anyone thinking along the same lines so much for your president's friendly words to me or does he even know you're here you got a simple choice quietly or you'll pay for this Nicholas Fury I promise you that take them [Music] Manhattan continues to reel after tonight's devastating terror attack inside sources are indicating that the terrorists may have been from latvaria Furthermore they claimed last night's attack was in direct retaliation for a secret unsanctioned Shield assault on Castle Doom exactly one year ago director Nicholas Fury now wanted for questioning in connection with these claims has disappeared in his absence Commander Maria Hill has been named acting director of Shield superheroes potentially linked the Liberian Mission have refused to comment leaving the rest of us to wonder why this horrible tragedy had to happen [Applause] [Music] you hear what they're saying about that mission in Liberia [Music] expected nice of you to say so at the time given a choice between Fury and the government who are you gonna Trust tough call that's why I didn't even ask you to make it so thanks to you all this is on our hands no not on yours the evidence is right here sir we're under attack Colonel Fury since Dr Doom's death Lucia Von bardus has bent over backwards to mend the ties between America and latvaria we got her elected this year alone we let her country 72 million dollars in Aid yes sir and it hurts to imagine what she's done with that money knowing what we now know thank you Colonel I have a recommended response scenario for this that won't be necessary sir if I may this situation is sure to escalate I can we have a pleasant relationship with Lucia we'll handle things diplomatically I kept you in the dark so that if something like this ever happened your consciences would be clear it's on me and I'm taking the fall for this one you got that right [Music] foreign I'm sure you've got plenty of backups old man you always do enjoy your Exile Fury wherever you are we'll just stay here and keep picking up the pieces and so to answer your question Mr senator in spite of these recent events I don't believe forcing superheroes to register with the government is the answer this law would split the hero Community right down the middle with consequences I'm not sure any of us want to ponder over here was that really Your Best Shot sneaking around doesn't become you Steve maybe I'll need to practice maybe we all will don't be so melodramatic this whole thing would affect you least of all you're already deputized you almost sound like you agree with them this registration act would tear down everything we've done destroy a sensory old tradition of I'm trying to save it Steve as much of it as I can anyway don't you see where this is headed all it's going to take is one more slip-up by anyone in a cape and we'll be lucky if registration is the worst they do they could just turn us all into criminals hunt us all down no they won't Tony not in my country special live episode of the new Warriors coming trade from Stamford Connecticut where the Warriors have just been spotted by their super villain Quarry looks like it's on I've got cold heart you guys hey somebody snagged Nitro he's rabbiting don't worry speedball I'm on it on your feet Nitro and don't bother trying any of your stupid exploding tricks oh baby don't you even know you're playing with the big boys now [Music] reports now coming in from Stamford Connecticut indicate a massive explosion in a residential neighborhood just over 12 hours ago now and preliminary casualties are said to be over 600. in Washington Rumblings on whether superhero reform should be brought to the table in last week's devastating explosion Congress has rushed through passage of the Superhuman registration act with the president expected to sign it this is just completely insane Hill I won't do it I'm sorry was it not clear I was giving you an order you're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country every day no I'm ordering you to obey the will of the American people captain either you help us bring them in or we'll bring you in weapons down gentlemen or I drink darts now [Music] keep us moving son if you want to stay conscious you idiot we were trying to save lives [Music] of all the people to go underground Captain America now every superhero who disagrees with the ACT suddenly has a leader maybe we should hold off until that won't be necessary Mr President registration can go forward as planned we'll take care of Captain America how many trapped workers did the radio say over 300 but something's weird I'm not getting anything over my info net no Panic signals nothing what's wrong cable look get us out of here it's a trap of course it's a trap how else were we gonna get you all in one place discovered one is the area fully Cordon Roger perimeter sealed no one's leaving the Zone without our say so copy that stand by stand by you and shield going soft Tony we didn't come here to arrest you cap I talked shield into offering all of you a chance at amnesty you mean surrender thanks but uh I think I'd rather take my chances tap please you know how hard I tried to fight this but that was before Stamford the public doesn't want secret identities anymore registration is the only way to make them feel safe when we're around just give me a chance to tell you our plans for my 21st century overhaul five minutes that's all I'll need what the hell thank you [Music] foreign [Music] neither side's getting too specific but a good number of those Heroes got pretty badly hurt in the explosions including yourselves no one saw with those mind-controlled freaks were trying to do or that we tried to stop them so it was up to me to save you [Applause] we'll never reach the jail cells at this rate are those the condo which we saw in the schematics yeah the only exposed power cables for both the main systems and the backups those get cut and all the cells open up including Shields remote control super criminals you got it but the release prisoners might give Shield more than they can handle at least for a few minutes could help cover our Escape thank you [Music] foreign would look quite like that but I'll take it [Applause] out of control watch what you're doing to those prisoners they test you damn it Swanson get those prisoners attacking the right targets we're trying sir but they're not responding the inhibitor Transmissions aren't having any effect despite their metal chains shut them down now no effect Mr Stark the villains are completely out of control [Music] looks like Fury was right about your nan I've injected slaves we had it under control until you busted in here and released them all gentlemen I suggest we focus on getting our people out of here alive foreign behind you hmm closed off from the other side what do you think it means did Fury step to one side captain you and your friends here are under arrest for Pete's sake kill these people need medical attention he's right lower your weapons and call them the Medics no Stark I'm under direct orders from the president the SRA dictates that these unregistered you're giving everyone temporary Amnesty on my authority at least until we figure out what just happened if you have a problem with that Commander Hill you're going to have to take it up with all of us get the Medics down here so many lives apparently lost and yet lost so that many more lives might be saved we may not know the true fate of Nicholas Fury but we do know he showed his willingness to sacrifice himself on behalf of us all for him and for the rest of the missing and presumed deceased we ask almighty God to watch over their souls amen [Music] yeah all right all right stretch I can make it smart guy but I'll take a Shield nurse over him any day so how are you feeling how does it look like I'm feeling could be a lot worse All Things Considered everyone else who was infected is pretty much recovered but the stuff that tinkerer put in you was 10 times yeah I know but believe me I know listen guys uh about all this I am why I just wanted to uh you can stop there Nick there's plenty of blame to go around on all sides and plenty of cleaning up yet to do [Music] yeah there is that I know you put it right right get things back to where they used to be I'm not sure things will ever be quite the same as they used to be no but that doesn't mean they can't be good again and so with the global battle against the fold now one thanks in large part to the combined efforts of the World Superheroes Congress this week voted to amend the Superhuman registration Act the updated act allows superheroes to voluntarily register for training without revealing their secret identities to the government or being pressed into mandatory Police Service Tony Stark fresh from accepting his new position as commander of Shield spoke earlier today at the Capitol Building regarding the agency's new attitude towards superheroes it's too easy to think of superheroes as Weapons something to be deployed like an arm of the military
Channel: Das7ardly
Views: 921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MarvelUltimateAlliance2, GameMovie, AllCutscenes, MarvelComics, Superhero, VideoGames, Gaming, StoryMode, Gamer, MarvelUniverse, MarvelGames, Action, Adventure, Cinematic, GamingCommunity, MarvelHeroes, Gameplay, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, Wii, PCGaming, GameTrailer, GameReview, Let'sPlay, marvel ultimate alliance 2, marvel, alliance
Id: GyP9zOUTxus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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