【武俠電影】 廢材小夥誤入叢林救下野人,竟意外獲得太極神功,從此稱霸武林! #kungfu #功夫 #焦恩俊 #吴京

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I am Wuji, I am not afraid I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid I'm not afraid I'm not afraid I'm not afraid I'm not afraid Savage, I can save you, but you are not allowed to eat me. Did you hear it? Do you understand it? Don't eat me Don't eat me Come Come Come Come Come on, grab here, come on Come Come Come You promised not to eat from me Be good, you don’t need to do this big gift Be good, you don’t need to do this big gift I can't bear it It's okay now From now on, you have to be more careful, it’s very deep From now on, you have to be more careful, it’s very deep If you fall in again, no one will save you Do you understand? You still get angry at me You still get angry at me Why are you so moody? I can't stay with you all day I can't stay with you all day If I go back late, I will be punished. Do you understand? I suffer and freeze every day like this I suffer and freeze every day like this I haven't learned martial arts yet I'm very angry, do you know? I'm very angry, do you know? go away go away go away what are you drawing Are you a human you say This is a martial arts move These humanoid dances are really similar. You said you could teach me these martial arts moves? seriously You can really teach me these martial arts moves What should I do if it hurts you? It hurts a lot Brother Ye, do you think I am a pheasant? Ye brother, think of me as a hare this time Ye Ge, it’s a wild boar this time, right? Who else is coming What, Wu-Tang Clan number? You actually know my martial arts When did you learn secretly? Who taught you this I'll take you to see the boss right now Let him drive you down the mountain himself Wuji, just say it I have nothing to say I taught him martial arts I taught him martial arts Patriarch You come with me Your name is Zhang Wuji yes I have seen what you did just now Your senior brothers did not wrong you What you used is indeed my own technique. And it’s the Thirteen Tai Chi postures created by me. And it’s the Thirteen Tai Chi postures created by me. It's just that although you have the form of Tai Chi And there is no Tai Chi God you need to know Tai Chi strengthens the body Exercise your own cultivation And the moves you made just now were vicious Just putting people to death Just putting people to death Grandmaster, forgive me. I didn’t know this was the case. Ignorant is not guilty, I don’t blame you Get up can you tell me Who taught you these moves? Who taught you these moves? If there is something unspeakable, forget it But I hope that next time you take action Be able to understand and think twice before acting Be able to understand and think twice before acting You know, martial arts can save or hurt people Life is very precious Life is very precious Disciples will remember this In fact, the disciple’s martial arts were indeed taught by someone. Who is it? Who is it? It's...the legendary Shennongjia savages Shennongjia Savage Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge Ye Ge He usually appears here He usually appears here I don’t know why I didn’t come today It's okay, let's wait a moment Ye Ge I brought my friends to see you, come out we won't hurt you I'm Zhang Sanfeng. I'm here to make friends today. We don't mean any harm, please show up. We don't mean any harm, please show up. This is my Patriarch Zhang Sanfeng Patriarch, this is my savage friend I don't mean any harm, I just want to ask Why do you know this martial arts? Where did you learn from it? Why do you know this martial arts? Where did you learn from it? Grandmaster, he can’t speak Grandmaster, my savage friend He didn't mean to offend Please forgive him for his unintentional behavior I also forgive Wuji for making such a friend. It is fate that people interact with each other. What is the crime? It is fate that people interact with each other. What is the crime? What you were doing with the savage just now was Tai Chi, right? Really beautiful If only I could learn one and a half moves If only I could learn one and a half moves If only I could learn one and a half moves do you really want to learn do you really want to learn Wuji, I knew you were hiding something from me Where is that Tai Chi master? So what's the point of being superior to others? It's just you and me. You still want to lie to me, don’t forget it We two are brothers Are you still angry about what happened that day? I was really angry about what happened that day But it's been several days, and I've long forgotten Who told you and I are brothers? Brother, right? Then tell me Who taught you this good kung fu? Didn't I tell you, it's ancestor... Patriarch Okay, fine, since you don’t want to say it Then I won’t force you Who said we are brothers? But brother, I have a small request That's what he taught you You have to teach me something, how about it, brother Who said we are brothers, but you have to promise me good Don't tell others you're here, okay You can't come here with me either no problem bro brother Come on, like this Where did it go? Not back yet It's all cold Use inner strength wrong As expected, you practice diligently every day and are not lazy at all Children can be taught Senior Brother Xuyun, you are also a good teacher. I am blind, what does this have to do with me? Brother Xuyun has to grind tofu in Wuji every day No change despite the storm, just to practice his basic skills, right? Wuji, please practice the second form of Tai Chi again. See if it's similar to the hand gestures you make when grinding tofu yes yes Thank you, Master, for your love Thank you, Master, for your love Junior brother, you are indeed very clear-sighted. I can't hide anything from you. Promise Your efforts in Baiyu Palace were not in vain. Your efforts in Baiyu Palace were not in vain. Thank you two masters Thank you two masters If it weren’t for senior brother, you would have a unique vision I won’t keep Wuji in Wudang either. No, I'm blind Junior brother is still bright-eyed. Otherwise, how could you teach him the Thirteen Tai Chi poses? Junior brother, I think Wuji is the future of our Wudang. Junior brother, I think Wuji is the future of our Wudang. I Grandmaster, I saw it But I still can't see clearly in some places See if it doesn't work Understand with heart, feel with heart I see I see Close your eyes and mouth and continue practicing Close your eyes and mouth and continue practicing yes The two Tai Chi styles I will teach you today It seems simple, but it actually contains a lot of truths It seems simple, but it actually contains a lot of truths I hope you will understand it carefully and you will need it in the future. I hope you will understand it carefully and you will need it in the future. Master, what does it mean to use it? When you understand the secrets of Tai Chi moves Just when it comes in handy Just when it comes in handy Just when it comes in handy Brother Ye, someone has already discovered this place. What are you still doing here? Follow me, don't stay too far away from me Walk Brother Ye, what you want to show me are these murals This is just part of it, there are many more You come with me Come These are all Tai Chi moves There are four holes here The essence of Tai Chi’s Thirteen Postures is in it Thirteen forms of Tai Chi Yes, Wudang Kung Fu is profound and has a long history. After Qiu Chuji died Zhang Sanfeng listens to the thunder and watches the trees, watches the willows in the wind and rain Carry forward Wudang Kung Fu and realize the highest realm It’s the Thirteen Tai Chi postures you see now. As Wudang disciples, we have not been able to obtain his true inheritance. Why did you... To be honest, I have been living in the wilderness for decades Understand the Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi from Zhang Sanfeng to the entire process of founding I've seen it all with my own eyes you are peeping It can’t be considered a peek. It can’t be considered a peek. He practices boxing in the wilderness, I live in the wilderness Actually, I just saw it by chance After that, it was really hard to extricate myself You have to see clearly to feel at ease Haven't you been discovered by the Grandmaster? Zhang Sanfeng practices boxing in the wilderness It's to avoid people's eyes and ears And I have already become one with the mountains I'm just an animal, not a human I can sleep on a big tree without moving You can also lie down in the grass and watch the stars at night It's like living a life like a beast Could it be that when Zhang Sanfeng was practicing boxing? Are you still worried about the birds and animals in the forest coming to peek? Maybe this is what I have been doing for so many years Is that why it wasn't discovered? Then over the past few decades, you have learned all about his true heritage. Not necessarily, I have never been formally taught There are many moves that we know but don’t know why. There is also a lack of assistance from internal skills and mental methods. You can only add ways to survive and fight forest beasts by yourself Become an alternative evil sect of Tai Chi This can be considered a romance. This can be considered a romance. Yes, now it's your turn for this romance Yes, now it's your turn for this romance Brother Ye, take me to see these murals I want... Please help me find my daughter Yuetong I should have thanked you so much You are a Wudang disciple, I should teach you Come on, take note of these moves Brother Ye, although I really want to learn the true teachings of Tai Chi But I want to learn it openly I don't want to be sneaky like this You are a Wudang disciple, why are you sneaking around? Just because he is a Wudang disciple That’s why you should learn Tai Chi from the right path. What do you say? Since you insist on it, I won’t force it If only Yuetong's husband were as upright as you Then I'll be satisfied It's getting late, go back God helps me, God helps me Tangible but not real The disciple is stupid and only understands this point Please give me some advice I can’t blame you, I only taught you the body method that day I can’t blame you, I only taught you the body method that day I can’t blame you, I only taught you the body method that day But I didn’t teach you the inner secrets. Today I will Teach you the mental formulas of the Thirteen Tai Chi postures I hope you take care of yourself What is the meaning of this statement? You just need to listen to me carefully Tai Chi uses thirteen postures as its method and uses yin and yang as the mutual complement. Mainly based on the concept of Wuji giving rise to Tai Chi Referring to the wind and clouds of heaven and earth, the sun, moon, thunder and lightning Taking the divine form of birds and animals, he takes things from afar Taking the divine form of birds and animals, he takes things from afar Get close to all bodies You must remember: shed, shoe, squeeze, press, pick, row, elbow rely on, advance, retreat, consider, hope, settle These thirteen characters are the essence of Tai Chi The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea Talking endlessly Shed, walking, squeezing, pressing, picking, rowing, elbow and leaning, these are the eight methods Progress, regression, looking left, looking right, and concentration are the five elements. Sheng, Lu, squeeze, press, namely Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, four square Cai, Lie, Jiu, Yuan, Xun, Zhen, Dui, Gen, four obliquely Advance, retreat, consider, hope, determine Instant money, wood, water, fire, tuya Combined into one, there are thirteen forms It turns out that the thirteen Tai Chi poses have extremely profound meanings Wuji may not be fully understood for a while Time is running out, so you must keep it in mind Tai Chi is based on the theory of the two qi of heaven and earth, yin and yang. Regulating the movement of the five elements in the human body A boxing technique that is transformed from skillful strikes This inner spirit shows ease and ease, walking like a cat The movement is like a spinning boxing technique This boxing technique pays the most attention to Move the circle to take images, refine the energy and concentrate the mind Neither irritable nor stiff, its techniques focus most on the inner strength of the round shape. Stickiness changes with movement, hardness and softness combine To reach the highest state of unity between man and nature Is this the first formula of Tai Chi? Wuji is really half-understood Dare I ask my ancestor to give me the formula? How about practicing the fusion moves once? If Brother Xuyun is still alive will be kind to you It's a pity that he has passed away I remember when I joined Master’s disciples Going through hardships with my senior brother Looking back suddenly, I can still see it vividly Now you and I are separated from each other in this world, and heaven and man are separated forever I'll go find the boss This matter must not be made public But your injury is not serious My body is extremely poisonous, but I suppress the poison with my internal strength The Patriarch has deep inner strength, so he will definitely be able to suppress it. Grandmaster has deep inner strength, he can definitely hold it down This is not a poison from the Central Plains. I’m afraid no one in the Central Plains can detoxify it. The reason why I teach you the secret formula And there is no practice of one and a half moves That's because whenever I get angry The poison will attack the heart and cause death The poison will attack the heart and cause death The poison will attack the heart and cause death Since the ancestor was seriously injured, Then why do you insist on hosting Master's funeral? Xuyun paid too much for Wudang Xuyun paid too much for Wudang But he didn't get anything in return, and now he is dead It must be a grand burial and send him off And the most important thing is I have to pretend I'm fine To prevent invasion by foreign enemies at this time To prevent invasion by foreign enemies at this time It turns out that the ancestor has so many difficulties Wuji is really ashamed Wuji is really ashamed I'm just worried that something will happen at the funeral By Biyun's strength alone How can we cope with it? Therefore, I combined the formulas and mental methods of the Thirteen Tai Chi postures teach you teach you I hope your martial arts will improve to the next level. I hope your martial arts will improve to the next level. This is my formula for the Thirteen Tai Chi poses. This is my formula for the Thirteen Tai Chi poses. Take care of yourself What virtue and ability are there in the infinite? You don’t need to belittle yourself, Wudang Shangxia You don’t need to belittle yourself, Wudang Shangxia In terms of qualifications and character, you are the number one It’s just hard for you to entrust such an important responsibility to you There is no limit to talent, just relying on the kindness of our ancestors I will definitely give my all and die. I will definitely give my all and die. My condolences My condolences The three masters are determined The three masters are determined Amitabha Mr. Zhang, I offended you. Please forgive me. Strong words Today, thanks to all my martial arts colleagues, Today, thanks to all my martial arts colleagues, Come to pay homage to Senior Brother Xuyun, Sanfeng would like to thank you here. Zhang Zhenren Head Biyun, it seems that Master Zhang is ill. It's just a rumor. I can't bother you. Resign first No more gifts Resign... Dumb boy, don't do stupid things Master Xuyun, my disciple is here to see you off. Master Xuyun, my disciple is here to see you off. Come take you on your last journey master The disciple knows that he has no face to see you But your great kindness But your great kindness The disciple really has nothing to repay today I can only come here to see you off on your last journey Make up for my mistakes at the same time Make up for my mistakes at the same time leader This is the flower in the fog of Edo, the poison of the East Patriarch Sanfeng was poisoned by this poison Today the disciple will swallow it all here To repay Wudang's great kindness to me Eiko Why are you committing suicide again? You misunderstood, I didn’t want to commit suicide I just want to test the poison with myself and taste the herbs like Shen Nong I just want to test the poison with myself, taste the herbs like Shen Nong Find the secret recipe to save Grandmaster Who will believe your lies? Eiko Eiko Brother Huiheng, this is our panacea in Huashan Although it cannot cure hundreds of poisons But at least I can save my sister's heart. May I ask if you are My roommate is just a weak woman Why are you Wudang fighting each other so hard? You are so despicable You are so despicable Your Excellency turns out to be Miss Eiko’s brother Please listen to the veteran explain to you Yingzi walked to the mourning hall and took the poison by herself Our sect didn't do anything to her Our sect didn't do anything to her No need to say more, Brother Huiheng I, the Huashan sect, will definitely help you seek justice today. Today I will let you learn a lesson The power of the Araki family, the number one martial arts school in Japan Please don't be angry Please don't get angry stop, get out of the way stop, get out of the way It turns out that it was you who rescued my sister that day. Just accept it Just accept it You send Yingzi back to Huashan first yes Above the mourning hall, please respect yourself and do not disrespect your ancestors. In the mourning hall, please respect yourself and do not disrespect your ancestors I am Japanese There is no need to abide by the rules of you Central Plains people. Promise The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea, flowing endlessly. The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea, flowing endlessly. The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea, which are endlessly flowing. The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea, flowing endlessly. The so-called long boxer is like the Yangtze River and the sea, flowing endlessly. Tai Chi is based on the theory of the two qi of heaven and earth, yin and yang. Tai Chi is based on the theory of the two qi of heaven and earth, yin and yang. Regulating the movement of the five elements in the human body A boxing technique that is transformed from skillful strikes A boxing technique based on skillful striking and changing faces A boxing technique that is transformed from skillful strikes This kind of internal solid spirit expresses ease and ease, walking like a cat The movement is like a spinning boxing technique His boxing technique focuses most on His boxing technique focuses most on Wait for the circle to take the image, refine your energy and concentrate your mind, and don’t be impatient or stiff. Make a circle and take images, refine your energy and focus your mind, and don’t be impatient or stiff. Take the image in a circle, refine your Qi and concentrate your mind, without getting impatient or stiff. Take the image in a circle, refine your Qi and concentrate your mind, without getting impatient or stiff. Take the image in a circle, refine your Qi and concentrate your mind, without getting impatient or stiff. Its technique pays most attention to the inner strength of the round shape Its technique pays most attention to the inner strength of the round shape Stickiness changes with movement, hardness and softness combine To reach the highest state of unity between man and nature To reach the highest state of unity between man and nature To reach the highest state of unity between man and nature To reach the highest state of unity between man and nature Brother Huiheng, today is Wudang’s mourning period Brother Huiheng, today is Wudang’s mourning period Just give him three cents of face, let's go Just give him three cents of face, let's go Walk Wuji, thank you for your hard work just now If they disturb the funeral What face do I have... facing my senior brother? Yes...the leader made serious words You have now become a great hero of Wudang From now on, I'm proud of you Promise, Promise Yishan, are you rebelling? Dare to hurt Wudang's great hero, that's right Everyone was deceived by him, he was the one who killed Master Xuyun The culprit who poisoned Patriarch Sanfeng What did you say You're talking nonsense, why should I do this? You're talking nonsense, why should I do this? Grandmaster was seriously injured, Master Xuyun died suddenly It's all a conspiracy arranged by you Do you have any evidence? Do you have any evidence? If not so How come you have such martial arts skills? And how do you explain this secret book? Leader, this is what just fell from him This is indeed the secret recipe of Taiji Thirteen Postures. It should be owned by Patriarch Sanfeng It should be owned by Patriarch Sanfeng Ordinary people have no chance to contact Wuji, how did you get the secret? What's the explanation? Master, this secret book is indeed a gift from the ancestor. If you have any questions Grandmaster can testify Grandmaster can testify Senior brother Senior brother Senior brother Senior brother Senior brother Senior brother, excuse me Have you ever given this secret book to Wuji? Senior brother Senior brother, senior brother Master, how is the injury of the ancestor? The poison attacks the heart, and the medicine has no effect I'm afraid I will become a useless person in the future It was fine just now It must have been Zhang Wuji who killed him on the way. Leader, no need to hesitate anymore Leader, no need to hesitate anymore The culprit must be Zhang Wuji leader I understand, unlock it I understand, unlock it I understand, unlock it Wuji, something happened suddenly just now Although you saved Wudang Although you saved Wudang But there's still a lot to figure out But there's still a lot to figure out That’s why Yishan needs to take action. Don’t hold a grudge against this matter. That’s why Yishan needs to take action. Don’t hold a grudge against this matter. Wuji is as good as Wudang, just sitting slightly in the wind I don't care about personal honor or disgrace. Just like this, Master Xuyun even went on the road It’s also rare to be quiet It’s also rare to be quiet What you said was so high-sounding that Master Xuyun was killed. Grandmaster was poisoned The real murderer is clearly hiding in our Wudang The real murderer is clearly hiding in our Wudang Are you saying this person is me? You and I have known each other for many years, how are you as a person? Of course I know But what do other people in the martial arts community think? I don't know I'm disappointed that these words came from your mouth It hurts more than stabbing me in the back It hurts more than stabbing me in the back The so-called purifier will purify himself Wuji, since you think you are innocent Wuji, since you think you are innocent Wuji, since you think you are innocent So where did this formula come from? So where did this formula come from? So where did this formula come from? Make it clear to everyone Make it clear to everyone Make it clear to everyone Of course this was given by the ancestor himself. Grandmaster can prove it We went to pay homage to the Patriarch. He didn't say anything like that He didn't say anything like that impossible Those who stay here are all Wuzhong people Those who stay here are all Wuzhong people I'm not afraid to tell you either Never say a single word about this matter to the outside world. Otherwise, I will deal with it according to the sect’s rules. Grandmaster has been deeply poisoned, he just used his internal strength to hold on Grandmaster has been deeply poisoned, he just used his internal strength to hold on Grandmaster has been deeply poisoned, he just used his internal strength to hold on Now he is completely paralyzed and cannot speak. how so... I want to see him Zhang Wuji, do you dare to doubt the leader's words? I just want to see him I just want to see him Since my ancestor is no longer able to speak or act, It won't help if you see him. It won't help if you see him. In fact, Grandmaster knew that he would be paralyzed a long time ago That’s why you gave me the formula At that time I thought he Just nip it in the bud I didn't expect all this to be true That is to say, something will happen to Grandmaster Only to you Is your status higher than the leader? Is your status higher than the leader? The problem now is No one can prove your innocence No one can prove your innocence I have never harmed Master Patriarch and Master Xuyun A lesson from heaven and earth How can a thief admit that he is a thief? Master, we can't just watch something happen to Master Sanfeng. And sit back and ignore it Yes, boss, the murderer must be severely punished I want to cut him into pieces I want to make him drunk Okay, we really need to catch the murderer But we also lack real evidence This is the best evidence This is the reason why he murdered the ancestor Maybe Master Xuyun discovered his secret Only then was he attacked Han Yishan I'm just talking about things I'm just talking about things Stop making noise We at Wudang have always been fair and upright in our dealings. How about this We will temporarily detain you in Senior Brother Xuyun’s room We will temporarily detain you in Senior Brother Xuyun’s room During this period, you are not allowed to leave or have contact with outsiders. Until we find out who the real murderer is Until we find out who the real murderer is Then if we can't find the real murderer in our lifetime, Wouldn't he be able to get away with it for the rest of his life? Wouldn't he be able to get away with it for the rest of his life? The friendship between Senior Brother Xuyun and Grandmaster is very shallow I believe that his spirit in heaven will definitely guide us I believe that his spirit in heaven will definitely guide us I believe that his spirit in heaven will definitely guide us Leader, don’t worry, until the truth comes to light A disciple will never step away from Wudang. What, get involved in Wudang? What, get involved in Wudang? Fulong, the name of Wudang Mountain Lao Na just asked you to join Wudang Lao Na just asked you to join Wudang Go and learn their martial arts secretly Go and learn their martial arts secretly What our Taoists teach is to follow your heart and let your circumstances prevail. What our Taoists teach is to follow your heart and let your circumstances prevail. What our Taoists teach is to follow your heart and let your circumstances prevail. It’s the heart that brings us here We will be really attentive yes So if you want So if you want Just do rough work here for three months. Based on your performance, after expiration I will recommend you to the boss, how about it? Thank you Master Get up I just want to be a normal person Simply pursue your ideals and goals Simply pursue your ideals and goals But how did I end up like this? But how did I end up like this? Shaolin is the place I have dreamed of since I was a child I even dream of learning martial arts well But he happened to be an undercover agent Wudang, Master Xuyun, Grandmaster Everyone is so kind to me if i find something Do you really have to hand it over? The imperial court, I have no ambition to be an official But, yes, fate Destiny has to bring me here And the princess, Yuetong, Yingzi Did I do anything wrong? what on earth should i do How should I go in the future? block him Chief, it’s not good, the savages are coming. Chief, it’s not good, the savages are coming. What, go What, go stop Where is Wuji, I want to find him Where is Wuji, I want to find him Who is he to you and what is your relationship with him? Who is he to you? What is your relationship with him? This has nothing to do with you This has nothing to do with you Wudang traitors, everyone will find them and punish them Wudang traitors, everyone will find them and punish them You, the court hawk, are a bunch of stinking Taoist priests. Let me see what you can do to me Let me see what you can do to me I, Wudang Mountain, am not the place where you run wild I, Wudang Mountain, am not the place where you run wild I, Wudang Mountain, am not the place where you run wild I remember now Before Wuji Just use these crazy tricks to beat me. Yes, I remember it too It turns out they are in the same group Poisoning the Patriarch and killing Master Xuyun He also has a share Say where is Wuji he... Said, in Master Xuyun’s room Take me away Take me away Chase Brother Ye, what are you doing? Let him go. I'm here to save you I'm fine, you let him go I'm fine, let him go Zhang Wuji, you still don’t admit that you are having an affair with a foreign enemy? Zhang Wuji, you still don’t admit that you are having an affair with a foreign enemy? I don't I don't Do you treat us like three-year-olds? Do you treat us like three-year-olds? That's right It’s in vain that the Patriarch trusts you so much, you traitor It’s in vain that the Patriarch trusts you so much, you traitor Leader, I know this person But the situation is not as you think Don't explain to them Don't explain to them They are a bunch of bullshit, come with me quickly I won't go with you If I go with you, I will repay my injustice. they will kill you If you want me to go with you, you are setting me up for injustice If you want me to go with you, you are setting me up for injustice If you are innocent, take him down now If you are innocent, take him down now That's right, yes, take him down That's right, yes, take him down You...you are so despicable to sow discord. Chengde, are you okay? fine fine I'll kill you bunch of bull noses Ye Ge Ye Ge Brother Ye, go away quickly. Don't hurt anyone. Brother Ye, go away quickly. Don't hurt anyone. I helped you, but you beat me, and I killed them. I helped you, but you beat me, and I killed them. I helped you, but you beat me, and I killed them. Will you follow me or not? Brother Ye, I'll go with you, let's go Brother Ye, I'll go with you, let's go Brother Ye, I'm going with you, let's go Leader, do you ever remember Zhang Wuji once said He will not leave Wudang until the truth comes to light. how now He's a complete traitor Brother Ye, we can't stay here anymore. What, then I have to get my things Then you go, I'll keep an eye on you Let's go, let's go Brother Ye, stop hurting people, let’s leave quickly Brother Ye, stop hurting people, let’s leave quickly Brother Ye, stop hurting people, let’s leave quickly go away It's dangerous here. Let's evacuate first. We'll talk about it later. Let's go. It's dangerous here. Let's evacuate first. We'll talk about it later. Let's go. It's dangerous here. Let's evacuate first. We'll talk about it later. Let's go. Walk The country is so beautiful This place was originally the territory of our Mongolian Yuan Dynasty This place was originally the territory of our Mongolian Yuan Dynasty Endless miles and miles are all my good homes Endless miles and miles are all my good homes It was those Han people who robbed my great rivers and mountains It was those Han people who robbed my great rivers and mountains It’s been so many years, why bother remembering it? It’s been so many years, why bother remembering it? You are not a Mongolian noble, you would not know You are not a Mongolian noble, you don’t know how to cut What you originally owned is suddenly lost What you originally owned is suddenly lost It's more painful than before. It's more painful than before. Brother Ye, you are right. In fact, I understand it very well. Brother Ye, you are right. In fact, I understand it very well. Brother Ye, you are right. In fact, I understand it very well. Brother Ye, you are right. In fact, I understand it very well. I also lost the best thing in life I also lost the best thing in life I also lost the best thing in life finally, I understand Why are we so close to each other? Why are we so close to each other? It’s all because we are the same fallen people at the end of the world It’s all because we are the same fallen people at the end of the world It’s all because we are the same fallen people at the end of the world But now everyone is homeless Many years ago, my home was destroyed by Ming Dynasty dog ​​thieves. Many years ago, my home was destroyed by Ming Dynasty dog ​​thieves. Many years ago, my home was destroyed by Ming Dynasty dog ​​thieves. But you, you shouldn’t join Wudang at all But you, you shouldn’t join Wudang at all Maybe this was a mistake from the beginning Maybe this was a mistake from the beginning Maybe this was a mistake from the beginning Don't believe Wudang, don't believe the Han people either Since you and I are both happy, just follow me. Anda It means our Mongolian brothers, don’t we? yes yes I swear to God, Brother Meng I now grant you, Zhang Wuji, a Mongolian subject of the Yuan Dynasty Let's build a beautiful world together Let's build a beautiful world together Let's build a beautiful world together How is that possible? What's not allowed Don’t you believe my answer? That's not what I meant, it's just... If there’s anything hard to say, it’s okay to just say it In fact, I already have three identities Why should we care about having a fourth identity? What's going on? I worshiped Shaolin when I was very young I really want to become a disciple of Shaolin So the emperor asked me to go back to Wudang I didn’t expect that my little brother is so young I didn’t expect that my little brother is so young There is such a legendary experience, one person is also a Shaolin disciple There is such a legendary experience, one person is also a Shaolin disciple There is such a legendary experience, one person is also a Shaolin disciple There is such a legendary experience, one person is also a Shaolin disciple The triple identity of a disciple of Wu Jin and a court official But I wouldn't mind at all But I wouldn't mind at all Already become a Mongolian subject You have to fight for me I can also raise a flag of righteousness Overthrow the Ming Dynasty and restore our Yuan Dynasty Grandmaster Master, please listen to my explanation, Master Master, please listen to my explanation, Master Brother Ye, please show mercy. Brother Ye, please show mercy. We'll see you later Brother Ye, stop chasing me He bullies you Even Shaolin has misunderstood me now The world is so big, there really is no place for me Welcome Lord Protector of the Country Welcome Lord Protector of the Country I sincerely welcome Lord Protector. The leader is very polite. Although I am the protector of the country, I am still a disciple of Wudang. Sect rules and etiquette are unavoidable, the leader must be polite Sect rules and etiquette are unavoidable, the leader must be polite How can I accept such a generous gift from the Protector? How can I accept such a generous gift from the Protector? Sir, please come this way Sir, please come this way Falling in love with the emperor Assign me to supervise and assist Wudang’s affairs If there is any offense, I hope the leader will forgive me. If there is any offense, I hope the leader will forgive me. Your Excellency is in a high and powerful position, how dare I blame you? Your Excellency holds a high and powerful position, how dare you blame me? I mentioned it to the boss last time I hope to hand over the formula of the Thirteen Tai Chi poses Let it be included in the Yongle Ceremony I wonder if the leader has figured it out? I wonder if the leader has figured it out? This matter is of great importance. How can I make the decision in private? It’s better to ask Patriarch Sanfeng for his opinion first. It is better to seek the opinion of Patriarch Sanfeng first. If Patriarch Sanfeng agrees, If Patriarch Sanfeng agrees, I'll serve it in due time Patriarch Sanfeng has long been paralyzed No improvement so far When the leader says this, it is inevitable that he is trying to shirk the responsibility. When the leader says this, it is inevitable that he is trying to shirk the responsibility. Don't dare Don't dare A complete collection of literature from all over the world Compiled in Yongle Dadian This is the emperor's will If there is someone in Wudang who wholeheartedly resists the decree, If there is someone in Wudang who wholeheartedly resists the decree, As a supervisor, I'm afraid I can't sit back and ignore it. As a supervisor, I'm afraid I can't sit back and ignore it. If the protector of the country recognizes that I have done something bad, Despite the blame Despite the blame How could Yishan dare to blame the leader? Your Majesty ordered us to wait for Wudang disciples Looking for the Thirteen Tai Chi formulas Looking for the Thirteen Tai Chi formulas Looking for the Thirteen Tai Chi formulas He has not been able to return to life so far, so he must bear the responsibility and he must take the blame himself. Han Yishan, you Han Yishan, you... Han Yishan, you did this to your fellow disciples I'm cleaning up the portal today I'm cleaning up the portal today Sun Biyun, open your dog eyes and take a look I, Han Yishan, am no longer the unknown person I was back then. I, Han Yishan, am no longer the unknown person I was back then. I am now the dignified Lord Protector of the Imperial Court. If you try to kill me, the emperor will definitely give the order Raise Wudang to the ground, leaving no chickens or dogs behind Raise Wudang to the ground, leaving no chickens or dogs behind If you are brave enough, try it If you are brave enough, try it I'll ask you again, will you give me the secret? I'll ask you again, will you give me the secret? Lord Protector, spare my life You don’t need to ask me, you ask the leader Now all the lives in Wudang It's all in the hands of the leader of Biyun Master, save me Sun Biyun Could it be that all the lives in Wudang are Isn't it better than a mere formula? stop The formula you want is here The formula you want is here this... Han Yishan, you underestimate me, Sun Biyun. If the formula falls into your hands The world must have peace forever It is better to destroy it to avoid future troubles You monster Aren't you afraid that I will report it to the Emperor and punish you for your serious crimes? Han Yishan, you can punish me, Sun Biyun, for my sins alone I am the leader of Wudang I can't correct your evil deeds Unable to preserve Wudang’s precious martial arts classics I’m really ashamed of the people in Wudang. Only to die as a martyr Only to die as a martyr leader Get away...get away...Master... Get away...get away...Master... Get away...get away...Master... You stinky Taoist priests are ruining my affairs I feel extremely sad I feel extremely sad Here is a sad news for everyone That is our respected and beloved leader Sun Biyun Already left us Already left us Already left us Master Biyun made a lot of contributions to Wudang during his reign. Led the growth of Wudang If it weren't for the leader of Biyun, Wudang will never be what it is today Respected by fellow martial artists Become the leader among various martial arts sects But the leader of Biyun is only for his own selfish interests Reluctant to hand over the Thirteen Tai Chi formulas Really living up to the high expectations of the imperial court The emperor was deeply dissatisfied with this I wanted to punish Wudang Fortunately, the protector of the country protected him, so the emperor treated him leniently. But it can never happen again Fellow disciples of Wudang, please remember not to test the law with your own body again. Otherwise, I will kill you first and report later, and I will show no mercy. Otherwise, I will kill you first and report later, and I will show no mercy. today I specially appointed Chengji For the new generation of Wudang leader Effective immediately Cheng Ji, you haven’t accepted the appointment yet. Cheng Ji has no virtue and no ability, so it is difficult for him to take on this important task. I think you are smart, but what I want is not your intelligence. It's just your loyalty You only need to remember four words, no big deal If you have any questions in the future, please Go directly to Mr. Datai for details. Don't make the same mistake as the leader of Biyun again Don't make the same mistake as the leader of Biyun again Understand Xie Huguo Gong Okay, you finally fully recovered your martial arts skills Your explosive power is even more amazing than I imagined Are you really the successor to Xuyun? The best martial arts wizard in Wudang That’s because you taught me well. Please accept Wuji’s worship. requite requite From now on, don’t do this again You Central Plains people are pedantic in ethics, mother-in-law and mother-in-law You Central Plains people are pedantic in ethics, mother-in-law and mother-in-law You Central Plains people are pedantic in ethics, mother-in-law and mother-in-law If this continues, it will be difficult to achieve great success Doesn’t Siam have no respect for etiquette? Doesn’t Siam have no respect for etiquette? good Promise Promise Promise What's wrong, do you know? Head Biyun is dead. Han Yishan forced him to death. Head Biyun is dead. Han Yishan forced him to death. Head Biyun is dead. Han Yishan forced him to death. Han Yishan Han Yishan Promise Promise Promise Promise In the past, Wudang had some achievements in martial arts. But it’s too unruly The charter will need to be rewritten in the future Strict regulations and heavy penalties for violators Although Wudang is a sect But under the emperor’s feet, it’s our land and our people. In your free time, when the country is at peace and the people are at peace, you might as well chant sutras and practice martial arts. But when the country calls Just leave all the chores behind Serve the imperial court with all your strength, even if your brain is ruined We must also move forward bravely In fact, in the past, the imperial court had urgent needs Wudang also has no hesitation and goes forward one after another. I'm not saying you didn't do it I'm saying you haven't done enough. I'm saying you haven't done enough. As long as you are willing to serve the imperial court loyally in the future I promise to recommend you to Dongchang In the future, there will be endless prosperity and wealth. It's better than eating these thick vegetables and tofu here It's better than eating these thick vegetables and tofu here Tofu Tofu Tofu this... What are you doing? Don’t you have anything to do? Are you looking sad just for a plate of tofu? I tell you, you are no longer allowed to eat tofu in Wudang Yes, although your old boss passed away But today is the big day for your new leader to take over the throne. It should be celebrated properly Where is Zhang Sanfeng? Why don't Zhang Sanfeng come over to celebrate with you? Grandmaster's poisonous injury has not yet healed, and he is already unable to move. You're talking nonsense, you have to carry him out for me How is that possible? Why not? Go and lift it Han Yishan I am coming I am coming It turns out that a loser came It turns out that a loser came You killed the head of Biyun Now even Patriarch Sanfeng has begun to plot. Now even Patriarch Sanfeng has begun to plot. Yes, Sun Biyun was forced to death by me I still have to deal with this old ghost Zhang Sanfeng I still have to deal with this old ghost Zhang Sanfeng Can you stop me? Your martial arts skills are completely useless Why do you block it? Zhang Wuji, do you think you can save Wudang? Zhang Wuji, do you think you can save Wudang? Take care of him for me, come on Yes, go up It turns out that your kung fu has been restored Come on for me too Yes, come on... Hurry up and set up the Wudang Sword Formation Wudang Sword Formation is not used to deal with fellow disciples It is used to kill the leader. The evil thieves who persecuted our ancestors The evil thieves who persecuted our ancestors Knock them down, kill them Stop running Han Yishan, don’t run away Han Yishan, don’t run away We really should have some closure. We really should have some closure. Wuji, I beg you, don’t kill me Wuji, I beg you, don’t kill me, Wuji Wuji, I beg you, don’t kill me, Wuji Do people like you deserve to live in this world? Do people like you deserve to live in this world? Wuji, we are brothers We are brothers, Wuji We are brothers, Wuji We grew up together From Shaolin to Wudang to becoming an official Why didn't I take care of you? Why didn't I take care of you? But you harm me everywhere, repaying kindness with hatred Is this what you call a brother? You poisoned the Patriarch Kill Master Xuyun and force Master Biyun to death Kill Master Xuyun and force Master Biyun to death And Senior Mengge, Araki Hieitsune How many people have died by your hands? How many people have died by your hands? The princess has lost her memory. You deceived her and wanted to marry her. Why is Han Yishan so vicious in my eyes? So despicable Wuji, in the final analysis We are all brothers, no matter how bad I am You should also let me live, Wuji Wuji, think about that time, when you were young Wuji, think about that time, when you were young Wuji, do you remember? I see you running, stop right there I see you running, stop right there Just stop and run, run Wuji, I will smash you I'm afraid of you I'm afraid of you Run quickly Save me, Yishan, save me Save me, Yishan, save me Don't run Wuji, are you okay? I'm cold I'll cover you with a quilt Yishan Wuji, are you still cold? Wuji, are you still cold? I'm still cold now Eiko Yingzi, I was wrong
Channel: 利刃出击
Views: 89,077
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Keywords: 利刃出擊, 特種兵, 狙擊手, 功夫, 武術, 武俠, 抗日, kung fu, 功夫大師, Chinese Kongfu, 擂台, 比武, 電影, 神枪, 空手道, action movie, kungfu movie, battle scenes, war fight scene, 武侠神剧, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 逆襲, 打斗, 抗日神剧, movie action, 字幕, 中国 历史, 中国功夫, 好看中国电视剧, 武侠 电影, 金庸武侠, 武侠片, 特種部隊, 戰爭, 战争, 軍旅, 特效, KungFu, martial arts fight, eight route army, Chinese television dramas, 热门电影, movie, fight scene, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, 少林功夫, 武术, best fight scene, action movies, film, kungfu film, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, martial arts, 最佳打斗场面, 武打电视剧, 武當, 焦恩俊, 張三丰, 吴京, 陈法蓉, 马苏, 徐少强, 史可
Id: xdwuVDaPVAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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