Martha Stewart Makes Pudding | Martha Bakes S3E4 "Pudding"

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[Music] there are many varieties of puddings and today i'm going to show you three recipes that are baked in the oven and one that is steamed on top of the stove you're going to want to try all of them first this delicious kris kringle bread pudding it's flavored with liqueur it has wonderful dried fruits in it and it is custardy and delicious and these beautiful little chocolate poda creme cooked in the oven in a bain-marie smooth as silk and the steam cranberry pudding well i know you're going to want to serve this at your next turkey dinner and for those of you looking for something light and airy it's this steamed lemon pudding cake it is really fantastic all of these and lots of tips and hints on today's martha bakes [Music] a few years ago i made a mass production of one of my favorite puddings it's a pudding that i call kris kringle bread pudding and it makes an irresistible handmade gift for the holidays so i'm going to start with the custard we have five cups of heavy cream that have been brought to a simmer add two cups of half and half to the heavy cream three quarters of a cup of vanilla sugar you can't have too much really good vanilla in this particular pudding so three quarters of a cup the zest of one orange use a nice bright skinned orange and two cinnamon sticks and to add a little bit more vanilla in case the sugar isn't strong enough strip two vanilla beans of their seeds and this is the way you do it you slice lengthwise and then scrape all this little black stuff you can put the entire vanilla pod in there too okay so let that simmer now the fruits themselves we have apricots peaches pears all dried all perfectly beautiful we'll put those in a little saucepan and seven ounces of prunes and then the secret one and a third cups of very good brandy turn this on low and just let the fruits plump okay so now the custard itself break up 12 large egg yolks and we want to warm the egg yolks with a little bit of the creamy custard mix you don't want to cook these outright you want to temper them so we're just going to keep whisking while we add the hot cream and if you added too much of the hot cream you would cook those egg yolks and scrambled i mean you don't want to do that i think that's tempered nicely and we just just pour everything right back into the pot turn the heat back on sort of medium you don't want it too hot because we do not want to burn or curdle and it's nice to switch from the whisk to a wooden spoon because when the custard is thick enough cooked enough when you rub your finger down the spoon it will leave a nice clean mark so pour this through a sieve into a container this pudding uses brioche very important to use a rich bread so now pour the custard all over the bread so there are two pounds of brioche bread cut into cubes in this particular recipe this will make two puddings and fluff this up there's a lot of custard and the bread is soft it's not day old brioche we use fresh brioche for this i like the fresh and mix in all of the fruit except for a little bit to stud the top and stir this around so you can see that this is sodden with goodness this bread just ready to put into one and a half quart pudding bowls buttered heavily and then sugared with vanilla sugar each of the two bowls so now divide the bread in half i'm going to put a scoop into each bowl put it right next to it just one of the most incredible puddings you will have ever tasted and i don't say that lightly i mean it add that leftover fruit to the top just put pieces here and there on the top just stud it you can order dried fruits online and then a little tiny bit more of the vanilla sugar on top i would say oh maybe a tablespoon more on each pudding and now we have to cover the puddings with parchment so a round of parchment buttered on top and the other one just like that i like to use another piece of parchment and parchment if you wet it just soak it in some cool water it gets soft malleable and you put this over the bowl so it's not so stiff and crinkly so you see how nice and soft the parchment has become use a rubber band and just put it right over the rim of the bowl and so you can really stretch it tightly to be ultra sure that the rubber band doesn't snap in the hot steamer tie securely with a piece of cotton twine this is butcher's twine and i tie a bow so i can easily untie it there so once these have sat for 20 minutes so that all that custard is absorbed into the brioche bread really nicely put this in a roasting pan that has hot water in it at 350 degrees one hour then you uncover the pudding and bake until it's completely set about 30 minutes more and it'll get a nice kind of brownish top so now these are the finished puddings wow do those look amazing you can serve them hot warm cold and i always love to serve the pudding with my mother's favorite sour lemon sauce this sauce is utterly delicious and then just dig in oh it is so light and so fluffy so flavorful and so delicious so there's your pudding another tiny bit of lemon sauce and devour enjoy have you ever made pota creme this is an old-fashioned french baked custard dessert that translates to pots of cream and the term pots of cream also refers to small knitted pots that it's traditionally served in now these are chocolate podo creme and i have six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate on the board and notice i'm using a serrated knife to cut the chocolate very easily into small pieces always use a serrated knife to do this we have two and a half cups of heavy cream brought to a boil add to that some espresso powder two teaspoons now espresso powder is not ground up coffee beans espresso powder is espresso coffee dehydrated into crystals and very very finely ground so it when reconstituted in a liquid it gives that really strong delicious espresso flavoring and one teaspoon of vanilla extract and right into the cream add your six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate use the best chocolate you can find we generally use a french or belgian chocolate just stir that up a little bit let it sit until the chocolate is completely softened so now we'll get our eggs ready for the pota creme we need four large egg yolks so have a little bowl to collect the whites and the fresher the eggs the better of course beautiful beautiful eggs stir the egg yolks breaking them with a wire whisk add a fourth of a teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of granulated sugar you can use extra fine or regular granulated now here is your chocolate whisk that up it's completely melted and now we have to temper the egg yolks with the cream so pour a little bit of the hot chocolate into the egg yolks bringing the egg yolks up to temperature you don't want to cook the egg yolks so you see i'm adding the hot chocolatey cream slowly so that i do not cook those egg yolks i'm just tempering them and now the custard is ready to strain and put into the little pots the little po so now just put this mixture right through a very fine sieve to get out any possible lumps and this will make a gossamer pudding and now we're using these very cute little oven proof glass cups that i'm going to cook the podocrim in and i've put a terry towel in the bottom of this roasting pan just to keep the cups from shaking while they're in the oven and i have some hot water boiling right here that's going to make the bain marie now pour your boiling water next to a round and up the sides of the little cups and now it's optional whether you want to cover your custards or not i like to cover them just with a piece of parchment paper like this transfer this into a 325 degree preheated oven it's going to take around 35 to 40 minutes so set your timer so once the puddings are out of the oven and nicely cooled top them with a nice spiral of whipped cream like that make sure that you cool the puddings the podocram and refrigerate for a couple hours before serving these are gorgeous a delicious end to any meal enjoy steam puddings have long been a tradition in england especially at christmas time the most common is made with plums or figs or dried fruit but today i'm going to use cranberries cranberries are indigenous to the united states and this will be a very nice american steamed pudding these cranberries are cultivated extensively in massachusetts wisconsin new jersey washington state and oregon so you need 12 ounces of cranberries three quarters of a cup of granulated sugar we're going to make a cranberry sort of compo to start a fourth of a cup of kirch which is a cherry liqueur a european very very tasty and one cinnamon stick so put this on a medium-low flame and allow to cook until the cranberries start to pop and become tender that will be our compote very easy to make and very delicious with the kirsch so now to make the pudding itself this is almost like a cake batter you start with one cup of dark brown sugar and a half a cup of butter which is one stick of butter and cream those together while it's creaming just measure out some flour one and a half cups of all-purpose flour use an unbleached flour i find it works very very well for pretty much everything unless something else is called for a pinch of salt one and a half teaspoons of baking powder make sure your baking powder is fresh and just mix it all together with a wire whisk that's your dry ingredients very simple straightforward and now you can add your eggs two large eggs we also have one cup of dried cranberries these are a delicious snack and they are also delicious in combination with the compost that you're making out of the cranberries the compo you would make way in advance we have some already made you would make it advanced and cool must be cooled for the steam pudding you can add your teaspoon of vanilla then start adding your dry ingredients and alternate with one cup of whole milk and the rest of the milk now you can add your dry cranberries and all but a half a cup of the compote this adds a delicious flavor to the batter i do that just to get everything incorporated and so you have kind of a pinkish batter i'll clean up my table and i'll show you how to fill the mold now this is the steamer mold and this is a pretty one you can see that when it is inverted that's what it's going to look like and because it has this kind of decorative motif on the top put your reserved cranberries right in the bottom which is the top and spread them out evenly so when you turn out the pudding you'll have a big surprise a very nice red top there the mold has been very generously buttered with soft butter make sure you do it all the way to the top do the center post everything because you don't want your pudding to stick and for the steamer itself we have a large stockpot fitted with a rack in the bottom if you don't have a rack that fits in your pot you could use a folded towel but i prefer a rack and just place this right in the bottom like that that way your pudding is not sitting right on top of the hot flame and so your cake batter goes right inside the steamer mold and just level this out it will rise a little bit while it's seaming and then generally kind of falls back on itself there give it a little shake cover tightly and place this right in the pot careful not to burn yourself cover the steams on a moderately low flame for two hours ready to see a delicious dessert the pudding cake has been cooling for about 15 minutes in the mold out of the water and it's still quite warm to invert it onto a pedestal or a cake plate just turn it upside down like that you get used to hear the plop that's a good sign ah utterly gorgeous so you see there are the cranberries there's the beautiful pudding cake and i like serving it warm i think it tastes really really good it's also good served at room temperature or cool i would use a sharp knife and wipe the knife between cuts with a damp cloth really tender and gorgeous and moist serve it with a dollop of kirsch flavored whipped cream on the side i think you will enjoy this dessert so much that you'll make it more than once steamed cranberry pudding [Music] delicious this is one of those recipes that will have you wondering how something so easy could taste so delicious and when you spoon into these lemon pudding cakes you'll find a surprise a very delicate sauce right at the bottom of the ramekin i am buttering six ramekins and they're the perfect kind of dish in which to cook these lemon pudding cakes the recipe can be made and refrigerated up to three hours in advance and then you can fold in egg whites and bake just before serving so notice i am putting the ramekins on a towel in the bottom of a roasting pan we're going to be creating a water bath so this is ready to put the lemon pudding batter right into the batter is very easy to make it's a third of a cup of flour it's a half a teaspoon of baking powder and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and whisk these dry ingredients together in another bowl you're going to separate three eggs and save the whites in one bowl you'll be beating these egg whites to lighten the entire mixture beautiful eggs and now into the egg yolks we add a half a cup of sugar and you can whisk this the zest of one lemon easiest way to zest a beautiful lemon is with a rasp like this and you want one teaspoon which is generally about half of a good sized lemon there and a third of a cup of fresh lemon juice mix this together smells so good if i could only have one dessert for the rest of my life it would include lemon and add two tablespoons of melted cooled butter and one and a quarter cups of whole milk and now add the dry ingredients very very small amount of flour so it's kind of souffle-like but later than a souffle even so there now we're ready to beat the egg whites you can do it in a copper bowl with a wire whisk or you can cheat and use a little hand mixer i still have my hand mixers i love them so speed this up a little bit you want soft peaks so here we're just about at the right stage yes not too dry perfect this is a nice soft peak and so now just add a little bit to start and then the rest of your beautifully beaten egg whites they're quite glossy because of the amount of sugar that we added nice proportion so here we have our lovely mixture and now spoon carefully with a ladle into your ramekins this square ladle is so great it pours nicely almost like a pitcher i use the same square ladle to fill jelly jars any small sized baking dishes or tart shells so now get these right into a 325 degree preheated oven and i will just pour the water into the pan right while it's on the shelf by adding boiling water you are already starting the cooking process nothing has to come up to temperature it's good to do it so now slide this carefully in make sure the oven is at 325 perfect set your timer and it'll take about 30 minutes now these are very hot so make sure you take them out with tongs or some implement place on a pretty serving plate and just sprinkle with powdered sugar i want to see if you just dig down there's a nice cake and a beautiful lemon custard underneath now these lemon pudding cakes can be refrigerated up to two days in the refrigerator and reheated and you will enjoy them as will anyone you serve them to thanks for watching and don't forget to tune in to the next episode of martha bakes [Music] in a saucepan combine sugar corn starch and a pinch of salt add two and a half cups of water bring to a boil while whisking constantly cook until thickened about five minutes stir in seven tablespoons of butter the zest of two lemons and one half cup of fresh lemon juice cook until smooth two to three minutes more remove and let cool before serving with your kris kringle bread pudding
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 83,796
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Keywords: martha stewart, martha, stewart, martha stewart living, home, living, cooking, food, recipe, recipes, kitchen, how to, how to make, pudding, pudding recipes, martha bakes, martha bakes full episodes, bread pudding, how to make bread pudding, easy bread pudding, chocolate, pots de creme, chocolate pots de creme, cranberry pudding, cranberry, steamed cranberry pudding, lemon, lemon cakes, lemon pudding cakes, pudding cake, lemon pudding
Id: l95oDxJmevo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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