Marriage, Ministry, & Confidence in Your Calling | Kristen Wilkerson and Sarah Jakes Roberts

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well hey thanks so much for joining us today for coffee club a place where we get to talk about marriage motherhood ministry and just life and I just love this moment to have a conversation with a friend and I'm so excited today because I've got a special friend with me Sarah Jake's Roberts hi thank you so much for joining me - my pleasure thank you for having me it's gonna be so fun you look absolutely beautiful thank you as do you always the best I love this um the Shred suit thank you I need to I need some more suits in my life yes Sarah you're so credible she's done so much with her life and God's done so much through her but she as a mom you're a wife you're a pastor you're a preacher um an actress right sometimes yes sometimes yeah and all kinds of other things businesswoman but there's just so much I think that we can learn from from your life and just how you let God use you and so I wanted to just take a moment today and talk about a couple different things but specifically talk about confidence and our calling yeah I think there's a lot of women who can feel like they lack or they can feel like they haven't been equipped or they don't have enough or they're not secure enough to do what God has called them to do but I think what's so incredible about our stories our testimonies is that God takes anyone ya from anywhere and uses them to do incredible things and so before we get into all of that um you have been married now for how long four years it'll be five years in November incredible so tell us about cuz four years like that's kind of like still new and fresh yay on one hand it feels very new and fresh and on the other hand it feels like we've been together forever and we're blending a family so even our kids are like you know I can't believe how long you guys have been together because it feels like you've been in my life my whole life and I think that when God I know that when God is in it that that's what we can expect is that he makes the time come on that's so good so six kids together here and three of those are yours three of those are my yes three of those are mine okay so let me delete it so my husband hit three when we got married okay I had two when we got married and they have one together so and how old is your youngest she will be three and feathery which is such a fun it is she has so much to say it does say yes like what's her thing right now into she Oh frozen of course I'm not even sure how we stumbled into it but frozen she sings let it go at the top of her lungs when we put her down for bed but she's also very much like you know someone's take she's like oh I want to pray for you well I'm very very sensitive and she's been that way since she was a little baby that's so special it means it runs in the family for sure right sure so that's incredible so four years and then you guys also passed her together we do which is something that you had you done pastoring before you got married I had not done past okay so share that journey with us so my husband planted his church basically 14 years ago Wow and he it was thriving it's in the heart of Hollywood it really began where it was feeding you know the young artists who were just like getting to LA and trying to not lose their identity and as they were cultivated under his anointing in his ministry they went from like starving artists who had just gotten off the bus to literally Academy award-winning artists and I mean we had one of our members that came to church in the morning and one in Oscar that evening they're so committed so dedicated and so I just came alongside him and brought the anointing that God has given me and sewed it into the vision I have developed and just really grown so much under his leadership yeah and so to be a part of his team and helping to hold up his arms it's been one of my greatest treasures yeah and I think that's hard to find sometimes that that it can be so challenging I think for couples sometimes to learn how to work together or sure live together parent together how was that like when you had first started transitioning in because it had already been a church for some time so what was that like and what were some of the challenges of just like learning how to lead together well one thing my husband didn't put any pressure on me it was like if you want to come and you know like co-pastor with me that's totally an option if you don't really want to do that and you just want to be fed that's fine too so he didn't put any pressure on me but at the same time as I began to assume responsibility he also made space for me and I think that that's so important when blending a family whether it's a church family or a natural family that you make space for one another because a lot of times when you're blending you don't know exactly where you fit and the onus is on the person who's brought you into that fold to say this is where you fit and this is where you belong even if that's right here beside me and as he brought me in it really created an environment where other people were open to me and from there we've just been thriving and growing that's so cool and I love that idea like making space for one another absolutely I think that's we we see that in leadership but we don't always look at that in marriage yeah how we need to make space for each other even in marriage for sure absolutely to lean into calling and last night when we were at dinner I was so blown away by this this is going to blow your mind but you had mentioned that you only preached your first sermon four years ago yeah so my husband invited me to how how in the world I don't know I don't know okay so my husband invited me to come to church we originally met it was just a business meeting I was sharing about my book and we were just like connecting and networking a mutual friend brought us together because you should preach at my church on Sunday from Mother's Day and I thought that's a bit extreme I'm thinking I could do announcements share a little bit of my story he's young but I've been this service yeah and so I called my mother thinking she's for sure going to shoot this down because my family so close-knit that the idea of being away from her on Mother's Day I knew she wasn't going for it she's like I think that's a good idea and that's when things got strange yeah I'm like I think God is up to something here and so that first Sunday I got my Bible I studied my notes and I delivered my first sermon on this day and since then my husband has continued to put me in you know these situations that would be uncomfortable for me but have revealed also to me Who I am on the inside and I think that's the beauty of marriage and partnership is that your spouse often sees something in you that you don't always see in yourself and so when you're with someone who you trust and respect and honor when they say babe you can do that in spite of what your insecurities or fears are saying because that voice of authority in your life says that you can do it it makes you curious about what they see that's so good and how cool that your first sermon you preached at what is now your turn I know it's absolutely incredible and I like that idea too of kind of empowering one another and empowering each other as you lead alongside one another and I think often times if we're not careful like doing ministry as women can feel sometimes we can come sometimes put this negative connotation on men and leadership and men in ministry and we can make it seem like oh you know they've talked to us this way or it's been hard to make a way for ourself and I think that it's so powerful when you see a couple that works together you know but also women who say okay like I honor the leadership of my husband right so talk a little bit because obviously you come from an incredible family and you have an incredible dad and clearly that's something that your dad must have modeled in your life you know if you were so attracted to your husband of that person who just empowers to talk a little bit just about the different people who've empowered you and your calling and different people who have spoken into you a little bit because I know in the beginning you shared a little bit about how you had to overcome a lot yes and so just share your story your journey just a little bit from the beginning there okay so I think that one of the most underrated voices that has really poured into my ministry is my mother so my mother exemplified for me what it means to be a woman after God's own heart and so in my most trying times I got pregnant at 13 I had my son at 14 years old you know I graduated high school early but then I dropped out of college I doing well in the corporates fear and then I ended up in a toxic marriage and so I've had all of these ups and downs and highs and lows but my mother was the consistency through it all and it was really her heart to be there no matter what that made me curious about her source and when I became curious about her source I discovered her God and my mother and her own unique power and authority and grace has really really been such a an unrelenting force in my ministry so much so that when I get on stage I don't feel like I have to be anything other than myself and I can be lazy but I can also be leather yeah and that's what she has taught me and of course you know my father's an incredible you know pastor and minister and no one can preach like him and so I have his mind when I'm looking at the text and and my husband has really taught me to hear the voice of God in a moment not just like where you study in here and then you get on stage and you cut off that voice but to be in the moment and not worry about taking time to say what are you saying now and what direction are we waiting in and so I've got these culmination of all of these different voices and all of these different paths and all of these different journeys that have really added to my anointing yeah and would you ever say that there was a time just honestly that you were like even though you had all of these voices in your life you just felt like but how do I get ahead and yeah and how do I move forward because I think there's a lot of women who you know they have encouraging voices but they just feel like they're they're held back and they need a breakthrough so how did you break through I guess I will tell you I you know absent of my husband I grew up in my parents house I had that encouragement I hurt my father preaching but it wasn't enough for me it wasn't until I was in this toxic marriage and I was just broken into pieces that I finally reached my breaking point where I felt like God you know what you and I have to have a conversation I've tried time after time after time to build a life that you would be proud of and Here I am in shambles and in brokenness how does this happen to me I did everything they said to do in church and I just felt so strongly that guy said I didn't tell you to do any of that I wanted you to allow yourself to receive my love right where you were and you kept trying to prove to me that you were worthy of my lovin I've just been sitting here the whole time waiting for you to see you didn't have to do any of those things and it was from there when I accepted God's love for my life and accepted that I was still worthy but I began to walk a little bit differently yeah but still there's this feeling of feeling like behind right so like I don't feel qualified to help other women or I don't feel like I've got the right words or the right hofstra in order to empower other women but I realized that as long as I was making it about me it was going to be about me Wow but when I chose to make it about them and what I wanted them to know and how I wanted them to be free that's when the power of my ministry really began to bloom and I think one of the greatest greatest lessons that any of us can learn when serving in any capacity is that it's not about you because when it's about you you can be insecure you can be afraid you can be nervous but when you stand flat-footed and say God Here I am you can use anything that you want as long as I can help someone make it to the other side if I can help someone avoid what I've gone through then nothing is off-limits when we move ourselves out of the way then he gets to stand strong on us that's amazing and I think that shows in the way that you speak and the way that you carry yourself in the anointing that you walk in when you get on stage and you preach these incredible unbelievable messages and you know one thing that I've learned and maybe you have some different things that you do too but one thing I've learned for myself is that when I'm gonna get onstage so I'm gonna preach one thing then I like to remind myself as they'll stand where I am and they don't take one step forward as if this okay Kristen you're walking out of yourself yeah you're walking into the authority of the Holy Spirit like I step into it to remind myself this isn't about you right like at the end of the day like if people encounter Jesus that changes everything yeah and so I think that's just it's amazing when women start to learn that listen you don't have to be insecure you don't have to compare yourself to this girl or that girl or this preacher that preacher you be exactly who God created you to be because you being yourself is gonna be the thing that leads people to the true Jesus they need to see for sure cuz that's what gets us out of the way absolutely no matter how effective one person is in their lane that does not rob us from the requirement and being effective in our own right great and I think you do such a great job too of of bringing other people on the journey with you and having friends along side you know we have a couple mutual friends and it's just so important to be in it together yeah and to have a community and to surround yourself because you can have family but not everybody has family who encouraged exactly you gotta have some sisters yeah you're gonna text you and say hey you're still called God still has a plan for you move or do what God has called you to do but as we kind of close today I wanted you to maybe just take a second and share with one of the girls who might be watching today who who feel maybe like they've been disqualified I feel like they don't have what it takes or feel insecure and they're calling if you could just encourage some women today and and everything that God has called them to and yeah sure yeah so I think it is so important for you to know that no matter what you have gone through the fact that you are still in this earth the fact that you are watching this right now is not a coincidence you have been preserved for a purpose and no matter how many of us you see operating and functioning in our ministries that doesn't mean that we don't have a need for you and I think that when you begin to recognize that not only are you not disqualified but the very thing that you think disqualifies you has actually qualified you to reach someone who has gone through what you've gone through you think you have a special kind of hurt and a special kind of story that no one can relate to that has disqualified you and girlfriend I'm here to tell you that your right and wrong at the same time you do have a special kind of hurt and you do have a special kind of circumstance and that is exactly why we need your voice and we need your ministry because there is another girl another woman somewhere who was broken and wondering if she is the only one who was gone through this and you hold the key to her freedom in your heart unleash it and allow us all to be set free by your yes come on that's so good we can all aim in at that well thank you so much Sarah for being with me and just taking a second just to talk and for being a friend I always feel like I just love you so much I love you too now much so um it's gonna be great well thanks so much for tuning in today to coffee Club we are so grateful for you we believe that the best is yet to come for you wherever you are today whatever you're dealing with trust that god has you right where you are you're gonna make a difference step in who you're called to be we laughing we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Church Girl hosted by Kristen Wilkerson
Views: 64,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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