Marriage Disaster! | Mr. Bean | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Kids

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] coming Mrs Wicked what is it look look at that there is this where they broke in yes yes okay right um [Music] [Music] oh hmm thank you oh look oh blow me turn [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hey oh look [Music] there we go you're right oh pretty much oh will you hurry up quick let's go hang on I let me think excellent thanks very much oh [Music] yeah over there what yeah [Music] cheers mate hey Luke [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah my son is the plane good plan [Laughter] [Music] hmm where's Scrapper got to oh go and have a look for him no okay Scrapper where are you Grandpa hello oh [Music] where are you oh you get it all right is this cat yours oh Scrapper thank you so much would you like a cup of tea oh thank you [Music] Grandpa where have you been oh thank you oh you've been very kind very kind oh scrap how could you sorry about that Jesus [Music] oh what a false leg it's a long story all in the cold of Duty amazing oh you brave brave man oh thank you foreign here we go oh it's you oh coming coming oh you beautiful creature [Music] Something Fishy is going on here thank you [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] thank you [Music] honestly [Music] ouch sorry watch it hi Mom [Music] honey wow [Music] scrapper what oh [Music] oh oh stop stop everything look his leg oh okay hey [Music] see see I knew it you villain come on mate cool hello hello what have we here thieving business officer ah you're nicked followed again very good this is meant to be my big day okay I've got a plenty more fish in the sea [Music] and the final shot to win the cup oh and he's done it yes [Music] remember when I won that face pulling competition oh my God [Music] there it is oh that needs cleaning up [Music] excellent good [Music] it [Music] oh thank you caddy [Music] okay so this is for the Bean cup [Music] this isn't going to work right [Music] of course yes [Music] hmm too easy I need some competition hello so where should we go for our picnic oh the park the beach ah the picnic yes um what about a golf course oh good around there's golf oh lowest score wins the cup [Music] board be first Daddy Which club would you recommend that's not good choice hey hmm what oh [Music] right no at my club get your own [Music] good luck me just oh oh odd luck one no moving the ball [Music] bad luck this is him no moving the ball [Music] ET [Music] two all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mm-hmm Grandpa what's up with you [Music] yep [Music] you do [Music] oh right oh sorry [Music] oh God foreign [Music] my windows my ball oh what a shame I win [Music] you haven't finished okay here we go excuse me oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dear what are you doing playing golf not anymore [Music] this is well out of bounds if you're giving up I win no wait wait um [Music] [Music] girl oh hell [Music] oh I [Applause] [Music] Naughty Boy out check out Germany [Music] all right boy what you doing you have given up haven't you no [Music] laughs apparently go Teddy brighten the place up a bit well where should I put it up so yeah [Music] it's a trick here isn't it oh [Music] look oh hello oh wow now [Music] so much clutter Teddy we need to throw some stuff away uh okay [Music] right [Music] oh wait for me wait [Music] I'm coming foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Teddy Teddy oh Teddy today [Music] okay I was here Teddy was there the big man came I said wait I wrapped up the junk hey oh no oh no [Music] wait wait what you troubles man makes it happen wait stop candy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you come on come on oh no what oh come here [Music] all right there you go [Music] all right I've lost them now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] right oops ready [Music] all right oh [Music] yeah [Music] oh oh all right [Music] where are you bite [Music] Happy Candy my teddy oh what's he doing hi puppet no he's mine you heard him pop it no no [Music] but you don't understand that I'll be back foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] who is it no ah oh territory I've never did nothing again oh come on let's get out of here what oh look Teddy huh oh no good morning everyone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there's your map oh enjoy yourself thank you very much bye thank you [Applause] [Music] lions foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] oh it's like one of these wouldn't you sorry I'm really sorry [Music] [Music] oh yes very clever Hooligans that's what you are hoonigans [Music] oh no oh [Music] hot foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Michael trust me oh my God come back no no no [Music] come back here oh no not up there oh no [Music] right [Music] give the to me thank you oh no it's all right oh and that's okay you want it back look look [Laughter] come on come on come on you're okay go on have it back there you go [Music] [Music] no I can't do that huh come on oh oh I can do that okay yes that's for the TV yes thank you look inside and breaking news earlier today the monkey known as Binky was stolen from his enclosure at stonyhurst Safari Park oh dear a nationwide search is now on for the kidnapper will snatch this helpless young monkey from its loving parents but but I didn't deal him [Music] come on come on quick quick you heard about the stolen monkey oh hello um what a lovely day monkey no oh big news though foreign [Music] [Music] right on your way sir thank you it's the police [Music] hmm foreign [Music] would you mind stepping out sir we need to do a quick search of your car uh yes uh certainly officer okay sir all clear thank you well there you go sir thank you foreign no thank you I know where I'm going oh [Music] enjoy yourself [Applause] [Music] here we are hello [Music] [Music] very good okay bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you thank you very much bye now bye [Music] bye [Music] all right back to normal laughs [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] who what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh brilliant now [Music] watch this Petty power on vacuum thank you stop now do some window cleaning enabled oh yes excellent no let's speed things up a bit window cleaning so super clean engaged [Music] Shredder engaged no actually hey I was still reading that sting plus engage [Music] malfunction [Music] come back feet up please [Music] come here Now where's he gone [Music] [Music] oh my nose goodness I'm so so sorry there we go thank you oh no [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness oh um oh I'm terribly sorry um ah there we go um [Music] what that's mine I'm sorry um there we are oh [Music] stop stop come back earlier today and now back to the studio and breaking news we're getting more reports of the robot out of control oh I'm so sorry it doesn't mean any harm he's just out of control oh here let me uh oh [Music] oh no oh really an album place right [Music] moved onto the High Street thank you madam well engaged engaged yes plus please [Music] oh no oh the remote control please [Applause] oh thank you very much thank you very much oh oh we were just cleaning up clean it up eh right go on in foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Go For It Go honestly [Music] honestly yeah [Applause] you leave him alone oh this is ridiculous tag me take over yeah [Music] wow you big bully uh um could you keep the noise down please we are watching the wrestling [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness that's over doesn't matter it'll win tomorrow we've got tickets oh so you're out tomorrow yes I'm good quiet you said you'd take us in your car remember what you did yes oh did I I was there I remember [Music] yes yes yes we'll miss the fight yeah thank you oh there we go [Music] I'll talk you just here okay bye see you in a couple of hours oh there's a spot [Music] um [Music] good view perfect [Music] finger behind oh foreign [Music] Super King foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's the auditorium thank you oh about this door and now his opponents [Music] are Mr Bean Mr B okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh there you are yeah [Music] [Applause] round one what no no there's been a terrible mistake [Applause] come here [Music] oh wait babe [Applause] ah all right take it hey hey [Applause] uh 201 yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] ah all right thank you thank you [Music] oh dear come here wait oh damn [Music] attack me okay [Applause] oh I got this oh come on in oh sorry yes [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] where was I yes yes [Applause] down now [Applause] [Music] there's a good idea genius [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] all right oh hello what you up to um what do you think that's coming on it's coming on better get back to work eh [Music] hmm oh actually [Music] oh [Music] perfect work oh yes much easier [Music] foreign [Music] ers [Music] hello hello what's the app too hard to know [Music] [Music] pain [Music] oh look at that today it's good isn't it yes [Music] subscriber go [Music] well I like it [Music] oh sleep soundly tonight foreign [Music] [Music] what is scary thank you oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello [Music] the jetpack [Music] laughs right oh oh [Applause] nothing nothing dream I'm exhausted oh yeah what that oh God oh there we go again hello what hey babe what do you think you're doing put it back now where are the other Mission markets what I'm gonna enjoy this dream [Music] [Music] um oh dear oh it's not a dream no it's not you're lucky I've wiped you know hello thank you buddy you just sit back on your teeth how about come on oh [Music] yes yes [Applause] [Music] gotcha well I think that's all of them what now yeah oh yes yes [Music] oh look oh my God that's where I need to go [Music] morning mm-hmm oh have you seen this one no oh let's see what we can do then shall we can I yeah yeah fine whatever [Music] thank you oh [Applause] [Music] sorry oh sorry hmm sorry sorry hmm oh [Music] foreign [Music] Allah I'll be off then bye sorry [Music] what's that Teddy good time [Music] [Music] oh excellent [Music] ah [Music] now what birds can I see today oh look there it is today [Music] what oh [Music] I've just seen it no way where did you say that in my garden look oh what oh follow me come on there let's go what right now [Music] wait five pounds please oh yeah thank you thank you [Music] I don't see it where are we supposed to be looking ah I think it must have gone to bed last hour time to go come back tomorrow oh we've only just paid ridiculous [Music] right I've got a better idea let's try this foreign [Music] [Music] thank you very much oh did you don't see it it's not fair oh [Music] look look there's tears oh [Music] oh it's gone again [Music] there it is oh it's back again [Music] what's this oh it's a fake wasting head um here's your money back bye oh [Music] what oh my God come back come back it's that supposed to stop too fast really [Music] here look look it's here [Music] [Music] laughs oh where's me flower gone [Music] oh good [Music] oh oh [Music] my joking [Music] hello Bane hmm hello Wayne doesn't scare me oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's try this foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] dear I'm trying to have some fun tonight [Music] oh nothing oh oh excellent hello [Applause] [Music] all right that's how you want to play it oh goodness [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right oh I [Music] ah [Music] a oh Shrek [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] oh it was him next door [Music] we'll get him for this song [Music] Ready Steady jump up nothing [Music] oh truck good work son [Music] not very stink got it right let me see perfect [Music] [Music] all right hey [Music] [Music] [Music] come back thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] scared you oh right okay sign this agreement not fair no all of you [Music] right now no more nonsense [Music] Bane gave them a toffee Apple yeah all right then [Music] [Music] toffee Apple thank you thank you whoa [Music] Well mine's delicious what a treat [Music] that's hot [Music] [Applause] ice cream [Music] oh [Music] no you don't oh first me oh that's quite nice good [Music] you move ah lovely thank you oh where's the I've left my wallet I'll just I'll just take it no no huh no chance next what that one please but that's mine I'll be right back [Music] quick ice cream oh no what I've got my wallet and I wanted those trees wait your turn to the back [Music] [Music] thank you to grab that one please come on come on thank you thank you oh this is so frustrated thank you please there you go thank you um that one please oh come on come on there you are thank you what sorry time for lunch dude [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one please oh oh ice cream please I'm not the uh um [Music] thank you thank you ice cream please oh come on yes there you go thank you thank you [Music] yes there you go thank you one please [Music] thank you [Music] thank you bye right [Music] at last no then what oh I don't believe it [Music] oh no thank you [Music] oh [Music] my god oh empty I better get some more oh [Music] let's get you filled up again all right [Music] [Music] oh my goodness oh [Music] dude good must have sold more than I thought [Music] at last [Music] oh you come here needs a bit more hey come here right [Music] hmm [Music] oh that's it oh [Music] boy come here [Music] hmm [Music] I give up oh I've lost it you oh [Music] [Music] well I never [Applause] [Music] he's found me oh no um what's she doing what's she doing [Music] oh no give him this is a thank you hello oh hello [Music] oh no no it's him please go away [Music] oh well phew oh would you like this ice cream oh yeah go on then thank you [Music] he wanted to thank you for helping what oh no no come back [Music]
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 2,667,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbrain, wildbrain kids videos, baby learning, toddler learning, kids music, baby video, nursery rhyme, education, number, children, rosie and jim, Rosie And Jim (TV Program), How Children Learn (Book)doodlebops, Cailou full episodes, kids tv show, childrens shows, Topsy and tim full episodes
Id: AqtID9t7dv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 58sec (5998 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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