Marooned Pirate Survival on a Haunted Island of the Dead!

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yeah get it all right guys what's going on Welcome Back to the channel and welcome back to if sun sets you might think yeah we were already in this game weren't we oh yeah we were um and it's off the channel now turns out all the music is claimable on this whole game and it didn't pop up until 11 days after it was on the channel which is amazing YouTube you are amazing I hopefully uh you know I just want you to know that you you are you are great YouTube is amazing to work for they're so cool all right well let's try this one again um I want to see how long we can last and now that we kind of know what we're looking at as far as the um the attacks go on at night I want to set up a little perimeter maybe we can get up here I'm thinking we can get up here and place some spikes and stuff around here I don't know if they'll knock that down but we'll just have to see how it goes um it didn't it went pretty well for us I think on the last one but you know I mean it is what it is we're just going to have to uh try messing around with this and see what we can do here all right again we're walking like a 2-year-old great don't you feel accomplished you can make a club cool thank you and we chop down these palm trees all right we're going to have to uh figure out how to do do this again Crouch cool um I need my build menu inventory okay that's it's I cool well that's good to know uh you can use this tool to construct buildings you can also upgrade and repair workbenches so let's craft this guy we also need the Trap Mallet so let's craft these two and then let's continue looking for some more things we want to okay it takes time I was like what is it going what is it doing here wooden spear um we can actually make some cloth as well let's see CS there's the cloth so we just need to get some of this let's let's do that and then we'll uh we'll kind of touch back on here again U but yeah I was I was excited to play this one and then it turned out that all the music was copyright and uh yeah so that's always a wonderful thing to have happen it wasn't super bad like it it wasn't a you know a strike or anything but still it's like man don't give me I don't know here's my thing and I'm only going to say this once and then we're going to be done YouTube videos go through checks and that should have been caught the day that it was put up and the day that it was loaded that should not have been 11 days after the fact that that all of a sudden this thing is uh all of a sudden it's copyright music or claimable music I don't I don't know I don't understand it I don't get it but do I have to no I don't it's okay anyways let's carry on it's a new day in if sun sets and we are going to I think we're going to build try to build like a platform and a ladder up to here and see if we can survive that way we might not be able to it's going to kind of depend on how we how we want to um funnel we're going to have to funnel okay we're going to have to try to funnel them up the ladder and then into this point we'll make our stand up there I think I don't know we'll have to see if we can even build up there what I don't even know what I'm talking about what am I talking about I don't know I just work here right right I just work here but yeah a lot of you guys like this one as well a lot of you guys were watching it and I appreciate you guys watching the videos but like I said I had to take it down so um that being said we're going to put another one back up um just because I kind of wanted to check it out again so I think we have enough cloth or enough stuff to make some clock now go to all let's craft some of these what does it take so we can craft a wooden spear but that one really wasn't the best one what is this leather um I think we were using obviously this stuff's going to be better but for now we're going to have to use this one there it is and we need an axe as well Stone Hatchet and a stone pickaxe probably so we can collect all this clay out don't really know exactly oh we're amazing uh we have some beetles some Palm leaves all this amazing stuff all right so we know yeah let's just start we just got we have to collect all the things and then just kind of figure this out as we go we want to mainly focus on our base first and then maybe we'll go back up into the forest there you would think you could be able to harvest that but you cannot get that out of my get that out of my face cool let me just play the game yes but we we know the Boors are up over there so we'll go and get them later we figured out a decent way to do that last time okay can we can we drop things let's see if we can drop things I wish there was like a little bit easier way to get to your inventory here bu [Music] throw it away drag and drop so let's see how we just control left click throw it away okay so it does just drop it uh how how long are you going to roll buddy they see me rolling what was that anyways let's go a rabbit come here you son of a gun come here get over here get over here yeah there's no way there's no way he's faster than us um shells I just don't know what we need for that stuff oh hey looks like you're stuck looks like I can't hit anything he's stuck and we suck [Music] um sure we'll take all this stuff I think we already looked in this one didn't we maybe not torn shirt torn shirt cool they gave me the exact same crap that I already had let's take all that get that that out of my face we're trying to learn how to play the game on our own Co I don't know if we can break apart the boat but there's really no need for us to break the barrels try it with this guy all right one wood we got wood everybody we got wood let's go what is this there's a crab do we need all the Stones I have no idea hey come here you son of a get over here get over here get some crap meat take it all take it all take it all there we go all right let's keep moving stop singing and start looking there we go that's what we want to do like a freaking reminds me of like a slot machine or something ding ding ding ding ding ding ding but I think we'll be able to do better this time now that we understand a little bit more about the game we I am going to we need to chop some of these trees down I think we should start over here and then we'll we'll kind of make that area over like I said by that other that piece that's already built we'll make that like our starting base and kind of go from there and then if we can make it through the first night then we'll go exploring a little bit more and that sounds like a good plan to [Music] me overall though I mean you know other than the copyright music which is kind of stupid but you know it is what it is um I kind of I like the look of this game I think this one looks kind of fun hey cool coconut coconuts I multiple coconuts the these coconuts that looks really pretty up there real real nice so I think what we're going to do is just try to find our find something that we can build up to that top we just need a place to Escape right that's what we're trying to do we need to find a place to escape let's put that there I don't know if we can we need this for anything oh it's just Stones okay I was thinking it was Clay oh and Flint love how that pops open like that I think that's cool all right let's go let's get our hammers I keep wanting to push tab to try to get something built here but it's not tab it's I so we can build these oh we can build out a wood or stone Sandstone or stone in general let's see where can we where are these oh let's look at these Stone floor ooh okay but see I also seem to remember that uh these guys can jump pretty high as well so you know are we wasting our time here we might be we might be don't ask me cuz quite frankly I don't have any idea let's go this way I don't really know if we can add on to this I would like to but I don't know if we can let's go down you must be hungry if you don't want to get tired eat something shut up you little fairy all right get rid of that cancel that see if we can make it up there yeah we cannot make it up there what about from here still can't make it up there maybe from here I'm just trying to make sure yeah know yeah know we can't so are there of course there's stairs but I mean who wants to put stairs for the monsters to climb you know what I'm saying I'm trying to think of like what do I want to put that's like I don't know a little more indestructible durability is 300 what is this one durability is 500 for these so let's go ahead and do this one one stone ramp um it's kind of interesting that this stuff doesn't really snap too find that a little interesting level four walk everybody um why sir it must be missing something let's see um well it takes one stone and one wood do we have this I see wood icy Stone so why sir [Music] maybe um maybe Stone stairs can you oh it's got to go on a platform oh okay okay I get it now let's just do a small one by one here so if we place it kind of like this there and then we do some stairs going up this one maybe that'll work let's try it run you fool again I'll fly you fools okay so that's cool and all but we need to protect this let's go up another one here prob probably going to need more than one I might be able to jump from there let's see not not a ramp let's go here let's see how this is going to work I know that's not quite right but okay not quite good enough let's see inventory where is your let's eat some shrooms or something drag and drop six and omnom so that's cool and all but we need to get up here all right we just keep doing this uh here and can we go up thinking if I I probably should have just started right here huh we we'll figure it out so to deconstruct what were we wanting this one so hopefully we got all the materials back you never know in games like this what you're going to get back um control what are we pushing control what there we go we're building so if we go here and then here connect it and then maybe a set of stairs here and here all right giggity grab it you okay don't grab it then so two one by one unfortunately we're going to have to do this can you I think I'm just too far away have to come out and then up one well how are we supposed to get up that high let's see they can't they don't stack let's try this I want to try to go up just like not attaching it but just like going up higher high as we can it's really awkward like building it this far away okay and then we'll just put the stairs up there okay let's try it ah okay maybe not why why won't he grab it okay oh my gosh this guy what a freaking idiot so I'm wondering if we build in another another material maybe we can go up higher no all right well I mean that's cool and all but let's go ahead and take this down we don't really need that so we can go here and let's build a stone one right here stone coal this make it kind of tall you know come on buddy you were just there just there I just feel like that's too close man feel like that's not going to work so let's build let's build one further out I want something to where they're not going to just jump over and freaking kill me you know what I'm saying so but how do I know how far away that is I don't know let's try that get up there oh it's going to be it's going to be tight guys it's going to be tight let's try another one not that one let's try this this this one can you why don't why don't you connect am I still too far away yeah yeah I'm still too far away okay let's try it again see he can grab the edge of that and climb up okay good so now we have a spot where we could maybe hide and then place a bunch of traps around this so I feel like we have a start here um so let's go ahead and uh Place some traps now um a meat trap well we're just going to have to do this kind of stuff for now like this oh wow that's cool is there any small like a smaller piece I guess not why doesn't it snap to it huh okay and we want to place this one in here sneakily like so no this way kind of hard to see I'm having to watch the far left corner there there and then I could place another one randomly here but yeah I think we will have to actually how am I going to get out I got got to get out of here guys guys going to watch me build myself into a corner here thanks for letting me know guys all right get it get what the actual sure let's do some spike walls are they going to be able to jump over there I better make it first right right if I fall in there I'm screwed Spike wall so we need some more wood and some more sticks so let's go ahead and find some of that stuff well we know we can get it from right here right we know there's plenty of wood here get it come on yeah there we go okay so we actually have of course I want to hit tab for that we have these let's go ahead and take those um activate it doesn't give us much as far as yeah it's not super good need some food raw crab me I don't know why we have these like I don't know what kind of language that is I wonder if this is like a maybe chines e made I don't know we have plenty of branches though so maybe we just need some wood that's good that way we can make some more sticks and stuff and then we'll go we'll go find some some more uh some bores and some meat and stuff whenever we get done here oh this is going to be a nice little spot hopefully hopefully we don't die to death we want to live I just want to live I'm just trying to live my life get this and this and this and a feather okay cool I mean I like feathers um biked wall Ry small looks like death yikes that looks freaking cool dude I don't know I like that I'm a fan of that I'm also a fan of the fact that it can kill kill me you know what I mean are we using all of our wood does it take nine like what what is this I guess we're going to chop down all the trees boys and girls let's get it thank goodness for our walk it's getting better get that feather give me that feather I'm do that feather yep but I really enoy Joy this game personally I really I like this I like the feel of this I like the way it looks I like the concept I'm just a little bit it's annoying to have that music that's just not uh that's not copyright and it could be my ignorance as a YouTuber and uh being like Oh well most music isn't copyrighted well I guess on these new games everything's copyrighted so best to just keep it all on the you know off best just to keep it off so let's chop this guy down well I guess we'll collect these um what are these for oh berries hopefully they're not poison berries hopefully they don't kill us to [Music] death is this thing going to forget if we we can chop these down you know you play Green hell you play uh stranded hee what the actual what was that you hear that what the actual crazy crap is going on here and that was not me I would I did not belch can't blame that one on me what was that a white butterfly okay cool butterfly I like Bambi off of a off of the Disney movie butterfly that one I heard something go something made a noise something was there all right well let's uh see what we can do here maybe we can actually which one do we need this one the spike corner I like that that's really good maybe not right next to where I am poke me in the the hiny owie 10 logs that's what's taking all of our logs well I guess this other one's nine too but still look oh nice this stuff is dangerous dangerous and one more at least for now over there not on me cool let's put one right there see the problem is now is we can't go in there well I guess I could try to build let's see we go and build this one maybe I don't know ah fall into that Bramble let's go so when the time comes we can sit up here or do they have do they have guns can they shoot us with like bow and arrows and stuff I don't know I have no idea let's see let's build another one here oh this is nice oh we have a triangle one oh nice what how does that work you think it would be like yeah whatever like no you can't build there you got to build this weird triangle okay well that's cool I like that I like that um do we need to build a wall I kind of want to build a wall just in case Stone window frame maybe just a stone wall something for us to hide behind all right buddy you ready to jump for your life okay good all right excellent well I feel like we're in look at the Rock there buddy I feel like we're in a better spot than we were on the last one which is [Music] good I wonder if I can build a fireplace I don't I don't really know how do I how do I build something for eating or do I just eat like I'm sure there's got to there's got to be a way to cook these right there's just got to be there's just got to be all right well let's go over here um I want to get a couple more logs here and some more sticks we have sticks right yeah we still have 59 sticks D ding ding we won the jackpot everybody so we I want to get P I want to have enough to build another uh Spike trap so that way we can run behind it and trap the board like we did last time and that seemed to work pretty well so you know why change a habit if you don't need to all right Marshal art yeah take that you stupid rock come on hit it like a man I think you know this has a really nice vibe to it guys I'm I like this game like I really do I think it's pretty Rock Let's go running around collecting all the things is that a beaver beaver everybody beaver are you nice are you nice be a nice Beaver oh what is that aloe vera what in the actual looks like a dust storm in there all right we want this guy we want oh no we want this guy want this guy we want to build a small spark what nine and three do we not have enough uh well let me get to my inventory we have eight logs and uh branches what what more do we need three branches and nine logs am I an idiot here yeah I am need one more log you fool yes I see now gosh give me open okay now now let's do this uh where's my mouse there we go spiked wall eat this you freaking hog yeah how's that huh hey come over here you [Music] fool eat it eat that eat that it's not very friendly but it's really like these guys can like two shot us so if he's just going to stand there and take it [Music] don't don't touch the uh ooh bones where are you I see you over there oh my gosh why you fool outsmarted again you you diwi does it feel like we outsmarted take it like a boar there you go there's still another one in here hey come on well how does it [Music] feel how do you like it [Music] huh get it one more one more oh nice a distribution point where do we get those is it in here character uh information um skill points we could have power oh the UGA UGA two-handed swords knowledge increased Aquaman you can breathe even in the water what not yet available damage from bleeding is reduced a blood tank wow martial arts Rises melee damage plus 5% oh melee damage goes up swordman let's do that one guess we'll do blood bank it's faster like a weasel y okay let's get this guy take all these is there anything else in here fairy he's a maniac ding ding ding how much room do we have we don't have a lot of room what was that Fisherman's gloves what good quality oh my goodness well look at us we have a cabbage we're in the actual I guess I did not see that we had a cabbage hp1 we have some Coca nuts our food is just really low so getting dark everybody we need to actually um craft the weapon CP this guy now that was kind of what we used last time to to take care of everybody um I want this one here this one here [Music] and there it is where is it and there cool well let's see what's in here there's sand literally all over the beach and you want to give me more um it can restore oh it's plus 100 HP well let's keep keep that huh a pine cone Flint I mean we've got all this stuff lay stone um we'll just I just don't know if I should take the the cloth oh it's contaminated oh okay well I don't I don't even know how to build a campfire I don't even know how let's see campfire right there we need a branch oh there's a bed we can go sleep there's okay so okay well that's neat why don't we uh let's get out of this one this view here can I get it I don't know if I was going to like go swimming or if this was can I collect I think we have a few water bottles don't [Music] we polluted water well that's I mean it's yeah it's polluted but it's something we have some wild bore meat as well so let's go ahead and uh let's go back and we'll we'll let's collect this first get some more branches and some fibers and stuff and then let's go this way aloe vera that's cool and let's build a camp fire and kind of see what we can do to hide out up here um Club maybe we can Club this bunny rabbit to death oh don't mind me don't mind me I'm just walking by just walking by just kind of walking in your hurry in oh sorry red hurry in your general direction hoping you get stuck on that boat over there going to get stuck on the boat yeah oh oh I see how it is you silly guy night time is coming hurry up we are we're trying to hurry up you fairy he's a maniac I don't know why I have that song stuck in my head I think it's freaking hilarious let's get this and we'll go up there and maybe set up a fire and a and a feather yes give me that feather see luckily for us they put all these sticks out here which is really good um let's build a campfire I think what we'll do before the bad guys all show up is we'll try to um add maybe a few more um let's see need to have the hammer no I need to go to inventory okay get get I should be able to hit Escape or something to get out of that all camp fire craft that guy oh we got to craft it here okay not going to be a place for it to go yeah I was going to say not nowhere for it to go we got a jar we got a bunch of feathers Let's uh let's drop this guy what do we have to do control drag and drop uh control toss there we go okay so we have a campire and a that so let's go ahead and place it here oh my gosh just back and forth in the inventory is a little weird seven this is going to be great fuel do we place logs or sticks I don't know but let's let get something on there quick okay I like this we have some bore meat pumpkin seeds um does this burn cooked meat okay cooked meat okay all right all right I can I dig this can we cook a banana oh we can cook banana fosters that's so cool cool well that's good we need to eat something here before grilled banana what else we want to put this in there what about a cabbage you want to grill some cabbage nope what about a berry do we have some grilled some nice warmed up berries what else do we have let's Grill this banana wow a grilled Berry that's uh interesting so if the hunger is 1.5 and the health percentage recovery is 03 so the health percentage goes up so it actually becomes like a medicine interesting all right I think that's all well we can place this here can we you can cook by combining it with the campfire okay wonder where um Dragon drop open list oh canle I know I know it's so bad be I'm I'm sorry um so we have some food and we have some it gave us some health not a lot I would say let's go again we probably should have cooked some water but let's go ahead and add some more traps here oh God we weren't ready go up go up nice so I'm going to try to lead him away I freaked out no what the heck how come we have never actually we've never missed until now okay I don't know exactly where we di well that's that sucks give me my it's not giving me my not giving me my we might have to go pick it up off the ground there we go I don't know what that was all about okay so we're going to have to uh well at least we kind of have an idea of what we're looking at we need something a little bit better um for climbing up ain't no sneaking out of this one buddy no sneaking out of this way [Laughter] oh this is hilarious at least we're able to outrun these guys all right it's a little you got to get a little a little crazy with the got to get in and get out all right I think I don't we're doing okay we're doing okay get off them get out of here it won't last forever it won't last forever that [Music] one the KN follows you again the sounds are a little funny oh come on get off me get off me hey get off me you son of a get over here want to me your own medicine go not so scary once you get a little accustomed to it hey what's going on it's just really awkward to like push back and jump at least it is for me get out of the way aha Here Comes the Sun eat it and die okay good well good for us well this didn't quite go the way I was planning I want to uh we definitely need to upgrade this thing um I would like to have a little house I would like to maybe have a better path up here see like right now I can't even I can't get to my stuff maybe I'll just take this down let's see I'll take all that thank you very much so I think this wasn't a bad idea we just needed it to be a little bit more straight right I think so let's take this down fire got that song stuck in my head now let's see Stone floor it's just hard to see where if you're lined up or not I don't want to go out I want to go up so maybe like right here let's try that no get just cancel the build is all I want to do see he jumps so far dude like whenever you're if you're running and jumping he jumps so far it's crazy okay but he can't make that so how is this and see then from there we can kind of we could deconstruct that I guess um let's see what we need for repairs um repairing it doesn't actually have like hit points does it ding ding ding all right let's go up here real quick I want to see let's put this back we don't have enough why we just took it we just took it down oh cuz we repaired that's why General G you fool yes sometimes I am and that's okay cuz guess what I'm not the best gamer oh God I'm cracking myself up today it's funny yeah let's put this other Spike one back up let see what we can do here about expansion can you yeah there you go dude oh well we want five and a spiked triangle of death death death um go here oh my gosh I thought I was jumping into that Spike all I want to do is get some freaking water dude I'm trying to get up to my fire okay here and here cool all right let's use this campfire now let's add a little bit of fuel here and we can actually take that out and then can we place these yes we can okay good um nothing else to really eat can we place coconut in there no we can definitely eat this stuff cuz we're going to go look for some more stuff today I'm probably go find a barrel drop all this stuff off and then carry on you know what I mean carry on my way yes you heard me Wayward Son can you put it in there are you kidding me okay cool um can't put an empty jar in there and I think that's pretty good so we have a little bit of food a little bit of water and we have this little thing going on here see what I could do is is jump up here and then take that one down I just don't know how long our stuff's going to last you know like how long is all my stuff going to last no idea you know what I'm going to eat this crab though and that gave me quite a bit of of Health actually that's pretty crazy sweet we'll just go out all ready to go there's a mushroom over there we could probably cook that sucker but you know there's probably going to be more when we get up here so let's keep going let's go take a look it's a beautiful morning yes it is shh we're going to go drop off some of this crap sorry I'm all wandering like oh it's so pretty and then I'm [Music] like I kind of want to do this see if we can get this monster out I just want to see kind of like what their concept is of that um can we build a storage um Barrel or something campfire sleeping bed a chest what is this planks here three and four craft this and then we'll throw all the stuff inside that chest hopefully I mean I don't really know you never know I guess how it's going to work out let's put this here close this out seven um where do we want to put our stuff let's stash it over here that way those dirty Sons of Guns don't mess with our treasure how is it that it how is it look it's in my face we should probably put it upstairs right with our stuff probably put it like right here and see the wonderful thing is we can come through here and we can actually just um trying to see if I can I guess do I have to drag and drop all this crap I guess [Music] so I'm not a big fan of this so it should be like a all button or something so what is this oh it's a stone piece oh a piece of stone guys it's not the full thing we need to figure out how to use that pot that would be kind of cool but overall I kind of like this game I'm not even going to lie I kind of like it that's why I came back to it right cuz if I didn't like it I probably wouldn't come back to it um but this one is uh this one's fun Auto sort there we go that's funny all right shall we go oh yeah I guess we can I don't really want to pick that up right away not when we're this close to just starting out look at all those rocks man it is kind of cool that all the stuff comes back so anyways hopefully well hopefully the BS didn't come back though I guess we're about to find out we do know there's that that Wicked little guy up here that little jerk that killed us last time remember that I remember that do you remember I don't know that's S I try to pretend um what's here give me that wood so really we just need a lot of stuff for for crafting which is obviously what we're doing boink literally that sound boink I hear water but I can't see water ding ding ding well I'm glad that we got all of our stuff like at least we survived and we didn't you know I feel like we did better so and isn't that the way it's supposed to be though like won't we do better every time you'd like to think that wouldn't you yes I would like to think that hopefully that every time we play a game we would be better at okay let's open this what is in here um um and coins I mean we can take that and then we can put it somewhere else wow I kind of want to go drop this stuff off like not back there but over in this one cuz there were some gold coins in this one so if we kind of like throw these in here uh oh they stack down here I was like where the gold coins man we have empty jars we could we could fill them up and get more water but I don't really feel like doing that right now all these things where we only have like one like I think we should leave those here and then we can come back and get those oil yeah we can drop that off Arrow speaking of Arrow I've been watching Arrow lately fibers flowers get rid of that crap keep this for Noms rid of that um inventory seven n that guy yummy Let's uh we can jump up there and go take it out there but I think we went that way last time or did we go this way oh no clue we do need to collect this crap though that way we can expand our base I wonder if we could just build like like crazy amounts of traps or if they're just going to like eventually come through and destroy it all you know what I mean just like wipe you out like is that how it's going to be okay I'll take that can you jump up there dude got that wood cloth you think that would be cloth but it's not last time we didn't come up here we died pretty quick last time though after this one after that initial oh that's pretty good after the initial uh you know night of horror we were we kind of died pretty quick what is this a treasure chest Pine con um I don't really we can take this what is this oh it's fertilizer everybody needs a little bit of fertilizer well you got to say fertilizer with like an Irish accent you know what I mean just makes more sense that way take all those look at this greedy guy man greed greedy repair kit Dragon dropped repair durability on items cool um I guess that's all for here let's go down this way but doesn't I think this looks really cool man this looks it looks really pretty we need to watch out though for yeah you got to look at the Rock buddy um it just I don't know I think it looks cool we're starting to play some different stuff and I'm starting to realize that you know there's a lot of good stuff out there some of it is repetitive some people you know some people say that we play some trash but hey you know is what it is some games we just we're we're we're playing them guys because um we're offered the keys and as a small YouTuber can you really say no you know what I mean can I really say no to somebody that offers to give me a key and says hey can you play this game for me you know I don't know I don't I don't think so so so oh drink polluted water no thank you please don't be alligators in here I don't really feel safe okay so this is where we were last time that little devil demon guys is up there we don't really want to go up there and visit him although here we are go up here and is he going to follow me like all the way back to my base you know wow look at this this is really neat like there's lots of different things to explore that's really and it goes even further ooh whoa oh [Music] wow come here you little devil so in my uh in my defense some of these things do not die very quickly go they don't die very quickly and they kill you rather quickly so I'd like to go in there but we just don't have either the equipment or whatever we just don't have the we're just not very good you know what I mean I think we would have to survive a couple of nights o wow dude the ants know we're here flowing mushrooms that's the best kind don't let them know we're here there they are little jerks yeah well we can't we can't go that way I mean I know you guys probably want me to go that way but we we can't we just are not we don't have the right equipment to fight anything right now we're just kind of getting a general look at this game look at this beauty of a game dude I mean that is so nice for being a demo this is really really nice like that's cool I love this okay we could build a base here is that what they're trying to tell us they're like hey come build up here we definitely could look way down there that's pretty good okay yeah I like this this is this is a cool spot it just looks neat you know and can what can we mine it did say we can mine sandstone and this looks more like Sandstone come over here should we beat this rock like with the with this axe or what let's go this way all right well let's go back down I want to go take a look down here I don't know if we can actually get hurt from falling so the movement overall is rather clunky I would say it's a little clunky oh you would be in a tree wouldn't you yeah the overall movement is pretty clunky um but it's it's beautiful game though you know it really is guess we'll chop these guys down I don't really I don't really know there's that is that that guy over there on that by that tree over there oh there's a hut down here ooh going to go take take a look we're going to have to go take a look cuz all of our logs have literally fallen down the [Music] mountain okay let's go down here and take a look at this guy what is this what is this So for anybody that has made it this far and they get away from me dude it's an elk everybody did we get out of this where'd he go oh my gosh it's a mega monster it's a mega monster [Music] guy Ry where' this guy go huh okay but look at all these little nooks and crannies you can explore that's so that's so neat go okay go forward bro I don't wor stop going sideways and go forward well there's a campfire or what no what is that glass okay well I was going to try to defeat this guy but he disappeared and I don't really feel like dying necessarily where'd you go you you guy stones and cloth cool take all that yeah so I don't know where that guy went but did you see that that boar with the red eyes maybe we should go see if we can kill that guy there he is I thought maybe walking down here would set him off [Music] go this guy oh there he is he disappeared should we try to hide behind this let's go lure this guy hey where you at you big old big old guy hey we're taking all your [Music] planks man I don't want to fight those guys they're like yeah and you're not going to get to should we do this I don't know don't know how close we can get to this without hurting ourselves I don't know hey you demons oh yeah what's up you big Mega oh it's a hellbo guys oh my gosh we're going to kill this [Music] guy cool I like that this is simple enough that we can actually do this miss [Music] me oh buddy we're we're eating four tonight we're not just eating any boore we're eating hell boore this is a weak weakling little spear if he comes around that corner there we go watch it break through the wall no yikes come on boys I want it to play Let's Go there you go are they they better not be at full health again oh that's no fair no fair dude that's no good well we'll see I don't know if we'll be able to kill him now you demon [Music] Pig yeah we killed your boy come on come on get it [Music] 10.1 oh yeah okay hold on let me repair those real quick now let's fight let's go come on come on see actually is yeah I just is it even going down come on I just don't want to leave if you leave he's going to go his Health's going to go all the way back up again oh water water man this guy is like a tank dude [Music] yeah come forward and hit the wall couple more hits couple more hits how do you like that huh let's see what the hellbore gives us this is the other one oh we got a helmet holy crap okay who look at that wow that is so neat actually that's pretty cool that is really an interesting thing how far is I going to go up okay I guess that's okay but all right what else is in here that a pineapple on the ground oh no look like a pineapple right there cool well I mean we could go on exploring and exploring this is really neat I'm really liking this the vibe of this game is really good I like it a lot and without any music we can leave it up on the YouTube channel forever now which is super great oh man that's just so special you know to make a video and then uh oh we can't we can't get that to make a video and then have it like stay up wow cuz the copyright's not on you like yeah that's cool that's so special nothing good look in here yeah get it get it buddy um what is this cabbage seeds and a jar man we we're going to have to start a garden you know we're going to have to set up a whole a whole garden and really we could go back and set up a whole little spot and fence it off and do all that kind of fun stuff like really that's what we probably would want to do because we're going to need food and you have to have a sustainable amount of food so uhoh think there's going to be somebody here I kind of do yeah collect it buddy what is this a castle this just keeps getting better and better what our glass uh our glass collecting skills is up good uh yeah take all that stuff oh look at this it's something else there's something in it what is it coal maybe charcoal yep it's a little harder too so love these trees though let's go look up here I like this I love castles man like I just love them oh my goodness this is so cool what is this bronze or uh bronz or brass oh yeah copper I mean I guess copper ore can you keep hitting it there you go awesome that's cool so now it begs the question like where do we want to set up for the night you're hot bar or inventory is full okay where do we want to set up for the night what's up here what it wasn't even oh my God Everywhere I Go Everywhere I Go surely you can't get me up here everywhere I go jump what what are these cobras back it up I got no kind of reach they just turn around and go wow wow die you Devils wow what is this what is that scales let's see let's put one here what else do we have beef jerky that sounds tasty so we could definitely come up here and maybe set up a base inside of this space like put up a wall and some traps in there and then a wall and traps in there but the but the the bad guys just kind of appear as well so you know what are you supposed to do about that I don't really know you know I don't really know because it's not like you can just keep them out they just appear either way we'll take a look around keep looking around just a little bit more there's a that's pretty up there look at that look at this tree I mean it it looks a little it needs some refinement for sure but that's pretty cool we got all those things can we climb this tree no all right let's go take a look over here oh yeah we can take fall damage cool well now we know sometimes it takes breaking your leg wow the the the biomes here are just super interesting oh my gosh it's almost like a like a dead Forest over here or something look there's a structure what is this can I go in here or are they just going to keep me locked out probably going to keep me locked out what's in there you can't enter yet well when am I supposed to how am I supposed to know well I guess we'll just have to come back to that one right there's another little thing up there but really just kind of getting a glimpse of this game and getting a feel for the biomes I feel like we're going to like uh we're not going to do too well basically if I back out of it if I once I leave the game we're done look at this what is this this place was settled by people before you arrived it might be a good idea to explore as there could be other survivors lingering around what there's other survivors oh man the death caps should have eating that buddy wow okay cool you get an idea of kind of what you can build here this is super neat I like this oh my God what the heck dude that just scared the piss out of me holy crap I just jumped oh jump [Music] back get him holy dude that scared me really that's all you gave me I why can't I have that sword hey girl well let's talk to Laura here who are you she's an elf oh my gosh I'm a merchant who was sent to this island should I talk like a girl or I don't know from the Irwin Merchants Association with the investigation teams of the new dawn money yes money the only purpose of my life typical world you know what I mean the most beautiful products ever created by mankind because of that Kraken there are many ancient artifacts on this island that humans have never discovered before can you see the towers and ruins erected all over the island it seems like treasures and ancient knowledge are buried there that's why I came to this island however if I had known it was an island like this I never would have followed yeah money seeing money only as a secular thing are you the you the same type as those idiots why are you tied up um guarded by a kraken can't leave the island okay the heck was that not long after I okay okay you guys feel free to uh you want to come hang out with me we can we can hang out okay let's uh sorry Laura what do you got here um let's get rid of some of this stuff repair kit Advanced lanks I mean what do we want to get rid of uh place that there red drink sounds like Kool-Aid or something he's got Kool-Aid let's put these here and take the red drink yeah that was that was kind of cool I did not know we were going to be able to see some other people on this island so we're maxed out on bottles that's fine we just have a lot of crap here lots of stuff let's take that oh let's see hold on hold on it's Friday guys every Friday we order food and stuff or just get some dinner and everybody's always like what do you want so then I'm like I'm having to record videos oh you can see we're getting out of the actual game play here lots of stuff it's full like we need to go take some stuff back or we could set up a new base here I have no idea what we want to do all I know is we have Daddy's got a brand new hat and this is a cool little spot I think this is so neat I want to go up here though yeah I'll get off the beach and kind of come in here like U this is so cool hello anybody home better not be any Red Coats so we could actually set up here that would be cool what is this hi Get [Music] Wrecked can we use this I wonder if I put a campfire under here if we can actually use that I don't know this is super interesting though I I really am liking this we can save cool are you sure you want to save the game yes okay resume so maybe we can actually last time I didn't save it at all so oh my gosh Get Wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked wrecked okay there's no way up there all right well I think what we're going to do is call it a day right here we saved it let's go aad and save it again real quick because um well because we just killed that guy right but let me know what you think of this one I'm really having fun with this one um seven get that out of my get that little drinking water thing out of my face there and uh he dropped the bar all right but yeah I'm enjoying this let me know what you guys think um maybe we'll come back to this one really I don't know I think this is really cool I'm really liking it so let me know thanks for watching guys I want you to know that I appreciate you guys being here checking out the videos and watching the videos join the Discord do all the things and we'll catch you guys on the next episode of if the sun sets take care for
Channel: GeneralG
Views: 14,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Open World, Adventure, Survival, Survival Horror, RPG, Multiplayer, Crafting, Action-Adventure, Pirates, Online Co-Op, Life Sim, Base Builder, Base building, Zombies, Realistic, Sandbox, 3D Platformer, 3D, action RPG, Colorful, Medieval, Dark Fantasy, if Sun Sets, IfSunSets
Id: WSKNeb50-zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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