Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2013

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you know I came out here earlier and they didn't clap as loud so it's pretty obvious why they were clapping loud this time that was for you um all right I don't have any songs for you I just came in a few minutes ago and Jack was here playing a song look what's going on in here and some he can pull that off I can't maybe next year um so I wanted I know it's probably hard to remember what it was like way way back in the beginnings of Facebook um but that's where these guys are in the beginnings so I'm gonna ask you questions about the early years right um which also have the advantage that you don't have to worry about saying bad things it's a public company because we're just talking about ancient history right um so I wonder if you remember when you sat down to write Facebook during that reading period what was the first thing you wrote like when you when you had enough code to test something to see if it worked what was it what did you test I don't remember then what that would the first thing was that I wrote but it actually the first code for Facebook started way before then right so it I like probably a lot of you guys I just built a lot of stuff for myself all throughout my childhood I built games that I wanted to play I built a music player that I wanted I tried to build stuff that that I really wanted for myself right now as I was young I wasn't building very high quality stuff it was just stuff that that I wanted not not for anyone else and then when I got to college I started wanting to build products that would let me get insight into the community around me and let me connect with the people around me and that had the property that you can't actually just build something that only you use if you want to be able to connect with people around you you have to start building software that other people are going to use as well so I actually mean like Facemash oh well before that you know it's actually one of the UM it's that stupid movie makes everyone think that Facemash was like was this critical thing but but actually a lot earlier than that in my sophomore year one of the first things that I built that was kind of like this was actually called coursematch I don't think we've talked about this that much and you know startup schools it was um I was trying to figure out what classes I wanted to take my sophomore fall and I wanted to see what other people who had taken the CS classes that I'd taken wanted to take and what my friends were planning on taking and what they'd taken in the past but there was no database like that that was out there so I thought all right well how can I do this so I went and I wrote this little script that scraped the course catalog and let people put in what classes they wanted and I called it the course graph and um and that was actually the first time yeah I mean it was it was actually I made the mistake of running it running the website from a laptop in my dorm room and the my desk was right next to the bathroom when there was like constantly steam pouring out of that from people showering so the laptop actually fried and I lost that one after like a few weeks of it running but that was the first time that I had ever really set up a production you know Apache server my sequel server or a lot of that stuff and then you know a lot of those those things you know then when I went on to build later stuff I had those lessons and I knew that I could set those things up quickly so those were just building blocks on top of which to build future things did people put their classes in it did you use it oh yeah but ya know it was like a thousand or 2,000 people out of the reasons like 6,000 people at Harvard yeah yeah so I mean it worked fine amid it it was actually really interesting people spent so much time just clicking through the links of people to see what classes they were in and then in the classes they clicked on people who the roster the the people whose just it was I thought it was going to be interesting and I wanted to solve this problem but it was actually just way more compelling and you know part of my theory at the time was you know I looked at all the other types of content that we're out there on the internet right it's like you could search for any music or news or content or reference material that you wanted but part of my theory at the time was that people were really missing from the internet right and there were no services like that and you know that's why I built some of these services that that went in that direction but I still think people are largely missing from a lot of the software that we build which is why I focused on building this development platform today as part of Facebook's that way the next generation of software that the industry builds can just be more human so every app that people build has this sort of additional dimension now where you can sort of see what other people are doing - we're trying to go in that direction so you knew by the time you started Facebook that if you made some website you could get thousands of people to show up to it well I it was I didn't have a choice I knew that if I wanted to do this that I had to build something that I could that would get people to use it I didn't know if I could actually do that so but it must have been a little bit surprising that thousands of people that are very sources on writer people would shut up for something that wasn't even intended to get raw thousands in originally I probably do it again right well yeah and then I did a few more and I was really focused on this idea of channeling a community's energy to build some kind of shared asset whether it's you know the course graph or you know ultimately Facebook was a good example of this I mean one of my favorite stories from from college that I actually I think I've told it startup school before is I built the first version of Facebook during reading period which is basically this two or three week period that Harvard I don't know if they still give this but they don't yeah I think I stopped by talking well you know both Microsoft and Facebook started during reading PSO never likes canceling things that work so the um but so basically it's this period during January before your finals where you can ostensibly study for classes for your finals and and I took that period to write the first version of Facebook I don't think I've written any code for that project directly until really January and then by the end of January is basically done with it but then one day I woke up a couple of days before this um final for this class that was taking called a room of Augustus it was this lit in arts class and the class was all about learning the historical significance of a bunch of pieces of art that were there and for the final they were just going to show some pieces of art from the class and you have to write an essay on the significance of them and I hadn't really gone to class all term I just like programmed and then during reading period when I should have been learning this I programmed and so I was pretty screwed right there's no way that I was going to cover all this material so I just went to the course website downloaded all the the images and I made a little website that basically would randomly shown in the images and would let you contribute your notes of what you thought was reasonable of what was important about that photo your notes see everyone else's taken by going to class what's up yeah but other people could learn through hard work and um and then I sent this out to the course email list as like hey guys I built a study tool and within an hour the whole thing was just populated with all the information that we needed to take the class to take the final so I think I did pretty well in the final I don't remember the exact grade but tell us about some real-world system you have hacked to your advantage what's up that's an answer that's a question on the YC application form we actually asked for people having done a trick like that um that would get our attention incidentally if you ever want to do oh I see uh-huh well it's funny you know the first couple times I met mark after all this time evaluating startup founders I can't turn it off so I'm like the first couple times I met mark there would be this like prophesied process running in my head saying accept him accepting him say and I would have to say stop it it's too late well no we get to work together on other things hmm um all right no I love it I love it um so one of the things I we talked about last year was how when you first launched Facebook the first other colleges you expanded to were ones that had competing services so I didn't ask you at the time but I wonder now why did you win what was it that Facebook had that the competing services didn't I think it was just this focus on real identity and the connections between people but it goes back to this theme where before Facebook on the internet there were you could find a lot of information about a lot of different types of content but the thing that we as people care the most about which is other people write it around us and our brains are just wired that way it wasn't there and if you think about it the reason is that you know that that information about people isn't just out there on the internet to be indexed by some search engine right you can't just send a web crawler around and learn what's going on with people you have to build tools that give people the the power to share that that content themselves and that stuff didn't exist and if you go back you know most of the way that people interact online was anonymous right and the idea at the time was that it was pretty scary to put your name and real identity online without the right privacy controls and without kind of the right community infrastructure so I think that that's a lot of what we built was a framework where people would be comfortable sharing in that way and we're people able to share less on these competing services there were three universities you mentioned yeah I mean Stanford Yale and Columbia yeah they each had different things I think some of them were just they gave people less ways to express content about themselves none of them I think had a concept of connections right so one of the things that if you think about you friend people yeah and if you think about friending today and one of the reasons why it's important is because you get the person's content in your newsfeed right and there was no newsfeed back then right so a lot of the reason that that friending was was good was just because you could put someone on your profile and say that you were connected to them so just like people were more fascinated than intuitively it seemed like they should have been about looking and clicking through the classes that people were taking a lot of people also just wanted to see who other people knew there was nothing like that that existed so you had friending from the beginning oh yeah that was a really critical piece so the missing religion teen connections they had the nodes of the social graph but not the arcs um well there's that and I think there's less emphasis on real identity in the community so some of these communities you know just like you you made it so that people could sign up with a pseudonym which is is fine I mean I think there are lots of services that are good with pseudonyms but if you're talking about real a real community then then you want that why do you have its drawbacks have you ever seen the comments on a Kearney's I think if people were talking under their own names they might be a bit more civilized well I mean sometimes it's actually it goes both ways though right I mean a lot of the advantage of that is that people can be very critical right it's if you're always talking into your real name it there's often a social penalty for being critical so it is more civilized I think but that may not always be the most productive thing mmm so you want to balance of these things at the moment I envy you um so well we can talk after this without getting called my god her to do I know what you're about to say yes the devil you know or the devil you don't okay the keys don't only use Facebook connected right it's some people make that can use Facebook and Twitter well yeah or Facebook and email or whatever whatever else do Twitter's fine too how minutes what you want to use to you want to all right now this is a hypothetical question um so if you hadn't started Facebook like for example if if Harvard had already cancelled reading period um and you were actually kicked me out right or they kicked you out for facematch a smash you know you asked this question before about what I've started facebook without Facemash about the only thing that I got from Facemash was I met my wife because of it because my Harvard said that they were gonna kick me out and my friends really thought that they were gonna kick me out so they planned this going-away party for me and actually met my wife at that party so they didn't even wait for the ad board to decide before they had the going-away party they were so sure yeah my friends were just like completely positive that I was gonna get kicked out of school actually you know not only that but my family was pretty confident that I was gonna either get kicked out or drop out of school too before I started college my little sister bet me that she would finish college before me and my mom later told me that she always knew I was gonna leave college oh it was like oh thanks mom so here's my hypothetical question if you hadn't started Facebook um there would probably be something like Facebook now yeah would it have would it have to have been something that started out as a network for college students was that thermal so powerful the winner would have had to be one of these College things were could MySpace have sort of morphed and grown and you know become it yeah I don't think it had to be a college thing you know one of my earliest memories from Facebook was I I used to get pizza almost every night with one of my friends I did my computer science problem sets with and we used to talk about technology and where we saw the world going and I remember one of our conversations right after I'd launched Facebook was about how I was really excited to offer the service for our community but that one day clearly someone was going to build this for the world right and it hadn't even crossed my mind that maybe we would be the ones to do it because from my perspective it's like alright we're just college students what do we know about building software that hundreds of millions of people will use you know clearly this is going to be something that you know Microsoft or Google or Yahoo or someone like that who builds these services that that tons of people use is going to do it and it when was the time when you realized you were gonna do it like how many how many schools do you have before you realized this was horribly it probably later on when we went outside of college but even live it up to the point where you had hundreds of colleges you still thought some big company was gonna come along and do this better well not necessarily the college part but I didn't know that we were going to be the people building the the community to kind of connect everyone right so it's um in retrospect though it was pretty obvious no no not at all you know I actually I spent a bunch of time analyzing and in reflecting on why it was that we were even able to do it because oh like all reasons suggest that we shouldn't have been able to do it right because all these other companies had way more engineering power and and and servers and time and money and all this stuff and I actually think that this is a pretty instructive thing for anything that you want to go do because this is the same property is gonna be true for anything that you guys start is that someone else is going to have more resources and be able to do it the reason why I think we actually ended up being the ones doing it is because we just cared way more about it than everyone else right so there were always projects at some of these other companies that were these hobbies but we always thought that it was this really important thing and really just like felt in our gut in our heart that we wanted to do it and you know early on there were always these skeptics saying that oh this can't be a business Whedon actually care that much about it being a business early on but a lot of the reason why bigger companies didn't invest in it was because it wasn't clear that there was a model that would work for it it seemed like a bad idea yeah and I actually think that's true for a lot of the best ideas where it is that it's not that someone else can't do it they actually can and the odds are stacked against you but I think often that belief and the fact that you just care so much about what you're doing is the only thing that kind of drives you to do it and you know to be honest that kind of drives me to this day I mean one of the big emphasis points for the company right now is internet org and you know for why we had this rallying cry of can we connect a billion people and you know when we start talking about that we thought that was crazy you right it was way bigger than any service in the world that had been built and you know it was ten digits long right it's like a you know it just it felt crazy we'd never get to that but then the thing is as we've started to actually get closer to that we took a step back and like alright well our mission isn't actually to get one in seven people in the world to be connected it's we want to connect everyone so it's um it's a big issue that only around a third of the people in the world have access to the Internet and that's something that we think that we can do something about and similar to early Facebook we don't there's no business model around this I mean all the people who have all the money in the world I mean it's not necessarily a fair thing are already the people who are on Facebook right it's in the first you know seventh of the world but we just believe really strongly it's like this is what we were here to do this is what our company cares about I care about it the team cares about it our culture cares about it so we're just going to keep pushing on it and I actually think a lot of the reason why great stuff gets built is because it's kind of irrational at the time but so it kind of selects for the people who care the most about it doing it do you think there's there's anything about you like if a personal quality of yours besides sort of basic smartness and determination that made you well-suited to work on this this project I realized this requires some introspection yeah I actually think determination is probably the biggest piece you know it's um so many things go wrong when you're starting a company and often I think people ask you know what mistakes should you avoid making and you know my answer that question is don't even bother trying to avoid mistakes because you're going to make tons of mistakes right and the the important thing is actually learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make and not giving up right and I mean there are things every single year of Facebook's existence that could have killed us or made it so that it just seemed like moving forward and making a lot of progress just seemed intractable but you just kind of bounce back and you learn and nothing is impossible you just have to kind of keep running through the walls so the biggest mistake is the sort of meta mistake of letting a mistake Lorelei's you hmm um do you think Facebook know I don't know one who knows a better do you think Facebook had a rougher time like do you think it ran into more obstacles early on than typical startups because now you've known oh you know a lot of other people who started startups and you've heard all a ghastly stories about what goes on behind the scenes do you think it was more of a show or less we're about normal probably more yeah and I mean Bry well part of the reason was because I knew nothing when I got started I mean you have to him I was 19 years old when I started Facebook right so I mean probably like that the same age or younger than most of you guys I think you would be young for this actually and um I knew nothing nothing about business at all right not even think that I was starting a company I actually remember when I first came out here for the summer with Dustin because we want to learn from Silicon Valley companies I remember driving up the 101 and seeing all these great companies and thinking to myself oh wow these are such amazing companies maybe one day I'll start a company and I'd already started Facebook right and and it like hadn't occurred to me that that was actually you know so um how did you learn how did you learn well just advanced people around me but there's so many mistakes that just come from not I mean like I really knew so little at the time I mean like when Peter Thiel came in to invest one thing that he demanded was that all of the founders beyond vesting schedules and um I didn't even know what a vesting schedule was I'd never heard of that right so I mean part of the the early conflict that I had with um with Eduardo who's one of our founders who then left was he was at Harvard with us we kind of decided okay if we started a company would divide the equity up this way we hadn't heard of vesting schedules and then he just balanced he never moved out to California with us so so Peter was like oh all you guys have to be on vesting schedules like oh now what do we do right so in but it's fine I mean it's like that mistake probably cost me billions of dollars but it's fine you just you you move forward and and you can't hit it doesn't matter right I mean you just kind of keep pushing forward and um and that's how it goes yeah um how did you learn though like you you start out that's good you can do it Robert um uh um so you start out as a 19 year old right and you have this website that's just like going through the roof Ron was talking earlier about her very early on that the graphs just were going up very steeply um you had to learn how to create this organization you know you had to learn how to be a manager that's the next phase after you raise money and you have something that's growing how did you learn how to how to manage people well through a lot of mistakes um I don't think anyone is like naturally good at hiring out of the box so right it's a key you have to learn in each role we probably went through multiple iterations before landing on a balance of a person that made sense and and the problems made even harder by the fact that you don't need the same thing at each stage right so it's a moving target as well but that's just tiring though you have to somehow lead a group of people and get them all to work together that's very hard yeah that's what you do now right you don't program much probably right you spend all the way from managing yeah well mostly poor fun now you're a mando an expert no absolutely not you must be right it's yeah try telling that to my team no um but how did you learn it was there anyone who taught you just were any bullet you just have to throw yourself in right so you I was really just trying here six so I have um you know I've developed a few heuristics over time that I think are simple enough that the organization can internalize so in terms of hiring you know everyone says hire good people right no one wants to hire like a reasonable person um you know you want to hire like a really good person but then the question is how do you like what's the right heuristic for determining if someone's really good so over time what I figured out was that the only actual way to let someone lies whether someone was really good was if they would work for that person so I don't think that needs to recurse too many levels down in the organization but I basically think that that's like that's a really good heuristic right and and I I believe that I mean for if you look at my management team today I mean if we were in an alternate universe and I hadn't started the company it would be an honor to work for any of these people and I think if you if you build a company that has kind of those values rather than just saying oh I want to hire you know the best person I can find or whatever if you hold yourself to that standard then you'll then I think you'll build a pretty strong company there are other things around management that you just kind of have to throw yourself into in different ways as well I used to be really terrified of public speaking up to the point where when I did All Hands which at the time we're like 10 or 15 people had to sit down because I was so afraid and at the time a lot of people which is ironic because I'm still sipping but um but not not because I'm afraid just because it's more comfortable and so what I did was I basically I threw myself into some of this stuff and you know a bunch of schools invited me to come speak and what I did was I accepted some of those invitations even though I had no real goal of doing that except for desensitizing myself and I went up to give a speech without having prepared anything and if you do that a few times you stop being afraid really quickly and because I mean what's the worst thing that can happen you know I think a survey says that more Americans are afraid of public speaking than deaf and it's so you know just throw yourself in you get over this stuff I remember the first talk you haver gave it gave it startup school and I think it was one of these the way you describe that you went with no preparation right and you know actually I can tell you know what but thank you what's the worst thing that can happen you can say something off the cuff that gets like taken by the press like a football and thrown around and gets you that's fine I actually I actually did prepare for that one I don't have that excuse but the fact that um it was really this did all that this practice did was desensitize me it didn't actually make me good at public speaking as this is this is proof of do you like managing people um you know if you work with people that you like then it's wonderful right now because I'd one definition that I have for a good team is a group of people that makes better decisions as a whole than would individually make is a sum of the parts and when you're I think most smart people like learning right and I mean that's like one of the thrills of starting a company right is you're just that the learning curve can be so steep and if you can set up a team dynamic where you're constantly learning from the people around you then I mean what's better right these are the people I wake up every morning and I want to I want to go learn from and was from is that one of your heuristics for hiring people to to like hire people that you learn from yeah uh and when building a team you wanted to you want to think about the dynamic so that way you can maintain this property that the team makes better decisions as a group than any individual would hmm how when you first started like back in that house in Palo Alto you were a start-up founder right so how I didn't know yet well what was your mental model of a start-up founder how where did it come from did it was it Bill Gates you know or Steve Jobs did it come from reading books or Peter teal or Sean John Parker I mean where did it come from one of the things that was kind of interesting was there's this culture in Silicon Valley that kind of makes startups seem glamorous and I never really believed that right I never had a goal of starting a start-up and my goal when I realized that I had a company was to get it to be a good company as quickly as possible where I didn't kind of get out of what you'd call they're like risky startup phase where you are just like constantly about to die and where you could get to a point where you can actually do some interesting things and make make a lot more interesting bets and um so I don't know I I never read a lot of the literature on this and I mean maybe if I had then I wouldn't made so many mistakes but I don't know if like if learning for me is the right way to go on this but I mean but it did your model must have come from somewhere though even if it was even if you it was unintentional right like were you influenced by Peter Thiel where Sean well yes I wasn't even all these people once I met them I actually I hadn't really heard of Peter Thiel before I'm talking about like me Yeah right yeah but he was massive influential on my thinking right I mean I like a lot of the the early lessons that I took on how to think about strategy came from Peter and Shawn and I did pay a lot of attention when I was growing up to Microsoft I thought I mean I grew up you know using you know Windows 3.1 and then Windows 95 and I just thought that those were like the most unbelievable things and sense they are yeah they really were awesome right um well I don't know if youyou meant that positive positively but I did and and I thought you know building this ecosystem was really neat and that kind of inspired me right in the way that they built a platform I kind of thought okay well maybe one day you know that the tools that I'm building can be part of a broader ecosystem as well and I think that we've kind of gotten lost from the valley ha by the time that I got around to setting up Facebook as a company I mean Google and Apple to that point I hadn't really created platforms they went then went on to create much better platforms than anything that was created on a desktop with their mobile operating systems but that was pretty influential for so was that idea of one day making Facebook into a platform sort of implicit all along was it always something you were mulling over or was it something that occurred to you after you had all these people you know talking to one another well turning Facebook into a platform was after that but the idea that there should be some social platform was pretty early on right so between you know coursematch and the room of Augustus thing and face smash and like all these things when I was at Harvard it kind of became clear to me that a lot of the software that we use should have people at the center of it right and people want to learn about people that's like a really core thing in our psychology so I thought that you know whether there was a central central social network kind of at the core of that or just like some kind of social libraries or API or something that there needed to be something that made it so that was like a common framework that that everyone could use to develop you mentioned earlier that Peter teal and Sean Parker both influenced your ideas about strategy can you remember a particular strategic insight that you had early on and it's probably you know the statute of limitations is for competition is probably passed now there's probably stuff you can say about some insight that you had early on and you thought to yourself ha ha ha nobody else knows this except us but we have this we have this great this great trick do you remember any of them well Peter teal was really focused on network effects and he had this model that I think is right for making decisions that as the complexity of the company grows every day you're going to be faced with a hundred things that you could potentially go do and your job is to pick the one thing that actually matters because out of those hundred things it's really only actually going to be one or two things that actually matter and that was pretty informative to me at the time because I had intuitively like I had a lot of self direction intuitively but as soon as I started getting all these people around me who all had reasonable perspectives on things was very hard for me to balance that and Peter was always very useful for that we wouldn't focus he was good at seeing here's the one thing that matters like I'll go kiss on the one thing that matters well partially that and partially just the meta lesson of figure out the one thing that matters and do that but he also what the one thing that mattered like if someone who actors weren't as quickly as possible because I mean network effects were massively important part of us one of the the story windows in connecting everyone as quickly as possible you don't mean specifically getting more signups you mean getting people to friend one another faster yeah well why would you do that um well we built a lot of tools to enable people to do what they already wanted to where you can't like push uphill on this stuff right it's it's um we were solving a problem that people had and we just needed to remove as much friction as possible but there was a pretty early you know funny sequence where there was actually this company in 2005 that got started that was called college Facebook it was like an exact clone of us and it even had the same name right and um and their strategy because we started at Harvard and then tried to branch out to schools that we thought would have dense social connections with Harvard so we can build this network their goal was they wanted to start in places that we weren't right so they started on the west coast and in the South when we started on the Northeast and they tried to build up this network of different schools and just as race for a while and I'm eventually their older Seattle yeah and it's Ivan and we just took this stuff really seriously and I remember Dustin just took it so personally right it's like any time they launch at some school that we weren't at we had this concept that we actually still have it the company today called lock down which is whenever any other company gets ahead of us on something that we think is strategic to us back then lock down meant we literally did not leave the house until we had addressed the problem now it's a little looser and interpretation inside the company we don't literally lock everyone inside the office but about as close to that as we can legally get so and you know now the funny thing is inside Facebook you know because we have a lot of different initiatives teams kind of do this themselves right in and just decided to alright there's like some competitor that has something that we feel like we really need like we're going into lockdown to get this thing because we're not gonna you know let college Facebook get ahead of us so in retrospect could you have completely ignored college Facebook and it wouldn't have made any difference I don't know it's a good question um don't you think like you would have just eventually spread to those schools and killed them I mean in theory I think they didn't do a perfect job copying us you know one of the things that's interesting is that there are some countries where folks have made such good clones of Facebook that it has been very hard for us to grow and Russia is the biggest example right so V Kentucky's guys are just like the International Olympiad computing I'm computing Olympiad champions and it's the small team and they like just did like an awesome job cloning Facebook and there are fewer content laws so they also have like illegal file downloads and all the stuff and like we just have not been able to beat them and and it's um maybe it's because of the illegal file downloads and it's work so you should add file down well it's we try not to break the law but it's um the we're growing fine right it's like linear growth and we're we're I think slowly making a lot of progress and I'm pretty sure we'll pass them eventually but it's been literally like almost ten years so right since we got started with Facebook and we still have not beaten them in Russia so it is possible that if the college Facebook folks had done better and had gone faster then maybe maybe maybe no no but like they went the speed they did that wasn't affected by your lockdowns I'm just wondering like maybe those lock downs were unnecessary because we always advise people basically just ignore competitors right I do think that it's definitely possible to over rotate on competitors but one one caveat that I would say I think people tend to worry too much about strategic competitors who are doing something that's related but clones I think actually end up being a pretty big nuisance right so they're like they're these whole companies now in Europe that like all they do is just clone companies that have been founded in the US and other places and try to bring them to Europe and have Network effects and it's like a pain in the ass right and I got it so so I actually think you do want to internationalize and pay attention to that stuff fairly early because those things are really annoying once they get lodged in okay I think we have one minute left so I'm going to ask you one more question um it seems like the most successful founders are sort of obsessed like they're a little bit they care a little bit too much about certain things right like Steve Jobs cared a little bit too much about how perfect the edges of some polygons were right um what is it that you care too much about connecting everyone no seriously if you think about I mean it's like this aesthetic sense of the world that I have is that you can communities if people can channel their energy to do great things and having connections between people is the infrastructure for the world to do that and you know and that's why it each step along the way when there was always all this uncertainty about you know whether it would be profitable or whether it would make sense or be good or whatever to do these thing this we always were doing it because we just cared more and I mean to this day I mean you could you could say that that was a startup thing but it isn't because I mean now we're we're here and we connect more than a billion people but I mean I we're pouring tons of money and resources into connecting people who can't even afford internet access right so I mean that's like there's no way that that's going to be profitable in the near-term medium term but we're doing it because we think it's the right thing to do and over the long term I do think that there's something there and it's going to be fundamentally important for the world and maybe we'll get rewarded maybe not but we just really care so it's a movement in facebook the company is sort of a subset of it hmm well all right you guys I think we're done are we done we done all right thank you very much right Mark Zuckerberg
Channel: Y Combinator
Views: 768,146
Rating: 4.8372173 out of 5
Keywords: YC, Y Combinator, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Id: MGsalg2f9js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013
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