Mark Kermode reviews The Fall Guy - Kermode and Mayo's Take

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okay The Fall Guys which is in cinemas including IMAX um some people may remember ATS TV show with Lee majes as a is a stuntman I think he moonlighted as a bounty hunter anyway this is very little in common with that this is directed by stuntman turn director David Leech who played a key role on John Wick and then went on to do Tomic blond Deadpool 2 bullet bullet train directed by a script by Drew Pierce whose credits include writing and directing hotel timat for which I think you I think you interviewed jod Foster about that although you've interviewed so many celebrities it's kind of hard to remember you did definitely interview jod Foster once no she was director of a bank heist movie I think okay okay not that then anyway so Ryan Gosling is stman cult sers his main gig is doubling for a movie star Tom Ryder played by Aaron Taylor Johnson a stun goes wrong he's injured he Retreats into silence he abandons the movies and he turns his back on his girlfriend it's this camera operator jod played by Emily Blunt fast forward I think it's 18 months she's now a director working on a science fiction action adventure called Metal Storm this is going to be her big break he's parking cars in a Mexican restaurant but he gets a call from the producer which is Gail played by Hannah woodingham who said oh you're needed and Jody's asked for you and he says well Ian I've retired from the movie I don't do this anymore she says no no but she needs you you're the only person who can save it so he goes okay fine because he thinks this is the chance to you know to get things back on track but when he gets to the set he discovers that he hasn't been asked for by jod and in fact she's kind of surprised to see him I just checked on IMDb and the jod Foster interview was for money monster in6 right right right that's what it was for okay fine fine fine all right so carry on anyway turns out that the star Tom's gone missing Gail thinks that our man C can stand in for him to save the movie but J jod Who hadn't asked for him to be there is really sore because he went silent on a so the two of them put together again she's now the director he's the stuntman so she decides that you know she'll punish him by getting them to do loads and loads of scenes in which he's set on fire and thrown against Rock because she can and if You' seen the trailer that's kind of that's the sort of setup there was talk of adapting um the full guy way way back I think about 10 years ago G and Dwayne Johnson were sort of meant to be doing it I don't know what would have happened with that what I can tell you is I doubt it would have been half as much fun as this the film's been described as an homage to stunt people it's in the Guinness Book of Records already because it has got the most Cannon rolls for a car it's got 8 and a half cannon rolls I think the previous record was like eight or something Cannon roll is when you you have a thing which knocks the car over and then it flips and rolls and the you know the stunt action stuff is good I saw a screening of it in the IMAX cinema in which one of the stunt guys was there and when everybody else walked off the front he literally leapt over the IMAX Rail and did a start apparently there a Crash Pad waiting from the other side but the entire audience the entire audience cped and they did make a a big thing about it's time to get Oscars for stunts which I agree with however the main attraction isn't all the big explosives Al that although that is done well the main attraction is Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt if you saw the Oscars they were the funniest thing at the Oscars they were doing that pairing because they was kind of the Rivalry between Oppenheimer and Barbie and they were quite they were quite good as a as a double header and quite often those kind of Oscar you know two people together being funny they don't work but in the case of them they do and the reason is they've got they've got good chemistry I mean they they are funny and if you've seen a trailer that is the film unlike uh in the case of Civil War in which the trailer makes it like a very different film the trailer for The Fall Guy is exactly what the film is like I mean it's absolutely popcorn fun it's got very little depth I came out afterwards and somebody another critic went well that was terrible I said what do you mean it was terrible was just terrible it didn't make any sense and it was badly written and it was like have we watched the same film and it people often say you know if You' been critic do you have to have to have you kind of your faculties turned off to enjoy something which is just popular no I saw it in the IMAX screen it was big it was explosive it was loud but the thing that I really liked about it was the central chemistry between those two uh Hannah wam was absolutely enjoying chewing the scenery and that's really good fun it's slightly too long but you know what isn't nowadays and I I came out of it going well that was that's exactly the thing that I wanted it to be it was big Brash noisy funny and at the center of it had you know a pair who have real onscreen chemistry and you know that's what you want from a popcorn Blockbuster I'm sure it'll do really well
Channel: Kermode and Mayo's Take
Views: 99,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark Kermode, Simon Mayo, Kermode and Mayo's Take, Film Review, TV Review
Id: H2dRj-_lxHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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