Mark Jensen's Son Takes the Stand

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try to speak loudly first of all spell your first and last name for the reporter David Jensen spell your first and last name David j-e-n-s-e-n all right who's doing the direct go ahead Miss Krause and David I'm going to ask you to speak directly into the microphone so that the jurors can hear you okay sorry David can you tell us who your parents are Mark Jensen and Julie Jensen and how old were you when Julie Jensen passed away I was eight years old I want to take you to December 3rd 1998. okay um at some point did you arrive to your house from school uh what day was December 3rd was that what day of the week the day your mom passed away that Thursday sorry um yes we uh came home directly from school um I was picked up and after coming home directly from school where did you go uh we came inside and uh Doug and I went to the living room when you say we who was with you uh my dad it was my dad uh my brother Douglas and I and after you and Douglas went into the living room do you know where your dad went yeah he told us to wait in the living room um while he went down the hallway to the bedroom uh to check on our uh to check on her mom at some point did your dad come back down that hallway yeah um I yes I don't remember how long exactly it was um but he came out crying not a not terribly long after he went on so after he was in your parents bedroom he came back down that hallway yes and what did you see um he was sobbing and went to told us to stay there told me to put on a movie for Doug um went to the telephone um and uh then returned down the hallway we just stayed in the living room we're going to come back to that day but I want to hear a little bit about what you've been doing since you were eight years old okay um did you graduate high school uh yes from Bradford and that was in Kenosha uh yes what year did you graduate high school 2008. um after high school did you go to college at UW Parkside I graduated in 2012. and what did you graduate with for a degree a Bachelor of Science in biology after graduating from UW Parkside did you continue your education yes I worked for a year as a lab technician and then enrolled as a graduate student at the Medical College of Wisconsin that one year you worked as a lab technician where was that was also at the Medical College of Wisconsin so after that year you enrolled as a graduate student yes and that was also at the Medical College of Wisconsin yes and what were you working towards I was working on my PhD your PhD in what physiology and biomedical science what does physiology and biomedical science mean um so I I was in particular working on vascular dysfunction and hypertension and diabetes with a focus on translational research from bringing a basic research to the clinic at some point did you get your doctorate yes I did a graduated or defended my thesis in 2020. when you say defended your thesis that means like you had to give your thesis to a group of individuals and then defend the premise yes so I wrote all my original research was written up into like a 300 page monstrosity um and then I go in front of the entire department give a big presentation and then my committee decides whether um I've my contribution has been enough to Warrant the degree and so yeah graduated was it enough to Warrant your degree yes and when did you get that that was in 2020 after getting your degree did you then go and start working I did my I defended my thesis it was the initial week of covet lockdown it was my mine was the first virtual defense at my institution um so uh due to hiring freezes and stuff I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the medical college for a couple years and I'm now employed by a company called Ashfield as a medical writer and what does a medical writer do so I were hired by pharmaceutical companies I write manuscripts Congress presentations and educational materials based on the results of clinical trials and you've been doing that since 2022. uh yeah 2022 January I started there go back childhood before you were eight years old and ask you um if you remember time that you spent with your mom um any time in particular or just any specific things you remember doing with your mom um prior to her passing yeah um we spent a lot of time at this little plastic table just off the kitchen squizard arts and crafts table um we during the summer we were um absolute fish we were in the pool just constantly when you say we who was in the pool constantly uh Doug and I um Doug with his little floaties and um uh Drake was over our cousin Drake was over uh often in the Summers as well so he and I were closer in age so we would be swimming a ton was your mom in the pool with you if you remember um I don't particularly remember her being in the pool with us um just kind of you know watching us from the deck absolutely um and you said your younger brother was in the pool occasionally as he was able what other things do you remember doing with your mom um I mean she also uh volunteered at my school so whenever we had a field trip she also came along so um uh always saw her there too um did your family do anything as a family yeah um I mean we would all we would all four of us would would play in the pool on the weekends and we frequently went fishing as well uh on Lake Michigan or occasionally Lake Geneva now I want to talk to you about some of the activities you do with your dad prior to your mom passing um do you remember specific things that you did with your dad frequent fishing trips um sometimes all four of us sometimes it's the two of us are just just him and me um a lot of just roughhousing and wrestling on the carpet um and um yeah when you mention fishing trips I'm sometimes just you and your dad sometimes all four do you remember where you went yeah we would do an annual trip down to um Big Cedar Lodge in Missouri it was just a Fishing Resort on a chain of lakes and um more often uh late Lake Michigan we would go just outside the harbor by the lighthouse and the Breakwater and go perch fishing there be an avid fisherman did you guys have your own poles yes yeah and did you ever make your own polls um my yes my uh yeah my dad would buy like the blank the blanks and then do the wrapping and building um so I'd help him with that out in the garage we had one that we built for uh myself that I was particularly fond of um ask you if you recognize these pictures sorry sorry I'm frogging my throat um yes I do recognize these These are the this is the base of the rod that we built for um that we built for me how do you know it's the base of the rod that you built for you in 123 uh and 125 oh is that what exhibit you have in front of you David 123. uh it's painted uh Dave and dad on it um and also I can I was very adamant so six-year-old David was very adamant about including Power Ranger stickers um which I can also see in the picture and is there a picture of the handle of that fishing rod just just of uh just of the of the base of the rod and then um did you and your dad make anyone else a fishing pole yes we um we also made one um uh for my mom on exhibit 125 can you tell the date uh it's marked May of 1996. um I think you said six-year-old David wanted Power Rangers yeah I was quite young at the time but I remember picking out the stickers and trying to figure out which ones would actually fit on the rod and I'm not doing that out in the garage correct um yeah it's uh it's marked Dave and Dad as well now I was just asking you if you had made a fishing pole for anyone else and what was your answer uh we also made one uh specifically for my mom 's exhibit 128 and ask you if you know what that is a picture of foreign this looks like one of the rods that we built they most of them had the the cork handle did yours have a cork no mine had a metal and foam handle and what was so special about that handle to you the metal and foam handle uh I picked it because it looked like a lightsaber all right um and so exhibit 128 you recognize that as a fishing pole consistent with what you had made in the past add yes I'm going to show you what's been marked as exhibit 126. are you able to tell from exhibit 126 on who that fishing pole was made for or is that just another picture of the poll uh no this uh this one is marked my 3DS which is uh what my mom called us collectively um Dad David and Douglas okay I'm going to show you what's been marked as exhibit 127 is this a close-up of the kind of the base of the pole yes let's say on there uh it's the my 3DS and then Christmas 98. and 129 which uh yes the the same poll just a little bit more in Focus but uh yeah yes my 3DS and then Christmas 98. foreign yes foreign and this was consistent with one of the pictures I showed you exhibit 127 oh yes and on this picture you can see the my 3DS at the top yes and then it says Christmas 98. yes and that's consistent with exhibit 129 that I showed you yes David why does it say Christmas 98 if you remember oh we were making it as a Christmas gift and how do you do you remember when you made this fishing pole um not exactly um it would have been sometime in the winter months the garage was uh heated but it still was uh you know chilly enough to need a jacket and do you remember it being chilly enough that you needed a jacket yes and who did you make this fishing pole with for Christmas uh my dad and I did Douglas help uh I don't recall him helping he was very young at the time and did help with any part of making this fishing because as much as I could as a kid I think I was there more just to provide excitement I yes we had one in the den and do you remember when you got that home computer I'm not asking the specific date or time just like generally do you remember getting it a Very Yes um we when we got it we also bought a table to be the desk for it which I took upon myself to try to assemble and like my parents unpacked the box and I came and found me like doing the bolts and I liked putting things together so just thought it was a big Lego set essentially um and did you ever use that computer yes um there was a painting program that I was particularly fond of um that I remember playing with it on do you remember anyone else using the home computer intermittently in the evening we'd occasionally hang out in the in the den um my mom my parents taught me to play chess in there and I'd occasionally see my dad or and my mom using a uh on occasion but nothing in particular stands out about it um do you specifically remember seeing your dad on the computer uh yes um and do you specifically remember seeing your mom on the computer and yeah yes and you said when was that that you would typically see them in the evening in the evenings is when I remember seeing them on it can you tell us what they were doing on the computer I I couldn't tell you specifics and at the time at any time did your childhood do you remember your mom um being upset or exhibiting any unusual behavior um I mean upset a few times um but I mean uh I mean once I went to the neighbor it was asked to go out and play and went to the neighbors next across the street in this neighbor's next door and parents couldn't find me so they were understandably upset um absolutely but um there was one instance where I she did get upset that um I didn't it stuck it's it stuck with me because I didn't understand why she was upset or what we'd done wrong um what was that it um once One Summer um we were watching my cousin Drake um during the day that summer and uh uh we I don't recall while we were exactly how we exactly got onto this but we um we were playing with Hot Wheels tracks and taking them apart and sticking them in the waistbands of our pants and um I remember her just screaming at us in the bathroom um and uh washing our mouth that was soap and putting us in a Timeout I just I didn't understand why we you know what what we've done wrong to Warrant that reaction it'd be fair though that wasn't like a typical memory of yours that you're always getting yelled at or grounded oh no no this is just one instance that you remember yes and I think you said you remembered it because it just kind of stands out at you because you didn't understand why you got in trouble yeah yes um is there any other time that you remember your mom being upset and maybe you didn't understand why um um that was that was the big one that stood out to me that you remember yeah do you ever remember a time where Drake would have like rubbed feces on the wall I'm objecting to Leading sustained it's a pretty leading question do you have any memory of you and Drake spreading anything on the wall I'm objecting again this is still leading we'll allow that one uh no I don't remember ever spreading things on the wall I want to talk to you a little bit about just like day-to-day things in your household who did the cooking um my mom did most of the cooking and how do you remember that I just occasionally uh um see vague memories of her cooking um I remember my like my dad would uh Grill I'd help him with that sometimes um but um yeah my mom did most of the cooking and they were in one instance when she cut herself with a kitchen knife just stood out to me so um but yeah she was the primary cook I think um you had an uncle who lived not too far away I think Paul Griffin uh yes um he was also in Kenosha so not down too far away do you remember spending time with him um not very not very often um I remember we would okay there was one birthday party that we went to during the summer months um over there um but we would um they had a uh they had two adopted kids and Kim was my cousin Kim was close in age enough to me that just you know wanted to get together and play with her more but didn't really get the opportunity we tried to see them at Christmas but um we didn't actually get together all that often um what was it specifically about Christmas that you remember um well we would eventually we would call them drive by Christmases because we would try to get together and nothing would materialize and eventually we just drive by their house and leave their presents on the front porch um David I want to take you back to December of 1998. and I want to specifically talk to you about December 2nd which would have been the Wednesday before your mom passed away okay do you remember how your mom was feeling that day she wasn't feeling while she was in bed um so and do you remember um I mean you say she's not feeling well why did you think she wasn't feeling well um I don't remember any specific like symptoms on that day or anything like it was just she was in bed which was unusual and Mom and Dad told us she was sick so if your mom gave you a note to give to Teresa Fazio uh no I don't remember if she gave me a note or if you um called Eric Shore that day to ask to go to his house no I don't remember that do you remember talking or going to his house after school um not on that not not any specific date but I do remember hanging out with him um we'd play The Sims and poke around on the piano um yeah he was like my best friend growing up so I I was uh we were we hung out frequently you hung out frequently but what you're saying is you don't specifically remember that day uh yes yes I don't remember any those are just Collective like memories with him I don't remember uh that specific day when you got home on that specific day do you remember seeing your mom uh yes she was in bed and um we uh I wanted to make her mac and cheese since that's what I got when I wasn't feeling well um so I remember bringing her that and some water um but you said you wanted to make her mac and cheese um do you remember helping make the mac and cheese uh not specifically making it I remember that I had I had to be the one to proudly carry the bowl into the bedroom but um and not specifically making it and I think you said that you also took her some water oh yes um when you were in the bedroom or when you took this into the bedroom with your mom do you remember talking to her uh I mean nothing no no particular conversation but I mean she was up and you know interacting with us and um do you remember talking but not specifically what was said uh uh I mean I couldn't quote but just generally like oh thank you for the food and um telling her we loved her and her you know responding to that um do you remember your mom volunteering in the classroom on Wednesdays with Miss DeFazio uh yes I remember I mean I remember seeing her in the classroom but um most of my specific memories are whenever there'd be a field trip those stand out a little bit more you remember your mom coming on field trips yeah um do you remember any conversation with Miss DeFazio about your mom on December 2nd no I don't remember talking to her about about my mom I want to go back then to that or go up forward a day to that December Third Day the day your ma passed away um did you see your mom that morning yes we went to go say goodbye to her before we left for school and where was she she was in bed and was she still sick uh yes her breathing was raspy that morning um but she still you know gave us a hug told us she loved us um and you know before we left um you just said that her breathing was raspy was that different than what you had seen or heard on the night before December 2nd yes I don't remember her having the same the same breathing on on the day the day prior um so on December 3rd um you talk to your mom yes we before we left for school the only the only specific like exchange that I remember in in detail is just you know I love you and then her responding I love you too was she moving uh I mean she didn't get out of bed but she was I mean she turned to look at us she gave us a hug um so she was you know you know moving around at least that much um that morning did you catch the school bus um I usually took the bus I don't I don't recall that I don't remember specifically that morning it was just kind of part of my routine so it doesn't doesn't really stand out prior to leaving the house did you have any conversation with your dad about how your mom was doing yes um we we talked about how we were going to come straight home after after school he was going to pick us pick me up uh we'll pick both of us up and if she wasn't feeling better we're going to take her straight to the straight to the doctor and that was prior to leaving for school yes day when in school do you remember having any specific conversation with Eric Shore about your mom I I don't remember I I'm sure I would have spoken to him but I don't remember any specific conversation do you remember specifically what you said to him about the conversation you had with your dad I I don't remember exactly what I would have said to him yes and what you just said was that your dad said that he was going to pick you and your brother up and then go home yeah is that what happened uh yes we yeah we got home um and yeah we wanted to go see her obviously but he uh we told us to wait in the living room to so so he could go check if she was asleep um or you know didn't want two kids two kids just jumping on her um and did you stay in the living room then yes we did and I think you Douglas and I did and at some point your dad came back out of the bedroom yes and it was at that point that you saw him crying yes after your dad came down the hallway um what did he say to you uh he told he told us to stay to stay on the couch and asked me to put on a movie for Doug and did you do that yes um where did your dad go uh he went to uh towards the kitchen where the I heard him talking on the telephone hmm after your dad was finished on the talk talking on the telephone where did he go then uh he went back to the bedroom at some point um did police officers show up at your house yes um police officers there's an ambulance outside too there was one um one officer in particular that kind of hung out with Doug and I and showed us her baton and just kind of keeping us entertained and distracted um when you were in with the officer who kept you distracted do you know where your dad was um we were in the living room and the foyer but um I don't remember him I don't remember him being there with us I think he was still down in the bedroom but I didn't we didn't we never went down to the bedroom side yeah at some point did you leave your home yes we um went and spent the night at uh um my Aunt Laura at Laura's house did you see your dad the next day yeah yes he he came and saw us uh the the next morning and what did he tell you at that point um or whatever whatever you remember from that point yeah um he uh he he sat us down on his lap um and told us she passed um I'd kind of already knew at that point um and I don't remember What specifically he said to me it kind of I was kind of just numb and he may have just may as well have been talking to the wall I was kind of just in a daze um did anyone else talk to you that day yeah yes I remember my aunt and my grandparents both sitting down with us individually too but I it was kind of the same reaction I was kind of just numb I spent the entire time feeling guilty that I wasn't crying button did you go to your mom's visitation yes we uh my dad Doug and I had um we arrived first at the funeral home before anybody else was there um and we had a a private time with with her so you and your dad and Doug um spent time alone with your mom without anyone else yes David when you saw your dad um coming down that hallway sobbing or crying had you ever seen him that way before that was the first time I'd seen him cry foreign so David I'm going to show you madam clerk what number are we on for exhibits what's the next number yes so what would that number be um so these will be on States exhibit 130 and if we could just have the computer switched over to this one um so David do you recognize who's in that picture yes that's uh myself my mom and uh Douglas and then in this picture do you recognize who's in it yes that's also my mom uh with me and then Doug in the uh the back seat and then the third one do you recognize what this is uh yeah the my 3DS dad David and Doug are custom license plate so you knew that was your mom's license plate yeah and I can remember that red car that it was attached to as well um now do you have pictures of you I do yes and um did she often take pictures with you and and Douglas uh yeah we we we took pictures frequently and uh you know not just from the license plate but you know that you and Douglas you were everything to your mother right yes now after your mom's death you grew up with your dad right yes um and you lived with him in the same household until you were about 17 right uh in the same household so we we moved um a few times so I mean that but when you grew up who were in a home with your dad yes until you were at least 17. uh yes um and during that time after your mom's death your dad started dating Kelly Labonte um at some point I don't remember exactly one um and you don't know when he actually started dating her right no but you know that Kelly Labonte started coming to your house right um the the only the only time I specifically remember her in um yeah there's only one time I specifically remember her at the the house on Lake Shore Drive the Pleasant Prairie house yes um and do you remember her being at your birthday party that January 1999. um no I I don't remember I don't remember much about that party and then um the months after you don't remember much about Kelly Labonte being at your house no I don't but then you moved to a house in Kenosha yes on the North side I remember her being there okay and that's where Kelly Labonte moved into the home yes and I've been calling her Kelly Labonte but she was Kelly Jensen to you right yes and um yes eventually starting you know calling her mom um she married your father correct correct yes sorry um and so she changes changes her last name so she's Kelly Jensen yes um and so basically as soon as you moved into that house in Kenosha until the time you were at least 17 you were living with your dad and with Kelly Jensen yes and Douglas of course too yes now Douglas he's five years younger than you correct yes okay so you were born in January of 1990 and he was born in March of 95. okay foreign now after your mother died were you able to talk about her with people in your family um yes I'm I mean I remember talking with my grandparents about her um reminiscing but uh and you've talked about some memories um can you tell us what is your best memory with your mother best memory um Eagle Tower up in Door County we went we had family uh extended family in Dark County in Sister Bay so we would vacate vacation up there pretty frequently um to go cross-country skiing in the winter or biking in the the fall and at Peninsula State Park there's an old fire watch tower um and just climbing that with her and looking out um over the bay I loved it up there with her and so your mom was really active yes a bike she would bike with you yes yeah now I'm going to ask you some questions about this very difficult time period um when your mom passed away but before we get to that I want to ask you about the computer do you remember like the time of year when you got that computer that ended up in the den of your house I I don't remember exactly when I saw your mom yes I was doing on the computer I I don't so your mom actually wasn't very good with computers at all right I I couldn't say one way or the other so do you remember joking with your teacher Ms DeFazio about how your mom really didn't know anything about computers I I don't remember that and you had some interesting computers right uh yes I I liked playing on it so it was something that you would play on yes um and so did you joke with Ms DeFazio that you had to show your mom what to do on the computer because you actually knew more than her uh no I I don't remember that trying to teach your mom how to do things on the computer um no no I don't remember that okay and so you know for a lot of these questions um you might not remember and then for some questions you might not know um so if you don't remember just say I don't remember and then if you don't know say I don't know okay okay and I'm just I'm just saying you that so I don't have to ask it after every single one okay okay so I don't have to say well do you not remember or you don't know okay okay all right so I want to talk to you about uh the morning of December 2nd so that would have been the day before your mother died so that morning your mom was supposed to go to Ms defazio's class right um if yeah like if it was a Wednesday then yes um now you say you don't remember giving Ms DeFazio a note I don't but your mom was sick that morning right yes and um Ms DeFazio asked you about your mom being sick right I I don't know I don't remember and you told Ms DeFazio that your mom was coughing really bad right um well I I don't remember her coughing until the next day but um but I don't remember or don't know about that conversation with Miss DeFazio okay so you're not saying it didn't happen you're saying you don't remember correct I have no recollection of it now that day also you ended up going to your friend Eric Shore's house after school on that Wednesday um I don't I don't remember specifically on that day okay so again it's not I don't it's not it didn't happen it's I don't remember correct um and so if Ms DeFazio says she got a note and in that note it also said you were going to Eric's house after school you just don't remember that yeah I I correct I have no recollection of it now you told your friend Eric Shore that your mom was really sick too right I don't remember the con the specific conversation with him but I'm sure I would have talked to him about it and in fact when you told your friend this you demonstrated to him how your mom was breathing do you remember doing that I I don't remember doing that that is like deep and raspy breaths do you remember demonstrating that for your friend Eric Shore I I remember witnessing her her the breathing on her but I don't I don't remember demonstrating it and actually you've never testified before in this case at all no this is my first time okay so um you might have heard a lot of other people testified around 2008 but you didn't I did not know and you know your friend Eric Shore he's actually testified now three times in connection with this case okay I knew he had testified I didn't know how many times including years ago when when these events would have been closer in time um I was aware he testified during the original uh so like in 2007 2008 yeah I was aware that he testified then so for you it's tougher because um you didn't testify in those times I have no ass I don't didn't have any don't have any written record or anything of it now um in terms of that day December 2nd um again you you don't remember this but you had that note to go to Eric Shore's house and then after that that was a Wednesday do you remember having karate on Wednesdays uh yes I remember having the karate class now do you actually have any memory of going to karate the day before your mom died uh not not of that week no okay okay according to your normal schedule you would have had that but you just don't know if you went or not I I don't remember no um but you do remember coming home and um trying to help your mom by giving her mac and cheese and your mom was in bed in the morning right that morning of December 2nd uh yes um and that's that wasn't usual for your mom right yeah yes usually she'd be up and helping us get ready for school right so her her still being in bed was unusual um and then when you came home that night your mom was still in bed right uh yes and do you remember trying to be extra quiet that night so your mom could rest uh I don't remember that specifically but it would make sense [Music] and so I think you told us that what you remember about that night is just kind of hanging out with her in the bedroom uh I remember bringing the food to her I don't remember if we spent an extended period of time like watching TV or something in there um I don't remember that have any idea during this time period what your bedtime was oh um I I remember it being 8 30 at one point because I would get upset during the summer because it would still be light outside um and I didn't want to go to bed when I there was sunlight so I could play um uh I I don't remember what it specifically was like during the school year for this particular particular time frame so do you think you would have been asleep on a school night around 9 9 30 10. yeah I I that sounds reasonable but I I can't remember specifically happening after that in your house uh no um so now I want to take you to the morning of December 3rd that morning um when you woke up that morning and you saw your mom she was still in bed right yes and that morning when she was in bed she was breathing really badly yes it was labored and raspy and in fact that morning you were really worried about your mom weren't you yes it was clear that she wasn't getting better you didn't want to go to school uh I didn't want to go to school I don't remember if I specifically didn't want to go to school I just remember being worried about her and you wanted your dad to take your mom to the to the hospital right we yes so we we talked about um oh yeah just you know when you're sick you can you rest and pretty not getting better then we go see the doctor so we were the discussion was that if yeah she wasn't feeling better when we got home we'd take her to the hospital okay so [Music] um in the months after your mom died a detective ended up talking to you at the police station do you remember that yes okay and um when you talk to the detective about it you told the detective that you asked your dad that morning if your mom needed to go to the hospital I I don't remember any of like the specific questions I remember getting picked up from school and going to the police station and like the interrogation room um which was full of Burger King bags but um I don't remember any of the specific discussions um while I was there um so I I couldn't say okay um so again you're not saying you didn't say this you're just saying you don't remember correct yeah I don't I don't remember any specific discussion or questions during uh when I was when I was there okay so you don't remember saying that asking your dad if your mother needed to go to the hospital I don't and you don't remember your dad saying no I don't and you do remember though that your dad promised you that when you got home on the third if your mom wasn't better that you would take her to the hospital or he would yes we were going to come straight home from school and check on her now the morning of December 3rd you never saw your mother get out of bed right no I no I didn't and in fact that morning um your mom couldn't even speak right uh no I I remember um telling her she I remember her telling us she loved us um so I think she was able to speak um didn't you tell your father or remind your father in April of 1999 that your mom couldn't talk that morning I I don't remember that I'm so worried about her you wanted her to go to the doctor right yes that said no I don't remember that I I I don't remember a specific no it was just we were going to take her home or take her after school if she wasn't feeling better now did you tell your friend um Eric Shore that you wanted your mom to go to the hospital I I don't I don't remember the specific conversation with him that day um so I I don't remember um did you tell Eric Shore that even though you wanted your your mom to go to the hospital your dad said no I I don't remember remember now the afternoon of December 3rd um do you remember on Thursdays in that school year that you had a French Club oh um yes I do I haven't thought about that in a very long time yes I do remember um yes I remember I was I was part of that um and you would agree you weren't at home for an hour or anything like that before the police and the ambulance got there right uh uh I'm I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry can you repeat the question so when you got home on December 3rd it was pretty quick that the police and the ambulance got there right uh yeah I couldn't give you an exact time but yes I don't remember me I think it was it was it wasn't that long it's pretty shortly after we got home so if we know that the police and the am PS got there around 4 30 that afternoon um then you wouldn't have been home since like 3 30 or anything like that right uh no I don't I don't think so um because actually when when you got home that day you wanted to run to your mom right yes I want to go check on her because if she wasn't better she was going to go to the hospital yes but your dad wouldn't let you run to your mom right uh no he told us to wait in the living room so he could check on her tell you to take um Douglas and and take the dog out for a walk uh I don't remember that okay do you remember ever saying that to your teacher Ms DeFazio once you got back to school I I don't so when you left for school on December 3rd that morning you were afraid for your mom right I was worried about her and you thought she should go to the hospital uh yes just that was kind of my young young David's frame understanding of it was you know when you're sick you rest until until you get better if you don't get better you go to the doctor um now I have a few other questions about afterwards um and then growing up um in your dad's household your dad was pretty good with computers right uh I I'd say so I mean um yes he was a proficient with them um and would he tend to be more of a night owl on the computer uh yeah I I got that from him too a bit of a night owl and your dad actually built a computer right oh uh I don't remember that you don't recall that I don't no but you recall him being very good with computers uh yeah I remember him using them frequently um when he started this construction business he designed his own logo and did all that by himself on the on the computer so yeah foreign now do you remember a time period after your mom's death when you you no longer saw her side of the family uh I mean we didn't see them frequently beforehand um but we it really fell off um after she passed we tried for a couple a few Christmases after to try to get together with them but I didn't see them very often and before that you'd see him for birthday parties the one the one birthday party I remember kind of stands out because it was an outlier um we did I don't remember seeing them very often um you remember your cousin Kim yes and she was around your age a little bit younger um do you have um like any keepsakes from your mom um I have a lot of a lot of the photographs those are those are the main the main thing that I'll go through occasionally that's all the questions I have thank you all right uh are we going to have any redirect not from us thank you Mr Jensen thank you your excuse thank you
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Id: Lf4p_cStFog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 21sec (3381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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