Mark Cuban Owns Skip Bayless!

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we want to start by just finding out what's your and you may have more than one issue but what's your biggest issue with skip it's not just skip is its sports writers sports media in general where everything's generalities right excruciating pressure what the hell is that right you know it's need leading pressure there is that meaning what skip meaning that you personally watched up close and personal what LeBron went through last year against your Dallas Mavericks was it not the biggest collapse of a superstar that we've ever witnessed on a finals or championship stage no I mean first of all it's a team game right you guys like to talk in complete generalities where no one can question you right you don't ever use facts you don't ever use substance you don't ever use facts no that's all I use on this show what excruciating pressure undeniable this you know it's just all generalities there's never been a star under more pressure going into a Finals a championship series or game than LeBron James was under after nine years and three League MVPs well first of all you have the presumption that people care what you say they don't that when the guys want that when guys you're up in you know no I'm talking about media in general when guys get ready to play and they're in the locker room they're not thinking okay well what's written what's going to be written what's being said right I mean they're getting prepared and if you've got a good coach and you've got a good culture then guys are ready to play no matter what like you guys were just talking about you know Miami wanted to wanted it more or less like that is just hype such horse you know what right there's no such thing as team it's not that oklahoma city don't want it more I think Miami was better prepared to play the game than Oklahoma City in terms of adjustments and changes now if you want to start talk about double teams and how they were used whether or not they should have played zone what defensive structure was in place that's a valid conversation but you're saying they wanted it more that's ridiculous okay when you get to when you Kevin Durant and you're Derek Fisher and you're Russell Westbrook etc and you're at that that closeout game there's nobody that wants it more it's just a question of who executes better and then you decide why we would play it harder in the last games Miami did every game LeBron played harder than Kevin Durant did four straight games that is the most ridiculous thing any sports writer has ever said now if you think when Kevin Durant walked off the court he thought yeah I didn't play quite hard enough right now you can say like he wasn't put it that he wasn't put in a position to succeed you could say that they didn't write the run the right place I didn't get the ball to him on the block enough and if you were smart you'd come out and you'd have substance you say you know what this is how many plays they ran to him on the block here's how Miami defended it now you can also argue that the Pat Reilly way is always the same way all the time Miami played it the same way all the time and then we can have discussion discussion about adjustments like last year did we play harder than the heat is that what you think it was no I don't I think LeBron disappeared and shrank in crunch time of the fourth quarter and I can just show you the numbers of what he didn't do in air so we should we get no credit for not putting him in a position to succeed right we played they he can put himself in all he did was stand out on the perimeter now how do you think we defended that why do you think he was standing out there I didn't have to defend it alright so no matter what we did he was just gonna stand there and do nothing well I that's all I saw that was that was a lot of exactly right chin hopefully way to save the day that's you're exactly right that's all you saw you didn't look right I mean I am that's a complete insult to us to say you know what the adjustments that we made what did you do to force him out there we had different we had like six seven different types of matchups in our zone right and we played man to man and we had a variety of different switches right so we knew that 90% of his shots were going to come from the left hand side right we knew that if you gave him room from the left he was going to drive now we didn't have the athletes at Oklahoma City so we had to plan differently sure so we need to make sure that we pushed him out away and then we gave him different looks every time he had the ball because just making him forced just forcing him to make a decision right to think about what he had to do taking the time to read our we in his own what type of zone we and how we matching up what type of rotations are we in making him think made them pass the ball around the perimeter which gave us a chance to adjust right now they're smarter they're better team this year they deserved to win this year but you know that's the way we played it and so it wasn't just LeBron LeBron actually played it right more often than not he made the right pass to the right guy who didn't make the right play and that's exactly what we wanted we wanted to get the ball out of their hands and into the hands of somebody else who we wanted him to play Michael Jordan and make somebody play Steve Kerr now last night Mike Miller Devils - yeah they had everybody stepping up and they deserved every bit you know so okay you're not you're talking generalities and Johnson you okay you spewed out some generality about our players don't care okay let me tell you that for a fact and Steve and I can validate this LeBron James listen to what I said for about what eight years because that's all I heard he said I was his Howard Cosell and this year for the first time to his credit he tuned out all the noise that's all we saw in the finals was he's reading the hunger Hunger Games trilogy before the games he's meditating on the bench before the games he Tunes he loves us out this is a skip bayless special LeBron lost last year because he was a paying attention to Skip Bayless LeBron wanders here because he wasn't but he just said okay did he not say that okay here's what he did here's what he didn't do against you guys okay he let you off the hook because he didn't do what we saw him do for four straight games he didn't drive through your zone and slash it up and dish he didn't post up at all he this was a new deal this is a new post up game that we saw this year from LeBron he shredded the Oklahoma City defense because he drove and he dished ok what kind of event went when he wanted to write a pretty jump shooter against you guys and it played right into your hands because he's a below-average jump shooter from the perimeter okay skip so when he was on the post what were the different defensive schemes at Oklahoma City ran last night they had they used Sefolosha and they used Durant on him when he was in the booth what were the difference defensive schemes you Baca was supposed to come hard he's supposed to come hard he did not come hard he let LeBron get to the rim repeatedly and Perkins was nowhere just any simple question I just told you no you say so what so was supposed to know they they doubled from down right and they doubled and they passed and they hit their open shots right when they kept on Dublin they change right because they've passed it back pass it out Mike Miller hit open shot but that's just wanting to get you guys last year not at all in the fight now why do you play a zone skip well again I seen him slash up any kind of defense when he feels like I skipped one of the things right Ryan you just said you don't have athletes that they have right and that's why we play more zone than possibly Oklahoma City did because we had smarter players so not necessarily is athletic [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MrPurple0
Views: 3,025,719
Rating: 4.8969002 out of 5
Keywords: espn, first take, mark cuban, stephen a smith, skip bayless, lebron james, heat, mavs, shark tank, pwned
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2012
Reddit Comments

Cuban ‘you talk in generalities,’

Skip: no, i just talk facts

First ‘fact’ afther that :

‘There have never been an athlete under more pressure as lebron’..

Yeah quantify that ..

👍︎︎ 1617 👤︎︎ u/CHE-B5 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

SAS did not utter a word, the most quiet he's ever been.

👍︎︎ 1920 👤︎︎ u/DollaDanADream 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cuban: "Why do you play a zone Skip?"

Skip: ..................

👍︎︎ 1174 👤︎︎ u/grettispaghetti 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Haha, you and me buddy. I love Skip's facial expressions in the beginning, so much indulgence in there, and then slowly but steadily the twitches started to show up. Mark just rinsed Skip.

👍︎︎ 265 👤︎︎ u/DifferentCloud 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh boy Thkieeeeuhhp he got you good - Shannon Sharpe

👍︎︎ 574 👤︎︎ u/titolavar 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mark was right. The whole didn’t want it more than the other guy storyline is messed up

👍︎︎ 603 👤︎︎ u/bigking-s 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

The best part is when he calls him chip on accident lmao

👍︎︎ 163 👤︎︎ u/realistweirdist 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cuban really knows basketball, mavs fans are lucky.

👍︎︎ 785 👤︎︎ u/drew3279 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish I was "wear a smurf shirt on national tv" rich

👍︎︎ 179 👤︎︎ u/fuber 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
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