Mark 9:1-29 :: “Behold and Become Like Jesus”

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[Music] good morning calvary nexus please turn to mark nine we're going to be in mark 9 we're going to start at verse 1. we're going to go to verse 29 while you guys are turning to mark 9 and while i'm waking up because i'm not a morning person um there's just a couple things i kind of want to like open up with there's this there's these things in our brain called mirror neurons so if you've ever heard like the old saying you can't get better at something just by like watching someone do it um that's actually scientifically disproven you can get better at something by watching someone do it the reason is our mirror neurons in our brain when we watch someone perform in action our brains will fire off as if we're the ones doing that action so it actually reinforces what we're seeing that's why people say that most behavior is caught not taught right like parents i'm sure you can relate you'll tell your kids for 30 seconds why they should speak a certain way and then maybe you'll say something maybe a word or two and then all of a sudden the two words that you didn't want them to say obviously and then that's the only thing that they can remember and it's not anything that you actually taught them in ancient israel at the time and life of jesus there's this method of teaching called rabbinical discipleship it's how the rabbis actually taught they wouldn't just all right meet us in a classroom and then we're going to tell you guys some stuff you're going to take some notes and then we're going to all go home the way that rabbinical discipleship worked was you're going to live with me we're going to do life together if you want to know how to worship god you're going to watch me worship god and so there's this big concept that i did not come up with some theologian whose name i cannot remember at this moment kind of came up with this phrase but there's a saying in theology that you become what you behold you actually become what you behold so we're talking today about jesus's transfiguration jesus transfigured we're going to talk about a boy healed and the whole idea is that we become what we set our minds on and our sights on so let's become like jesus by beholding his glory let's go we're going to start in verse 1. i'll just read for a bit verse 1 mark 9 and he said to them assuredly i say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of god present with power let me pray but i am not qualified to teach your word and so i'm just gonna boast in my weakness this morning lord it's not about me it's not about my skills it's not even about my preparation lord it is all about you your glory your spirit all to the praise of our heavenly father lord to help us just get caught up in that help my family to pray for me as i speak not just my opinions lord but help me really to speak your words in jesus name amen all right so in these first 13 verses it's usually called the transfiguration we're going to get into what that means but we're going to see that the king is inaugurated and we're going to start with what the kingdom of heaven is in verse 1. i'll read again and he said to them assuredly i say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of god present with power okay where are we jesus is not just like this isn't some thought just sort of suspended in space if you go back to chapter eight at the end of it where we're at is we're in this place called caesarea philippi which was like vegas on ancient steroids this place was terrible and it was the last place you would ever associate with god so of course jesus is like let's go do some crazy ministry over there and jesus asked them who do you say that i am and peter says you're the christ and jesus says yeah so you know what you do now is you take up your cross you deny yourself and you follow me and he doesn't just say yep you do that because that's what you're supposed to do verse one here is a promise if you take up your cross if you deny yourself if you follow me you will see the kingdom of god present with power and the kingdom of god really is the reign of the risen jesus that now is and will be fully revealed at the last day everyone's gonna see jesus as king of kings and lord of lords everyone will everyone is going as as heavy as it seems everyone will answer to jesus it says that the father has given the son the role of judgment on the last day i know it's kind of weird we think of jesus being this like peaceful and he is and he's gentle and he is kind but he's also king of kings and lord of lords if you read in revelation the image of jesus with a sword coming out of his mouth and eyes like fire and his robe is dipped in blood that is that's some powerful imagery this is not just some gentle suffering servant yes he did suffer and he did serve but that's not his eternal existence his eternal existence is as king of kings and lord of lords and we as believers get to actually witness that we get to experience that and we get to show that to the world so now in the next three verses we're going to talk about the king and the subjects starting at verse two now after six days jesus took peter james and john and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves and he was transfigured before them his clothes became shining exceedingly white like snow such as no launderer on earth can whiten them verse 4 and elijah appeared to them with moses and they were talking with jesus okay so we see here that jesus is to be seen jesus takes the sometimes called the three this was jesus's three closest friends of the twelve disciples peter james and john now if you're gonna pick any three people to be your inner circle and to be kind of like your core team in building the church peter james and john are the three last guys you would ever want to pick they are super brash and while they're really zealous a lot of times they have uh this horrible disease called foot and mouth syndrome and we're gonna see that even more in this next in this next part now the mountain that they're going up to i believe it's unnamed but i believe it's mount hermon because that was in the area of caesarea philippi and this mountain you guys is almost three times as tall as any other mountain in israel like when luke talks about this because matthew and luke both talk about this luke says they're going up to the mountain and the readers are like oh i know what mountain he's talking about he's talking about mount hermon for sure it's not name but traditionally some commentators think that that's what i think so you can imagine like we're not just going up on that hill over there like they climbed a mountain it probably took days and peter james and john are like dude what the heck are you doing to us up here and then he transfigures before them now that's why it doesn't say it transforms it's because transfigure just means that his figure was changed his appearance changed his form didn't change who jesus was didn't change he didn't become divine he's always been divine he's always been eternal and he's always been god so he's just showing them that he's like hey i know you guys thought i was this lowly messiah but isaiah talked about how messiah was mighty god so i'm showing you the mighty god part right now this word for transfiguration is actually used in a couple other places in the new testament one is romans 12 2 where it says that we are transformed or transfigured by the renewing of our mind like we're becoming who we really are in jesus because of our faith in him we're actually becoming who our true identity is as our minds are transformed even crazier in second corinthians chapter three at verse 18 says that we behold his glory as if in a mirror and we're becoming like him as we behold his glory when we see jesus for who he truly is in first john chapter 3 verse 2 john says that we'll become like him as we see him for who he truly is now when i first came to the lord the big emphasis was on like salvation from sins forgiveness of sins like that way you don't go to hell and you go to heaven it's like that's great but this other idea of you actually sharing in the glory of jesus the word talks about being partakers of that same glory of that likeness of jesus as we behold them that's something i don't hear a ton about but it's true like that's we are his subjects in the kingdom and we are supposed to become like christ that's what christian literally meant was like a little christ that's such a heavy thought and then uh elijah and moses are there like no big deal okay these two guys basically represent all the old testament moses represents the law elijah represents the prophets elijah if you don't know much about him he's gnarly he called down fire from heaven one time to disprove a bunch of prophets that their god was false and that yahweh was the true god and he's one of two people which is i can count on one hand how many people that is he's one of two people in the bible who didn't taste death and went just straight up to be with the lord the only other person was enoch and we don't know much about him it just said that enoch was and then he wasn't anymore because he walked with god like i would love to know more about that so i can just skip all of this mess and elijah also got to skip that mess but but the word says that they were still people with the nature like us they weren't these crazy heroes of the faith moses didn't even make it into the promised land he actually died outside of the promised land and then god buried his body so these people that seem like great heroes of the faith here's jesus shining as this passage says as no launderer on earth can whiten clothes i love that they included that the only time in the bible you see the word launderer like mark's like you've never seen white this white before okay like fresh new white nikes don't even compare to how bright and shining jesus was in this moment and jesus is offering us a greater ministry than even elijah or moses like the old testament it seems like so powerful with all its miracles and god walking around as a pillar of fire jesus is offering us the ministry of reconciliation meaning that we get to be the ambassadors on behalf of god who tell people you don't have to live in fear anymore you don't even have to fear death anymore you get to place your faith in jesus and actually live with him forever and take on his nature and his likeness forever and nothing can ever interrupt that as we're going to see though this isn't received perfectly by the three so in the next two verses we're gonna read about the fool um verse five then peter answered and said to jesus rabbi it is good for us to be here and let us make three tabernacles one for you one for moses and one for elijah verse six because he did not know what to say for they were greatly afraid and we're gonna see that jesus is to be feared and i know that's a weird concept but just follow me for a minute so peter didn't know what to say and he spoke out of fear right i would say that a lot of times when we put our foot in her mouth it's actually out of fear and discomfort and like fear of awkwardness right when we should just be silent if you've ever read the book of job when job's life just turns into shambles and his friends show up his friends don't say anything for a week his friends just sit there and cry with him and mourn with him like that's when people are hurting that's really the kind of the kind of help that they're looking for but in this instance peter says in uh his second letter to the church second peter chapter 1 verse 18 that when we were up on the mountain we beheld and we saw his glory and so their reaction to seeing jesus's glory is fear that's usually the reaction in the bible of people meeting god for the first time and sometimes even the second and the third time absolute just fear scripture repeatedly tells us to fear god and the first chapter proverbs at verse 7 says at the beginning of wisdom hey you want to start becoming wise fear of the lord is the beginning of that and we're not talking about being afraid of god actually it's the craziest thing in exodus 20 which is when the 10 commandments are delivered by moses to the people what happens right after the ten commandments are given it says that the people were terrified and they're like we're not coming near that mountain at all because there's lightning and smoke and fire and it's freaking us out you're gonna go talk to god for us and moses is like no no god put the fear of him before you so that you wouldn't be afraid which almost doesn't make any sense in matthew's account of this exact event of the transfiguration it says that the disciples just like fell on their faces and are trembling and terrified and jesus is the one who lifts them up and says be not afraid arise we see that when you fear god you have nothing to fear this idea of fear in the ancient world and even in a lot of cultures today makes a lot of sense like oh yeah you you respect and you don't mess with people in authority you do not mess around with people in power like that's just what you do you don't do that with parents you don't do that with bosses you don't do that with government officials you just don't do that that's sort of the same reverence we're talking about here yes jesus is our friend and our savior and our high priest we get to enter the throne room of grace boldly like a little kid just run into his father but still understanding like in a sense jesus is not your homeboy he's your king and he's your lord and he's to be revered and respected in the next two verses we read about the inauguration of the king sorry verse 8 and a cloud came and overshadowed them and a voice came out of the cloud saying this is my beloved son hear him verse 8 suddenly when they had looked around they saw no one anymore but only jesus with themselves we see here that jesus is to be heard so peter didn't know what to say spoke out of fear i can relate to that and then god the father comes out and says something very similar to what he says when jesus is first baptized in mark chapter 1. he says this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased hear him listen to him we live by faith we read that in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 7. and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god we read that in romans 10 9 10 17 excuse me god's big thing that he wanted the three especially probably peter to understand was hey just listen to him hear him know his words know his voice we need to know god's word like we absolutely should dedicate ourselves to it i've got no less than three or four devices that can pull up any translation of the bible i've ever whatever flavor i'm feeling that day of a still accurate bible translation at any time completely for free i can have it read to me back by like ah this person's kind of slow i think i'll go with a british accent today like that is the access to god's word that we have today like people haven't even had the bible as a book that they can read right in front of them readily available until the 1500s like our moment in church history should be mind-blowing to us the access to god's word is it's almost too easy and i think that's what it is because it's free because it doesn't cost us because it's so available and abundant i think we can just say i'll i'll get to that later like i've read i've already i've already read the bible like i don't need to read it again god's word is living and it's alive and it's active and it's sharper than to any two-edged sword and it splits between spirit and soul it stares us in the face and it confronts us with our faults but we cannot neglect going to the word coming to the word in the flesh jesus that was actually his main problem one of his main problems with the pharisees is that he said you guys read the bible up and down and you guys know it really well you search the scriptures looking for eternal life but you refuse to come to me i don't want us to become such students of the word that we forget to go to the one who the word is about and so we see that jesus is to be heard both in his word and in our quiet times of prayer in the next two verses we're going to read about the king's secret now as they came down from the mountain he commanded them that they should tell no one the things they had seen so the son of man had risen from the dead so they kept this word of themselves questioning what the rising from the dead meant and we see that jesus is to be obeyed so he tells him not to talk to anybody about this until he dies and raises again which very much confuses them because they have been taught we'll get into that their whole life that messiah was going to just like kick down the door of rome and just like make israel like the top dog again on planet earth so like what are you talking you're not supposed to die that was why jesus called peter satan in the last chapter get behind me satan was because peter's like trying to rebuke jesus like no no no jesus you're not you're not gonna die you can't die you're the messiah i don't know if you know much about yourself but you're a messiah and you cannot die so he's trying to tell them even though it's still confusing to them they're like questioning what the rising from the dead meant like he was speaking like metaphorically or like spiritually or something he didn't just say he didn't just mean what he said he both fails to meet their expectations as a messiah and as a liberator and yet completely exceeds their expectations by being god incarnate by being the only begotten son of god so he told them not to why wouldn't you want people to know you about your glory jesus like why are you only bringing the three of us not the 12 of us up here like i'm sure i don't know what's going on with him i'm sure judas could like really benefit from seeing like you and your glory and it was for the sake of the cross if people knew about his glory like you already saw how peter was like you're not gonna die imagine if more people knew about that they wouldn't let him go anywhere they would just be bodyguarding him 24 7. the whole point was for the cross because without the cross there's no forgiveness of sins there's no atonement that's why he did it and so he tells them hey even though this doesn't make sense right now obey me i think we can all agree that that is something that many of us have believers have experienced there's a song lyric i love that says when i don't understand i'm going to trust you god i don't we don't have to like in a sense we don't have to completely understand god in order to obey him because we're not going to because our minds are not like his mind our thoughts are not like his thoughts so then in the next three verses we read about the king's messenger and they asked him saying why did the scribes say that elijah must come first and he answered and told them indeed elijah is coming first and restores all things and how is it written considering the son of man that he must suffer many things and be treated with contempt but i say that elijah has also come and they did to him whatever they wished as it is written of him kind of a weird like maybe quiet maybe still like kind of a little shell shocked by seeing what they just saw and then peter gets into like or they asked him about like end time stuff like yeah but like what about like biblical prophecy stuff like what about elijah and things like that like i feel like it was almost like a deflection like i don't really i can't talk to you about what i just saw and i was like let's make this about elijah because like that i understand and jesus actually doesn't rebuke them or anything he says yeah elijah is going to come and this whole thing was because the very last biblical prophecy in the last prophetic book of the old testament malachi in chapter four and verses five through six it says that elijah's gonna come before the messiah he's going to restore all things and jesus is like yes elijah is going to come and elijah already came it's both now that doesn't make sense to many of us and if you haven't read a lot of biblical prophecy you probably think that biblical prophecy is like and on this date this is gonna happen and then this person's gonna come and do this that's not really the way that biblical prophecy pans out sometimes it's very specific most of the time it's just god's poetry him expressing his heart and it's some of the most beautiful language i've ever read if you've never read biblical prophecy it comprises about a third of the bible so it's it's a big chunk but jesus shows that it's not like this cryptic code that we gotta crack with everything going on in the middle east right now there's so many people who are like trying to like attach bible verses like what's going on and then like make predictions and like in five years this is gonna happen and then the rapture is gonna happen and seven years after that that's really not the way that we're supposed to consume biblical prophecy like it was written for us it wasn't just written about what's going on in our lives and i think that's the hard part about it we read it expecting like all right lord what do you want to tell me and then it's just like a huge rebuke against judah 2 700 years ago and you're like this doesn't really make a lot of sense to me but that's still written for you maybe not to you but it is written for you and so we see that jesus is prophecy fulfilled he ultimately fulfills all prophecies like yeah elijah's coming hey remember that part about the son of man having to suffer like you guys are really confused about the me dying thing it's going to happen it has to happen so we see that this was like the inauguration of the king and it was like the most low attended event ever it was literally three people jesus invited moses and elijah from heaven somehow i don't know how that went down and we see jesus's glory and now we're not just content with like oh jesus you're so glorious now we're gonna see him on the ground in verse 14 and when he came to the disciples he saw a great multitude around them and scribes disputing with them immediately when they saw him all the people were greatly amazed and running to him greeted him and he asked the scribes what are you discussing with them so in 14-15 we see the king's descent and we see that jesus is with us so the rest of the disciples had a crowd around them they've been like hey guys don't know where you've been for the last couple days but we've got crowds around us we've got biblical scholars trying to argue with us and debate with us and when jesus first comes down from the mountain the crowds are like amazed it says well peter james and john were afraid and amazed the crowds just knew jesus from his teachings and his miracles but the disciples knew him because they saw his glory and that was the difference between just being a crowd that followed jesus and being one of jesus's followers jesus never leaves us we see that embodied here he never leaves us or forsake us we read that in matthew 28 20 and that should cause awe and reverence like the comfort of jesus literally being present with us and in us is probably the greatest source of strength for believers at the same time it should also cause like a deep reverence like we should conduct ourselves as if we really believe that jesus is with us and goes with us in verses 16 to 18 we read about a subject's plight and he asked the scribes what are you discussing with them then one of the crowd answered and said teacher i brought you my son who has a mute spirit and wherever it sees seizes him it throws him down he foams at the mouth and gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid so i spoke to your disciples that they should cast it out but they could not we see here that jesus hears us so jesus is like i'm going to deal with these scribes guys because they're trying to like move in on my disciples and i'm the shepherd of the flock and i'm going to shepherd my flock but then the scribes don't even answer jesus this guy basically like comes in and interrupts jesus was confronting the scribes but allowed himself to be interrupted by the man jesus even jesus allowed himself to be interrupted team of kings lord of lords just blinded peter james and john by with his glory and he still is so humble that he will allow himself to be interrupted by someone with a need jesus hears all hirsch words but he also hears every single desperate plea in prayer that we offer up to him and if you see this plea this guy's son not just a health problem we're talking about a demonic possession that leads to all sorts of health problems that have almost killed him before you can imagine this guy's desperation let's keep reading in verses 19 to 20. and he answered them answered him excuse me and said o faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring him to me then they brought him to him and when he saw him immediately the spirit convulsed him and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming at the mouth it's kind of almost seems like a callous reaction to this poor guy and his son this faithless generation he's not rebuking the guy though he's legitimately mourning he's lamenting mankind's faithlessness like that's where all started was that adam and eve didn't really believe god and so every issue that mankind has as much as like people want to tie it into like psychological and sociological and political issues it really is an issue of faithlessness in god that leads to sin and that's what he's lamenting he's lamenting that this boy has to suffer because of man's faithlessness in verses 21 and 22 we read about a father's petition so he asked his father how long has this been happening to him and he said from childhood and often he has thrown him both into fire and into the water to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us so jesus asks how long has this been going on even though he already knows the answer to the question and the man responds it's been happening since childhood which might be a little confusing because it says that this was a boy so it seems like he's still in childhood but boy and the bible can also mean like a young man even up till like around my age so we can infer that this has been going on for a long time this wasn't like a last weekend he just got demon possessed like this father has probably been so desperate has gone to all of the rabbis now he's going to jesus disciples and he had probably such high hopes was looking for jesus where's jesus he's up on that mountain i don't know what he's doing but like we're here and we can try and help you actually we've cast out demons all the time before jesus gave us all authority to cast out demons so like let's go for it and so the father's probably stoked okay great and then nothing happens and then hear what the father says but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us the man has no problem believing in jesus power he's heard about jesus doing way crazier stuff than this he struggles with jesus actually caring about him he struggles with god having compassion i think we can relate with that like we know jesus is able and willing but we struggle especially when we pray what happens when the boy is first brought to him it gets worse the kid starts thrashing even more and he starts foaming at the mouth and he starts having a seizure seems like when the situation got brought to jesus initially it seems like it got way worse we read in verse 23 that the king grant's power jesus said to him if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes we see that jesus gives power through faith jesus flips this whole script on the guy he's like oh if i have compassion no this is why i'm mourning faithlessness and lack of faith and unbelief if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes later jesus is going to raise the bar even more he's like if you had faith like a mustard seed you could just go tell that mountain to just go somewhere else that is the power of faith it's not faith isn't like this hollow optimism i've heard people and i've used it too like i'm just like holding out for faith that like things are going to get better that is not biblical faith that's just empty optimism for the sake of optimism or denial real faith is strong assurance for things hope for things promised we read that in hebrews 11 1 our greatest need our greatest need no matter what we're experiencing right now is to be reconciled and sanctified by faith and jesus just gives it away as a free gift faith isn't just the beginning of our walk it's not like okay we place our faith in jesus and then like we got it from here lord thanks jesus faith in jesus is the beginning of our walk the middle of our walk and the end of our walk our life is characterized by faith and when you live by faith you can do anything probably the most impressive thing to paul that you could do with faith was live a contented life that verse in philippians that like athletes love i can do all things through christ who strengthens me like thinking about like barbells and stuff as you can see i don't have a lot of experience with those but that verse wasn't talking about like i can fly if i have enough faith what paul was talking about he says it whether i'm in abject poverty or crazy amounts of wealth and riches i can live a contented life we live in probably the most like if contentment was a place it'd probably be pleasant valley and yet so many people i've met struggle with anxiety and depression and all other kinds of mental illness we know that contentment doesn't come through our circumstances jesus is offering us contentment through faith in him and so we're going to see that jesus restores for faith's sake in verse 24 immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord i believe help my unbelief we see that jesus restores for faith's sake lord i believe help my unbelief this confession that's really what it was he was repenting of his unbelief and unbelief isn't like the lack of belief it's not the lack of faith in god unbelief is its own little secret set and list of false evidences we have against god all of us in our hearts that he's actually not good he's not who he says he is he's not true and we see this warring with this man's belief i believe but i also don't believe at the same time and i think we can all wrestle with that james calls it being double minded and just being tossed around by the waves of the ocean jesus answers prayer and restores us for the sake of our belief and for the sake of casting out our unbelief he doesn't answer prayers because like you've been doing real good or i've been doing real good he just wants to like reward us and like let us know how good we're doing he answers prayer as a response so that we can actually grow in our faith because we live by it and with it we can do all things we're going to read about the king's deliverance now in 25-27 when jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit and said to a deaf and dumb spirit i command you come out of him and enter him no more and the spirit cried out convulsed him greatly and came out of him and he became his one dead so that many said he is dead but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose so jesus waits for everybody to show up all the crowd is kind of sensing the commotion and then he commands the spirit to leave the boy and then what happens some bible commentators would say that the boy literally died like you want to talk about the situation getting worse when you bring it to jesus like this was the one like i'm sure the father would have preferred his son honestly just be demon-possessed than dead because at least he's still alive so now it just seems like the worst outcome has happened but what happens jesus has raised people from the dead before he lifts up this boy's hand and the boy comes back to life jesus not only did crazy miracles the greatest miracle he did was that he nullified the power of sin and death so that we could spend eternity with him and probably the most wild thing that i've just been sitting and meditating on is that then he put his spirit inside of us his holy spirit capital s you know one of the peop one of the persons of the trinity holy spirit who is god he said i'm gonna give you guys the comforter it's gonna be better than if i were even physically on earth holy spirit's gonna lead you he's going to convict you he's going to empower you not only did this boy have a demon cast out of him i'm sure he believed after that and by faith he was filled by god's actual holy spirit god's deliverance is so good in jesus and so in the last two verses we read about the king's methods and when he had come into the house his disciples asked him privately why could we not cast it out so he said to them this kind can come can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting so the disciples had been given earlier in chapter three all authority over demons it wasn't like i'm going to give you some power but not enough to like cast out all the demons right so they're really confused probably embarrassed uh and that's why it says in other places that they asked him privately like they kind of they waited till like the crowds dispersed and all the drama had settled down jesus's answer in matthew 20 in matthew 17 at verse 20 because it's a parallel account is a little different than this but we can assume that jesus said both when he responded in that part he says they could not cast it out because of unbelief and so here he says this kind can only come out by prayer and fasting and the this kind when you first read it it may sound like he's talking about the demon like oh only some demons are so powerful that like you gotta be praying a lot and you gotta be fasting a lot i'd be like jesus uh like how long are we talking we're talking about demon possession here it'd probably be good to get some specifics i don't think he's talking about certain kinds of demons i don't think jesus given a demonology lesson jesus is talking about unbelief because that was the whole problem the problem was not the demon possessed boy it wasn't the problem was unbelief that's why jesus responded the man if you believe like this wouldn't even be an issue and so we see that the answer to unbelief is prayer and that unbelief really is at its root just prayerlessness just a lack of prayer in our life if you're growing in doubt you can almost direct correlation in our prayer lives as prayer goes down unbelief increases as prayer goes down faith decreases prayer prayerlessness jesus is saying can only be cast out by prayer and fasting and just devotion to god so that's why we're to behold and become like jesus jesus did and said everything out of faith in the father and because of that we can approach the throne of grace boldly first john it says this is the confidence that we have in him if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and he doesn't get tired of answering our prayers it's not like the dad that just gets tired of like answering all of his kids requests all the time god is so eager and he delights in answering prayers especially when they're according to his will and his greatest desire for us is yes salvation from our sins but also being conformed into his image as we behold him and it's not even on us god says paul says in philippians chapter 1 verse 6 that he's going to finish the good work that he started in us let's pray lord thank you so much that we get to actually not just behold your glory and admire it lord but that somehow some way we get to actually become partakers of that same glory lord i don't fully think i grasp that concept lord help me to stay silent before you help me to obey the father and just to hear you jesus thank you lord for this great privilege that we don't deserve and it's only by your grace it's not because we're great or because we've earned any merits lord it's just by your mercy and your love for us that you've done this lord thank you and in jesus name we pray amen [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Nexus
Views: 124
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T7xQh2yT4jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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