Mark 4:1-20 - Jesus Shows Us The Heart

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amen good job guys all right let's open our vilas this morning to mark chapter 4 verse 1 so we continue our studies through this book written by a young man who in the late 60s saw Peter his mentor and the fella that had led him to the Lord be murdered for his faith and Mark had been writing down all of the things Peter had taught him about the Ministry of Jesus and he felt led of the Holy Spirit now to write them all down in this gospel but it wasn't without purpose God really wanted a account of his son as the servant as our example someone we would follow you know you're called to serve the Lord's not good enough to sit in church there's a world that needs to hear about who he is so mark doesn't write chronologically he takes headlines that moved his heart he chooses events to show us how we also can serve even when the cost is great when the results are less than ideal if you like but he wanted to encourage the Saints under Nero's reign it was a horrible time to serve the law it may not be so easy for you and I in the days to come but serve we must in fact the theme verse of this chapter of this book is mark 10:45 it says that the Son of man didn't come to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life as a ransom for many well this morning we pick up where we left off last time with several opinions of Jesus his family the his opposition and all and what we read this morning we learn from the other chronological Gospels that this took place the same day as what we studied last week but here the Lord wants to speak to the people and it's an important lesson we're gonna take 20 verses because it's one story but it's one that you want to know well for a couple of different reasons primarily because if you go out and share with people the gospel you get various reactions and they're not always positive in fact you may get weird looks and people shaking their heads folks wanting to walk away not sure what to say you'll get a lot of this weird kind of response but underneath lots of things going on that God wants you to know about so this morning in this parable and it becomes the chief parable to help you understand all of the parables is we get this insight into it's like the Lord lives up the curtain see look happening when the word of God is preached to people in their hearts and mark doesn't cover a lot of parables most of them are found in Matthew and in Luke but but on the other hand very important to learn because we want to see things from God's perspective first one says and again he began to teach by the sea a great multitude gathered to him he got into a boat sat in it on the sea the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea and he taught them many things by parables and he said them and said them to him or said to them in his teaching you remember back in chapter 3 verse 9 that the crowds have gotten so large that around the Sea of Galilee they took a little boat and kind of dragged it along in case Jesus would get too crowded in a pond and apparently that's the boat he now gets in and he faces the shoreline and the people sit if you've ever had a chance to go to Israel with us it's amazing how well you can hear in this in this lake and then the surrounding hills about it and I can just imagine all of the folks sitting there listening to Jesus as he walked from Peter's home over to the seashore and it's kind of like a floating pulpit you know he gets to speak the people are listening but but understand and I don't want you to miss the fact that though there are great multitudes and during the second-year ministry there are tons of people but that doesn't necessarily translate into great faith and the Lord was under no illusion as to the depth or to the worth of the excitement of the people in fact though they came as an eager crowd there were very few by comparison that truly wanted to know him many wish wanted something from him even on a temporary basis just help me give me take care of me and then off they would go but but the crowds were packing in so much so he was sitting in a boat off shore to teach them there were lots of hearers in the crowd there were the hungry hearted who just wanted to know the truth those like his apostles and the disciples there were those like the scribes and the Pharisees who were just taking notes to try to trap him in his words they were the antagonists who wanted him dead and then there was everyone in between so Jesus began to teach in parables now the Lord uses a lot of teaching tool you know he uses metaphors he says to us like this I'm the door and so you get the picture of the way in and he uses similes he'll say be wise as a serpent but be gentle as a dove and then he begins to use parables parables are are an interesting teaching tool because they are juxtapositions of truth in other words the Lord will take things that you can see with your eyes point them out to the people set them next to spiritual things that you can't see and says just like what you see here this is what's going on spiritually and so he teaches by illustration spiritual things not seen by telling stories that you can I don't know if when you were a kid your parents used to tell you nighttime stories my my dad used to read his stories at night and sometimes when he was mad at us he'd read a scary ones I remember there was a couple of times good night and shut the door oh my god but he teaches them many things notice verse 2 by parable parables were designed to arouse interest and in folks that were sitting on fences so that they might begin to dig in and really want to know something they they were intended to kind of make you thirsty for more they you know to challenge you a few if you weren't really standing close to take a closer look sometimes they were used to hide the truth from folks that didn't want to hear it because the minute you hear the truth are responsible for to whom much is given much is required so God in His mercy sometimes just hid the truth from those who didn't want to hear it anyway so they weren't any more responsible than they were well here's the parable that Jesus taught from the boat to this crowd this afternoon following what we had read last week verse 3 the Lord said listen behold a sower went out to sow and it happened as he saw that some of the seed he was sowing fell by the wayside and the birds of the air came and devoured it and some fell on stony ground where it didn't have much earth immediately it sprang up because it didn't have any depth of earth when the Sun was up it was scorched because it had no root and it withered away some of the seed fell upon thorns the thorns grew up and choked it and it yielded no crop or no fruit but others seed fell on good ground and it yielded the crop that sprang up and increased and produced some 30 and some 60 and some a hundredfold and he said to them he who ears to hear let him hear now notice the Lord says in this parable to the crowd listen and it means just that hey pay attention the word behold means to look with with great interest so maybe there was a farmer up the hill you know planting the field if you go around the Sea of Galilee there's a lot of farmland there it's good to grow in and maybe the Lord pointed it out whatever it was it was a common figure to the people he was speaking to that and he wanted them to pay attention he tells them this parable known as the parable of the sower well verse 10 when he was alone with the disciples later on they surrounded him with some of the others who were following him and they said to him tell us about the parable and the Lord said in verse 11 to you and has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God to those who are outside all things will come in parables so that seeing they may see but not perceive and hearing they may hear but not understand lest they should turn in their sins be forgiven them and so the Lord and sitting down with the disciples who really wanted to understand this said to them here are the two purposes for the parables for you help you understand spiritual things see the kingdom of God see how God works for them those who willfully are a hostile we will hide the truth from them so they aren't any more responsible in fact verse twelve is found in Isaiah 6 as found in Jeremiah five is found in Ezekiel chapter 12 it's one of those principles of God that you want to rebuilt constantly against God's light eventually you'll not have that light and it it goes perfectly in line with that unpardonable sin from next week but then the Lord gives the explanation of the parables beginning in verse 13 he says to them don't you understand this parable if you don't how will it that you then understand all of the parables I want the point that out to you it's important because the parables use symbolism and the symbolism is defined by the Lord not by you if you go to Bible School they will say of the parables they have expositional constancy and what that means is when the seed means one thing in one parable it has to mean that same thing in every pair of if the words are birds in the air are evil then they're evil in every parable if the seed is the word of God then it's the word of God in every parable and and the reason it's important is if you start substituting into the parables whatever you think you can come up with just about anything but you're not going to the Bible to try to make up truth for yourself you're going to the Bible to hear God's Word and and and see his truth and so this is the the key parable notice how will you understand all the parables if you don't get this one this is the one that defines the others and like I said most of them are in Matthew and in Luke well let's look at verse 14 here it is first part the sore goes to sow a seed now anyone who shares the Word of God you and I are sores how powerful is God's Word when you go out to share your sowing a seed you're just like that farmer up on the hill hoping to get fruit out of the soil that's God's calling for all of us we read it this morning if you go forward and sow in tears and with a broken heart you want to reach people you'll come back reaping in joy so it's unfortunate that so often our view of of the seed is so different I think we are challenged sometimes they're not sharing our faith because we don't view that kind of picture but God does here's the seed go so it hears the Word of God it's powerful it can be life-changing it can bring life to dead souls go share it go share it Paul said to the Hebrews the Word of God is living and it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword and it can it can bring even to the piercing between the soul and the spirit and the joint and the marrow it can it can discern the intents of the heart go preach it a sword goes forth to sow the seed so here's a picture of you and I sharing our faith in the world sharing with those that maybe we know or sometimes those that we do not know but it is this calling of us to go out and preach the gospel to every creature and so the sower goes to sow the word he sews the seed but he sews the word the seed is the word of God I think it is because so often we have a very low view of the scriptures that we don't find much confidence when we go to share well you talk to people about sharing their faith and go I don't know what to say I'm a little nervous I'm very you know challenged I've I'm kind of hesitant but but but if you say them look this isn't you didn't write this you're just delivering this and this which you are delivering God's Word is powerful it's not just a words on a page or you know words in a book or something written long ago this is God's Word and if you look at it that way you'll see it with much greater confidence yet the focus here on this parable that Jesus gives us is where the seed falls in other words you're to go out and so but what you don't see when you go to sow is what's happening in the heart you see the facial response or the body language or the or the resistance of folks or maybe they're they look at you like you've lost your mind but you don't see what's going on in the heart and so that's really what the parable is all about what happens when the saw the the sower shows God's Word into different kinds of heart soil and the lesson is simple the Word of God will do what the condition of the heart will allow God wants fruit it's his job to to soften hearts to implant the the the seed in the heart it's your job in mind to be the farmer who sews the sea and along with verse 3 the sower who went out to sow and verse 14 that you're sowing God's Word you should understand that the seed which you go to sow is of equal value in every case in other words it's not the seed that's the problem the seed is life-giving it's God's Word the the germination issue the seed getting in and growing that has everything to do with the condition of the soil it is something you can't see but something God wants you to see and know so that when you do go out to share you rather than going God they hate me now oh they don't like me here they sure didn't respond very well or maybe I said the wrong thing you can say to yourself planted the seed don't know what's gonna happen in the heart don't know what's going on but I can plant the seed and indeed that's what God calls us to do where to preach and to share but the impact on the heart will depend upon what kind of condition it is in you know Paul said of the Romans I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it's the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first also to the Greek so here's the sower and he goes out to see it to sow and the lesson is simple when God's Word goes out it is the condition of the heart that will matter in terms of fruit we don't see it and except for right here well here's the first kind of heart verse 15 and these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown when they hear Satan comes in and he takes away the word that was sown in the heart now remember back in verse 4 when the Lord told the parable he said it happened as the so as he saw that some of the seed fell by the wayside and the birds of the air came to devour Jesus said Satan is represented by the birds of the air right the enemy comes and immediately takes the word that was sown that lands on the wayside out of the heart of the person it hears it if you go to any farmer fields they'll always be paths into the field where you know the tractors run or the horses run or or the plow is taken and that that that road or that Inlet is not is not you know turned over in terms of soil it is just left alone never plowed and it just becomes hard as rock it's like a road impenetrable so a farmer goes out to sow and he's so on the seeds sharing the Word of God and then invariably as you try to put it into the into the field some of it lands on that path and the Lord said there's hearts like that you know you go out and share the word and and it's like it falls on a path that is hardened and it falls there often in fact the verb tense here it is it is sown there often is in the verb tense itself it just keeps falling there but it can't get in the the ground is way too hard and their response to the Word of God or to the seeds some people when they hear it is much like a hard row they are untouched they are dead it is impenetrable that it makes no difference to them you know I find that there's always some folks in church and probably amongst us even this morning that are people that just have hard hearts you know the if you said to them what was the last week sermon about the villi I don't know in fact if you catch them 10 minutes after the service is over at breakfast hey was about that for me I don't remember what it was about it doesn't ever penetrate it kind of hits the chest and falls to the ground right it's it's like James said you look in the mirror you look at who you are you walk away and you immediately forget what you saw hard-hearted folks and sometimes when you are preaching and sharing those are the kind of folks that you're gonna run into they're going to be hard-hearted not listening when Paul Paul when the Lord sent Ezekiel to the people he said in chapter 33 verse 32 to Ezekiel I want you to know something when you go to stand before the people to share with them my word you're gonna seem to them to be a lovely song with a pleasant voice as someone that can play well with an instrument they're gonna be entertained by you calm but he says they will hear your words they just won't do them you're not gonna be able to get through to them oh they're respectful they'll listen but there's no change there's nothing that has moved them I are we feel sorry for folks that are in church with hard hearts and I'm sure that they come you know it's frustrating I would think to sit and receive nothing at a service I'm sure that you are watching the clock constantly is he done yet why does he keep talking Kenny just Amen let's go and and whether you're here because your parents make you or whether your spouse demands that of you or whether you're here to soothe your conscience it doesn't do you any good and so you just kind of have to suffer through it because the life-giving seed the Word of God can't get through it and the enemy is sitting right by the birds of the air ready to swoop in and make sure that God's Word has no effect to keep you from letting it have any influence at all the enemy will fill your mind your are with other things but he doesn't want that thing getting it and he actively opposes you but like a well-worn path you know for for many people life consists of getting up and going to work coming home to read the sports page having a beer with dinner watching some TV and going to bed and then sometimes we take a break two weeks from that and then we go right back to that again that's life there isn't any gross sin in their life but there's certainly no interest in the Lord and and they're kind of oblivious and maybe that's you that's what you do you go through the motions but but you should know something God can break up hard hearts Hosea says in chapter 10 he will break up the fallow ground so that you can sow righteousness in your life and if you're that hard-hearted I would say to you ask God to change your heart you can't do it he can soften me up Lord I want your word to be able to get into my life but you should know if you're going out to share with people and they just look like they're just saw a ghost you know they thought you're nuts don't be don't take a person look there's some hard hearts out there and God needs to work on them but that doesn't get you off look you still got to go so verse 16 there's another kind of heart likewise also are ones that are sown on stony ground who hearing the word immediately will receive it with gladness but they have no root in themselves so they only endure for a time and when tribulation or persecution arrived for the words sake immediately they stumbled we read in verse 5 the stony ground didn't have much depth of earth the Sun would come and scorch them they had no root it would wither away there are some folks who when they hear the word of God likewise in the same manner don't quite have the same response as no response but they do have that that that life that when they hear the word of God it is short-lived the response is shallow it is emotional it is impulsive the impact of the Word of God is very brief all of the action is on the surface and it isn't long before you know persecution and the Sun and the heat and the difficulty of walking with God get in the way these aren't soil mixed with rocks this is this is soil sitting on top of bedrock if you go to Israel one of the things farmers will tell you is that they spend most of their time clearing the earth of bedrock sometimes in Israel six inches of soil is about all you get and so it takes lots of effort to take the limestone which is so prevalent out of the soil but here's the deal if you saw on top of bedrock on top of limestone you know a lot of water is retain and it's warm and so it's a great place to grow seed they'll fall in they'll grow in a day you know there's enough water there's enough moisture there's enough warmth and and it's quick to just grow but it's also quick to just die it doesn't last very long and so verse six when the Sun goes up the seed is scorched and the word scorched you know look to verse 17 is the affliction that follows those who would follow God so there's premature growth but there's no depth there's no root system there's no life anchoring place where if the weather changes and the storms come that you're willing to pay the price so you read a couple of times verse 16 immediately they receive it with gladness and then in verse 17 immediately they stumble that's an emotional response maybe you've met people I got you brought up in a church and and maybe they respond to an altar call or so they say in these they'll say well I'm saved now and you'll say why is that I had goose bumps I cried for an hour I was unchanged and they go home just like emotionally oh I'm so I'm gonna be so much better moving forward but then the emotions subside and the cost of walking with God set in and you realize that there's been no embracing of the truth at all you know true salvation by definition is repentance of sin embracing of God's grace found in his son lots of emotional responses and lots of stuff will make your cry my wife cries at commercials and it doesn't mean she'll buy the car but she left the commercial so you've probably known someone who can just wail immediately everything moves them they seem to grow at a phenomenal rate they're a joy to behold but then there's shallow in their decision-making hasn't penetrated their heart to any degree or to any depth and again notice there's no fruit surface conversions if we'd like to call them that you will always find on the fringe of spiritual revival here's what it says in john 6:66 great way to remember from from that time many of his disciples decided to follow him no long when they got to hear about what it meant to follow the Lord what the cost would be how this was a long life and you're gonna have to put them first and they're so a price to pay anyway yeah that's not exactly what I signed up for no depth so no support you can't grow your faith on emotion you can't just get a bumper sticker and a big Bible and run to church and say look I'm saved it's like the easy come easy go and Jesus said sometimes that's what'll happen when the word of God goes out and you might run into folks like that in fact a lot of people change churches on a regular basis because of it they want to look for a new high a new feeling a new emotion oh I like this better oh I like that better oh I'm gonna find this that'll be far better it's all that emotional draws someone hurts their feelings I'm leaving the church so I'm a doesn't say hello to me I'll leave easily offended come and go just a high and low on emotions no walking with feet impulsive emotional no fruit no root no life James said blessed is the man who has endured temptation so that when he is approved he'll receive a crown of life John writes at 90 years old first John 2:19 they went out from us because they were not of us for had they been of us they no doubt would have continued with us but they went out so that it might be clearly seen but they don't belong to us so there is that that divisive 'no sand that division and the lord said sometimes when you share you'll get this great response you go all right they got say oh where do they go and no fruit because the conversion hasn't taken place in the heart verse 18 and these are the ones that sown among the thorns they hear the word of God the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches the desire for other things begin to choke out the word and it becomes unfruitful verse 7 the seed that fell among the thorns grew up choked it out and yielded no crop and again it is the third group that has no fruit and when there's no fruit you can't presume there's any life now this third group the thorny group a divided preoccupied uncommitted divided heart and notice that this group takes a little longer to evidence himself the first group has no response that's really easy the second group has a quick in quick out kind of response but this group perishes more slowly they showing this initial interest the problem for them is what it is for many people Jesus should be part of the equation not the equation so he's part of my life heat compartmentalizes I love him Sundays from 9:45 to 10:45 and then I gotta get back to the real life man cuz I got a life to live I got things to do and so in my relationship with God is compartmentalized and and my my heart is entangled with lots of things I'm there's a competition for my time and commitment and I'm led to spiritual ruin as a result crops can compete for space and the weeds are winning the heart hasn't made a clear break from the world there's no full commitment I'm being pulled in lots of different directions I'm trying to unite things that are incompatible in my life and I can't serve the Lord in the world as well but I can't bring myself to fully serve Him and Jesus said there's some folks who find that to be so and again there's no fruit there's a choking out there's a there's a death grip on the heart of someone are they saved I suspect they are not they are walking on the edges and notice that Jesus describes three types of thorns in the soil that verse seven choked out the word and yield no crop allow no fruit the cares of the world the word cares by the way is the Greek word for anxiety or worry and the word literally means sometimes it's just the day to day life and it's difficulties that begin to choke out what God wants to do in your life oh I'm so busy my life is so difficult there's so many demands on my time I don't know if I can survive the week Oh God can't fit in because I'm just trying to survive and keep my head above water Jesus said in Matthew 6 to the disciples look you should take no anxious thought for your life what you're gonna eat what you're gonna wear where are you gonna live your father knows in heaven what you have need of before you ought you just seek first his kingdom everything else would be added to you and that should work for you but it doesn't work for this guy this guy finds plenty of reasons to not be in church there's always something else to do someplace to go a demand that requires my time my choices I make oh my life is so busy I can't even hardly breathe if you saw my schedule you'd understand well I wouldn't understand and these are with the Lord the cares of this world can choke out well God wants to do if it isn't the cares of this world then it's the riches of this life that that allure you it and the deceitfulness of them an inordinate yearning for gain the rich young ruler syndrome right the great devotion that we make towards business with the argument hey I got to take care of my family hey I got a move ahead hey I got it I got to succeed in life but it's always at the expense of your spiritual well-being I can't get to church why working overtime again again yes and how come there's no peace in my life well there's this choking out of God's Word from your life and Jesus says that can happen in the heart it can happen to you pleasure and and riches and cares begin to take away so you have undivided loyalty to one or the other but not to both you can't you can't make it both work out I've either got to go one way or the other and then there's these interests or the desires for other things the word desire is the word for pleasure sometimes it's just this drive to be Pleet pleased if you will in this world I find it amazing that people can always find time for pursuing pleasure pleasure replaces the realities of life I just want to be happy you know I worked so hard I I deserve it I just need some time jesus said there was a man who worked really hard and laid up for himself treasure and he said to himself and to no one in particular you know I've laid out for myself stuff for years to come I'm just gonna eat and drink and be married and Jesus said you're a fool you die tonight where does all that stuff go then it's just that pleasure driven you know we used to only have one amusement park another cowboy we have a few more now III was talking to a guy who was on the phone last Monday and I said what are you doing he says I'm making reservations for camping for next June except for next June he said yeah you got a call year ahead well that's a pleasure driven isn't it I got to get in line for a year to go live in the tent I can't do this that doesn't seem to be a pleasure at all but look you can do that you can have the Word of God choke you out why cuz I got to go to a ball game and I gotta go to a dinner and I gotta go to this thing and I gotta go to that thing well I can't get to his church I can't get to Minister I can't read my Bible can't get up to pray I got all kinds of things that are pleasing me but I can't do anything that God would want me to do and it can happen to you and it doesn't bring life it'll hurt you you'll be choked with excuses Paul said of Dimas in his last letter to Timothy Dimas has loved this present world and has gone back to it he's just gone back to the world all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father and the world's passing away we got to be careful but again there's that that seed that falls upon a heart that that doesn't that doesn't respond it's got other things going on it has conditions that you know will not bring life but take life away well finally verse 20 we then have this wonderful first but these are the ones sown on good ground verse 8 verse 20 those who hear the word of God they accept it they bear fruit thirty sixty a hundredfold for this heart there is no impediments in the soil it isn't hard-hearted it isn't shallow it isn't preoccupied with other things it is clean and deep without hindrance and ready to accept in here and listen and follow God's work John 15 if you abide in me my words abide in you you will bear much fruit here's my father's glorify you bear much fruit they hear the word of God they accept it and they follow not all are equally productive but all are bearing fruit and the key is fruit little fruit lots of fruit much fruit from time to time that changes but you're faithful and you're productive throughout the ages of evangelism there has always been the criticism of evangelists that they over rate their success they even created a word fraud they call it the evangelistic Li speaking or they kind of stretch through there we had a million people show up you know yet the critics would do well to read this for Jesus the greatest preacher who ever lived saw 75% of the people he's fight to turn away doesn't mean he quit sewing but the math is interesting isn't it you soda for you lose three you gained one and according to verse 20 that one can gain a hundred percent fruit multiplied go read the book of Acts sometime chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 12 at least those three chapters where you read that the Word of God was preached and the disciples were multiplied there was this work of God multiplying word is so under all conditions for only God knows the condition of each heart like I said your job is to so his job is to prepare the heart so when Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 in the morning so your seed in the evening don't withhold your hand because you don't know whether it is this one or that one that will prosper either one or maybe both alike and Paul writes to Timothy before Paul is murdered you should preach the word and be instant in season and out of season to convince and rebuke and exhort with long-suffering and with teaching just speak just teach for soils reflecting for hearts that tell us how people hear how people hear hard soil can't wait to leave wishing they'd never come emotional hears every week with goosebumps then they leave a pursue a life that God has not given them because there's no death divided hard they got Jesus as part of their life story but not all of their life story I can give him an hour and then there's the wholehearted fruitful open honest guy now I want you to notice two prepositions it is seed sown by the wayside it is seed sown on the rocks it is seed sown among the thorns and it is seed sown in good ground you want to be good ground so let me ask you before we pray this morning how does the Word of God fall into your life what kind of you know soil are you you have to tell me I believe you but you have to answer it for yourself David said I've hidden your word in my heart that I won't sin against you Jeremiah said break up the fallow ground don't sow them on the floors like God's Word in how do you hear God's word this morning are you a fruit Bearer or just one of these others who here but it just doesn't take root look eternity is at stake you don't want to get this wrong how do you hear father this morning as we sit together it is certainly an important question that we want to be able to answer with a with a certain Lord I want to be good ground my heart wants to be open to hear and and not just listen but then go out and do what you've said that nothing would interfere that there wouldn't be a hard heart there wouldn't be a lack of depth there wouldn't be competing interests that keep me from you that Lord you are first and foremost on my list of things that I need to commit myself to the your word in your ways are what fill my heart and father after that that we may be on guard against those things that would like to come in from the enemy from the birds of the air to steal away to interrupt to interject to compete with your word to us so may we be good hears may we have good hearts may your word be able to be sown enough to make a difference and I'll say this to you if that's not you then we would love to pray with you this morning there'll be some of our pastors up front after the service come and pray come and ask the Lord if your heart is hard and you're just struggling God can change that maybe you have not really had a much of a commitment in your life you're here every week but truth be told if you missed it for a month you wouldn't miss it at all maybe you just you know take Jesus and then you you take the other things of the world and he just kind of fits in with all of your way of life but he doesn't direct your life it's not really the way life is found it's his ways it's his work it's a commitment to him and if you want to make that come and pray this morning and and God will do what he promised and he'll do what you can he'll take your life and make it a song and then you'll be fruitful and you'll be filled with joy and it'll be 30 and 60 and 100 for how do you hear we'd love to ask the Lord to bless you this morning so that you might hear this way shall we stay
Channel: morningstarcc
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Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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