Mark 14:51-52, a brief thought

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good monday morning there's this little episode that only mark records that takes place during jesus's arrest in the garden of gethsemane mark chapter 14 verses 51 and 52. a young man was following him wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body and they seized him but he pulled free of the linen sheet and escaped naked you know how to art you know how an artist will paint his signature in an inconspicuous place on his canvas i believe this is mark's signature this is mark's way of saying this is me this happened to me i was there no one else would know this but me let's put the pieces together and see if this makes sense and for that we begin in acts chapter 12 verse 12. and when he realized this he went to the house of mary the mother of john who was also called mark where many were gathered together and we're praying this mary of course is not jesus his mother it's a different mary but she has a house in jerusalem that is big enough to accommodate many that says gathering there for prayer and she has a son whose name is john mark it's likely that this is the same house where the disciples were meeting when pentecost during pentecost when the holy spirit came upon them acts 2 1 says when the day of pentecost had come they were all gathered together in one place suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were gathered a house big enough to accommodate a large group of people if we back up to chapter 115 it says there could have been as many as 120 of them so here's what i think happened on that passover before jesus was arrested and executed he instructed his disciples in chapter 14 verse 13. to go into the city and a man will meet you carrying a picture of water follow him and wherever he enters say to the owner of the house the teacher says where is my guest room in which i may eat the passover with my disciples and he himself will show you a large upper room furnished and ready prepare there for us this is an upstairs room large enough to accommodate the twelve disciples maybe a few more who knows plus disciples perhaps mary's house and perhaps mark is one of those who's involved in helping to prepare the room for them well late in the evening he goes to bed and around midnight he awakens to the sound of the group upstairs tromping around and coming down the stairs his curiosity gets the better of him and he yanks the sheet off the bed not taking the time to dress and he stealthily follows them through the darkness and out into the garden of gethsemane he's watching from behind the trees when suddenly the night explodes with the commotion of soldiers and lamps and yelling and shouting in panic he starts to run a soldier seizes him but he leaves the sheet in his hand and runs away days later the group of christians would meet in that very place forming the church in jerusalem there and there mark would have met a certain simon peter one of jesus's disciples who led him to the lord and then through his uncle barnabas he would be introduced to paul and would go with them on their first missionary journey for some reason he abandoned the trip causing a falling out between paul and barnabas you can read all about that in the book of acts paul for many year or many years later paul toward the end of his life would call for mark because mark had proven himself valuable to spread the gospel no big earth shattering lesson for us this morning i just find it interesting to see mark's signature here just another testimony of the reliability of the gospel it's an eyewitness account of people who were there it's interesting to see how god used him for many years after that have a good day
Channel: Phil Evaul
Views: 316
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ah07l76d_A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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