Mario Theory - ORIGIN Of Bowser Jr.

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Bowser jr. the son of Bowser and the heir to his throne he debuted in Super Mario Sunshine and has since helped his father to kidnap Princess Peach in battle Mario Luigi and many subsequent gains but the question a lot of people have is who's the mother some say Princess Peach but I think that's not the case I think there wasn't a mother at all we first saw Bowser jr. in Super Mario Sunshine in it he uses a magic paintbrush and a special handkerchief to transform an a translucent blue double ganger of mario shadow Mario he vandalizes isle delfino tricking the native people into believing that Mario himself is to blame he does this to Mario because Bowser tells him that Princess Peach is his mother and that Mario has kept napped her but Bowser jr. kipnis her himself and is eventually defeated along with Bowser he realized that Princess Peach isn't his mother before bowser decided to tell him but he still refers to peaches mama sometimes in later games now even nintendo confirmed that Bowser jr. is Bowser's real son unlike the Koopalings who were adopted but who's the mother then well she getting Miyamoto the creator of the Mario series said the following about it in an interview with Game Informer they asked the following question in Super Mario Bros 3 the Koopalings were supposed to be Bowser's children but there's also Bowser jr. are they all his kids and are they all from different mothers and is Bowser jr. a Koopaling and Miyamoto said the following our current story is is that the seven Koopalings are not Bowser's children his only child is Bowser jr. and we don't know who the mother is so even in Tendo doesn't tell us who the mother is and there are quite a lot of theories around this floating on the internet so let's briefly take a look at some of the more common options before diving into mine what about Princess Peach could it be the Princess Peach is the mother of Bowser jr. even though it was ally of Bowser no way it's impossible and if you know any biology then you will agree with me since that's not how it works if peach was the mother then it should have ended up becoming some sort of combination between Bowser and Peach herself but this also depends if they can even procreate it's just a mess let's keep it on that and another possible mother has never been seen in the series so there isn't really a lot going for this option now besides peach there's also another option which doesn't involve a mother but this one also has a problem with it asexual reproduction which is reproduction without sex in this form of reproduction a single organism or cell makes a copy of itself the genes of the original and this copy will be the same except for rare mutations but they usually end up like clones so this would mean that Bowser some sort of copied himself and the outcome was Bowser jr. his son this would also explain why Bowser jr. and Bowser himself look so similar just compare baby Bowser and Bowser jr. he will see what I mean they look identical to each other the hair face body everything but there's one problem with this why did he adopt the Koopalings then why didn't he perform the same trick to create his other children why only for Bowser jr. well that's because asexual reproduction is a close one but not completely the answer I think now here's my answer to all of this you have seen this countless of times is sci-fi movies cloning this is the process of making a genetically identical organism through non-sexual means so essentially a copy it has been used for many years to reproduce plants even growing the plants from a cutting is a type of cloning you realize animal cloning has the subject of scientific experiments for years but got little attention until the birth of the first cloned mammal in 1996 a sheep named dolly since Dolly several scientists have cloned other animals including cows and mice the recent successes in cloning animals has sparked fierce debates amongst scientists politicians and the general public about the use of morality of cloning plants animals and possibly humans so it's certainly possible maybe a bit unethical but that's not important for this video since Bowser's morals are pretty dead anyway he kept nap each countless of times and then plays tennis with them does it make sense no but who cares it's Mario anyways back to the topic could Bowser have cloned himself and make a new version of him so that it would have an heir for the throne it would make sense since this explains why you adopt two children and why he and his son look identical cloning in terms of results is similar to a sexual reproduction since it's copying the same cells so that would explain why they look alike but it's also complicated in an overall expensive process so that would explain why also adopted children since that's way easier and cheaper now the question is with Bowser be able to clone himself what he or as minions know how to do that well the first thing we need to look at is the spouter have to write technology to get it done does he have to write knowledge well we have seen in multiple games that Bowser has some pretty advanced technology for example in Super Mario Sunshine where we see mecha bowser a large mechanical incarnation of Bowser which has a flamethrower in its mouth or in Super Mario Galaxy where they go into space and Bowser almost creates his son a freakin son so in terms of technology there's no problem at all but who could have cloned Bowser then who came up with the idea one of his minions or someone else well there are two different options for this first up professor elven GAD this man has created countless of marvellous machines that sometimes help out Mario but not always inventions like the hydro gush 4000 a large water pump used in Mario Luigi partners in time it's not portable like flute but it does have a lot of power for the magic paintbrush this one is used by Bowser Jr's shadow Mario in Super Mario Sunshine it's a large paintbrush with the ability to paint various colors though this magic paints can change the landscape create portals and create obstacles or enemies it's unclear when a brush was made as well as why it was given to Bowser jr. so as you can see an example of his inventions used for good and also one where it's used for evil maybe professor egad found out how to clone and by soare got the idea from him and used it to create his offspring but this has never been mentioned in the game so this is just an option the other option that I have is in my opinion more likely and would actually explain a lot the shrooms it was revealed during Mario Luigi bowser's Inside Story that Bowser froze several troops and preserved them but why would he do such a thing why would he store these creatures in his freezer while they possessed very advanced technology such as ray guns in a fleet of flying saucers so their technology is extremely advanced and they are also extremely smart maybe Bowser captured them to get information and make his own technology better and he eventually ended up learning how to clone himself and use this method to create Bowser jr. and would this work out in terms of the Mario timeline well yes the troops conquer the Mushroom Kingdom of the past in this time period Bowser was a baby and the same goes for Mario Luigi and Peach and these troops have been in Bowser's freezer for an unknown period of time so he could have captured them very early on so this doesn't mess with the timeline at all but it could also be one of thousands minions who came up with it well at least now we know the possible origin of Bowser jr. the only real son of Bowser and heir to the throne alright everybody thanks for watching if you want to watch more click that video on the screen right now or click that subscribe button if you don't want to miss any videos ha psych you need to click that little bell next to the subscribe button when you subscribe because youtube you over [Music]
Channel: Dr.Wily
Views: 2,461,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario bros, mario theory, game theory, bowser, bowser jr, origin, secrets, timeline, story, lore, mysteries, history, mom, mother, parent, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, new super mario bros, gameplay, games, gaming
Id: jcgEENjA5rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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