Mario Maker 3D WILL Exist. Here’s How

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every time I talk about Mario Maker 3D haters tell me it's impossible it will never hard to make a can't do it it's time to prove them wrong not only will I show you that 3D Mario maker is possible but I will also show you how it could work I'll be using a free and amazing fanmade game called Mario Builder 64 to explain my points the biggest problem people mention is that editing in 3D would be way too hard Mario Builder 64 solves this problem by making it really simple and straightforward similar to Mario Maker when you're editing the camera is locked into a 3D grid so instead of squares everything is cubes you can only look in four directions to simplify the whole process the right control stick moves up and down and the left control stick moves everything else the hot bar works just like in Mario Maker 2 you go into the list of elements pick what you want and then it goes into the bar of recently used items when you place it down there might be some text and little arrows that appear above the hot bar that tells you there are variations on that item and you can swap with the d-pad left or right to see all of the different options some people worry that Nintendo always caters to young players and this would be way too hard for them to figure out look if kids can figure out Minecraft they can figure out Mario Maker 3D Mario Builder 64 makes it really simple by starting you out with ground blocks and slopes and having them on the main toolbar when players are ready to get more advanced they can open up the full menu and test out other ground options similar to yamamura Dojo Nintendo can make tutorials that teach the player how to build small parts of a level first and have levels that have size limitations to make sure players aren't overwhelmed the more they play play the more new features that they can unlock as long as the user interface is intuitive like Mario Builder 64 it shouldn't be an issue for any player to figure out how to use the editor I think the biggest hurdle for Nintendo will be having coar parts from each game fit into all the different styles in Mario Maker 2 you can keep everything you've made as you swap between most Styles Nintendo can make this work for Mario Maker 3D even if they have to be a little creative to do it it'll take a lot of work to make new models in every style and make sure that the mechanics are consistent but it's definitely possible they can make game specific mechanics like capturing with Cappy only work in the Mario Odyssey style but make those enemies able to appear in all game styles the worst part of Mario Maker 2 is the 3D World style not sharing Parts with the other styles my biggest worry is that they make each game style a separate thing and make you start from scratch when swapping to a new style if all styles are separate and you can't mix and match course elements everything will eventually feel limited and stale I'm hoping they learn their lesson from Mario Maker 2 and won't make this happen the next problem I hear is but what about the way you control Mario it's so different each game well just like in Mario Maker 2 each time you switch game style it also changes the way you control Mario in Mario Odyssey you can use Cappy and have the advanced movement but in Mario 64 you can't use any special Cappy jumps I don't see this being a problem as Mario Maker 2 was able to have spin jumps and wall jumps only in certain Styles while keeping everything else intact another way Nintendo could tackle different Mario move sets is through game specific powerups Mario Maker 2 has a few power-ups that that change the way you can play such as the master sword PowerUp and the Super Mario Bros 2 mushroom they could adopt this idea and have a Cappy power up that can be added into all styles that lets Mario capture enemies not every enemy would be able to be captured just like in the real game but it'd be awesome to include mechanics in the different game styles but how can the level themes work if the games are so different each game style would have overall themes but they would adapt to feel like that specific game for instance the desert in Mario 64 would be based on shifting sandland but in Mario Odyssey it would have the sand Kingdom look swap the Sky Box to take the themes a step further changing the sky and surrounding area you can even add pre-made effects like ashes or snow to your level for more variety without adding too much complexity how will Nintendo make the game feel unique and not just the same as the original 3D games well in Mario Maker 2 they created new powerups like the super hammer in the 3D World style so I hope they add new powerups to Mario Maker 3D Mario Builder 64 has a wing suit that lets Mario use fuel to fly long distance es or just use a crowbar to smash Goombas to smithin how will water or lava work in 3D Mario Builder 64 handles this really well instead of being locked into just underwater or Forest themes you can place any liquid on any level let's start with water as an example you have two options you can place down a block of it wherever you want or you can select from a menu to make the entire level have water at a specific height if you want the water to rise and fall these water crystals from Mario 64 make it so the player can change the height of the water as they play if water isn't your thing you can fill the ground with quicksand or lava instead Nintendo doesn't trust users to type appropriate messages for message blocks so how are they going to fix this in Mario Maker 3D sometimes a level needs to tell the player what to do Mario Builder 64 lets players add message signs or NPCs with pre-made messages to choose from these messages would automatically translate based on what language you're playing in so the language barrier won't be a problem Nintendo always worries about people abusing the system and writing inappropriate things so I think this is a perfect Middle Ground the next problem I hear is won't adding level events be too hard for regular users Nintendo can make events simple for anyone to add in like these Koopa the quick races all you do is place his pathway markers wherever you want and off he goes he can even cheat if you want to make it a real challenge this could also add other simple events like jump roping challenges or Koopa walking challenges for Mario Odyssey if there's no flag pole how would we even upload a course well instead of having one specific end point players would need to grab every Star in a level without dying to complete the clear check then once a player is in the level their progress will save after each star they collect so they wouldn't need to backtrack to get a star again how could night theme mechanics return to Mario Maker 3D you know I hate that the cool effects are tied to specific level themes so Mario Builder 64 has a good answer to this level badges each badge affects gameplay in some way and you could force the player to use it for a whole level or just place it next to a section of the course to change how they need to play to truly see how easy or difficult it is to build in 3D I will make make my very first level I asked you guys what you wanted me to make and you said I should revolve My Level around the special caps in Mario 64 to make it a real challenge I'll only give myself 1 hour to make the best level possible starting right now I'm going to start with small level not underwater but desert sounds cool we'll just call this caps so now we're in a empty level so I'm going to just get the Caps out and experiment a little bit I know the metal cap can just kind of walk through water so if I put these this is just a test by the way I know it doesn't look great so far but let's say we place it like this so they don't hurt me when I'm metal so that's good to know so we're going to work backwards I'm going to get a star first so we'll put this here in the corner I kind of want to have it like slope up and then we will go some nice sand here okay we got the star now we got to build backwards that's super cool actually the water conforms to the slope too put these bombes in here let's go this direction close out this little spot I kind of want to put like an enemy launching stuff at you up here too few more bombs around here I think I can make it so you need the vanish cap to get in here that could be cool too I'm going to put a big Iron mesh see what that's like that's kind of cool all right we got a weird looking little house there but it's cool one puzzle down what's a good Wing Cap one maybe I'll do flying for some red coins I want to do eight just as the classic number here 1 2 3 4 I'll do one on top of here for now I'm just going to kind of create little areas and then hopefully tie it all together but I want this to be a quicksand area let's see if that works out ooh slow quick sand let's try that huh let's see how metal cap handles slow quick sand it does not handle it well how about Bish cap okay no matter what cap you wear you're going to fall in the quicksand good to know if you're in metal cap can you avoid being shocked by the amps that might be a interesting thing to do you know what let's just throw a bunch of stuff in we'll start with this guy and throw in some amps and just check to see how it goes okay so it shocks you but doesn't hurt you same with the fire you can run through the fire with the metal cap that's actually going to be something useful we'll use I'm going to make a way better starting area this is not currently the best all right we got our three caps let's put the starting spot for Mario I do need a red coin area Okay so there's this little island in the sky that you need to get to once you collect all the red coins ooh onoff blocks or timer block so maybe we do onoff blocks combined with the Wing Cap so the idea is we're only going to be able to get certain coins if we have the correct onoff switch State I need to have the onoff switch as well so so let's do that and we'll test that to see if that works okay that's kind of interesting and I need to have a way of us getting up higher okay I have an idea I'm going to use a moving platform I can put this in a corner that they have to go discover and make it just go way up high yeah okay I like that and then we're going to just do this we'll make a giant Tower looking thing here like that then we'll go down and then I can do something ins side of this too could be interesting okay that is very tall that's cool though for now let's do the Wing Cap up here so this is going to be the only spot you can get the Wing Cap and then I think I'm also going to put the Blue Block up there so we've got the red onoff switch but we need the blue still if I'm really mean I put both switches up here but I'm not that mean or am I I'll do both switches here and both switches there we can just make them like little Islands now and then I can put a red coin on there so I'm going to do a couple that are in vertical Rings there we got the two in the onoff blocks and then we'll do one there maybe this is like red coin to show you to go on top of that we'll do one down here and then we'll build around it we'll make it in a hole or something all right think we're good on the red coins this will be a pole climbing area but you need the vanish cap I'm going to make it so you have to jump between them at certain spots but then I'm going to put mesh in between this idea could be really cool or it could be really really bad let's put the vanish Block in I'm going to make this some like red brick thing and to avoid people just flying there I'm going to just do some of this okay well that looks interesting I got to put a star up there and make sure it's even possible yeah it's kind of cool if I'm a little bit faster I think it would work hey look at that cool all right this area is done the Wing Cap flying to get a bunch of coins is done this thing is not done this could be cool for lava this is an interesting way to use it so you can't fly in over the top I think I'm just going to make this like it's like a fire maze we'll put an amp in the center or two kind of want to hide the star somewhere I think I've got an idea for it I'm going to put more of these things around this area specifically this will be kind of funny all right we got our fire maze I might double stack it so that it's a little bit more maze like Oh No Object limit reached okay yeah that's fair it was too many so we are just going to leave it like this this will be my uh Little Boss Arena here does this affect the enemies too cuz that' be pretty interesting add a boss right here who hopefully will have a star inside of their head I got to make more space for entities I'm going to delete this starting area cuz I got a lot of space in the middle of the level so you're going to metal it up and then we got the metal and vanish on this thing I think it makes more sense to start kind of in the center it doesn't need to have caps actually might be better if it doesn't does the quick sand on the floor do anything for me probably not let me just change that we'll just make it into sand and then this can be quick sand or regular quick sand or something I think for the amount of time I have this is the best I can do let me Place some coins real quick okay we got that we got one of these got that yeah this would be nice to have a little bit of coins around it and then we're going to need some NPC's yeah that's a good one okay we got that little puddle right there that's all nice let's give this C some coins around him too this toad can say the same thing here feel like I need just a random little island with an NPC on it for no reason that'd be kind of fun let's put this monkey there and let's just have it say something random let's make it a mystery okay I think it's all the time I have hopefully it doesn't break and it's like decent kind of maybe a singular coin up here with the monkey I think that's all I can do all right well here goes nothing definitely has some improvements to be made but I'm happy with what we got done and hour howdy that was a good sign well placed okay so we'll start by going this way we start with this metal Block Maze and we got to find where to go we only have a certain time limit I see it back there oh it's blocked off oh man hey all right yeah I would uh refine that a little bit if I had more time so let's go here next we got a nice little toad here hello you'll need the vanish cap to get through here okay good to know but I also have the metal cap so I'm going to get both okay so now we can go through these big bomb things without getting hurt and we were able to go through the great and there let's go through the jumpy section here hello Mr Toad you'll need the vanish cap to get through here okay we'll grab this vanish cap and we got to climb we got to move quick come on Mario go faster wa that was a crazy jumpo just barely got it okay and we got to the top all right now we explore we find that there's a little secret thing back here o I can still get it later so now we got to get all the red coins all right so there's an arrow here grab this one nice we can get this one beautiful we'll go here next we can stomp on this guy grab this one okay and then we can switch it back oh this might be terrible I'm sorry for deciding it this way okay go go go get away from there I'll be able to hopefully get this one now let's do a little backflip my new plan is to just grab this one first oh okay close call and then come back around and get this one beautiful and I know where the last one is the eighth red coin it's in this little hidden Nook right here hey yay all right and last but not least the boss fight which I'm right now realizing I didn't have time to figure out how to incorporate a cap so now I'm feeling pretty dumb so that middle is quicks very deadly can't touch it I'll die instantly no he pushed me in okay one more we can stay away from that quick stand and not get pushed into all right oh that's so anticlimactic I thought a star was going to come out but there you have it Mario Maker 3D imagine what a team of superstars at Nintendo can do to make this a reality to see 200 things we need in Mario Maker 3 click on the video on screen now I'm aerosotle and thanks for watching
Channel: Arrowstotle
Views: 40,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrowstotle, mario, mario maker
Id: 6d_9bWkyEbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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