Mario Kart Wii - 200cc All Tracks Speedrun - 0:57:37 (No Ultra Shortcuts)

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three two one go all right here we go the last run of the day hopefully it's a good one hopefully we'd go out strong hopefully we don't fail the mushroom Gorge gap cut or something stupid the mushroom nice luigi was trying to end it right before it started oh my god who [Music] dude my wheelie just locked and I almost like shot up the side that would have been ugly good thing I recovered last second this isn't ugly but we just started better but ugly luigi circuit only loses like half a second so 50.6 yeah we're chilling MK WRA thank you for the 500 bits man awesome dude you're almost at that lightning bit badge you're almost at that on the turquoise lightning bit bad you're almost there man thank you all right guys last run of the day like I said I'm gonna be a little more lenient on this one if we hit walls and stuff we're gonna keep going catastrophic mistakes though we we it's domed today's done that wasn't wasn't our night [Music] not bad not bad okay a little time loss hit some dirt not pretty but much worse decent cow orangey that's okay that's okay not pretty but we'll take it if there were no CPS on the track this would be a million times easier however at the same time the speedrun is a million times more interesting because of the CPUs because it's always different all right nice always feels good to get in first after passing all the CPUs with triple shrooms I don't fear this one too much it's grumble volcanoes one where I'm just like crossing my fingers every single time there we go not bad not bad we're doing safe board jumps pretty safe oh nice sub twenty-nine [Music] hang on hang on I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead wait no I am playing this game on borrowed time right now as all I have to say I feel very lucky Thank You mr. bean for adding fast falling to 200 cc's without fast falling I was long gone there we go that's what it's supposed to look like I always want to land on the between the lip in the middle [Music] we're 21000 whoo yo MK aw raw with the 500 bits you are the reason I made a YouTube account ah thank you thank you for showing up with the stream thank you for your support and congrats on the Lightning badge do you appreciate it med very kind and a tiger entry thank you for the twitch prime dude thank you for the twitch prime awesome you guys are you guys are really making my day here ok so we've been good at this track today let's keep up the trend of feasting to its factory I'm getting really tired not gonna lie but maybe I'll play good tired maybe I'll play relaxed you know Jesus so many close calls were only on the mushroom touch what is going on what is going on guys what's going on Wow even that was close call please make it please please please yes yes that's good all right [Laughter] that's fine that is totally fine almost no CPU interference I would have gotten to 120 if I hit the boost panel but I've loved the shortcut lab 3 let's go guys last run and we got past the mushroom cup with like four close calls I think good luck is on our side I need the chat to bless me with good luck because I am extremely tired right now it is so late my eyes are barely open if I didn't take that caffeine drink it'd be over yikes your lovin glove in the flower cup some alliteration right there got to take that a little bit inside because the Chain Chomp was very very wide and I I can safely make that maneuver no through that a little bit too early I didn't need to throw it so early going wide here yeah Oh Oh way too close way too close what am i doing fifty nine zero is good I actually beat my I beat my a PB time I think I got a fifty nine point six or something like that in my current PB dude my last coconut mall with fire man let's try to replicate that the CPUs are taking their sweet time man Wario Wario what are you doing dude I'm trying to get a PB Wario what are you doing trying to ruin my day man I do not appreciate Wario his video games is pretty good though I was a big fan of smooth moves and WarioWare touch you guys play that game those names are really really fun when I was a kid still it'd be fine honestly those games are great it's quite a few those where you wear games oh my god is the widest shortcut of all time I don't even care I'm chilling I didn't even mad ladies and gents I'm gonna try to do this laugh a little bit better than that last one though nevermind let's just finish this race we're gonna get a 114 at best if the tree dude I hit the tree should have been 114 mkw raw with 100 bits good luck man thank you thank you very much we didn't gain any time on coconut mall but we can gain 6 seconds here if it all goes really smoothly but most the time we gained about four seconds on Deccan DK summit when uh when we play this one we get a 131 pretty consistently Matt jsv with the 200 bits good luck shear bleed purple thank you for the bleed purple man adding that extra 10% thank you good luck cheer it was Matt jsv CH I'm not gonna even try to pronounce the head thank you so much alright one kind of an awkward spot here I'm gonna do this because I had a lot less air from that trick there it's a lot safer that time go that's it straight what's this lot gonna be I'm curious thirty point two is really nice that is not really nice we just lost two seconds for no reason we're not resetting over small fails on this run this is the last one of the day so we're gonna make it count [Music] [Music] that sucks I don't even want to see this lap I really don't want to see this lap Oh God all right let's bring it back man let's at least get a 1:32 I beast this lap right here I get a 1:32 let's do this [Music] how's nice going for risky strats shortcuts so much more risky on that CC on this CC this is this was an awesome lap green chill scared me so much okay we gained a little over a second right there this is not a good this is not a good fire cup but no catastrophic errors in like I said this is pretty much a no reset run and unless I fall off so we're just gonna keep going give it our best shot Greenshaw is keeping you awake so true dude so true [Music] safe strats the irony of me saying safe strats is I'm still doing the risk of stress I'm just doing like the safe version of the risky Stratos they're not like ultra safe guys they are safer than what I would do if I was on time trials right now I'll play in 200 that's for sure god this is this is awful I'm having to deal with so many bananas bad lat I'm pulling this up alright we're good peaches gonna I knew that was gonna happen I knew that was gonna happen all right it's fine it's fine it's a banana there the good news is is we're not gonna fail that because we practiced that we no longer fear that maneuver 123 all right so this entire Cup was like a was a wash I don't think we're gonna gain any time here well I might be wrong let's see what the damage is we're ahead by 5 seconds whoa dude what how we ahead by 5 seconds where did I gain the time I know on DK somewhat I gained two but I didn't think I gained time anywhere else dang dude we take those all right guys this is a run we're getting we're just getting started hopefully koopa cake doesn't go as tragic as last time that was depressing that's good nice off-road skip I don't know why I threw that back it was just like my online instinct kicking in you know I let's try to get a 1:08 still oh kind of flubbed that laughs three men could have been a 106 split gained over a second though actually got a 108 in my PB so we'll take it um we're gonna lose time on Koopa cape and we hopefully can gain time on the next to do dragons in the child what's up man not everyday ice cream at this time right come on let's get this shortcut man oh yeah that feels good no we're fine we're fine we're fine the worst is when I go up the slope and then I shoot into the waterfall or anywhere near that scary yes - so nice not having to just slowly meander through that grass which happens every single run very rarely were able to freak - through this but - for - so far and we failed that again okay not bad not bad 35 we can actually get a 1 we can literally get one 45 despite my horrible endings well not horrible but not not optimal we'll just say that Oh God okay nope this is still okay this could still be it 147 and that's actually really good stuff yeah that's better much better one 47.2 nice solid I'll take two for three any time guys okay so this is where we failed last round on maple we fell off on the tree branch I'm gonna play a little safer this time can I not get so reckless the last maple treeway was disgusting I don't know what happened man mkw ah thanks for the hundred ten bits can you do more live at this time maybe maybe I think the speedrun is nice to do it this time cuz I feel less pressure with less people watching and I feel less bad about not being able to look at the chat very much during these runs so I actually do like doing them late night like this I think it's very possible I do speedruns late night like this in the future other streams no probably not too many of the other streams but the speedruns work really well at this time I know people do enjoy watching them regardless of what time it is [Music] people are always down for some 200cc speedruns I got no trick I clicked it like three times and nothing that's okay though this is still a very very decent maple treeway and on these harder tracks you're just happy not to fall off nice I'm trying to not hit the leaf piles because as you can see bananas pop out and it's a GG give me a mushroom dang it okay no no good luck from the leaf piles today that's good yes I was better least I got the mushroom on the first box that was cool because I I got like a fourth-place item box or something like that okay nice very blessed to not hit that banana I'll tell you that Oh between the CPUs that I I'm a magician that was amazing that's my Ultra safe strat right there 147 solid I'm to grumble we're past maple Wow for the last one of the day we're actually making some strides it can all end right here though so don't get too comfortable guys cuz this is top three hardest track in the whole speedrun okay eze wreck a nico mkw with the 20 bits um yeah I lived in Southern California my whole life Ellie's expensive but there are more expensive places out there I'm not in like the heart of LA either I'm not in like Studio City or Hollywood so it's not as bad as you think it is trust me okay good not good not good [Music] but could be worse the run shall go on yeah we could still go even this track we can literally break even and that wouldn't be a bad thing right it's a bummer it's like it could be so much worse though you know that's like that glass half-full twt talking I could have like fallen off and lost a mushroom or two mushrooms for that matter you know that's happened before there's there's so many like little little mistakes and little mishaps that have happened on this run but nothing completely run ending I'll tell you that so that's why we're still here right 24.8 okay let's see if we're still ahead I think we're gonna be ahead about seven seconds total after these results screens are all said and done let's see what the damage is six point nine Wow I'm very close all right we gained one point five on the star code and we can gain plenty more on this Cup but at the same time we can lose a lot too so here we go drive drive ruins believe it or not this is actually the least scary track in the entire Cup it only gets harder from here it literally only gets harder like I would definitely rank it in this order the order that the tracks come out on the special Club is the same order I would put them in for difficulty for 200cc on speedruns yeah moon view highways not as hard on 200 is it as it is on 150 something about the cars going a similar speed to you is way more daunting on 150 I'm not too scared when I play 200cc moon view like it's not that much more scary than a lot of the other tracks there we go nice oh nice I'm really happy I squeezed thought that means herb I didn't think I would be able to that's so unlucky normally I don't stick to that normally I don't stick to that and I'm able to just really pass that that's so stupid all right this can still be a 29 well pillars not quite down yet we're gonna have to go around it's not get pumped off by Diddy Kong and let's just get out of here one for the risky strat between the pokey and the sand so stupid I barely cleared the banana I get completely trolled completely trolled we just lost four seconds so now we're one with 2.9 seconds ahead all right time to gain some time back I was really really dumb it's so stupid how luck based the speed run is he could do everything right and use losing time because of CPUs so luck based you get into a certain level and you're just rolling the dice every single track and hoping for the best you know it's frustrating them just want to get something going skip to the retros man let's get over this hump do you guys have no idea how stupid that is I wouldn't have hit that car there's no chance I just got completely screwed over again I'm just so unlucky like I should easily be able to beat this I've put in the time it's just like how many runs is it going to take before it all falls into place you know it's so stupid it's all luck right here I don't know the cycle we're so far behind pace it's really rough man just gonna hope for the best and we got screwed Wow we're gonna be behind after this but we're not gonna reset because we can actually gain time we can gain time on the next two so we'll keep going we'll see what the damages if we're if we were behind by more than ten seconds going into the shell Cup I'm gonna call it quits but if I'm down by less than ten then I'm gonna keep going I think I'm gonna be down I'm down about one second right now because I just lost all of it on those last tube and it's none of that's my fault I the CPUs put a perfect banana on the corner on a blind corner and it made me run into a car because I slipped into it so it's just a butterfly effect it's just stupid oh that's perfect No couldn't get the meter about in time I might have been able to but I didn't want to risk it no shortcut [Music] Oh Oh I actually bounced over the boost ramp that was wild this was a really fantastic lap one of my best laps I've ever driven on this course yeah 35 a 35 without the short cut is insane for me I normally you only get 35 or 34 with the short cut so we'll take it this can literally be like a 148 or something awesome we'll see you let's see let's not get too carried away but this is gonna make up for that abysmal beginning to a special cut that's fine it looks a lot worse than it is trust me it actually makes it a lot easier to dodge the clumps and stuff this is totally fine guys 49-0 nice we gained some time I always expect something to go wrong on the second half of lap three on that track because there's just too many racers too many items too many moving obstacles there's always something that goes wrong so hitting a wall is like the best thing that can happen because you get it you could easily get back to main turbo drift speed and 200 mr. B made it so you can drift at a lower speed on 200 and it's one of the best features he ever added it makes it so it's a lot more enjoyable because you can drift through the off-road a lot on a lot of these tracks so shot subs for me mr. bean for making a really fun game mode nice Oh feel like I'm getting gray hairs playing the speeder on dude too much stress guys too much stress on me 38.5 we replicate that three times we're looking at a 155 voice that would be three to POG oh we're not gonna eat the boost ramp there so we have to go take the strap but this is still really good Jesus so demanding on my fingers [Music] why am i having to deal with you guys okay well we can't do the moon jump because baby Mario is a troll but we can do the normal route whoa you guys haven't seen the normal route before Jesus Wow I'm alive this is still good Rainbow Road like not doing the moon jump only makes you lose like a second or something so it's not too much guys I'd like to give a shout out to myself for not falling off a Rainbow Road and gaining another 4 seconds baby whoo all right this was an ugly ugly special cup but the good news is that we are ahead by 6 seconds after half of the tracks I said this was my last one of the day I never anticipated it to last this long so regardless of what happens like I said earlier we're literally playing on borrowed time this run started so shaky and we somehow survived all of it so at least we had a really nice rainbow road and Bowser's Castle was solid too so oh my god I'm already hitting dirt come on grass come on Troy come on what am i doing what am i doing a little bit wide 17.4 oh no that's not bad my wheelie didn't come out that's why that looks so weird it's wide banana in the middle got to remember that for next lap 17.7 all right not too bad not too bad I'm looking at a potential 53 hopefully 52 53 for sure it's not headed banana on this last straightaway okay 53 that's fine that's fine the beach duck emotes you're gumming out the beach Ducks are in full force man they're doing lap four shenanigans you see me flipping they're flipping me up and down that entire lap four oh my gosh gosh it's crazy how much has to go right for these speed runs to actually come into fruition like there's still so much that can go wrong like every track has its problems there's no free tracks even Yoshi falls scares me just the ounce you know and it's the easiest one in the entire speedrun look ghost valley man what worries me about ghost valley is we've had so many favorable ghost valleys recently I know it's bound to be there's bound to be a ghost Valley where I completely get royally screwed over and fall off it's bound to happen you know all I can do is Drive my best and know that some of these mistakes aren't gonna be my fault you know that's like the key is like just know that you can only do your best the cpus are gonna have a mind of their own and you have to like try not to get tilted from them you know that funky Kong bump on dry dry ruins is what made the special cup just really rough for me I had like a really nice race on that track and then it just went so downhill just don't get screwed I know easier said than done though yeah that was a nice do she Falls was at 42 I wasn't paying attention Pawar's in the chat yeah we got some TW pugs [Music] very true Yoshi Falls is the easiest track in 264 sure I'd be kind of fun to like rank the difficulty of all the tracks in the speedrun that'd be kind of fun to do sometime what's number one that's tough it's either grumble BC 3 BC we rainbowroad one of those probably the heck is going on safe lines it's just an obstacle course man yours dogs and CPUs and items left and right I wasn't even worried about hitting the boost panel I was just trying to not fall off not do anything too risky took really wide lines but all good in the neighborhood all right let's go let's go Mario Raceway we have 13 more tracks to go we are come we're done with 19 already Wow time flies when you're having fun five six seven eight nine ten hit that box really fast triples rooms let's go let's go let's get a 114 here I would love to gain some time on this one I love the music on this one my apart wheeze music is it's one of the worst I'd say in the Mario Kart franchise but all Mario Kart music is pretty solid so oh we got we got a skip guys we got we got two off-road skip right there skip like 60% of it so I'm saving two mushrooms for the shortcut hoggers guys I know I know the chat likes the giant Hill shortcut it's really cool and I can only go forward if that happens decent I was afraid I wasn't enough to the left and I was afraid I was gonna have to do some crazy realignment but it all worked out I won 15.1 okay yeah my lines I need to work on the second corner my second main turbo into I need 28.3 nice I need to work on that like I keep messing up the second main turbo into the drift into the opposite direction I keep taking that so wide I'm losing so much time there it's ridiculous alright this track is my nemesis today after what happened earlier guys I don't know if you guys realize how close that was did you see how close I was to falling off right there I can't wait to replay that ipb on this run I'm gonna replay that in editing software and see see what it looks like cuz it was not not pretty my heart skipped a beat for sure I'm actually gonna take wide lines here because sure reeling has me shook right now ah at the wall I'm gonna practice this one this one's so scary man you know what scares me more than anything it's even more in the penguin it's the CPUs on lap three it always caused havoc on this one I can still get a 136 but I got a stop playing scared you know it's so slighty it's just so slightly I have no control two hundred-plus slide eNOS not fun at least I'm on the Mach like I can't even imagine doing this with something like the spear you know which is what is the vehicle used in the world records on this track is a spear for the glish isn't that crazy how the world record on German land 150s with the spear that's crazy I still never gonna get over that that's so funny 136 we'll take it guys we'll take it or don't serve it land we lost a second but no big deal we're still a seven seconds ahead and we can gain a second right now and Cheyenne each so here we go ice Beach ducks the ice beach tux so the magic Cruiser is the world record for the know glitch on sherbet land but there's a glitch on tribute land so the spear has the best time now so the world record is split into two categories with the glitch and without the glitch that's what happens whenever there's a ultra shortcut like that you know they got to split it up it makes sense I think it's a good decision I hate this track let me rephrase that I think the track is cool but I hate it does that make sense like I think it's a really cool track on 200 but I'd be happy to never ever play it on speed runs I like it way more online online this one's awesome on 200 speed runs no way Jose no thank you yeah that's why because the crab is almost unavoidable on lap 3 when I'm fast because the bomb is in the way so I just don't know what to do there it's like a big problem I run into yeah I think we lost a second I think I had a crab in my current run too I might have gone even I don't know probably lost a second let's bring it back right now think we can gain time my knees next to you I just I just cannot stand that if you go fast on that the bomb is in your way that's so frustrating if you're slow that's so much easier in lap 3 I can get past it every time but when I don't make any mistakes I'm like oh great now I have to like figure out how to maneuver between a crab that's tilting to the left my left and a bomb car that's about to explode as I go off a ramp and after angle myself a midair it's just stupidity this track is impossibly hard as well we gots one I hate this one as well on 200 it's so fun on 150 but on 200 it's it's giving me a lot of headache no god that's horrible all right we're gonna need a tank these next two laps no hitting walls there we go there we go missin your servos yes 2 2 4 2 CPUs always leave bananas here it's like their program to lay bananas on that bridge every single time I swear clicks the slab twenty-nine there you can see that's so bad gosh I really need to work on my Delfino it's cuz I missed that means you're broke I should be getting 29s here but this section scares me do I always want to miss that main turbo get these two here there we go that was like a frame 1 meter ball right there that was nice and three for three that was perfect there we go we got something going so we can gain time on waluigi we gained about a second on Delfino so we'll take it it's cuz I hit that wall man I've had I've had like a million small mistakes in this run but nothing like catastrophic except the moon view highway cars like that was really it on this entire speedrun okay so what I do here is I break a bit I get I get a half start at boost and CPUs past me and then I get the box and I get a mushroom alot so that's the strat or I get bumped into a wall and the CPUs take my box that sucks that was really clean so my new straddle this track is to do this like that and then I try to do this yeah that's good that's good not perfect but solid oh that was really nice try if we get that lucky wall hit again okay okay okay at least we've maintained a little bit of our boost I'm gonna go this way because the Piranha Plants going out cuz we're slow there we go how's a nice sari Oh perfect perfect nope never mind almost perfect still good definitely not gaining time on this track but I can go even potentially if everything goes perfect on this last lap okay we're not doing wall strat yeah even okay little leader I can't believe we're this far dang dude okay time to bag it's time to bag the run gets serious now ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have to really oh the CPU suck right now what are they doing they're taking a vacation have to wait forever for that box they all like missed the startup boosts man there's only like three of them they're actually hauling it okay well good thing I bounced there I'd have been headed straight for the pokey nice perfect I'm bouncing everywhere it's disgusting and then that happens I don't know what's going on I can't play right now this is a miracle that we're ahead this run is garbage I'd like one or two good races this entire time I swear I'm so not happy with this is this is awful the good news is I got short cut three for three so that's the only reason we're gaining time I think we gained about a second we should be about six seconds ahead right now hopefully the practicing helps you a lot okay here we go BC three cross your fingers wish me luck oh my god this one's the hardest one of the retros and yes we're going for three for three shortcut yes just barely just barely that's one I hit the hit the wall on the top that's how you know you barely made it if you hit the wall you didn't get much height this is an awesome lap this is amazing hopefully next two laps are just as clean Wow best-case scenario first lap all right that's fine yes to that's good I'm not going for it there's too many CPUs I can't risk it it's it's trust me it's the right it's the right call I'm not going for a lap three last-second decision but there was three CPUs I was passing by doing all those low tricks and any of them could have bumped me off I just gained time even though I only did two shortcuts because that run was so good so good I could have got a 1:32 if I did shortcut that's awesome though that is awesome I feels really good pogchamp finally past bc3 i got past it last time too but I failed on peach Gardens and DK mountain so whoa let's go let's go we can gain three seconds here my fingers are so tired it's not even funny like I'm playing really lazily and really sloppy the only thing holding me together is my mental strength my mental strength has been strong this run perfect I need to get rid of this fib just in case of red comes I don't know why through that sure thrown that forward that was a mistake ok hit someone anyway we're chillin it's the worst thing is you could do is like lay traps for yourself you know oh that's an awesome first lap if I do this three times it's a 1:45 guys my run it's a one forty eight point nine okay that looks ugly but that's like probably breaking even to be honest with the normal strap lap one we did it perfect well we got a little bit too much height but otherwise it was perfect definitely we'd be happy getting that every time I'm hitting some dirt here that's fine 36.0 so good so good let's get another 35 lat all right this is a little bit wide perfect oh that is so good - for three perfect one one of them was I'm just okay 2.5 out of three still gain time slow gain 1.3 seconds nice when I saw 3 CPUs on the bridge I honestly thought it would go a lot worse than that I was like this is this is awful but that was ok I lost a second there because he shot me into the dirt okay we can gain time here potentially oh we don't have much of a lead though it's gonna be really hard to PB still cuz the last Cup is my strongest Cup in my entire speedrun aside from maybe the mushroom cut so it's gonna be still hard but it's doable it's very doable we're probably about 6 seconds ahead right now always got to go wide cuz the chomp guys always got to go wide nice Oh why [Music] sloppy yes always go down the center because those things will chomp at you on vs mode and on GP mode on time trials and Wi-Fi it's a lot easier but the chain chomps and the Piranha Plants are just absolutely lethal on these there's Mario circuit levels so just be wary I think they're like this in double - - yes I was almost really bad alright we should go about even this Cup maybe gain a second or two let's see what let's see what we're looking at here 7.1 alright that's not much but it's something we can gain nothing on Mario circuit three nothing on Peach Gardens we can gain like two seconds in DK mountain and about nothing on BC 64 just so you guys know there's no time to gain on this Cup we can just hopefully maintain I can't believe we're this far I honestly can't believe it nice house good I remembered I don't have to do the realignment because it's 200cc I did the realignment at the end oh my god spare me CPUs what about even there someone in the chat probably knows three more this next one is where it ended last time well I lost all my time here I can't believe on my head every single Cup I feel like I go about even that's just been very slow and steady increments of time gained over the course of eight cups here hasn't haven't really popped off at all but I haven't made any catastrophic failures it's been very interesting not like your average speed run that's for sure it's been very consistently inconsistent does that make sense very consistently slightly inconsistent I got a weird lines on this track I don't know the best lines I should probably watch the 200cc records and see like if I could do this more optimally that's the way I'm doing it this kind of Zink but we're making it work Jesus dude the choppers getting a little bit of grass there I always had a mole remember I told you guys this run was blessed with good luck we've used up so much of that good luck I don't know how there's any left the game wants me to PvE like I'm just been granted with infinite amount of luck that's wrong yeah there's been some bad luck but for the most part I should this run should've been dead like five times I don't know how we're alive right now it's this time 1:29 yes okay we're even we're even I've to after vote these tracks two more this next one scares me a lot I'm not gonna go for shortcut obviously and then BC 64 I might not go for shortcut either it's a tough call we'll see well it will make a game-time executive - you'll be the decision - more tracks I don't even know how many people are watching don't tell me tap don't tell me I'm not even looking I was really clutch let's go let's go oh that was gross bad landing all right not pretty not pretty I'm gonna do better next to iscandar [Music] this is the run of luck this is the luckiest run of my life this is the game telling me you deserve a PB even though you suck that's what the games tell me I've had so many better runs in this that's why I'm supposed to do supposed to wheelie see it's so much better you go a lot faster that's not good that's not good at all oh my god we were deemed it I'm always afraid that's gonna happen I'm releasing two buttons like at a very similar time to each other okay well we lost three seconds on this run so far so I'm gonna be about four seconds ahead I need to have a good lat for you I'm not gonna go for glitch there we go that was really good I really need to work on this corner this corner is not my bread and butter you know why it's because there's so many times where I'm just like we'll go for glitch but I need to work on this I need just hop hop hop drifts brake drifts release break jams what was my time how much they leave how much they lose I don't wanna know I think I got 148 it's gonna be so close guys it's gonna be so close it's gonna be so close I'm gonna have to go all out on this last one all right here we go this is just to save a couple seconds I think I lost about five seconds on that one and yes we're going for shortcut I don't mess around dude God my hands are so sweaty it's rough this truck is not that bad though it's just the CPUs laughter you're scary I don't feel like going for it nice the boost carries over going into lap 2 which is really nice so it makes a lot two really strong I can I can PV for sure dude CPUs are scaring me man oh god there's so many of them okay yes yes we did it three seconds oh we have a new time we didn't choke it feels good it feels good it feels really good it's 2:57 in the morning right now my eyes are bloodshot thumbnail guys I have three words to say do you have any good sound effects on this dude right here I felt so good man I should just upload this like right now [Music]
Channel: TWD98
Views: 1,382,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart Wii, shortcuts for every course, Mario Kart, Wii, 200cc, expert shortcuts, ultra shortcuts, glitches, all shortcuts, daisy, Rainbow Road, Mario, troy, twd98, shroomless shortcuts, mario kart modding, 99999cc, all 32 tracks, speedrun, 32 track speedrun, all 32 courses, ultra shortcut, skip, glitch, world record, twd98 clan war, twd98 item rain, twd98 shortcuts, twd98 race to 9999
Id: GCKhxkmetlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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