Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Funny Moments: The Greatest Finish Line Steal Ever!

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The giraffe camel man?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dellexen 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
yeah just normal just normal break are you are you the giraffe that needs to be put down oh my god oh you guys are me the [ __ ] rig hey let's see what he looks like - weird - Ramos on television oh and stream I'm not gonna choke alright you're gonna watch this light this [ __ ] life I'm not that show starting at the bottom and that's where snow goes not here alright guys we're going for our first not last of the day yeah all realistic expectations here am i yeah what here at Panda live we don't like to lie to our viewers we like to give them false hope the cold my stream is titled let's try to win and then all sigh broca's wall probably I had to do it there I was actually going for Craig I'm gonna walk oh I know you were oh [ __ ] speaking of late no okay what you don't know he's going to get away [ __ ] you pulled a panda did you bro yeah lightning ball today being on top all the time Craig's more of a power bottom hahahaha hey Deb's got la lifestyle no Brock y ou know you [ __ ] up to down here [ __ ] do it it's me those annoyingly clients they're [ __ ] here's another one Oh shiny Scotty has a shiny Scotty which one but I heard probably Brian I'm not sure but I'm willing to bet it's Brian all right I got a watch I got a watch someone scream [Applause] God my [ __ ] snout we got this really Oh No Oh Jade easy I blame JD looks like we got some visitors gang goddamnit some people couldn't resist playing this without a we've gone and resisted Janey an army too god damn nice shady you ruined everything the only get nice is that he's guarded who did it who did it where did people see it create our bus JD and Chaplin right where did people see the goddamn code god damnit trumpeter we got Trump in here great nothing oh my god that it that is the best in the [ __ ] me I've ever seen he got the lips of the eyes he [ __ ] Jima this Mario's my race is going to be so good so good so good you're gonna love it it's got to be amazing so what you did just this one chick just want a man in muted I'm gonna make a new tournament Scott up what's up baby man yo yeah okay here we're going to be I made a rookie mistake oh oh really JD really sorry what gave it away ah shut the [ __ ] up it was hard to do all this couple one all right I apologize y'all gonna make any [ __ ] really we do yeah you do [ __ ] about that I had like nine people in the stat talk about the code and I'm like oh then numbers Mason what do they mean what I mean then give me a chance to like finish today I get in trouble come here Trump your [ __ ] get is way to forget here you [ __ ] orange [ __ ] oh sorry is that offensive to orange people crazy huh sorry shout out to everyone in Jersey do not appreciate that Oh revenge is sweet aborted the peace oh yeah I got the code appreciated mother whoa hey no way oh my god [ __ ] whoa hey hi I [ __ ] up when I recovered oh you dirty [ __ ] you dirty [ __ ] oh no no he [ __ ] me Mom oh yeah the bomb was exquisitely time know in this [ __ ] JD's random [ __ ] boyfriend you joined the session wow oh wow wow that's the main thing about me seeing the race all the screaming about [ __ ] Liam boyfriend's other con Wow okay okay sleep okay I was second and a mini last [ __ ] bomb wrecked my life wrecked my life Craig you are and there we go yeah oh I'm exquisite I want you think about it a character - I'm glad Joe Gigi's in the shot Jesus comments a comment section on craig's video he's an [ __ ] Tara's Nick check the [ __ ] check stop please stop playing with Brian he's an [ __ ] Craig your 40 count again towel again I love crikey so gorgeous Jacob is a pet a mutant rugged oh [ __ ] gameplay Dibby Dibby which my mouth plate start that [ __ ] there's two computer so hard having so many processors my mom got me to you the new AMD Radeon [ __ ] kids at Intel what a [ __ ] no the AMD Moctar oh I'm a good you John yeah Bremer crest received yes lore'l a mindset oh I just live somewhere the banana there you then it all Anthony thought like and people I don't care I love you Brian sorry well you had a boo Valentine no I miss it oh god I'm going to get a coin and getting a coin that's come on Vlad noises loud noises that's all it is unbelievable really serious private half a mile and rivers oh boy Wow let's go get that double because I love coin Miyamoto I heard it I heard it okay all right it's okay relax relax image as an [ __ ] oh no no I don't know oh my god like it matters Brian are you serious Graham I was oh sorry half of my way stop right now come on come on come on no I am NOT going to brag okay I'm out of here Joseph I said just don't show the code don't show the code when you do it let's do this I'm really oh my god that was rather growling thank you guys people thank you I like to work on my book do the voice the voice cut that with your boy how bad that was mad at you guys ask for someone else oh come on oh I had to get that worm oh wow I don't know why I did that no no you [ __ ] just sorry not in a brian/cory this is Rp there's another one yeah we're taking the jackal wait wait to make me sound like Captain Falcon sorry cooking condones it [ __ ] Hey oh my guess that if I get that type cool Oh flying to the air everybody puts my biscotti plan Oh what is the walkie okay yep good everyone this time oh thank you for the coin take don't worry you're going to get an item jet toss though I have a coin it's always dripping always the same where your first place second always gets read my own or what just happened but I'm gonna write what eventually go not entirely no yes amazing Rott where's my book I got no items to save the day [Laughter] the results are to be generous in the chat now committee the hashtag thank you Brian Tessa first time I've ever said that sentence would you give you truly are an amazing person keep up the amazing work for team I appreciate the kind words thanks for the five as well dude I'm gonna win as well for you already summarizes my thoughts of Mario Kart pretty well okay we go just I'm bad I feel a word you please ask for the word he says the most and zero for the average point don't funny bright huh can't bring it out of here he's a jerk okay yeah the comment section he's an [ __ ] leave Craig alone but this is Anthony's time I don't care I love Craig okay we're on a plug time Scotty Scotty come for that ad come for that ass I'm doing all I'm doing at home okay and there mind you have a nice day sir you take care over there favorite first place I'm sorry man now your eyes do you read sure me no my boomerang I'm getting great now all the items Bob Seger don't worry I got a new one confirmer sorry baby right I don't think you energy State for me no no after they begin to bend it again garnet oh god let's go and all Scotty is far away so much with no there we go there it is yeah no way look you like that come back let's go baby what are you [ __ ] [ __ ] yo boy thanks for all the help I cannot believe he had a bad day potassium-rich bananas you cannot stop them my hair already sorry Anthony you that's Anthony's laughs are you call defroster on agreed clever girl JD oh no I don't sell retail sorry no you stole my [ __ ] I don't like the fact that I'm broken oh oh the bill is not a nickel approach I cancelled it baby let's go Mon gonna get a boss again oh boy oh wait Ryan [ __ ] wrong way don't bother hello oh no I did I my god whoever threw all those fireballs I commanded myself [Applause] yeah baby the waves are going to dick commanded himself [ __ ] you 40 [ __ ] booty all right I'm lying I feel better I did what every good American would do I took it out of my girlfriend it's okay so I told Gigi's forehead like aging and cause any lens right I was my old carrot with it now I'm the Mitch oh [ __ ] [ __ ] a man Oh what is the opposite of the man you must be destroyed the book more than hit it oh my god I didn't want haha boomerang you I love those would you love to see like a reality show code like at home and his wife I got my back [ __ ] he walked in all the press from Joshi last week Yoshi Yoshi in the backgrounds Mike whoa he does they're looking oh wow by using your Smeagol I can't tell pretty much intend to go device I will shoot a [ __ ] red shell no I like total I play also yes Wow 2 / 2 / 1 delta the Oh should be super good at oral the same for all the ladies know Oh Katara oh you can fit a dick Blake worried about the protocol wow I can't come the headwaiter I can throw the whole drug all die for you to get your [ __ ] trademark piranha plant oh no everything you can all now I will Manor no no way no now don't know what we're going for if we're going for it we're going for stream we're going for it [Music] I have to take a risk I have to go for it I couldn't pull it off I let you down we poured it on me but it works at any time going in but it's okay [ __ ] this global but you're like the girl that's what I'm echo echo behind me oh [ __ ] no only when pass me lovely why did it right why why did it go back it depends come on get him go get him oh here we go hey you know booty she throw harder hurt harder there were in the bargain I love it harder fighting still hits me ran hard harder daddy was great [Applause] oh really really really blame Baltimore too little too late elation nothing you already know if it's no good hello you don't sound asleep you don't gotta sleep broad Pacific em dome us oh did that mean reward again is that point my work what we like um no no I get [ __ ] burger when the map is inverted he started screaming on the ground get up [ __ ] away from me bragging but [ __ ] what I didn't become no problem I [ __ ] love ya [ __ ] god [ __ ] oh look at you made earlier let it go I'm getting dick names like a lab my clitoris there we go we're good Brock no okay not like somebody wrong [ __ ] here in that game oh ho Jesus we can all because I could job me on my video nothing happened what were you having this would be me screeching ocean road take it Craig exactly wants me to call you a [ __ ] form there Zachary I love you do Zachary is a wise man yeah I like that style yeah we like that if you got a drip on this level over the reverse NASCAR's I never stop trips to bail favor and only drill and better stop drifting [ __ ] I was born for it with him wait I got here with a red light god damn older Brian [ __ ] Brock cosimo spicy means right there there we God now not what the [ __ ] but Batman me we'll see I can throw that oh hey who was that Brian ha ha ha ha I have been and I'm going to tell I can feel it I feel it nothing love this game man how my gosh am I going to do it I am ready to roll over that local band oh go to the line fami oh yeah the baby terrorizes don't get you one dumb on the game terrorism oh yeah I got from the gaming terrorism so coming down
Channel: Terroriser
Views: 1,465,487
Rating: 4.9485388 out of 5
Keywords: terroriser, the terroriser, terrorizer, mario kart, terroriser mario kart, funny moments, Funny Moments, mario kart 8, mario kart 8 deluxe, miniladdd mario kart, mario kart rage, Terroriser Rage, nintendo, rage, irish, daithi, gaming, brian, mod, funny, comedy, schwarzenneger, new, wildcat rage, miniladdd, basicallyidowrk, bigjigglypanda, rage quit, mcdonalds wifi, prop hunt, Nogla, Ireland, panda, Hide and Seek, Parody, Glitches, Epic, hide and seek, terroriser gta 5, Silent Brian
Id: ofyPR9XZTMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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