Marilyn Manson - Coma White (Official Music Video)
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Channel: MarilynMansonVEVO
Views: 50,941,351
Rating: 4.9035501 out of 5
Keywords: Marilyn, Manson, Nothing, Rock, rock, rock music, rock n roll, rock and roll, Marilyn Manson, Marilyn Manson Vevo, Vevo, Vevo Music, Marilyn Manson Coma White
Id: QQPJYnr48yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2009
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The entirety of Mechanical Animals is top notch.
The acoustic version of the song is really, really good too.
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mmm winamp and counter strike
This is still...and will always be my favorite song. It holds a special place in my functionality.
"The last tour on earth" live album that followed mechanical animals was pretty great too.
I'm not a HUGE fan of Alternative Music, but almost 17 years ago when my husband and I first got together he turned me on to Manson and I will say, I LOVE this album!!
Manson, probably one of the realist mofos I've ever seen
This is my favourite album by Manson, followed closely by Holywood