Mariana Trench Creatures That Are Scarier Than Megalodon

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so scared of the megladon a these mariana trench creatures will terrify you even more just call me chicken of the sea now what's scarier than the prehistoric megladon that used to live in the Mariana Trench the Sharptooth creepy looking creatures that currently live there well much of the Mariana Trench hasn't been explored yet what scientists have found so far is absolutely terrifying watch to learn more about the creepy creatures that lie in the world's deepest waters but be warned you may never want to swim in the ocean again or at least that deep counting down from number 10 the Fang tooth that's his name the Mariana Trench is an underwater trench with a depth of 35,000 feet nearly seven miles below the ocean surface let that sink in well scientists know that the Mariana Trench exists it's one of the least explored places on earth it's also the deepest area of Earth's oceans and although many creatures down there probably haven't even been seen by humans yet scientists have had the creepy pleasure of getting to know the Fang tooth the thang toothfish shamelessly lives up to its name just look at that thing the Fang tooth is carnivorous and feeds on just about anything you can find that gets caught in its Sharptooth mouth these fish rely on their contact chemo reception to find prey in other words they can sense chemical residue that comes off other living organisms in the deep sea this is because they don't have any light producing cells on their bodies unlike many other deep-sea fish on top of all that it's pretty dark down there so whatever crosses their path they chomp on while these guys look pretty scary they're not a threat to humans they only grow about 7 inches long even so I wouldn't want to run into one of these things during a relaxing swim in the ocean number nine the Dumbo octopus this guy may look cute but he swallows his prey whole it doesn't have any teeth simply foraging for food consisting of pelagic invertebrates swimming just above the ocean floor the Dumbo octopus gets its name thanks to its rather cartoonish look it has floppy elephant-like ears that rest on top of its 12-inch body along with googly looking eyes the Dumbo octopus is the deepest living octopus scientists know of according to Oceana diet or they are known as umbrella octopuses since their arms are connected by web skin when they spread them apart they look like an umbrella a slimy hungry deep-sea umbrella number 8 the barrel I fish this unique fish lives 2,500 feet underwater in the Mariana Trench there are a couple of cool but freaky things that make this fish one-of-a-kind like its transparent head you can see through the barreleye fish is had some scientists believe that this transparent head lets the fish collect a bit more light in the dark depths of the sea which gives them an advantage over other fish that hunt blindly inside their heads you'll find two barrel shaped eyes that point upward so that the fish can see the outlines of its prey well scientists know what the fish looks like there still hasn't been enough research done to determine its reproductive patterns and life cycle so mysterious number seven the sea devil angler fish this creature looks more like a fish from a horror movie than from Earth's oceans the sea devil angler fish resides a whopping 3,200 feet deep and is in no shortage of weird features razor-sharp teeth a misshapen body an unsettling stare but perhaps the creepiest thing about the sea devil anglerfish is the way it catches its prey it is a fishing rod type appendage on its forehead that has a glowing light attached to the end to attract animals once these animals come close enough to the light BAM they're captured by the sea devils massive jaws these guys are even capable of eating prey larger than they are so their eyes aren't bigger than their stomachs number six the goblin shark if you thought the movie Jaws was scary this next deep sea creature will make you swear off going for dips in the ocean forever however it lives 3,000 feet underwater so you'll never likely see it face to face the goblin shark looks like a cross between a shark and a creature from your worst nightmare these sharks boast a protruding sword-like snout with a jaw that juts out to match unlike other sharks that have more of a gray hue this creepy thing looks not so pretty in pink aside from their scary demeanor what do scientists really know about the goblin shark well not much except that they can grow up to 18 feet in length looks like there's still a lot to learn about these guys if you dare to number five the deep-sea hatchetfish you know that tool that looks like a small axe well the deep-sea hatchet fish looks like the tool that inspired its name believe it or not there are over 40 species of hatchet fish that sport thin bodies covered in shiny scales that's why they often look metallic these fish only grow to be around six inches but they're able to handle the pressure of the deep-sea living 5,000 feet below the surface thanks to their bioluminescent bodies they shine depending on how much light manages to come in from above the water this shimmer helps them camouflage and trick on predators number for the zombie war whoa there are zombies in the ocean not quite the zombie worm isn't an undead creature of the deep sea it's very much alive it's also known as the bone worm and it can swallow bones of massive mammals like whales it does this by secreting acid to obtain the inner contents of the dead whales bones well isn't that yummy the zombie worm is able to breathe by wiggling its branches or limbs around to pull in any oxygen from the water number three the deep-sea dragon fish if there were a prize for the most hideous fish in the ocean the deep-sea dragon fish would win with slimy scaly skin massive teeth and a face only a mother could love this bad boy of the sea is nothing to mess with it likes to swim between 700 and 6,000 feet below the surface of the ocean where the waters are the darkest and coldest along with some other creatures on this list the deep-sea dragon fish relies on its bioluminescent body parts to catch prey it also uses its hanging appendage which boasts a little red light on the end coming out of its lower jaw many fish mistake this little light for prey luring them right into the jaws of the deep-sea dragon fish very clever dragon fish very clever indeed number 2 the frilled shark you'll be thrilled if you ever meet one studying the frilled shark is like looking through a portal back to prehistoric times that's because scientists think that these eel like sharks haven't changed much since they're older ancestors roamed the deep-sea waters so they're sometimes referred to as living fossils these sharks mouths are filled with the terrifying 25 rows of backward-facing sharp teeth 300 in total they're designed to grasp prey and hold them tight so they can't get away according to early studies of the shark conducted in 1884 and published in The Bulletin of the Essex Institute luckily for swimmers the frilled sharks live between 390 and 4200 feet below the ocean surface so they'll probably never run into them probably number one Liopleurodon while all the creatures mentioned on this list thus far are still believed to be alive and well today some of the most terrifying ones are extinct like Megalodon but this list of terrifying creatures of the Mariana Trench would be incomplete without mentioning the terrifying and prehistoric Liopleurodon this carnivorous marine reptile existed during the Colombian stage of the middle Jurassic era and ruled the waters at nine feet in length scientists believe Liopleurodon thrived in this deep-sea trench because of its ability to swim long distances and its four paddle-like lamps while they probably weren't able to propel themselves toward prey like other animals of the area they did manage to accelerate and attack very ruthlessly and efficiently additionally they relied on their long snouts to smell prey which lead scientists to believe they didn't rely on sight for hunting this means they could have thrived in the dark Mariana Trench around 150 million years ago Liopleurodon became extinct due to competition for prey against other thriving marine reptiles and I think I speak for all of us when I say thank goodness for that considering that scientists have only explored 5% of the ocean floor and found some of the scariest sea creatures imaginable one can only dream of what other animals reside in the deep sea waters perhaps it's best to keep them in your imagination am i right Oh what other scary deep sea dwellers have you read about share the ones that scare you the most in the comment section don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click Subscribe stay on the bright side [Music]
Views: 2,925,056
Rating: 4.5910835 out of 5
Keywords: Liopleurodon, Frilled Shark, Deep-Sea Dragonfish, Zombie Worm, Deep-Sea Hatchetfish, Goblin Shark, Seadevil Anglerfish, Barreleye Fish, Dumbo Octopus, Fangtooth, sharks, weird animals, sea creatures, sea monsters, prehistoric animals, scary creatures, creepy creatures, Mariana Trench, Megalodon, predators
Id: Y813dCQB1XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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