Mariana Mazzucato

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my name is Mariana matsukako I'm a professor in the economics of innovation and public value at IPP which I founded and currently direct five years ago so the reason I actually set up the Institute is that my research was starting to have quite a bit of a impact around the world in terms of rethinking the state and the point of the Institute is to unpack that what does that mean for organizational design what does it mean for the curriculum for civil servants what does it mean for the new economic thinking and really my research actually crosses all those different areas around the new types of Finance new ways to think about value new design of policy of what we actually care about is solving some of the biggest problems of our time so I teach across the curriculum and both in the master's program the mpa and NRV thinking capitalism module which is based on a textbook that I wrote my goal is for students to realize that it's absolutely impossible to have better policy for example policy for climate without it actually being founded on New Economic thinking so I love teaching our master's students really because what we're trying to do is to rewrite the curriculum so in some ways we're learning as much from the students as they're learning from us it's difficult to think of which bit I like teaching the most but perhaps my class on value because value means we need to rethink the stories we're telling about how the economy Works who's being valued who's not being valued and what happens when we actually confuse price what about you perhaps one of the most influential people in my life in terms of Academia was my history teacher in high school it was a history class that was divided between Middle Eastern history and Latin American history and what was amazing was just that the site of the politics the economics the um in some ways even the sociology were brought to the table in such a way that for a you know a young 16 year old was quite uh revolutionary and that made me just really interested in the world I'm presented here as the Director as a professor as the founder and I guess it's really important for me to say that for me it's an honor to be working not only with the wider IPP team but also with the students we are a team in the battle that is out there and fighting against the ideology the problematic practices on the ground and we can only do it together and I see myself very much actually as a student of this experience
Channel: UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Views: 2,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: spOhX1w_Rx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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