MARCUS GRODI Guest: Pastors become Catholic?

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good morning and welcome to another day in vlent today we're going to be talking about what it means when a Protestant pastor wants to become Catholic. Good morning, I'm that nerdy Catholic, I'm an evangelical Catholic trying to help Evangelicals understand Catholics. Today we have a special guest with us. Marcus Grodi is the president and founder of the Coming Home Network. I'm going to ask him to share a little bit about what the coming up network is all about. Oh, this is our 25th year and about 25 years ago or so my wife Marilyn I entered the church, and I had been a Presbyterian pastor for 10 years about 10 years, and so it was tough coming in on the journey when we knew a very few other Protestant ministers who had ever had the craziness to consider becoming Catholic and we couldn't talk with our Protestant friends about what we were studying and learning and we didn't know very many Catholics so we felt very much alone on the journey. We just had a few Protestant converts that we had come to know along the way, Father Ray Ryland and Scott Hahn and so after coming into the church the idea was to form a network of converts to help others on the journey so that whether their clergy laity wherever they were they have a place to connect to ask the difficult questions without being pushed or prodded into the church but to feel very comforting and welcomed to talk about what they were going through and so we've been doing that now for 25 years. So in just rough numbers how many pastors do you think have come in to the church because of working with the Coming Home Network? Well we have, again rough numbers, we we have about 2,300 to 2,400 non- Catholic clergy who have one way or the other contacted the Coming Home Network or we've been told about them on the journey. About half of those have come into the church and the other half are still somewhere along on the journey. So what was, maybe recall one or two stories that you can remember of a pastor the contact at the Coming Home Network, we walked through them the whole part of the journey, and then and then they came in to the Catholic Church. Yeah well, I can talk in generalities of mostly men that we've worked with. For example I can think of one man who in the process of his doing his weekly sermon preparation in checking out commentaries for his sermon encountered an interpretation of Scripture that he had never encountered before and that awakened him both of the fact that there were other ideas out there and also that his own idea wasn't the even the the best interpretation of Scripture. That began him on a journey of studying scripture deeper which led him to the early church fathers and eventually led him to the to contact us through the internet because now he was finding the struggle of every week putting together his sermons when he realized that what he had been teaching all along didn't connect with what the early church taught and so that eventually led to the long journey of him resigning from his pastorate and coming into the church. I know some men also in that same situation where they've they come along that process, become convicted that they ought to consider entering the church but their wife is not on the same page as they are and don't want to make the journey so they get stalled in the process of deciding should they stay in the pastorate or should they resign but but not coming to the church yet because of their wife or come into the church anyway hopefully with the wife's permission. other issues sometimes they watch the journey home program sometimes they're browsing the internet and they'll become involved in a debate and find themselves awakened by grace to a new way of looking at scripture a new way of looking at church history new way of looking at Authority and sometimes it can be led both by discovering that there's a problem of Protestantism, a problem a Sola Scriptura, while at the same time discovering the beauty of the church. One of the things that I've talked about in a few of my recent videos is the the complexity of the Catholic understanding of salvation compared to a very simple understanding a lot of Protestants have of salvation and especially thinking about it in terms of a pastor and all the the real struggles that he would go through and and even thinking about becoming Catholic. Just talked a little bit about, you know about that, about his understanding of salvation to say you know it's not a I need to be Catholic right now or I'm not saved and it's not a well I can be wherever I am and I'm saved you know but it's it's always somewhere in the middle. yeah obviously Seth that's a more complicated subject to be covering your little vlog right here. Simply our work is standing beside men and women to help them discern what God's calling them to do because our bottom line is about a deeper walk with Jesus Christ I mean that's that's what our work is about and certainly people can look at documents from hundreds of years ago where the relationship between the Catholic Church and non Catholic churches was much more polemical and the way they talk to one another wasn't often very charitable but the church particularly in the last hundred years particularly since vatican ii as a result of i think many of the experiences as a result of world war ii has come to appreciate that yes the fullness of the church that our lord established is most completely present in the catholic church it's fully present in the catholic church but there are elements of that that are shared with our separated brethren and as the church herself teaches that all these elements of authentic Christianity at one time or other came from the Catholic Church and so that's why we are united but not perfectly with those outside the church. we don't stand in and judgment of someone's salvation and in may in many ways what I've come to discover more importantly is that even when we focus our attention on the issue of salvation for ourselves, am I saved, that can become a very inward self-centered focus, that really the call is not to be self focused but to be outward focused as our Lord teaches loving the Lord God and our neighbor as herself, that our focus is not to be on our salvation but on loving one another, and trusting salvation to God. I mean that's really what it's about and if he's calling us to do something beyond our imagination we believe that's what he calls us to do we're called to do it and for some people that's becoming Catholic so that's where we are to help you on the journey. yeah I think for me one of the most encouraging things in the work at the coming Network is that we can both at the same time affirm someone's faith, affirm their relationship with Jesus, and at the same time call them to - what we see as a deeper relationship with Jesus in the Catholic Church. yeah recently we many of us mourned as well as felt at peace about the passing of, for example, Dr. Billy Graham and he's had such a great impact on so many of us, he has me. You know he was, I know that the very first time I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior was a response to Billy Graham, and so I owe him a lot, and I recognize he is him as a brother and pray for him and his family. If I had a chance to sit with Billy I would gladly have shared him more about the beauty of the Catholic Church, as i know John Paul ii did with billy, but we also recognize How God has used Billy Graham in the millions of people's lives and that his work was a response to grace, we know that it was, a great love for Jesus Christ, and so we consider him a brother and we would hope that he would consider us would, have considered us brothers. That's just a little bit into the work at the Coming Home Network and and to see how we work to to help our brothers and sisters to affirm that they are indeed our brothers and sisters in Christ and to help them see the beauty of the Catholic Church and do what we can to to help draw them in and to work as as Marcus said in those moments of grace that God puts in their lives to draw them into the Catholic Church see if I have any questions please leave them in the comments below I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow, God bless. You can watch another video up here if you like what I'm doing on this channel and you want to join this community click that subscribe button hit that like button if you like this video and that little church bell to get a notification and want to put up any new videos I'll see you again tomorrow and God bless
Channel: That Nerdy Catholic
Views: 15,178
Rating: 4.9551191 out of 5
Keywords: marcus grodi, protestant pastors converting to catholicism, protestant convert, Protestant to Catholic Conversion, Protestant pastor convert, Billy Graham Catholic, from protestant to catholic, catholic convert, evangelical convert, evangelical converts to catholicism, Billy Graham Catholic Church, Billy Graham Catholicism, marcus grodi the journey home
Id: 8ZeFvYSun80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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