Marco Rubio | The Adam Carolla Show 08/17/2022

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a man who likes to talk about how people are all talk Adam Carolla yeah get it on got to get on the church we're going to amend it get it on and welcome to the show we got a little one-on-one going with Florida Senator Marco Rubio who you guys all know thanks for joining us Marco Rubio good to be with you happy to be here well we're in a tale of two different states because I'm out in California and you're out in Florida and seems to be a lot of people are leaving California and going to Florida and it also seems like instead of fixing California our our governor is just trying to do anti-florida an anti-florida Campaign which uh you can tell me how bad Florida is until you're blue in the face but I'd still like you to fix California the state you run do you have thoughts about that yeah I mean California to me and it's Saga is a beautiful place but it's a it's basically like what happens when you take every woke and crazy idea that some professor at a college campus or some activist not case thinks is good and you turn it into public policy and you say let's look at this police departments let's not arrest people that that commit crimes uh let's you know allow let's provide you know these uh trailers for people that are homeless right there on the street in front of people's homes let's turn our schools into indoctrination camps let's raise taxes to the point where you can't live anymore let's be a state that welcomes people coming illegally into our country and actually provides them benefits that citizens don't have you take all these ideas that sound really good I guess at The Faculty Club when you turn it into public policy and then you ruin a state that frankly you know 30 years ago was you know something that a lot of Americans wanted to be a part of and there's a lot of Glamor attached to it so it's sad and hopefully that'll change but obviously it's going to take some time and it isn't going to happen as long as that guy's the governor yeah it's interesting it's like California is an example of a state that has embraced the most Progressive bad ideas and you know I'm not that partisan and that you know every idea that is put forward by a Democrat is bad but then there's the left and the left has a ton of bad ideas and so we've embraced the most bad ideas and that's why people are fleeing here and going to Texas and Florida and Tennessee and many other places that have embraced sort of the least bad Progressive ideas there's always going to be some bad Progressive ideas in whatever state you're in we just happen to have the most in California maybe New York is second and that's where people are leaving as well yeah so you know it's interesting because you rate partisanship I actually don't think that that this is traditional partisanship so for the last 30 or 40 years you know most of my life uh the American politics has operated within a consensus and there's a you know as a left guard rail and a right guard rail and and so yeah you know we have different ideas and some one side thinks taxes should be a little higher the other side thinks there should be less regulation but generally operated in this consensus what's happened is that Paradigm has completely shifted the Democratic party has become the party of affluent progressives and Marxist Misfit uh activists they've taken over the party and so you have millions of Americans many of whom have been Democrats voted for Democrats union members what have you but they're working people and they're like yeah you know I might be a little liberal on some issues but I'm not insane I still have common sense I still believe in things like reality and they have and they see a party that doesn't just ignore them and ignores their concerns but prioritizes all of these ideas that belong to small group of people that have a lot of power the elite group of absolute people but they don't live on the same planet and and their ideas don't work for real people in fact many times these ideas aren't just bad ideas they hurt working people they hurt everyday people so everyday people are having their concerns ignored and their Common Sense constantly violated by one the political party that that movement has captured now that hopefully will change because I think we're a stronger country when we have two political parties that disagree on a left right Spectrum but operate within the constraints of Common Sense and reality we don't have that right now and unfortunately the Democratic party has has been captured by this element that it's just not the majority of the country yeah you know if you talk to people they'll go well the people on the left you know the Democrats they've been taking hostage by you know these college professor tenured caller college professor the left-wing Progressive San Francisco lunatics and they go well what about the right the right's been taken over by a bunch of uh hit larion white supremacists and it's like well they're not setting policy based on what the White supremacists and the neo-nazis are saying even if they are on that side meaning I I would say to people all the time it's like oh there's bad people over here and then there's bad people over there it's like yes they're bad people on each side but the Republican party isn't taking its marching orders from the clan uh the left and the Democrats are listening and enacting a lot of policies from The fringy Nut Job and I think that's the problem of the time we're living in yeah my name my last name is Rubio so they were setting policy based on the clan and the Republican party I probably wouldn't want very many elections much less have a place here look there are people throughout the American political spectrum that have all kinds of ideas including you know people whose ideas they claim to be Republicans but I don't agree with their ideas and in some cases I think their ideas might be dangerous that's not but that's not what we're talking about here what we're talking about here is the Democratic party whose donor base and activist base and and frankly staff base and the people that work their campaigns and oftentimes they come from a different world they're generally more affluent um increasingly non-minority I mean not not that that is necessarily the issue but they claim to be a party that defends minority but their views are largely the views of wider more affluent people that live in some bubbles around this country and these are people that five dollar gas doesn't bother as much so they have the luxury to prioritize some other issues for the people in the real world The Everyday People the small business owner they're trying to raise a family and work hard they may have opinions on some of those issues but there's no way those issues will ever become a priority when frankly you know you have 50 60 percent of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck and it's not like people talk about inflation it's not just inflation it's inflation on the essentials because one thing is a you know flat screen TV the new one that came out too expensive okay I'm not talking about we're talking about food housing clothing you know these are the basic gasoline these are the basics and now back to school supplies so that's the core there and and those those we're not even having a debate about those topics that that's the bigger problem the people who control Congress which are democratic leaders that's not the way they prioritize for the last two years they prioritize the fake voting rights crisis in Georgia they prioritize social issues that you know transgender rights all these things that may matter to some people and you know but they're not the priority that they're not the the biggest threat to the republic or our way of life and and that that is where I think you start to lose touch with people well you know uh there's a Home Depot a block away from where I'm sitting if I walked down the street and went into the Home Depot I would imagine it would be filled with Republicans and Democrats and if I asked just randomly stopped 100 of them in the plumbing aisle and said what do you care more about the price of gas the price of beef the price of eggs and school choice or transgender rights every single one of them would say the price of gas and beef and none of them would say transgender rights so why is that platform building a dream on the thing that the people in The Home Depot don't give a crap about because the people at Home Depot by and large are not the people that are donating on act blue they're not the people that are protesting in the streets and threatening to burn down cities every time they don't get their way they're not the people that are blocking traffic over climate change they're not the people that work these campaigns they're not the activist base that claims to represent underrepresented people and and that's where the base and the energy of the democratic party has come from and so that my point is that that's what's dominated it right it is dominated by people that are not at Home Depot they live in the Upper West Side they live in East Hollywood uh you know that's where they live and frankly they they have enough affluence to make these things a priority and then you have sort of a corporate mainstream media that that goes along with it because many of the people that run that not to mention Corporate America agree with some of those things so they prioritize these issues and so you talk about transgender rights look I think every American is entitled to decency to respect to all the basic equality under the law that we're all entitled to what but which they're not you know point five percent of this country is not entitled to change everything for everyone for the other 99.5 of the nation and and um and yet that's the argument they're making on that issue along with the fact that it just ignores some pretty basic truths and common sense it hasn't just changed policy it's changed language yep the AP and other major entities now refuse to write pregnant women that they'll write pregnant people right and as of I don't know the time of this taping I just checked right before I came on according to the experts throughout 5 500 years of recorded history every person who's ever been pregnant happened to be a biological one and um maybe that one day that will change but so far it has not and so when we talk about pregnant people it's a fiction but the language has changed these guys a brand new language there are words I do not understand like Latin science I thought latinx was like a a band or something I didn't know or some Club but I didn't know what I never heard that term in my life except from people in Washington that are in politics I yeah well it's obviously super condescending because it's a bunch of middle-aged semi-well-off white people telling Latin people what they need to start calling themselves it's kind of that Joe Biden you know if you ain't black you ain't Democrat you know that kind of stuff it's like you guys never stop talking about racism who's the one who sounds like a racist in this equation number one number two you you take something as simple as defund the police to your point if you live in Malibu or you live in the Palisades you live in Beverly Hills You Can defund the police all he wants never going to touch you it's never coming to your front door it's the people in the bad neighborhoods that are hurt by defunding the police and that's sort of the point you've been making throughout this conversation correct yeah and it's maybe that defund the police was the beginning of it but I think that the most damaging thing now has in addition to that whole attitude has been the rise of these prosecutors across the country who unilaterally decided not to prosecute entire categories of crime and so when it's very simple equation again going back to common sense if you do not if you will not arrest criminals then it will be on the street and the message that you're sending if you don't arrest people is we're not going to punish crime there's no consequences for it and we start to look like the movie The Purge right because you're basically telling people these things we won't prosecute plus you're releasing them and one of the reasons why mandatory sentences and I'm not saying they're always perfect but mandatory sentences work is because they take people who have a proven record of and tendency to commit crimes career criminals and you put them away it's you are removing the supply of criminals on the street but if you're arresting someone and immediately releasing them back into the street and then after that you're dropping the charges you created not just an incentive the capability of that person to create more crimes but you've actually we sent the message to a bunch of other people that there's there are no consequences for certain crimes and that just creates the spirit of criminality that begins to spread uh in ways that are disastrous I mean every day brings stories of something you never would have seen 10 years ago but now you do what uh in your estimation is going on with Joe Biden in that the pitch for Joe Biden is you know Uncle Joe slow and steady guy's been around for a million years we're going to tack back toward the middle the adults are in the room we're gonna we're gonna ease up on the rhetoric and we're going to get a moderate guy because this country wants to be governed by a moderate so they everyone's hair was on fire with Trump and we're gonna go the opposite of trump we're going to go a very mild mannered moderate guy he's not going to do anything radical we're just going to get back to a country that we sort of recognize from you know 25 years ago in a tempered moderate president and Joe seems to have just sort of gone in with all the lunatics on the left at least from a policy standpoint and it doesn't really make sense to me certainly it's not consistent with the promise of the campaign although he said many radical things during it but that the he was being pitched certainly by the news apparatus that he's just slow and steady wins the race we got an adult back in the room everyone can relax and then he just went down this road and I keep thinking sort of what's in it for him and these aren't his policies but he's going along with all of them is he unable to just go hey man this is not what I said I was going to do yeah well I I don't think that this is anything like what he was 20 years ago when he was in the Senate it's also not the same party so I think there's two things yeah he sold this campaign was that he was going to be a bridge between the past and the future sort of like a caretaker he didn't promise to be some revolutionary leader he promised to basically be a guy that would bring everything back to normal settle everything down as America transitioned from one era to the other and instead what he's learned upon his election is his office is staffed by people from the new Democrat Party the modern Democrat Party the activists uh that generate the energy bear in their party are insisting upon these things and so you have people coming to you and saying okay we've got to now we've got to listen to these people because they're the ones that got us here the ones that knocked on doors or the people that gave us money and so his first thing out of the gate is 1.9 trillion dollars of spending which even Democrat economists were telling them was going to ramp up inflation you know if you don't if you create more Supply with more government money but uh more Demand with more government money but your supply is still short you know more more demand less Supply higher prices and that's what happened then they moved they pivoted to this voting rights issue again another thing insisted upon by the radicals in the Democratic party and then he went as far as to do something really uncharacteristic and Joe Biden throughout his career to accuse everyone who opposed that law of being no no better than George Wallace and the Jim Crow era leaders of the 1960s I mean just really outrageous over the top stuff from there he proceeded to try to pass the build back better which was basically a hodgepodge of every far left pipe dream all thrown and cobbled together into one bill even now this bill is putting forward cynically they call it the inflation act it isn't it raises a bunch of taxes on a lot of people that aren't rich and businesses that aren't big and it's going to use it to fund a bunch of green New Deal projects not to mention tackle urgent issues like for example you know racist highways and plant more trees and things that not and and and you know subsidize these electric cars that most Americans will not be driving anytime in the near future uh meanwhile you know like 96 97 of the automobiles in America get no help as a result of this all of it because he is now the head of a modern democratic party and from a staffing activist perspective they are all from the far left that Democratic party of this 80s 90s whatever is gone I mean it's just not there anymore is this you you tell me what you think of this analogy it'll be a little rough around the edges but tell me if you think it's generally true Joe Biden let's forget about politics it's like he said I'm not a vegan I'm not a vegetarian I like a hamburger every once in a while like a nice T-bone steak on a Saturday night and that's who I am and then he got into office and he was surrounded by vegetarians and he's like I'm gonna have a double double I'll take a cheeseburger and they went you know we got some lentil bean soup that you maybe enjoy more and he was like oh okay yeah I'll try that and then we got some Veggie subs and the next thing you know he's a vegetarian because everyone around him is essentially a vegetarian and that's kind of what they're feeding him and then also who wants to argue with everyone who's a vegetarian like all day like did he go in as a carnivore and he was just converted by all the vegetarians around him yeah listen I think he went in as a carnivore that was friends with a bunch of vegetarians and what he found is that these people aren't just vegetarians they don't want you to wear leather right they don't want you and I mean you can't they don't want you to uh they even watch movies where bad things happen to animals um they uh they not only do they not think anyone should eat meat they don't think that we should allow cattle because that hurts the environment in essence it goes well beyond vegetarians but again it goes back to the point if someone wants to be a vegetarian they can be I don't think there's anything inherently evil but this is Way Beyond vegetarianism and by the way these are also the people that are offended if you're not a vegetarian right I mean that's a very vegetarian they get offended that you're not a vegetarian well that no not only it's more than offended they won't tolerate you they won't no exactly because because if you eat meat you're not just doing something that they think is unhealthy and they won't do you're actually an evil person right because a living creature had to be put to death um and as a result in order for you to have that meat and by the way before they were killed they were messing up the environment because they released too much of gas or whatever I mean it's just that level of the other direction furthermore you're no longer allowed to even say the word mood right I mean that's the other thing they're saying now that word has been changed as well and and so all like we're using an analogy but basically this has gone well beyond I think people are right to believe whatever they want and we have a republic to work out those differences but these guys want to change the concept of true and not true right and wrong what words we can use who can who's allowed to speak and what you're allowed to say they even want to change because you're able to tell jokes about which is defeat the purpose of Comedy if the only people that you're allowed to offend are Trump supporters and white men that it's not going to be very funny after a while what uh let's turn to uh Cuba where your family's from uh I'm not heard a lot about Cuba in the last several months I'm not in Florida I'm not a Rubio so maybe I'm missing some stuff uh I know you know Fidel's gone but his brother took his place like I Cuba it seems incomprehensible to me that it would remain the way it is for the the many years I mean you know Fidel Castro at a 50-year run never got assassinated or poisoned or you know it just it just continues I mean it it's it's literally 50 some odd years now right yeah longer than that it's almost 60 years but um so here's the way I would describe Cuba they ascribed they signed up for an economic model that doesn't work and it doesn't just not work it's really catastrophic there's no other country really in the world trying not even Venezuela which is really more of a corrupt uh Narco State than it is a Marxist one they're the only people still sort of following this Marxist textbook which clearly does not work but they can't abandon it what they like to do is they don't want to be a prosperous country they just need to provide enough a level of prosperity just High Enough for their people to be happy and calm and not be angry at the government and not have everyone leave but they can't but the reason so they're going to have to open up their economy for that to happen but the reason why they don't want to open up the economy is because when you open up the economy you begin to lose control over people they may not have much but if everything you have is provided by the government your education your limited food your medicine your access to medicine if everything you have you depend on the government for then they have a tremendous amount of Leverage over you and that's what's happening now they had hoped that this opening with Obama uh would proved to be a disaster would allow them to create a little bit of economic activity but that they would control and the in essence give us the money and we'll make sure that people get it but it was never designed to advance those people's lives it's just make sure they eat enough so they don't protest and they don't all leave well none of that has worked out and then on top of that's been exacerbated by covid and the loss of Tourism you know now Russians were a big part of their tourism they're not traveling a lot these days Russians so the result is that they're in a total catastrophe so here's something most people don't realize a lot a significant percentage of the people who are presenting themselves at the southern border and cross our Cuban they go to Nicaragua which allows them to travel them without a Visa and then they make that Trek towards the Border and um already this year alone the first seven months of this year almost eight months of this year more people have come to the U.S illegally from Cuba on the first eight months of this year than did throughout the entire Mario Boat Lift which was a traumatic moment in the early 80s they have lost you know two three one to two percent of the country has left just in the last year 160 000 people so 16 million 106 at the 360 people over over one percent of the population of the country has left and these are the people that are young and healthy enough to survive a journey such as this so it's it's a perhaps the most difficult time in Cuba's history even worse than when the Soviet Union collapsed and they just have people there that aren't incompetent marks it's you can be incompetent or you can be in Marxist but if you're an incompetent Marxist that's a disastrous combination well you brought up the southern border what is the play on the southern border with the Biden Administration and what's the end game I can't figure out what the plan is I I guess like I you know it happens a lot where somebody says you know fences don't work tear this down National Guard's not going to work none of it works okay but then what does work and the answer is never an answer it's just sort of what doesn't work and so it's the end game just going to be more illegal migration through the southern border than we've ever seen and then to what benefit is that to the Biden Administration especially because of and you're probably well aware this the way voters Latin voters are turning on the Democratic party in droves recently I mean just you know I can't remember all the numbers offhand but they they would win lavishly with you know I mean they do very well very well with African-American voters and then very well with Hispanic voters and both those numbers are dropping but the Hispanic voters are dropping fast yeah so you don't unpack two things the first uh you mentioned that fences don't work and the National Guard doesn't work because that was their argument when Trump tried to do it and it's at the National Guard that's not what their job is we don't need a fence that doesn't really work on January 6th when a guy broke in here with Speedos and uh you know and uh and horns and we had it it was a terrible day no doubt about it what did they put up around the capitol fences right immediately I mean like within 12 hours there was fences around this place and for a month and a half we had National Guards and from all over the country sleeping here and full-time you know Duty here so I guess fences in National Guard doesn't work on our border but if the capital and the people who work here feel threatened and it does work the second thing about the board is pretty simple and that is if people believe that if they get in they're going to be allowed to stay they're going to come and they believe it because it's true I mean these are human beings they respond to uh incentive and word of mouth and this is not a theory I didn't read about it in the latest edition of some magazine I know people who have relatives that are coming illegally and the reason is simple they know that if they come across the border and they turn themselves in they will be processed they will be given a notice to appear at some future court hearing and they will be released they will be handed over to some charity and that charity will give them a cash card and will transport them to the city where their relatives are um and um and and then they're and they're gone and you know people know it these people call back home and they said hey we made it and more people will come so it is very simple they believe they come in they'll be allowed to stay and there's the perception I mean so if Trump was hard on the border Biden said I'm going to do the opposite of trump the word got out in every country where people wanted to come here that it was going to be easier to come with this was and if you came here there was actually going to be some change in the law in the future that would allow you to get legalized and it created an incentive for people to come and that's what's happening and that's what's happening if we announce tomorrow anyone who wants to come to America can come at least 100 million people will try to come at least 100 million people will try to come so that's the starting point so we have to have a system that decides who can come when they can come and how they can come and if you follow that process we will always be a country that welcomes immigrants through a process that Americans have decided is good for our country at that time in our history but if you don't follow that process you shouldn't be allowed to stay and some of these are very sad stories but if you know like every country in the world we have to deal with it so you ask what's the end game provide he doesn't have one the problem is there are activists in that party who believe we should not have a board they do not believe that they may get lip service to it for political purposes but they don't think borders they think borders are artificial that we're all citizens of the of the world and that people should be able to live wherever they want that's how they truly believe and and now some of them will argue that openly and that's why I talk about abolishing nice and not so and even others will say well I believe we should have immigration laws we just shouldn't enforce them which is the same as saying let's not have them now you ask about hispanic voters let me say this I do not believe and I've said this for a long time that for most Americans in Hispanic dissent their primary identity is their ethnicity it's a big part of your identity it's a big part of my identity you know we celebrate Christmas on the 24th not the 25th we eat a roast Pig on the 24th we you know the music people might listen to is a different and so forth but their primary identity is they're a worker they're a parent they're a husband they're a wife they're a neighbor they're a small business owner that is their primary identity and they're the ones paying the price it's their hospitals that they have long Waits and when a lot of people come into a place it's it's their schools that get overcrowded um it's their labor markets they get flooded and that they have to find competition and it's it's their communities they get destabilized in Social Services because get overrun these people aren't coming to this country and moving to Beverly Hills they're not coming to this country and moving the uh as I said the Upper West Side of Manhattan or they're not moving to The Hamptons in the summer they're moving into Hispanic communities that immediately pay the price uh for for this this chaos and on top of that they care about the things that matter to Everyday People the price of gas schools trying to turn their sons into daughters um you know this notion that that you know we can tax Orient the prosperity and then how much it costs to buy clothes and all those things are being ignored by a Democratic party and that's why I think you're beginning to see this just this change in voting patterns it's not because they're Hispanic it's because they're working class yeah no I I agree either amongst the most pragmatic people around because they kind of have to be you know life um I work construction in Southern California for over a decades so pretty much all your co-workers are Hispanic and they're a group like no other group they they start bringing their sons to the job and their sons are 12 and 13 and learning how to do plumbing and spread stucco and cinder block work and foundation work like they're they're very generational very traditional very hard working and would seem to be the opposite you know they're God-fearing hard-working family oriented you know just really the opposite of everything the modern democratic party is is pushing so I don't know why they think this group is going to stay with them in perpetuity and evidently they're not and they found that out and they're finding it out because I think they confuse a labor leader or the an immigration rights activist with the Hispanic community and that that's why I think they think people who are the face of the immigration Rights Movement are claim to be the face of the immigration somehow a representative of the broader community and listen my parents were immigrants I'm surrounded by my wife's parents are immigrants I live in a community in Miami-Dade County's majority all my neighbors are and and at the end of the day I know this experience firsthand and but there has to be a process for people to come here and I would add this it's also a working class voter so a real world example of it is again speaking from personal experience and Hispanic background one of the most tragic things that can happen in a working class Hispanic family is that a son or a daughter grows up goes away to school gets married and doesn't come back and you only see him a couple times a year I mean that's like a catastrophe uh for for them and and so you they want your kids to succeed they want you to find this great job and to pursue your dreams but why can't you do it here in Miami right even though in Miami we don't have the space industry we don't have whatever you know Silicon Valley or what have you and that's what you want to work in so what's happening is as people are finding their kids are growing up they're getting up early Mobile going to college graduating they can't afford to live in the community they can't live there because the price of the cost of living has gotten so high and they have to move away and that's that's the kinds of things that people worry about on a daily basis you want your family Close to You matters to them to them the fact that you don't see your kids every day or every you know every weekend is is Unthinkable and it's your support network right and a working class I know people that are working class and they can afford all kinds of things because they've made some money but they're working class in their values and the only people that'll leave their kids with is a cousin you know or or an aunt or their grandmother to watch their kids if somebody in my family can't watch your kids you're not going on that trip um that's a very working class thing and and when you force people to move away from their family it really makes it hard on them and that's happening a lot of parts of this country where the cost of living for a lot of young people has become prohibited they cannot start families they can't afford to live in these communities and they have to move and that's part of the anxiety sense um well let's talk about some predictions for upcoming elections a lot of people are talking about Gavin Newsom my horrible governor in California mainly because it seems like they're out of options not not because they think Gavin Newsom would make a great president but more like it's more about Joe Biden is not going to run for a second term Kamala Harris is in my opinion undone whatever Goodwill she may have had I think I think what it was with Kamala Harris is people didn't really know her very well and now we do know her and she has torpedoed her own ship in terms of running for president because she's so wildly unpopular and seems borderline insane uh there's like Bernie Sanders old and we've heard what he had to say so I think they're kind of talking about Newsome there's always this discussion about Michelle Obama coming out at the last second and and running uh on the Republican side their names thrown around I think your name comes up DeSantis comes up a lot I think they think the Democrats are kind of worried about the Santas of course there's Trump um what's what's your what if you break down the landscape tell me what you think I think it's impossible and I'm not trying to be evasive the politics today is so Dynamic the world is so Dynamic it's literally if I have been sitting here with you three years ago just three years ago and I would have said or let's say let's go back eight years not even a decade eight years and I would have said over the next eight years here's what's going to happen Donald Trump's going to become elected president United States I'm talking about back in 2012 or 2013 maybe let's say 2014. Donald Trump's going to be president and we're going to have this Global pandemic that's going to shut everything down and the capital is going to have on you know the January 6th of 2021 is going to be breached by people unhappy with the election result and I can go on down the list and we're going to live in a country where you know words have been changed and you can no longer use certain terms where suddenly we're going to see in sports men that are clearly men competing against young women and winning and everyone's pretending like you know there's no difference there um you would have said that's not possible it's just not in eight years that kind of all happened that's what's happened in just the last eight to ten years that that's how much the world has changed and I think you're going to see more of it because what's happening is an era is ending right this post Cold War era where everyone was told guys history is over the Soviet Union collapsed everyone's going to become a Democratic Republic with free and and free markets and the free market is going to make everything perfect um that didn't work out and now people are realizing oh my God countries actually have National identities like the Chinese yeah they care about the free market as long as it's good for China because they're nationalist about China and um and so many countries around the world are starting to figure out hey this free market stuff doesn't work uh for us it works for us except if we really need something and don't know how to make it and the people who know how to make it won't send it to us so the world's being reimagined it's putting a lot of pressure in the process of all this and I'm not I hate socialism so I think the free market is generally the right response to all this but there are some things countries have to be able to make and if you get rid of these things and you stop creating the jobs not only are you dependent on a foreign country you leave a lot of people stuck with no good jobs you know for them to have and they're not 49 years of age can learn how to code and move to Silicon Valley and go work for a tech company so that creates societal of people so that's a long answer to a short question the bottom line is I don't know I don't know other than to tell you that I don't believe the Democratic party as of right now I cannot identify someone that they're going to have to go through some painful losses to be able to reinvent themselves and I you know I tell Republicans all the time we're probably going to win a lot of elections in 2022. we should not assume it's because people love us and agree with us on everything what we do have is an opportunity to create this new American consensus behind a new American majority of people who just want government to make Common Sense decisions that are focused on the priorities that matter to them and one of those I think is to return as much power as we can to the place where it belongs and that is to local governments and state governments because those are leaders you can influence on a daily basis as opposed to someone far away in Washington that's never even visited your community much less represented uh what's your take on January 6th and where it's heading I think it was about yeah listen I think if people committed crimes on that day they should be charged for it they should be charged for it I don't think that that at the end of the day you know some whether some people have been overcharged or undercharged I don't know I don't know the details of every person that came here but you can't we have rules we're a Law and Order country we believe in Rule and quality under the law uh and and you've got to follow those rules and it is simply illegal to storm into the United States capital and you know try to disrupt the function of government even if you don't like the it's called chaos and Anarchy and I don't care whose side drawn I'd be against it the difference between me and some of my Democratic colleagues is they wouldn't say the same thing in summer of 2020 when there were people burning places in the streets and people were dying and police cars were being set on fire and over a thousand police officers were injured and people died and you know it was one of the largest loss of property in American history with the arson and all this sort of thing they weren't saying it for that we've had no hearings on that I don't know what that was all about in fact we were told that that was what happens when people are unhappy and um and and that was the language of people who were desperate and and uh and people who were treated unjustly and it just wasn't so I mean there were people marching during the day and I didn't agree with what they were saying about defunding the police but the people that were showing up at night were a totally different group these were anarchists fascists haters hate America and they were trying to burn places down and harm people and nothing was done about it and that's the difference between me and the other side I think it's wrong to do that I'm against political violence we have a republic and we have elections to decide these things and uh and I'm and I'll say it no matter whose side you were on or who you voted for the other side won't do that they won't do that well famously I'll ask uh my producer Chris to find out find that Nancy Pelosi statues thing people are going to do what they're going to do I I I haven't heard it in a little while maybe you haven't heard it but to to make your point Marco Rubio uh the fact that at some point somebody said to Nancy Pelosi what about people tearing down these statues like shouldn't we vote on this shouldn't we have a you know OSHA approved team show up with hard hats and you know tape and a CR and a in a skip loader like we're just having crazy people with ropes and skateboards show up and tear these things down in the middle of the night and her response was people are going to do what people are going to do and I remember thinking man that is insane it's in it's insane that you can't even condemn people that are tearing down statues of by the way it's pretty dangerous to take you know three tons of bronze and pull it down with a jump rope on top of yourself that she couldn't even just say yeah you can't do that we have to figure out whether we want this to stay or not you're not allowed to Lynch a statue in other words she wouldn't even condemn people tearing down statues in the middle of the night she just announces people are going to do what people are going to do you know they've gone around for two years talking about how evil these people on the Supreme Court are like they're some of them have even accused them of being sort of the new American Taliban and some of our American Taliban equivalent so a guy gets on an airplane flies halfway across the country with a clear intent of murdering Justice Kavanaugh and now we learn to at least one or two other justices to fundamentally change the court it was a news story for a day or day and a half but we haven't had the you know the obligatory CNN two-hour special investigation report you know a documentary we haven't had the breathless I mean I'm talking about an assassination like a targeted assassination nothing we heard about it it was reported barely and then it's been talked about a little bit but it has not dominated the news and I think that's a very significant thing that happened and we still have people once twice a week outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices protesting not only is it illegal to try to influence and intimidate a judge into making a decision but it's also a nuisance and the governors of the state of Maryland and Virginia not Virginia Maryland have allowed it they've allowed it it continues and now even the neighbors who are pro-choice or whatever are complaining about it because these are nasty people saying terrible things your kids can't go out it's that that double game right and there's two rules and it depends if you're on the right or what they identify as the right then these things are deserved and they're not going to condemn it if it's just on the other side then they're not going to say much about it whether you're like nor it or in some cases justify it and um you know I think people see through it I really do I think people see through it I think I Can't Describe to you how powerful the bubble that the force field in Washington is these people live here they work here and they think the rest of the country is thinking talking about what we're talking about and focused on what they're talking about right now and agreement I think that their positions are majority positions and their priorities are majority of priorities they are not they are not and that's what elections remind them of that every two years we have the clip this is from 2020. She's commenting on the tearing down of the Christopher Columbus statue uh so I have that Pride uh but I don't care that much about statues respectfully should that be done by a commission or the city council not a mob in the middle of the night throwing it into the harbor we will do what they do it this is an elected official this is third in line to be the president basically saying she starts by saying like well I'm Italian but you know I don't really care about Statues by the way and we're not talking about statues we're talking about Law and Order we're trying to care about that they do care about statues because they've removed statues from statutory and replace them and by the way I have a problem we just recently did it where we replaced a former confederate general with uh with with a woman in Florida who was one of a great leader one of the great leaders founded a great University no problem with that but they do care about statutes the problem with the statute things like the cultural uh Revolution that happened in in China eventually you know like the leaders of the Revolution people they turned on them because you you end up eventually running out of people to take to the guillotine and so you and end up turning on you know on the guy that operates the guillotine and and because you're running out of people to execute and behead and that's what happens I mean this hysteria I think they're the last I checked they're up to Woodrow Wilson and I think they'll just keep moving back um and at some point I think they'll work their way through the Old Testament as well it's just insane that a reporter talked about a mob showing up in the middle of the night and taking these statues down into her answers people are going to do what they're going to do I there you she couldn't have been more dismissive and the part that fascinates me is just a study of of human behavior is clearly you're partisan I get it but once in a while a line gets crossed and you do what you do in what many Republicans have done when they're discussing January 6 and what you just did which is you go it's you know I don't think Trump should be locked up for telling people that peacefully and patriotically March and then not jumping on it I don't know what it was um 80 whatever 180 minutes later whatever the numbers but you still always say it is not okay for these people to do this meaning Nancy Pelosi could have said that's not okay I disagree with a lot of these statues I think some of this stuff represents a past that we shouldn't be glorifying but it's not okay to walk onto federal land and take matters in your own hand they can't even do that they can't take half a step backwards and just not condone something that's so clearly definable yeah so the nation the the what I think we've lost is the concept the word a nation is it at its core what a nation is is people who are not maybe don't agree on everything but the one thing they agree on is they agree to set they agree to live together under the same rules and and they have a process for deciding what those rules are and they may not be 100 where you want those rules to be but you have a process and as long as your voice is heard you have a chance to influence it and maybe change it in the future you agree to live under the same set of rules where you lose a nation is when one group says well we believe that we should be a people who all live under the set of rules that I decide and if we don't get the rules that I want then I'm prepared to tear down this whole thing and start over again until we end up with the rules I want and people like you stop trying to change them that's where you lose a country that's that's the core of revolutions it's people that do not agree to live under the same set of rules so they want to rewrite it and so again I'm not trying to exaggerate where we are but in many cases that's where we are we are we we have written a debate about whether we should have the same set of rules and abide by those same set of rules irrespective of who ended up winning the last debate on that topic because you can survive bad decisions made by politicians what you cannot survive is tearing apart the fabric of what makes us a nation and that's what they're tearing apart they are literally telling us we're actually not one people the most important identity that any of us have is our gender identity the color of our skin where our parents came from our ethnicity the intersectionality of all these things whatever the hell that means that that's the most important thing about it's the American piece that's just what our passport says but really the most important thing about us is that and that's just an American literally that is that is as Un-American as you can get because what makes you an American is it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is it doesn't matter where your parents came from here you're an American it's because you have equal rights because we all have rights given to us by our creator and we have laws to protect those rights even if you're in the minority be it an ethnic minority or a political minority that's what's America is and these people are literally arguing the opposite identity politics is one of the most Un-American things that exist because it asks us to separate from one another and view each other as competitors as opposed to countrymen well it's also super destructive to the people you claim to care about the most it is it's toxic the most harmful thing you can do to a community is tell them they're not welcome they have a Target on their back nobody wants them in this country I mean it's the most it's the most destructive thing you could do to a child what if he just said to a kid look uh you're not welcome on the schoolyard because you look different than the other kids and they all hate you and some of them will say to your face but everyone is thinking it and they're scared of people that look different than them and now that kid would kill himself by the time he got to the eighth grade it's insanely destructive I don't know if they know what they're doing or they don't care there's no evidence it works it takes these groups that they claim or marginalized and marginalizes them even more because of the psychological damage they do to these people with this never-ending drum beat of the cops have it in for you the teachers have it in for you the society systemic racism it's so insanely destructive it's super condescending there's so many examples of people in this country from every race achieving in this country through you know dedication hard work grit and all that good stuff it's just insane that it's 2022 and they're beating that drum even harder now yeah so a couple things I'd say first of all is there racism in America of course there is unfortunately because there's racism in every society in the history of mankind it is part of our fallen nature that we immediately discriminate against people for a variety of reasons race being one of them but there's others every culture every society has had that unfortunately I think what separated us from that is from many of those societies is in America we actually think it's wrong it's wrong this is a country where being not even the racists want to be called racists because it's wrong and we look down upon it the second point I would make to you is that one of the greatest gifts that my parents gave me I didn't have a trust fund I didn't hear my dad was a bartender my mom was a clerk at Kmart a cashier at a hotel I mean I didn't inherit a penny from my parents but the one thing I did inherit was they never they made sure that I knew that that that I lived in the one place on Earth where it didn't matter that he was a bartender and she was a maid it didn't matter that they were immigrants I could be anything I wanted to be it was based on whether I was good enough to do it and whether I was willing to do the work now you know could I play in the NBA no I couldn't I that wasn't where my talent was but if I was good at something or had the ability to do something I was willing to work on it you know I would have a real chance not not not a illusory chance a real chance to succeed and that was the greatest gift my parents gave us I honestly grow up my whole life believing do I believe there are people out there that pass judgment on me over time or whatever because they had a Prejudice I'm sure but I was too busy getting ahead to worry about those people and uh and to think about it and I think that the deficit is corrosive it's destructive because when you start telling a child from the youngest of eight the most important thing about you is the color of your skin or where your parents came from you're basically telling them listen most of what's going to happen in your life is completely out of your control and and that's not only is it destructive it should be untrue it's it but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy yeah and it violates everything this country is about even our civil rights movement was not about that people forget our civil rights movement was not a call to reject our founding documents Martin Luther King's challenge was to fulfill our founding documents he spoke about it in speeches where he said live up to the Magnificent words of that of that uh Declaration of Independence you're not living up to who you say you are he didn't say tear that up because it was written by a bunch of racist uh white men woman slaves he said those are magnificent words the people who wrote them were imperfect creatures of their time but the words were magnificent live up to them and that was at the essence of the Civil Rights Movement that's not what you hear today and and that uh and and that unfortunately something that needs to change and I don't believe the majority of Americans want that either but that's what these guys have made the prominent feature of their agenda what do you think about Biden do you think he will finish out his first term uh a lot of people are always talking about you know is he running for a second term and I always kind of raised my hand and said I'm not sure if he's getting through this one I certainly don't think there's a second one but I I do not know if he's getting through this one or not uh what are your thoughts yeah let me say a couple things I'm a little bit old-fashioned in the fountain way and that is that I don't like to um talk about the deficiencies of a president because I actually think that emboldens and encourages an adversary to maybe do things they wouldn't normally do and that wouldn't be good for America that said I also can't insult people's intelligence now I didn't work with Joe I wasn't with Joe Biden in the Senate but I knew him as vice president I've interacted with him in the past on a number of things he's not the same guy now a few people are you know after at this stage in their life that now so so I don't know what I'm not a pining on his health but I'm just saying he's not the same person I think that's pretty clear and and I think that's normal I'm natural when you reach your late 70s and early 80s and I think that's what people are the difference is most people aren't present at that age the second point I would make is that um if he wasn't running for president he would still have to say he was he would be saying the exact same thing he's saying right now if he wasn't running because no one wants to be a one-term lame duck president the minute you announce you're not running the Democratic primary kicks off and you become less relevant so he almost has to say it irrespective of whether he's going to run or not I have no idea whether he plans to run again or not um I have no clue but but I don't know what's going to happen in terms of whether he runs or not I see the polling I hear the murmurs we'll see how that plays out again it ties into this very unusual situation that we now have where we have a former president that may be running again we have a sitting president that may not run again we may have two former presidents running against each other um which we haven't had in a long time anything like that happen we've had people running that we've never heard of or never thought of before I mean there's going to be a lot of people entering politics over the next 10 years that have never held office and no one knows who they are today I almost think that's an advantage given how people look at the political class and rightfully so so it's a very unpredictable and dynamic period we've had about three of those in our time in our country if you looked at three eras the ends of arrows are always sort of a turbulent and and then you know the country re-establishes a common sense sort of consensus and that governs the next 20 30 40 Years of that country in the political movements sort of find their place within those barriers but I'll tell you what it's been a heck of a ride so far yeah my thing with Joe Biden is I am not really trying to be partisan or disrespectful I'm sort of looking at it like he's a quarterback for the football team and it looks like he slowed down quite a bit his knees may be bad and people are saying oh yeah he's got two more years on his contract and I'm just sort of saying I don't know if he's going to be quarterbacking two years from now for this team and they're going he's got two two and a half more years on his contract and I'm going yeah I know but I'm watching him play and I'm kind of wondering If he if he gets all the way through the contract uh but he brought up by Trump and then there's the kind of whole Trump DeSantis thing which is interesting uh I don't know if you're Trump or team DeSantis or where you land on that but thoughts on that obviously many news outlets are doing hit pieces on DeSantis now because they probably feeling that he poses a threat but what do you think well I have no clue whether either one of them is going to do uh what so I I know that Ron DeSantis is 100 and he doesn't it's not really a talking point I really know for a fact because I happen to be on the ballot at the same time that he's deeply focused on winning the gubernatorial race in Florida and doesn't take it for granted remember this guy just four years ago and I was you know around at that time and tried to be helpful to him at that time he he won a very close Race by 30 000 votes we came 30 000 votes away from having a governor that now is a guy who's under indictment but um so it was a close race so I think when you go through an experience like that you don't take anything for granted what he'll do afterwards I don't know I think some of this stuff frankly a lot of it is manufactured because what we forget is we have an entire industry now that's built around Politics as entertainment and that didn't exist maybe 50 I mean Walter Cronkite whatever those guys want entertainers that they did the nightly newscasts now you have 24-hour cable news and multiple outlets and online and it's all about politics and politics is covered like entertainment and it's about outrage and Scandal and pushing buttons and getting the clicks and driving the traffic and these political stories drive that that doesn't mean that there's nothing there that there wouldn't be if you ran a rivalry of some sort because that certainly would be Rivals but I think part of this is accelerated and exacerbated by the need to cover it from a political Dynamic these are not policy reporters they're political reporters and they love the horse race and they love to write articles that speculate there's no accountability if they're 100 wrong about it and their predictions but that that people like to read that stuff they like to watch that stuff and so it drives a lot of them but this will settle out again it's kind of part of this unusual environment that we're facing and and um you know I I don't stand anywhere on it because it's not real I I focus on real problems not theoretical runs and who knows what the world's going to look like in six months or nine months and what decisions people make but I can tell you I don't know what the future is going to look like but it isn't going to look like what we think it's going to look like that I'm pretty certain of how's uh Florida well I guess I should before we run out of time uh bring up China since China keeps popping up in the the news many people whose opinions I trust have been sort of talking about China for a long time we've been talking about Russia but everyone else is the people that seem to know a little more seem to be talking about China and now recently we're talking about China what do you feel the trajectory of China is vis-a-vis the relationship with this country right it'll Define the 21st century literation of the United States and China I think where we're headed and we'll probably see it much clearer here in the next 18 months is a world in which there's sort of a pro-democracy uh block led by America and our European and Asian allies a Chinese lead block with Russia as a junior partner and then a dozens and dozens of developing countries sort of trying to leverage both sides get benefits from both sides we'll buy weapons from these guys we'll get oil from them you know we want your tourists but we want your Agriculture and trying to leverage us against each other and that happened a little bit Nicole well that's the world we're headed towards China is the most comprehensive near peer competitor the Nations ever faced the Soviet Union was a military competitor and a geopolitical an ideological pattern they were never a commercial competitor they were never an industrial competitor or a technological competitor of the United States China is and they are for two reasons first we've allowed them to cheat for 30 years because they're a bunch of smart people around here thought well don't worry when the Chinese get rich they'll become just like us and then we woke up one day and said oh my God they are rich they got rich by stealing our stuff but they've also gotten pretty good at it themselves and now we are in competition against them and they don't have to have a town hall meeting I'm not in favor of dictatorship but when they decide we're going to do something they go afterward right they don't have to have a long debate about it they just do it they put a bunch of money behind it and and they start by stealing with your intellectual property as they're starting so they can build up from there so they're and they intend to be they view the world this is an ancient civilization they view the last hundred years as an aberration and they believe that they are naturally destined to be the most powerful Nation on Earth and that America is a hollowed-out uh once great power in in Decline that's how they do things and they think that what what's happened now is just a temper tantrum of a Dying superpower and that's a very dangerous thing because they may not understand our system right one of the things that concerned me is that they thought because I criticized Nancy Pelosi so much that somehow I would clap or be happy if they brought harm to her on our trip to Taiwan and they would be wrong I think that you would see Americans immediately unite and say look we have big differences in our domestic politics but she's an American if you harm her the people that are with her we're gonna we're gonna have a problem and I fear that they misunderstand our divisions as something that I mean like the Japanese made that conclusion one of the reasons why the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor is because they thought Americans were not just isolationists and didn't care about the rest of the world but that Americans are too busy dancing to Jazz and drinking uh to uh to actually fight and they were wrong and they paid a terrible price for what the world did so I fear that a lot I really do and I think it's really important for us to wake up to the reality that China poses that threat and a lot of what we have to do about it is with ourselves we've got to be a country that can make things again even if it's cheaper to make it somewhere else there are things we have there are certain things we have to be able to make in this country like medicine like grow on food um you know like some electronic components black rare is minerals and if we can't make it that one of our allies better be able to make it because if we depend on China for it they will use it as leverage against us they already do Marco thank you Senator appreciate your time so until next time this Adam Carolla for Marco Rubio San Mahalo I'll walk in and uh is is a white guy uh he's passed out hey I'm the pool man I'm not in charge four guy yeah I'm the poor guy all right uh so you grab the legs I'm gonna grab the arms I don't know what you're talking about I do you need more Diatomaceous Brian let's play this game all right play the game
Channel: Adam Carolla
Views: 18,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Carolla, Stand-Up, comedy, live, funny, jimmy kimmel, loveline, man show, corolla, adam, improv, joke, adam carolla show, cnn, fox news, interview, celebrity news, marco rubio, senator, florida
Id: BBGkh_u7fxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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