Marco Polo: Journey To The East | Full Documentary | Biography

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NARRATOR: Venice, Italy, one of the most romantic cities in all of Europe. It is virtually unchanged from that moment 700 years ago when a native son returned home after traveling abroad for many years. His name was Marco Polo. Little, if anything, would be known of these travels had Marco not been swept up in a war then raging between Venice and Genoa. In the year 1298, at the age of 44, Marco was captured and thrown into a dungeon with a man named Rustichello, a writer of romantic fiction. One can imagine his stunned disbelief when Marco Polo began relating his adventures, adventures that far exceeded any Rustichello could have concocted himself for Marco was claiming that before coming back to Italy, he had spent nearly 20 years in China as a personal aide to the mighty Kublai Khan. China, then the most remote and mysterious place on Earth. At some point, Rustichello began writing down Marco's story. BRIAN HALL: The only reason he did write a book was because he was literally imprisoned with a ghostwriter. And it's got to be one of the most fortunate imprisonments in history. NARRATOR: The book, first called "The Description of the World," then "The Travels of Marco Polo," and at various times, "Il Milione," told of things just too fantastic for his countrymen to take as factual. BOOK NARRATOR: Outside the hall, the guests at the banquet numbered more than 40,000. I can also assure you that on this day, the great Khan receives gifts of more than 100,000 horses of great beauty and prize. The Travels of Marco Polo. NARRATOR: Is it any wonder, then, that Marco's reading public wouldn't take his account literally? How could there be cities in China, where millions lived in prosperity, when Venice the wealthiest and largest city in Europe at the time had a population of only 100,000? And how could a cruel barbarian like Kublai Khan possibly be living so glamorous and civilized a life? In time, however, Marco's magnificent document would be believed and would affect the future course of east-west relations. While it reveals little about the author himself and no likeness of him survives from his time, no name is more synonymous with travel and adventure than Marco Polo. [theme music] The world into which Marco Polo was born in the 13th Century was one of great turmoil and great opportunity. Two cities dominated the economic and political fortunes of the Holy Roman Empire-- Venice, Italy in the West and Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey, in the East. The church's influence may have spread much further East had it not been for the meteoric rise of an illiterate Mongol warrior named Genghis Khan. Within a few short years, his pagan Tartar troops had conquered all of Persia, Central Asia, most of Russia, and finally, the prize of prizes, Cathay, or China as it became known. Genghis and his heirs soon commanded the largest empire in the history of the world. In 1254 in Venice, Italy, Marco Polo was born into a wealthy merchant family. He was expected to enter the business. NICOLA DI COSMO: The typical education of Venetian merchant lasted until the boy was 14 or 15. During this time, he would learn how to read and write, of course. And also, he would learn arithmetic, abacus as they called it. He would learn bookkeeping. He would learn the basic knowledge necessary for a commercial enterprise. NARRATOR: Marco's mother had died when he was a boy. During his entire youth, his father, Niccolo, had been away on business. His prolonged absence had been the result of an extraordinary trip to China, where he and his brother Maffeo had been welcomed by Kublai Khan himself, perhaps the first European merchants to be so honored. The emperor had sent them home with an unusual commission. A progressive ruler, Kublai wanted to know more about Christianity. The Polos were to bring 100 priests back with them as well as some oil from the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Now in 1274, the Polos prepared has set off again for China to fulfill Kublai's request. This time, they would take Marco, now 17, with them. They expected to be away for several years at the least. But would they have left Venice if they had known their travels would ultimately keep them away for 23 years? The way that a merchant thought was totally different from our modern concept. A Venetian merchant had not the same notion of time. He was prepared to spend years and years in the field. NARRATOR: But what reward could the great Khan offer the Polo brothers that justified risking their lives again and that of young Marco? Kublai had issued the Polos his rare personal seals that assured them safe passage within the Mongol empire. But still, one may ask the why of embarking on so dangerous a journey. The survival of Venice depended upon the Venetians' sense of Enterprise. So it was, in some ways, a patriotic duty. Of course, there was also another side to it. And that was that there was an increased demand for oriental products in Europe. And the profits were fabulous. NARRATOR: And so for both patriotism and profit, the Polos set off for Jerusalem where they retrieved oil from the Holy Sepulcher. But only two priests, not 100, could be recruited. However, the rigors of caravan travel soon forced the priests to quit the journey. But for young Marco, the great adventure had finally begun. The sights, sounds, and smells of the Middle East where as nothing he had ever imagined. Every fresh experience seemed to make an indelible impression on the teenager. BOOK NARRATOR: Anyone wishing to travel beyond these regions must travel for seven days across an endless plain. But there are also at frequent intervals, delightful little palm groves to be ridden through all full of game, which is a great pleasure to the traveling merchants. MORRIS ROSSABI: Marco Polo is extremely intelligent, extremely observant. The fact that he was able to remember all of the various details that are found in the book-- many of which check out, many of which are actually verifiable and seem to be quite accurate-- tell us that he was an unusual man and unusually perceptive. His intelligence cannot be doubted. NARRATOR: The initial challenge the Polos faced was to reach the port of Hormuz in Persia, where a ship would take them on to Beijing. But they were merchants first, travelers second. Business would be transacted as usual as they traveled in their large, costly caravans, an eye always open for the nemesis of merchants-- bands of outlaws. TIMOTHY SEVERIN: Every time you came to a frontier post, you negotiated with the local guard captain. And you had two or three soldiers. And you went on with your creaking carts. As you got into more difficult terrain, you had to transfer your goods onto pack animals. This meant that you could only carry goods really of high value in small bulk. The ultimate high value in small bulk would be, as the Polo brothers traded in, jewelry, which you could carry concealed on you. BOOK NARRATOR: Leaving Kerman, you proceed over the desert of eight days journey exposed to great drought. Neither fruits or any kind of trees are met with. And what water is found has a bitter taste. One of the typical things that caravaneers would do oftentimes was to force feed the camels with lots of water. And in case the men ran out of water, they would force the camels to regurgitate. And they would, therefore, have liquid for themselves. NARRATOR: In his book, Marco notes not only geography and ethnic customs but reports, as fact, tales told him by third parties. Many of them are so exotic or incredible, his contemporaries dismissed the entire book as fiction. The story of the old man of the mountain, a brutal outlaw who ruled from a mountain fortress in northern Iran, is one such tale. TIMOTHY SEVERIN: When he wants to recruit soldiers, he drugs them, takes them to this valley. He has this valley all organized with beautiful gardens and lovely picnics and beautiful women, and so forth. Then they're drugged again and brought back to the court on the brink. And he says, well, I'm able to control this access to paradise if you serve me properly. And they're so impressed that they go off and serve him. And he uses them as political killers, drugged with hashish before they went on these missions. And indeed from that, we get the word assassin. It comes exactly from that. So there was a strong element of truth in that particular story. NARRATOR: During the first several thousand miles of his adventure, Marco doesn't comment on any personal fears or misgivings. He had heard so much of the great Chinese civilization that lay ahead, no hardships could dim his enthusiasm. Once the Polos reached the port of Hormuz, however, they find the boats not seaworthy enough to take them to the China coast. They decide to proceed overland instead. In so doing, Marco would now become the first Westerner to document, for posterity, the landscapes and customs, exotic and breathtaking, of Central Asia and China itself. In their dank prison cell in Genoa, Marco now recalls to Rustichello that it took him another three years before he would meet the legendary Kublai Khan. And it is then that Marco's great adventure truly begins. Not the least of Marco Polo's achievements was his memory, to be able to recall for Rustichello in prison all that happened to him for the past 20 years. BOOK NARRATOR: It is a cold country. On the summits of the mountains, the air is so pure and so salubrious that when those who dwell in the town find themselves attacked with fever, they immediately remove thither and to recover their health. Marco Polo affirms he had experience in his own person for having been confined by sickness in this country for nearly a year. By ascending the hills, he presently became convalescent. The Travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo seems to have got ill somewhere in Afghanistan. And he had to recuperate up in the mountains. They got over the Pamirs in Central Asia, the high plateau of Central Asia, and came down into the Great Gobi Desert where there were all these stories and that the idea that the ghosts roaming the Gobi, which lured the travelers to their doom and sandstorms and heat and cold and thirst. It was a very long, very grueling trip until finally, they reached China. NARRATOR: China had been completely closed off and forbidden to strangers for centuries before Genghis Khan conquered it. Now in the 13th Century, he and his successors welcome strangers to the land of 60 million souls. Nearly four years after departing Venice, Marco, his father, and uncle finally enter the court of Kublai Khan, ruler of the largest empire in the world. They deliver the Holy oil they've carried all the way from Jerusalem. BOOK NARRATOR: I have come to the point in this book at which I will tell you of the great achievements of the great Khan now reigning. Kublai Khan was, to my mind, one of the great figures of the 13th Century. He was not simply a conqueror and subjugated like his grandfather, Genghis Khan. He was truly civilized. He was educated. He was tolerant of a variety of different religions, a rather remarkable individual. NARRATOR: Marco first meets Kublai Khan at his summer palace called Shangdu, or known more commonly as Xanadu. For Europeans, the first indication of how advanced the Chinese civilization had become derives from Marco's description of it. BOOK NARRATOR: A huge palace of marble, its halls and chambers all gilded. A wall encloses fully 16 miles of park land, well watered with springs and streams, and diversified with lawns. Here, the great Khan keeps game animals of all sorts as harte, stag, and roebuck to provide food for the gyrfalcons. NARRATOR: We don't know if Marco's ghostwriter Rustichello believed all, some, or none of what he was told in that Genoese prison. But he wrote it down as if he did. And certainly, the next episode dictated to him would be the ultimate test of Marco's credibility. BOOK NARRATOR: I assure you, for a fact that before Monsieur Marco had been very long at court, he had mastered four languages and their writings. Observing his wisdom, the Khan sent him as an emissary to a country named Carajan, which took him a good six months to reach NARRATOR: Marco would have Rustichello believe that beginning at age 21, he served for the next 17 years as a special envoy for Kublai Khan, that he was his eyes and ears in the outer reaches of China, Tibet, Burma, India, and even as far away as Java. He's very well qualified for this because he was, after all, a foreigner. He had no particular ax to grind. And he was clearly a very good observer. And the other thing, which would have been important to the great Khan, was that Marco Polo was a merchant. Kublai Khan would have been interested in information in commercially valuable information, the information which would have made the Khan richer. NARRATOR: Marco Polo's record of his adventures in China is regarded today by most historians as a valid document. Yet some skeptics still question whether he reached China at all. Apart from his own book, no correlating evidence has ever turned up either in China or Europe. There is still some lingering controversy as to whether Marco Polo actually reached China. He mentions that he, his father, and his uncle were very important in a major battle that the Mongols undertook against the Song dynasty, against the Chinese. Unfortunately, the battle occurred three years before Marco Polo actually reached China. Despite these errors and contradictions, because there is so much in the work that's accurate, my own feeling as I say is that there's no question that Marco Polo reached China. NARRATOR: It was difficult, if not impossible, for the Westerner in Marco's time to comprehend the vastness of Kublai Khan's empire. Marco's attention to detail is perhaps no more evident than when he describes how the great Khan gathered information and mastered communication with his commanders, officials, and millions of subjects spread about over millions of square miles. BOOK NARRATOR: And you must understand that posts such as these at distances of 25 to 30 miles are to be found all along the main highways leading to the provinces. And in each of these posts, the messengers find 300 to 400 horses in readiness and palatial lodgings such as I have described. NARRATOR: Marco devotes five pages to the advanced communication system, how couriers covered 250 miles a day, how 10,000 posts across the land operated day and night, the system, which of course, was the Khan's key to controlling his empire. While much of Marco's book contains hearsay, often erroneous, no historian questions the authenticity of major passages such as the one on the Khan's information highway. But what of Marco himself? Here, the historian is at a loss even to come up with a physical description of him, much less a psychological profile. If a portrait had been made of him during his lifetime, none has survived. And his book reveals little, if anything, of his personal feelings or values. It is, perhaps, one of the first major works of pure journalism. But it is also the work of a brave young man of flesh and blood, a man who was always honest both to his subject matter and himself. If many of the Oriental customs Marco first reported on met with disbelief by 13th Century Venetians, his descriptions were, nevertheless, exceptionally accurate. BOOK NARRATOR: When it happens that men from a foreign land are passing through this country, the matrons bring their daughters to the camp to the number of 20 to 40 and beg the travelers to take them and lie with them. The Travels of Marco Polo. The theory was, as Marco relates, that it was considered that travelers were especially good sources of a certain essence for the women. And that women were most valued if they had broad experience with men. The customs he's talking about are well attested in other traditions. And in fact, some of those customs in parts of Sinkiang are still alive. Marco concludes his account of this with this short statement saying, this country would obviously be a wonderful place for a lad of 17 to 24 to visit. And since he was around that age when he first went through, he probably found it a wonderful place to be. NARRATOR: As the years went by, Marco's interest in the exotic Orient never diminished nor did his keen eye tire. Remarkably, he'd be able to recall in detail all he had found colorful and important. BOOK NARRATOR: Let me tell you further that on the southern side of this city is a lake some 30 miles in circuit. And all around it are stately palaces and mansions of such workmanship that nothing better or more splendid could be devised. On the lake itself is the endless procession of barges thronged with pleasure seekers. For the people of this city think of nothing else, once they have done the work of their craft or their trade, but to spend part of the day with their womenfolk or with hired women enjoying themselves. Marco Polo was dazzled by Hangzhou, a city of three million people approximately, a city beautifully laid out with canals, lakes, parks, restaurants. Hangzhou was a sophisticated, much more sophisticated city than Venice or any other European city at that point. NARRATOR: Today, Hangzhou is an industrial center. Could it ever have been the ideal metropolis Marco rhapsodizes over at length? While accused of exaggeration and embellishment, what Marco witnessed firsthand and had Rustichello write down invariably captured the essence of a place. Scholars agree with Marco's assessment that Hangzhou was once a model for civilized city living. Marco Polo would be described, I suppose, if he was a modern traveler as an anthropologist or an ethnographer. He was very interested in people's habits and customs. On the one hand, he was a merchant. And he was always looking at the natural products of a country, sort of like basic school geography. But at the same time, he was very observant about people, about their social customs, about what they ate, their architecture, the things that caught his eye, and their funny and strange little customs. NARRATOR: Marco's commentary is seldom expressed with any personal criticism. Even human flesh eating tribes of Southeast Asia receive little moral judgment, nor does this ritual he reports on from a remote province. BOOK NARRATOR: Another practice of theirs was this. If it happened that a gentleman of quality with a fine figure or a good shadow came to lodge in the house of a native of this province, they would murder him in the night. You must not suppose they did this in order to rob him. They did it rather because they believe that his good shadow and the good grace with which he was blessed would remain in the house. This is a custom which is known to anthropologists. It seems to have been a fairly small group. And in fact, the practice was stamped out by Kublai Khan. NARRATOR: While Marco makes no claim to personally observing such violent customs, his detailed descriptions of the wild animal kingdom of the Orient were clearly drawn from direct contact as were those of plant life and vegetation. Like most of the information imparted in his book, it was all new and astonishing to readers in the West for whom it would take centuries to digest and verify. But after having been away from Italy for nearly 20 years, the entire Polo family was finally feeling homesick and expressed their wish to leave China. MORRIS ROSSABI: They had played important roles for him as envoys extraordinaire. They had helped him in terms of interpreting and translating Latin and other texts. And so he'd really valued them. He was not particularly eager to have them leave China at that time. NARRATOR: However civilized the great Khan may have been, one did not pressure him. Marco, now in his late 30s and still a bachelor, then continued his travels which must have been taken in relative comfort and little fear. The stamped metal packet he carried with him, the Khan's personal credit card, carried behind it the threat of a Mongol army should any harm come to him. Add to that a supply of paper money, first invented by the Chinese and negotiable in the farthest reaches of the empire, Marco's ease of movement might be envied by world travelers today. He may never have had occasion to visit the Great Wall of China, which had in fact, been built to keep Kublai Khan's ancestors out of China. But he would reach as far South as India. BOOK NARRATOR: Among them are certain men who are called yogis. They live even longer than the others, as much as 150 or 200 years. And their bodies remain so active that they can still come and go as they will. This comes from their great abstinence and from eating very little food and only what is wholesome. NARRATOR: Finally, Marco is called before Kublai Khan who requires the entire Polo family's services. He offers them a chance to return to Italy if they will escort a prized cargo. Their trip back will take two years, only half the time it took to first reach Xanadu. But it will turn out to be their most dangerous journey, replete with misfortunes and disasters, which it seems only a man named Marco Polo could survive. [theme music] It is the year 1292, and the Polos' final audience with the great Khan in whose service they have spent 17 years. They are requested to escort princess Kokochin to Persia where she will marry a Mongol lord. Only then do they have permission to return home to Venice. And so a unique historic relationship comes to an end. Marco suggests they go by sea. It will be faster. The Chinese compass, so advanced over the Europeans, has impressed him. There will be more than 600 passengers aboard the vessels in addition to hundreds of sailors when they depart from the China coast. So what you get in Marco Polo is outward by land, back by sea. So in a sense, he covers the complete scenario. It's great good fortune for subsequent historians. NARRATOR: But it was not good fortune for the hundreds who perished on the long voyage due to disease and savage storms. The princess, some of her entourage, and the Polos rich Hormuz safely. They are among only 18 survivors. Marco comments only briefly on what must have been a shattering experience. He does not mention at all the traumatic episode that followed in Turkey. There, Genoese officials illegally appropriated 3/4 of the Polo family's wealth. Most of their capital, their profit from the 17 years they spent in China, was apparently lost. We know about their loss from notary documents found in Venice, which apparently describe an attempt by the government of Venice to recover the Polos' losses. NARRATOR: For reasons known only to Marco and Rustichello, his book ends just before his return to Venice. What Marco was feeling, what he was looking forward to upon arriving home after 23 years, is left to the reader's imagination. And certainly, the readjustment could not have been easy. NICOLA DI COSMO: Even the family members seem to have had problems recognizing the three men. They could hardly speak their native tongue. After such a long period abroad, they were more familiar with Persian, Turkic, or Mongol than they were with Italian. Their clothes were oriental. Their faces we're unfamiliar. Therefore, they certainly found a different world. But it was probably because they had changed more than because Venice had changed. NARRATOR: But Marco had just turned 40 and had many years ahead of him. What would he do with them? Circumstance again seem to dictate next most significant adventure in his life. Soon after his return, he is aboard a Venetian galley, either as a civilian merchant or officer-- historians are uncertain-- when it is captured by Genoese rivals. And he is imprisoned for a year. In the telling of his fabulous tale to his ghostwriter, Marco relived years and years amidst people and places no Westerner could yet imagine. And while it is unlikely he himself could imagine the value this book would play in history, he must have taken great satisfaction in having produced a tangible document of his adventurous life. After it was completed during the year of his captivity, and after he and Rustichello were released, hand-copied manuscripts were widely distributed. "The Travels of Marco Polo" instantly became the book to read for those who could read French, Italian, or Latin. The printing press was more than 100 years away, yet Marco's 1,001 stories were at once on everyone's lips, especially in Venice. Marco became a celebrity, if not entirely the kind he might want to be, for his book intrigued and fascinated a public who believed it was far more full of fiction than fact. "Il Milione," "The Millions," the title given the book by some publishers, reflected the ongoing problem his readers had with its authenticity. Every time Marco Polo mentioned anything about China, the numbers were colossal. So they say, oh, this is a man who talks about thousands and millions the whole time. Of course, that's still true today. The numbers in China of people, of TV sets, or whatever are still huge. NARRATOR: Reliable sources of the time relate that Marco would marry, raise three daughters, and carry on the family business apparently unfazed by his skeptics. BRIAN HALL: There's a sense in the book, when you read it, of a person that you feel you've come to in a very simple way. You come away feeling like you know a man whose name is Marco, that he would be fun to sit with, drink beers with, and talk about what he has done, which in fact, is how he spent the last 20 years of his life apparently. NARRATOR: After prison Marco would live for another 25 years. During this time, neither a claim nor respect for his great accomplishment were forthcoming. But eventually, they would come. And today, some believe he should be credited with affecting the course of world history. In our space age, it may be difficult to imagine that only 700 years ago, no one had yet sailed around the world nor had all its land masses and seas been charted. TIMOTHY SEVERIN: Polo's contribution was information. It was to be a source of wonder and curiosity. So later on, people would set out to see whether the places he described really existed. Marco Polo was really a mine of information. And that mine would be quarried for centuries afterwards. NARRATOR: In Venice today, one can find no monuments to Marco Polo. It's believed he may have lived and died in this building. No one can be sure. His family had been entombed here in the Church of San Lorenzo. But their remains were exhumed and moved elsewhere 200 years ago, we know not where. How important then could Marco Polo's legacy be? Two centuries after Marco's death, Christopher Columbus pleaded before Queen Isabella of Spain to finance his daring expedition to the Orient. Daring in that he would sail West across the Atlantic, which no one had yet attempted. NICOLA DI COSMO: Christopher Columbus owned his own personal copy of a Marco Polo's book. And this was printed in Antwerp in 1585 and luckily was handed down to us with Christopher Columbus' original notes. NARRATOR: Marco's description of the wealth of the Orient had excited Columbus' imagination. Of course, sailing westward, Columbus never reached Asia. He discovered America instead. Without Marco Polo's book as an inspiration, many experts believe this historic accident may have happened in a later time, perhaps under a different flag. The name Columbus became synonymous with exploration and navigational genius. The name Marco Polo is seldom mentioned in the same breath. BRIAN HALL: The difference between Columbus and Marco is fairly striking. Columbus went to plant the flag of his country. Marco was never interested in that. He never planted the Venetian flag anywhere. Columbus renamed everything where he went. Marco carefully tried to figure out what the natives actually called the place and then reproduced it so that you can trace his itinerary quite well. Columbus looks on the people that he's come to as barbarians and savages that can only be benefited by his presence. In Marco's account, there instead, shines through this admiration for the Mongol empire, the peace of the roads, the well-run cities, the cleanliness. NARRATOR: Some myths that persist about Marco, the notion he brought back pasta, pizza or gunpowder from China, are totally unfounded. Scholars believe these misconceptions minimize his actual achievements. The Chinese sources would give you Kublai Khan and his bureaucratic role. But Marco Polo told you something about the person. His observations, his intelligence, his clarity, along with that, the significance of the book can't be downplayed. It had a tremendous impact on the desire of Europeans to have greater contact with East Asia. And it also laid down the first European vision of what East Asians were all about. NARRATOR: In 1324, at the age of 67, Marco died at home of natural causes. As a merchant, he had made and lost fortunes. As the author of the most popular book of the time, he had earned nothing. Besides the book, his will is perhaps the only other personal document of note that survives to the present. In it, he bequeathed his modest wealth to his family and acknowledges someone never mentioned elsewhere. A nice little touch in his will is that he frees a slave of his who is a Tartar-- that is, from Mongolia. This may have been a servant that he acquired during his travels and who came back to Venice with him. But of course, the best story about Marco Polo on his deathbed is when he was dying, people came to him and said, all those stories you told us, they weren't really true, were they? And it is sad that Marco Polo replied, I didn't tell half of what I saw. [music playing]
Channel: Biography
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Keywords: bio, biography, life story, documentary, history, historical figure, celebrity, famous, marc polo, Marco Polo, Journey To The East, Marco Polo: Journey To The East, journey to the east, 25-year journey, 25-year journey through Asia and China, journey through Asia, journey through China, the Age of Exploration, age of exploration, Age of Exploration, marco polo journey, journey, asia, marco polo biography, Biography full episode, full episodes, documentaries, full documentary
Id: kY6RBuot728
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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