March Book Chat | Book Prizes, Book Clubs & A New Bookish Project | 2021

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hi and welcome to my channel i'm simon and today i'm back with my monthly bookish chatty catch-up kind of video now i will admit i did do this very late in february i'm doing quite early in march but there's loads of stuff going on including a very exciting new project with my mother which i will tell you about at the end of the video as a teaser to keep you watching right on through i'm also uh asking for some of your feedback and stuff and i will say the new project is not the women's prize long list read along that we always do which we are doing and i will also talk about in this video and it's not spring book hibernation either so what else could it be let's see if you can guess before the end leave it in the comments down below if you can guess what me and mom and we're going to be doing together anyway this is um normally a for those of you who are new to this channel by the way and this is a monthly video i do where i talk about what's been going on what's coming up what is going on sorry and what's coming up i always get that wrong and it's also at this point that i normally remind you to go make yourself a drink pause this go make yourself a drink so we can properly sit down and have a right of nutter and you can tell me what's been going on what is going on and what's coming up in the comments below and any thoughts on anything else i talk about now i'm assuming you paused in your back because i am ready to show you my new mug and it's quite amazing how fabulous is this so this is made by louise matzia and i saw this on kishani's instagram feed and loved it i mean look at the size of the handle is practically as big as the mug i mean oh it's just lovely i do love an elizabeth mcneil mug more than anything but these just totally grabbed my eye and so uh yeah i bought two of them and i will link louise's um website down below so that if you fancy getting one you can because let's support local artists now you might be thinking simon this is not the video that we're expecting on sunday this week we are expecting a crime time catch up with you and pip where you would also be discussing when no one is watching by alyssa cole and that was meant to be the case however sadly we've had to delay that both because of my work routine at the moment which is bonkers and also pip is working on a massive major event and so we're moving them we're moving our chat until after that when we both know that we're going to be free which hopefully will be the beginning of april that is the plan and we'll also just be having a crime time catch up on everything crime related that we've read uh yeah when we do that now also what may be delayed is book club this month because myself and melanie are reading my dart vanessa by kate elizabeth russell which i know has caused some controversy but it's meant to be gripping and really make you think about consent um we are possibly postponing this a little bit because melanie is bonkers busy with um a new fabulous project that i can't tell you what it is um otherwise i would suddenly go missing um anyway um yeah so the dates may change so keep your eyes peeled on instagram for any announcements on that or twitter i always link my um social media down below so yeah just letting you know about that now there are some good things that are coming up because that feels like a little bit of sad postponement kind of stuff and part of me feels sad about it but then also i'm just like well that's life and life is a bit all over the shop at the moment and you know that's the way it is but what is exciting that's coming up is that um it looks like potentially melanie and my podcast might be getting the green light so hopefully i'll be able to tell you more about that in due course and there isn't a live with pip this week but there is not one but two lives with my mother this week and the first is going to be that we are going to be doing a women's prize long list reaction live at 10 6 gmt in the evening so 18 10 and gmt uh on this channel where we will talk about what the what we think of the long list and and all your thoughts on it and all those kind of things now we're doing it at 10 6 because the women's prize are doing their own announcement and i didn't want to clash with that at six o'clock so i'm sort of seeing us as the unofficial after-party that's how i'm seeing it and if there's any technical issues me and my mum have already recorded her live response as i tell her what the long list is and so we've always got that back up if needs be that said on wednesday because it is international women's day i'm also thinking about doing a video about my top 10 or 12 female authors so um yeah is two videos in one day too much that's the first bit of them feedback i'd like from you thank you very much in the comments down below as you were um as well as you're guessing what what my mom's new product is and then we're also back on sunday i think it will be 5 p.m or 1700 hours gmt with tom of tom reed's things because we're going to be announcing what the prompts are for spring book hibernation and we'll be showing what our tbrs are and all that kind of lovely stuff which i'm very very excited about spring book hibernation runs from let me get this right the 26th of march until because i didn't want it to be at the centre of my birthday because i was a little bit making it a little bit too much about me um and it's running until the following sunday which i think is april the 4th i want to say but it's probably wrong because i don't even know what day the week is what month or year it is quite often at the moment as you may have seen in my reading vlogs because i just go off on so many tangents anyway so women's prize long list very excited me and my mum will be reading the long list together and as we have done for the last two years and yeah we're just so so so so excited about doing it together and having all these wonderful conversations around 16 books and that i shall say no more on because i don't want to give any spoilers but i thought i would also talk about some other prizes that i'm very excited about at the moment and one of which was recently announced or the longest of it was recently announced and that is i don't have all of it but some of it the stellar prize which is an australian prize for any literature written by a woman it can be non-fiction i don't think poetry counts and i don't think middle grade or children's books count but why aid does as does memoir etc and and i have some of the books here i'm thrilled because finally it feels like evie wilde is on a long list for something this book is so amazing i can't believe that it hasn't been like on every long list and it kind of winds me up but i mean every long list that it's eligible for because there are something it might not be for also that normally i would have zoomed in for as inside i'm not going to be able to see this video because i am knackered and time poor um and so yeah i'm not um i've been working this weekend i'm working every weekend for the next three weeks as well so um yeah the edits might be a little bit more slap dash than usual and false coming videos sorry and anyway i'm very excited about um lots of the others some of which i had on my shelves already so i already had um the wandering which i didn't realize is a choose your i'm gonna show you it i didn't realize it was a choose your own adventure story for grown-ups so like at the end of different chapters it will either say like continue on to page 13 or it might say something like if you think this go to page do and if so like if you agree to go out with a saying turn to page 313 if you sense that something isn't quite right and choose not to go to the next page like how brilliant is that and so i'm excited for that one and now i'm excited for them all actually the only two that i didn't already have and i feel like i've spoken about the others at different points on this channel so i don't feel like i need to do a whole video on this and our blueberries by um elena savage good name although spelt wrong which i didn't realize was like memoir essays but also some um true crime in there as well and it sounds like a real mixture of stuff that's exciting and also this one at the bottom which is fathoms the world in the whale uh by rebecca giggs and this looks at whales and how their place in the world and how what's happening with the world is affecting them so yeah i think these are going to be phenomenal reads i've also ordered i think three more and also three books that aren't on the long list from readings in australia which is one of my favorite favorite book shops i will link them down below because they do really really um reasonable and shipping of australian books although i will say australian books are really expensive and they're normally about like 20 plus pounds each i don't know what that is in dollars um so i'm excited about the stellar prize i'm also really really keen and it's teasing me and taunting me and tempting me dreadfully to read the dylan thomas long list i think it's one of the strongest long lists i've seen of any prize for ages i'll link it down below and because um i don't have them all but i have like been looking at them and normally knowing about whether i should ask chris for that whole long is for my birthday or what it's yeah i'm giving that some thought at the moment and and finally on prizes all now actually not final prizes with the women's prize videos i'm hoping to potentially be able to give away a whole long list of the 16 books i'm just finalizing it so it's a possibility it's i would say it's probable and and if so keep your eyes peeled for that video of my favorite um female authors and also the live that i do with mum because there'll be like an easter egg clue possibly in there and um there will also be um another part because i'm going to make you go like on an easter egg hunt even though it's not quite easy yet for um answers to questions that mean that you're eligible to win the long list if i can do it and because one of the other things i'm doing which i start shortly is reading books that my mum has picked for me um from her top five authors um and one book from each that i had on my shelves already and i had a selection for each one i have to say though and i was going to talk about this a little bit later but actually no no it links into it now no it doesn't because i've got another price to talk about but i'll have to stand a minute i'm tangential he's off on a waffle already hanging on and having a waffle that should be my byline anyway um reading vlogs so i um have got one going up like tomorrow which i'm really excited for you to see because um it's one where i basically try and see how well you all know my reading tastes by what you pick out of a selection of books and i asked on patreon which was linked down below i asked on instagram which is always linked down below and i asked on here you're here hi and then the last one was i got the cats to pick so you've got that joy to come tomorrow and then like i said i've started one now where i'm reading um books by uh five of my mom's favorite authors and i sent her pictures of which of their books i had on my shelves and she chose the favorite out of that selection that i should go and read so yeah i'm really really looking forward to sharing that with you i don't want to hear what those authors are i'm not going to tell you what those authors are it's going to be a surprise um but yeah so uh she's chosen an absolute massive chunkster though first i'm a bit like oh but i'm going to head to that one and start this afternoon it's actually a book that i started years ago and uh gave up on so intriguing i'm also then going to be doing one which is where i pick four books because i think actually five books a week is too many and although i say that i've so far this year read over 20 books every month and i don't know how i feel about that because this year was the year if you remember i said that i was going to try and read less because i felt like i'd read so many last year now to be fair my goodreads last year doesn't match how many books i actually read because when i'm reading for prizes i don't include any of the um submissions in that because i don't think it's fair and i don't generally include the long list or shortlist until after the event and then i go back and put them in a bit like actually when i'm reading a book for example crime time or book club it'll just sort of linger on my tbr or linger on what i'm reading shelf on goodreads basically ignore my goodreads because it doesn't always tell the truth because i'm not ready to tell you what i gave something out of x if i'm judging you for a prize or talking about it in a video with someone else does that make sense um so yeah but that does link back to book prizes because the desmond elliott prize books will arrive with me this month and um i don't know how i'm gonna vlog because i've got to read them obviously and i don't know if i'm gonna just stop doing themed vlogs which actually you know i think i'm gonna have a break from theme vlogs anyway and head back to the maybe end of april beginning of may or maybe just not until after the summer who knows um but yeah i don't know whether as i do because i want to carry on doing weekly reading vlogs so i really really enjoy them and actually that was another question that i had for you oh my mind's going everywhere um is with reading vlogs how many clips around each book do you like because when i'm watching them i like quite a few but i know some people don't i mean i would never put a spoiler in but then if you're not going to give much away you can't really do that many clips so let me know in the comments down below so that's three things so far please let me know and what you think me and my mom will be doing for our new project uh what was the other one uh oh there was another one i asked you and i've forgotten it my mind's gone blank um i wanted some feedback on something else oh but anyway well hopefully you've made a note of it because i've forgotten but that was the third one the third one was let me know how many uh clips of like updates on what i'm reading or what somebody is reading in a reading vlog you enjoy that would be very very helpful um so i think that's everything coming up except for the new project um other than my birthday's coming up march 24th very very excited and i have a wish list link down below and feel free to ignore it if you want to but if you don't it's there along with my instagram which i keep banging about i've really instagram's the one i feel like the social media i want to keep growing although actually i haven't meant to say thank you so so so much because this channel's gone over 22 000 which is bonkers absolutely bonkers and i'm really really chuffed and thank you for watching and it's been lovely and i don't know if you feel the same but i feel like this year booktube has been even more fun i've enjoyed it even more i've never not enjoyed i mean i've had sometimes i'm like oh i don't know what to film and now i've decided i feel like i'm not filming but also actually unusually this year like i've made notes of exactly what i'm going to film throughout the whole of march i've never been so planned and organized but i think it's just works so busy i have to kind of feel fill out what i can do when but that does link something else actually in another tangent um and that is that i am still feeling a bit about doing wrap-ups and filming wrap ups i didn't do a mid-february one and i don't know why i'm now gonna have to do not have to notice forcing me but um i'm gonna now probably do a february wrap-up full start which as i've mentioned is like over 20 books which is a lot to talk about and so yeah i feel like i'm a bit all over the place about wrap-ups and i think i just need to keep doing it so any tips i think of recording it and then making it a premiere so that i can chat with you throughout um and then if there's anything you'd like to see in future wrap-ups then yeah you can let me know in that video so there we go i'm still wrecking my brain for what it was oh i know what it was how how i can go around so the three things i've asked so far is what is me and my mum's new project this is how my brain works at the moment it's here there and everywhere and all over the place um what do you think me and my mom's new project is which i'm going to tell you about anyway in a minute and what how i can get around um like sharing what i think about um books that come in for prizes and stuff one person did say on instagram i think it was the other day that i should do a video where i talk about like how i judge that could be quite interesting so anyway that's that one and then also um the one around i've now forgotten the third one i'm not doing very well with this on my i can't even remember i didn't even i may blink him bullet points except for about what i've wanted feedback on so i hope you've got your pens and pencils as well as your lovely mug of tea which i'm now going to slip from because i'm thirsty so um anyway yeah birthday i'm not going to do a life for my birthday i think we've got plenty of lives coming up um and instead i'm just gonna have a night i think we're gonna watch raya and the dragon because i really really fancy that and have some of my favorite food which generally involves prawn cocktail um and uh yeah just have a chill day i've got the day off and i'll just be by myself all day but that's not a bad thing i'm just gonna like treat myself to a lovely big bath sit outside in the garden fingers crossed if it's sunny it was when i was uh in birthday lockdown one last year second one i mean come on anyway um the other things i wanted to mention was i'm thinking about moving furniture around in here so and it wasn't a comment that upset me but i did have a few comments when i showed a picture of this room where people i can't believe you're covering up that fireplace and to be fair neither can i but like it's the practicalities of the room i have a desk here that you can't see i've got bookshelves everywhere else and that's where i sit i like to sit with natural light and so i'm in an iron about how i could mix things up like i might actually move that sofa here and then get rid of this desk because i now have an office downstairs um and then have two armchairs there which may be birthday presents possibly i'm not sure um so yeah i'm having to think about that i do like this backdrop although it always bothers me that you can see the afterthought before i don't know why um but maybe it'll just be having me having like bookshelves more close up i don't know would you enjoy that there's something else to give you feedback on which i'll probably forget shortly so there we are and now on to my new project with my mother um and i have decided that um i've been asked to do quite a few author events recently and because work's been said bonkers busy and because i will say i think shielding and this lockdown i definitely am um having more ups and downs than i think i've had before i describe it as being quite mardi and which is basically means petulant silky or grumpy from where i'm from in in the uk it's like a northern term a bit like hey up my duck which is how i greet people sometimes and and it's basically where i'm from was how you say hello hey help me look um anyway so i have been a bit mardi and i'm aware of that so i just feel like i need to focus on what pays the mortgage which is my day job currently and then sort of have more time where i'm just sort of decompressing a bit and sort of letting my mind sell and actually it's another reason i'm thinking of having a bit of a break from reading vlogs because doing a reading blog does make me rethink how not not sorry not reading blogs will stop themed reading vlogs because i have to plan it so much more which is fine when i'm planning what i want to do on my channel because that really helps but then when it's like planning almost not us how can i describe it planning if i'm say i'm going to read xbook because of x how i'm going to film that introducing that in etc there's loads of stuff that goes into it in my head probably not as much in reality but i overthink stuff it's just the way i am and so i think i'm gonna have a break for that because i actually learned in lockdown one that i i am somebody who likes to be busy all the time but actually i do need to stop and i need to get better at it and so yeah so basically long story short and is why i've decided i'm not doing any author events until june so no insta lives nothing like that um until june the 10th when i will be doing one with sarah women for her new book which i'm really really excited about and as soon as i've got details i will let you all know so that you can attend it if you'd like to um because it will be a digital one and also actually um i haven't mentioned the fact that the good life experience which was a festival i was curating has been cancelled because of pandemic and i'm also doing readers retreats with them they've now managed to reorganize a new set of two festivals which are called uh good camp good life that's it which i think is a brilliant title i'll link those down below because i will be curating events for both of those one in autumn one in spring and then we'll be looking at doing the reading retreats that i've talked about before after that and at each reader's retreat i'm hoping to have a special guest who will be helping kind of curate and run different events so um it might be that it is charlie from the book boy over on instagram it might be my mother it might be melanie you know there's lots of different options anyway speaking of my mother that links to the one exception with live events that i'm going to be doing and that is that me and my mom are going to start doing like i'm calling it a savage literary salon or the savage salon but if you've got any recommendations this is your fourth or fifth now i've literally forgotten um please give us any suggestions for names for that in the comments down below um and we are going to be interviewing authors together live with you able to watch and ask questions and all those kind of things and the first author we've got and this author has been very kind to me because they were the first author ever to go on my solo podcast when i had one whilst i was also still doing the readers podcast which suddenly is no more and but like i said me and melanie are working on a podcast coming up but um so she was the first guest i didn't know she was the one of the first authors i ever interviewed full stop by myself in real life and she was the first author to come on this channel and do a one-to-one interview with me and now she's gonna be the first author to do it with me and my mum for this new project that we're going to do a series of videos which will be ad hoc who is it get on with it simon it's maggie o'farrell and we'll be doing this on april the 5th the time is tbc but i'm assuming it will be sort of uh six ish seven ish maybe in the evening here in the uk and it'll also be saved onto the channel so you'll be able to watch it afterwards and i will make sure that if you've got any questions you'd like to ask before you can do somewhere probably on instagram i'll ask but i might do here in in blah blah blah can't speak these are the bits that i normally zoom in out zoom in on aussie out of or cut um anyway so maggie faraday's off first that will be on april the 5th and and i will let you know times nearer the time and then our second guest is going to be jess kidd and we're hoping this will be on the week of the 19th of april now this is not necessarily something that's going to happen every fortnight i think maybe once a month might be quite nice um but um it's something that we're both really really excited in doing and i think it's just going to be nice we did it uh miami mum interviewed carys davies on instagram together and it's really a good one but i think this will be even more fun so that's coming up that's the new project i'm really excited about it and it's always going to be authors that me and my mum both love and so and we won't just be talking about their latest book we'll be talking about all of their back catalogue possibly uh mum's actually just got a load of maggie for us back list he's like how's she how am i going to fit these in with women's prizes i thought you shouldn't have to because we will mainly be talking about hamner just like with jessie kidd who my mom i think is ready everything off we'll be talking about everyday magic which is her new book for teens but also the hoarder and um things in jars and what's the other one uh what's that and himself ya so that's the new project that's everything that's going on i hope you've enjoyed this catch up please let me know all of your feedback for all of the five six seven eight nine ten i can't remember how many things that i asked you to feedback on but do leave all that in the comments down below and let me know and how you are what's going on what has been going on and what is coming up and uh all that good stuff and i will speak to you all soon goodbye from me and my naked lady mug oh i love this look i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: SavidgeReads
Views: 3,980
Rating: 4.976048 out of 5
Keywords: BookTube, Savidge Reads, Louise Madzia, Maggie O'Farrell, Jess Kidd, Evie Wild, Bookish Chat, Catch Up, March Catch Up, March Book Chat, Book Chat, March Bookish Chat, The Stella Prize, The Women's Prize, Rebecca Giggs, Ellena Savage, Alyssa Cole, Sykes and Savidge Book Club, Crime Time, Book Club, Kate Elizabeth Russell, Dylan Thomas Prize, Mugs
Id: fAp_v1Lbqzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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