March 23, 2014 - Carter Conlon - Standing in the Doorway

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I want you to find Revelation chapter 3 that's your last book in the New Testament and once you've found that find second Kings chapter 4 in the Old Testament and then once you've found those to find Romans chapter 9 to save time because I want you to be able to see the words we're going to be reading Revelation chapter 3 2nd Kings chapter 4 Romans chapter 9 now father I thank you God with all my heart today I thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your presence I thank you God that you are speaking to us if our hearts are open to hear you wherever you are there's the creation of life you create things in us that are not there but by your spoken word father I thank you that you'll give me the ability to speak this word today and you'll give us the ability to hear it the Lord I bless you for this I bless you for the quickening of your Holy Spirit and the strength you give to those who serve you and live for you it is a supernatural strength it's divine it doesn't come from our energy it's your life within us help me today to stand in that life help us to hear in Jesus name message is called standing in the doorway Revelation chapter 3 beginning at verse 7 standing in the doorway and unto the Angel of the church in Philadelphia write these things says he that is holy he that is true he that has the key of David he that opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens I know your works the old I've set before you an open door and no man can shut it for you have a little strength and have kept my word and have not denied my name behold I'll make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before your feet to know that I have loved you because you've kept the word of my patience I will also keep you from the hour of temptation that should come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth behold I come quickly hold fast that which you have that no man take your crown he that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my god and he will go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my god and the name of the city of my god which is New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my god and I will write upon him my new name he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches Revelation chapter 3 verses 7 & 8 Jesus Christ is speaking these words to his beloved friend John John is now probably in his 80s perhaps even as late 80's he's in a prison basically because of the testimony of Jesus Christ Christ himself chose to appear to John and in this prison place he gave him these letters to write to the churches that had been formed throughout part of the world at that time and he declares himself to John to be someone who is holy and true in other words my words can be trusted I'm not like other people God says the things that I speak their truth their holy in other words they can to dwell in the presence of God because they come from God there's no there's no variableness the scripture calls it in the King James Bible in other words no crookedness in God's speech there's no fine print the way he says it is what he means he said I have the key of David in other words I hold the keys of complete victory in my hand I have the power to open doors and the power to closed doors I have the power to create that which you can't access in your own strength and what I open nobody can shut it and what I shot nobody can open it now these words you would think are coming to somebody who's strong the powerful the influential the rich but actually the message that he gives to John for this particular church is for people who don't have strength he says I know your works I'm fully aware of who you are sitting in time score church this morning maiya paraphrased it I know everything you do I I see that you only have a little strength when you pray it's a constant part of your prayer God I'm not strong God I don't know how to do this Lord I I don't know how I'm gonna get through this I I don't know how I'm ever gonna change in this area of my life I don't know how my my home will ever look like what I feel it should I don't know how my my marriage will ever find the wholesomeness that I know you can bring into it and and god I feel you calling me to do something that's so far beyond me and he says I know I know all of this about you and I know you only have a little strength and you've kept my word though in other words you've not written off anything that I've spoken here is as false you've kept it and you've not denied my name you may not be a partaker of everything you've read but you've not denied that I am who I said I am and that I can do what I say that I can do and he says now I'm gonna open the door before you that nobody can close and I'm gonna close another door that nobody can open not the best way to understand this is go back now to second Kings chapter 4 and there was a couple this portion of scripture talks about a woman of wealth or she was a shouldn't a woman from soon um and she and her husband they had a prophet called Elisha that was constantly passing by their house and of course this is how God spoke to those generations he would have selected vessels that he would put his Holy Spirit upon and these these men or women would speak for God to their generation and they were there were great prophets and Elisha was one of those his predecessor was taken up in a in a flaming chariot right before his eyes he picked up the office that that man Elisha had and he was walking in that office and so he is passing by them and in in the in the typically in the mouth of a prophet in the Old Testament is the power to do the miraculous and so she and her husband were inviting him in to eat bread and it speaks about you and I that we love fellowship with God we do know that the worlds were created by the power of his speech we know these things and we do come to church because we want fellowship with God I know you do I do it's wonderful to be in the presence of God it's wonderful to hear his words and so I can see this couple there he's sitting at their table he's eating bread and he's speaking of things which are wondrous really because Elijah did marvelous God did marvelous miracles through this man and she said to her husband verse 9 of chapter 4 and second Kings behold I perceive this as a holy man of God which passes by us continually and in other words see she felt even though they were eating bread she said this there's something about the speech of this man it I hear something I don't fully get it but I hear something in this man's speech it stirs my heart and she said to her husband let's make a little a little bedroom basically a little chamber on the wall and let us let us put a bed there in a table and a stool and a candlestick and it would be that when he comes to us that he can come and turn in there and maybe spend the night there and these are people who enjoyed they recognized the fellowship and they must have felt though that the presence of God he said he passes by us continually that it is true but he it seems to pass us by do you ever find that happening in your life that you come here and you get you get so stirred by hopefully you do I mean hopefully I mean if you don't get stirred Sunday morning try 3 o'clock maybe you get stirred at 3 o'clock but you hear something and you hear a Sunday night saying if anyone be in Christ is a new creation and and and you know it's true you know it but you there's only like a little place in your heart for this truth you've made a little room with a little bed little stool a little table a little candle and you you want to hear the words but the words aren't passing you by constantly they they're spoken but they just keep on going and you love it you you do you you you you love the words of God but you have such little strength and you wonder how these words ever going to become part of my life and one day Elijah is in her house and he says to his servant call her and ask her what we can do for her you know there are moments in life where God speaks directly to you and he speaks as what would you like me to do for you and you know many times we draw back and say oh do I dare ask no I can't because I can't I can't run the risk opening that wound in my life again I can't run the risk of believing for that area again I I used to but it's gone I don't want to talk about this I don't want this to come to the fore I've I've more or less made peace with it and I really don't want to discuss this that I somehow believe the words of God are true but not for me in this area of my life and the servant of Elijah said what can we do for you can we talk to the king can we speak to the King on your behalf or can we talk to the captain of the host now these are incredible things that would you would you have us ask the king of the nation to do something for you or would you have us go to the one who leads the armies of Israel in the sense and have-have do you need power do you need position what is it that you want what is it that we can do and in other words their starting right at the top we'll do something for you and she said to him I'd well among my own people in other words it is what it is you look at another translation that says my family have been good to me thank you very much I made peace with my situation I've found a measure of comfort even in my sorrow she had created her own her own comfort in a sense and there's a wound in my life basically when you go on you find out and I really don't want to talk about it I don't want to take a chance on leaving God that there can be this kind of a miracle come into my life and so her voice says I'm it's fine the way it is basically is what she's saying but then there's another voice in verse 14 and the servant of Elijah tells Elijah says she's old and she has no child her husband is old actually and she has no child and you see this was the deepest akin she didn't really want to bring this to the surface I don't want to believe for this I know this is the word of God and I know the Word of God has passed me by it passed me by years ago and I don't want to take a chance on believing for this situation and you and I find ourselves in a similar place sometimes that God wants to speak but we we put away what he wants to speak about God is what it is look can we move on from there you know can we pray about something else can can can you give me a word that's something more tangible Kenny can you give me a word that that maybe you know I can have a part in fulfilling it okay but don't talk about this thing in my life don't don't talk about speaking to the King on my behalf or speaking to the the one who has power to make a difference in my situation don't talk to me about this in Romans chapter 9 and the New Testament please well it's actually Romans chapter 8 I want you to think about this other voice now this is the servant of Elijah and I'm talking about the servant of Elijah as another voice the Elijah would represent the what God can do the power that's in the voice of God and the woman is standing there before this other servants saying no please it is what it is my family have been good to me thank you very much but there's another voice and this voice overrides our own excuses and our own fears and our frailties in verse 26 of Romans chapter 8 it says likewise the spirit that's that other voice of God the Holy Spirit lives inside of those who belong to Jesus Christ helps our weaknesses our infirmities for we don't know what we should pray for as we should that's amazing I mean I'm I'm paraphrasing a little bit because I'm reading from King James in other words that we don't know what to pray for really that's what it really says there's something with there's things we ought to pray for but we don't know how we don't even know what we should be asking for but the spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered there's a voice inside of you that is constantly leading you and I to something deeper something fuller something farther and he verse 27 that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God you have another inside of you pray if you receive Christ the Holy Spirit of God lives inside of you and the Holy Spirit of God is yearning to four to bring your life and mind in line with something that God has for us because he's a God of the miraculous he's of God that can open doors and nobody can close them he's a god that can closed doors nobody can open them thank God and he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God according to the place that God chose to set you and I in the body of Christ he has a specific purpose for you and for me in the body of Christ and very often that purpose is beyond our natural ability thank God it is or we would touch all the glory we take all the praise and we'd be telling everybody else how to do it no no very often the true you see how else has God glorified but that he takes us in our frailty and opens the door before us and brings us into something of himself where our testimony is simply I could never have done this in my own strength only God could have done this God gave me the abilities I have God gave me the power to love God the ability to speak God gave me spiritual authority to stand against darkness in myself I'm nothing but he opened the door before me and I went through it by the grace of God and the testimony that God gives to those who belong to Christ is that God took me into the miraculous he took me out of the natural and brought me into the supernatural you imagined 120 people coming out of the upper room in Acts chapter 2 and they're speaking languages they'd never learned they're communicating the gospel to people of other cultures and it's an obvious thing that men and women would be standing there and the very demonstration of what they were doing would be would the credibility to this thought on doing something that only God could have made me to do I'm communicating great truths about God in your language and these are this is something I've never learned but I've been given the ability to do this and we know verse 28 that all things work together for good to those who love God to them who are the called according to his purpose all things work together all things are leading you and I to a place where we will be able to be used of God to bring glory to his name because we're called according to not our purpose but his purpose you and I have a purpose you have to know that today it's not necessarily what you think it is for whom he did foreknow he did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren God knew that those who would receive Christ as Savior we would become partakers of the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead brought him out of the impossible and into the possible out of death and into life out of powerlessness and into all power and God knew he understood this this this is the mark of the true believer in Jesus Christ we we're not to be unnatural people people in the sense that just are governed by our own thinking our own strategies and our own abilities we're to be a supernatural people that's what the Church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be and Paul goes on and he the rest of this chapter talks about the love of God and Paul knew was grounded in love God doesn't do it because he feels obligated to make us a living testimony he does it because he loves us that's why Paul says in verse 38 and 39 for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord not our own frailties our own struggles every every thought of hell that comes against us and say man you're out of your mind you're you've lost it you really think God's going to use your life you really think you're gonna stand and speak before people do you really do you really think you're gonna ever amount any more than you are or people have told you you are or going to be no if God doesn't open the door that most likely you and I won't but the good news is that he opens the door that no man can open and he closes behind us a door that no nope that can't be opened again he shuts doors that can't be open that means our enemies can't pursue us he leads us into a newness of life he does things that we ought to have a song that's just bursting out of us like a like a spring that Wells up from within said God it has been awesome what you've done this week it's been awesome what you've done last month and yeah I might be in that valley of the shadow of death at the moment but I'm gonna come through this thing and your goodness and mercy are gonna follow me all the days of my life and so now this inner voice that's standing before Elijah in 2nd King says call her call her to me and it says when he had called her in second Kings 4:15 she stood in the door this message is called standing in the doorway call her so she stood up and she stood in the door she didn't come in she stood in the doorway she's got a choice now she can go forward to what she's about to hear oh go backwards to what she's leaving behind she's about to be given a promise of God and she has a choice do I go through the door do I believe this promise or do I back up and settle into my it is what it is family situation or am I going to believe God am I going to go through this door and am I going to am I going to believe him and so she stood in the in the door verse 15 and verse 16 he said that's Elijah about this season according to the time of life you will embrace a son amazing in other words I'm going to speak something I'm speaking it now and if you can hear it it's going to produce new life in you as a matter of fact it's going to be a miracle your testimony is going to be my husband was too old and I'm barren the time had passed I made peace with failure the way I saw it but God spoke to me and gave me a choice you can stand in the door or you can go in or you come back out but God said it but in the season it takes not gonna happen in a day in this case is gonna take nine months but you're gonna have a son there's there's you're going to embrace a son and might I say it this way I believe with all my heart that in this church and in many others we're living in the last days and there's going to be a sudden embracing of the Son of God come into your heart and explosion of faith in your heart and mind say God Almighty I'm not standing in the doorway any longer but I'm gonna embrace what the son bought from me I'm gonna brakes what he want on that cross I'm gonna brace the victory when he came out of the grave he said he blotted out my list of sins the devil had against me he told me he gave me power to step on all the works of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me he told me he would take me and change me from him it's to him it's and glory to glory even as by the Spirit of God and so I'm gonna embrace the son I'm gonna embrace this I'm not gonna reject it I'm not gonna put it away in other words Matt sent this way the Word of God is not passing me by any longer I'm not I'm not letting I'm not letting this word that goes by my house every day pass me by any longer and I'm not just gonna make a little room in my heart for church and for the word of god no sir my whole house is now open to the Word of God my whole temple and if you say I'm gonna have a son that I'm gonna get it I'm gonna go down to Babies R Us and I got to get a crib and I got to get a mattress and I got to get seats and I've got to get diapers and I got to get pens because I'm gonna have a son can you imagine this woman when she's preparing she's first prepares her room for the Word of God then she starts preparing a room for a baby and people must people would have said man oh man she's lost her mind this guy Elijah is really getting through to her but God is a God of the miraculous God I remember when I when I left my secular employment back when I was I was 33 years of age when I left enough I remember people shaking their heads literally shaking their heads a poor guy with such hope for him he was rising up so fast in his career and he's leaving it to Pastor this little group of people meeting in a hotel and his small little out-of-the-way nowhere town what is he thinking and the only thing I could tell people I hear something I hear God calling me I don't fully understand what it means but I know I feel a compelling to go through the door that God has set before me and I would rather die believing God than live in unbelief on the wrong side of the door revelation 3 verse 8 he says I know your works behold I've set before you an open door that no man can shut for you have a little strength you've kept my word and not denied my name behold I'll make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie I'll make them to come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you in other words God says I'm going to do something so marvelous in you that people are going to leave their empty religious places and come and worship God where you are people are gonna walk away from bankrupt religions they're gonna walk away from that which is just an imitation of God but there's no power in it they're gonna walk away from it they're going to start coming down the road I see the prodigal daughters and sons are coming home in this generation many are coming home they've been drawn into houses of powerlessness they've been captivated by arguments that offer no life but suddenly the God says I'm going to do something so profoundly powerful in a week people who know they don't have much strength and the only thing is that they have never denied the Word of God has power to create and they've never denied the name of Jesus as their Lord and Savior I'm coming to these people a people of little power and little strength and I'm going to do in you what only can be done by God and not only is it going to set you free it's going to set a lot of other people around you free they're gonna leave these other houses gonna leave these places of captivity that are powerless and they're gonna come and worship where you are all thank God for that with all my heart thank God for this generation and he said they're gonna know that I have loved you you see the essence of the testimony that I'm speaking about today is that it's built on the foundation of the love of God I know I'm loved of God I know that I'm safe in the hands of God I know that if he's opened the door he's not gonna bring me to disgrace and shame I know that if I put my confidence in him if he's spoken directly to my heart that he's not going to cast away he's not gonna cast me away so that I lose my confidence in his spoken word and to believe God for the impossible because he loves me I know that he loves me because you kept the word of my patience verse 10 I'll keep you from the hour of temptation that shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth he says to this particular church and it has application today also to you and I I will keep you from the despair that's going to sweep over the whole world Jesus in Luke 21:26 talked about a season where men's hearts would begin to fail because of the difficulties that are coming upon this world as we know it Matthew chapter 24 verse 12 Jesus said sin is going to reach such a proportion that the love of many people will grow cold the love of life the love of people the love of country the love of future the love of the love of God everything will begin to grow called because sin will become so rampant in society but he said to these people I'll keep you I'll keep you from the despair and how is he going to do that he says I'm going to make you a pillar in the temple of God in other words I'll make you an example of strength a strength that stands when everything else fails you will have a confidence in God that is so much beyond anything could be produced even by human exuberance you begin to know the sovereign power of God and you're going to come into something of God that makes you a pillar when everyone else is running in and running out there running and looking for help and they're running out trying to come up with their own solution he says no I'm gonna make you a pillar in the temple of my god and you will go no more out no more I'm gonna in other words I'm going to bring you into something of life that I'm going to close the door behind you and you will have no desire whatsoever to return to what you used to be it will have lost its hold it will lose its appeal you will know it's bankrupt you will know it's empty I've set before you an open door I open the door you go through and I close it behind you you can't go back and he says I'm gonna make you a pillar in the temple of God and you will know more go out you won't be this type of person that comes in for just a little bit of encouragement on Sunday and goes back out to weakness and defeat and despair and everything else that this life offers and discouragement now I'm gonna bring you into something yeah of course you gotta go home but you're not gonna leave God here you're gonna God's gonna go with you because he's inside of you you will be in church 24/7 you'll be in church you'll be able to worship God able to trust him for strength able to believe your testimony will be morning by morning new mercies I see oh yes mountains may be falling on my left and floods may be coming on my right but my heart is fixed I trust in the Living God I trust in his power and in His Word and he says I'm gonna write upon you the name of my God in other words I will set you visibly apart as belonging to me I'm gonna write my name on you God is going to write it you're not going to write it you're not gonna have to tell many people you're Christians are gonna know say hey you're a Christian aren't you I see something I see something in you thank God thank God I will set you visibly apart as belonging to me and it says and the name of the city of my god which is New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven from my god in other words I will give you a countenance of hope and of one who has a certain future you will see something coming when everybody else sees disaster they see wars they see culture and country rising against country they see global conflict perhaps arising again it begins to cause their hearts to fear they see lunatics having access to nuclear weaponry and weapons of mass destruction they see this incivility coming into society that's that's causing them to be perplexed but says I'm gonna give you when hopelessness is surrounding this world I'm going to give you a countenance of Hope you're going to see something that people are outside of the true power of God can't see you're going to have an understanding that you have a future you have a destiny it's not just in time but it's for eternity and you're going to see a city coming down with the name of God on it out of heaven and also he says I'm gonna write upon you or him my new name praise God you will be called and even call yourself another name than the one which you presently are called by this is what God does you did it with Peter he said this is what you're called but this is what you will be God says I'm gonna give you a new name a new name you're going to be called and you're gonna call yourself something different than what you call yourself today I thank God for that with all my heart an example of strength visibly set apart a countenance of hope and joy and a certain future and a new name given you by God behold I set before you an open door and no man can shut it nobody that ever told you you were a loser that ever he told you you weren't gonna mount to anything no teacher no professor no instructor no mother no father no neighbor no enemy doesn't matter what anybody said about you jesus said I have the key to your life I have the key to your future nobody else has it nobody else can hold that right I hold that right since you gave your life to me and the door I open for you nobody can shut it and once you pass through it I'm going to shut it behind you you can't go back and you're not gonna want to go back I've set before you an open door I haven't told you because you're strong I know you're weak but you have kept a little bit of truth that you know you've done your best to walk as an honest person before God and you have not denied the name of Jesus Christ I've set before you an open door now think of this sooner might woman when he lies to called her in and she stood in the doorway and that's where many people are today the stand in the doorway Israel at one time went to the shores of an incredible promised land and they stood in the doorway and they made a tragic mistake they chose to believe that their own weakness could have the power to keep them out of what God promised and so being in the doorway of an incredible life in place they backed away and they chose a place of dryness and hopelessness and that's what happened for the next 40 years this June imide woman stood in the doorway and she's been given a promise of that came through a servant but from the mouth of God that she was going to in there in the season it would take a season it's not a snap of the fingers but it would take a season but in its appropriate time she would embrace a son I think if the tragedy that could have been in her life had she chosen to back out of the room and say no sir not me and even when the devil come late came later on and tried to take that son away he couldn't take it away because God had opened the door that no one controls she knew that and so my question to you this morning is what is to be done for you now immediately I see heads bowing and I know what that means when I see that body it's called body language I say what is to be done for you and you mediate your many here your immediate responses oh no not me why not you why not give me one valid reason why not you you look through this text of history whenever he wanted to raise a prophet he searched for a barren woman never chose the strong in themselves or the influential or the worthy the wealthy when he wanted to do a miracle he always looked for the least likely person through whom he could do it wanted to deliver Israel from an encroaching nation that would take away all of their prosperity in their produce and so he goes to the smallest tribe to the smallest house to the smallest man to the smallest man's son and says I've come to you mighty man of resources amazing what the deliver Israel out of bondage out of hundreds of years of bondage and so he searches the countryside and finds an 80 year old man just tending sheep says ah that's exactly what I need to confront the mightiest army on the face of the earth at that time why not you why not what is to be done for you I can't answer that but there is an inner cry that you have pushed away there is there is an area of your life where you've just made peace with weakness failure hopelessness and you don't want anybody digging it up but the Lord says to you today what what's to be done for you well you don't understand I was called to preach the gospel in my 20s and I I kind of put it out of my thinking and now I'm 60 years old 59 and it's passed me by who said that who told you that that it's passed you by God can do more in five years through the vessels surrendered in his hand than 500 years and people walking in the flesh as long as I breathe nothing has passed me by nothing has passed you by so I'm not willing to let the word pass me by see that's the choice you're gonna have to make today are you going to open your heart you're gonna go through the door or let the word pass by one more time and say well that was wow that was great but not for me what is to be done for you and so I'm going to give an altar call today and there's something inside that God has spoken I don't have to speak it you already know and the altar call for this morning is just simply are you willing to believe God are you willing to get up and go through the door and that's what this altar here in the Annex in front of the screens and in North Jersey and home I would I would like for those the guts speaking to have a forward motion today that means I'm gonna I'm gonna symbolically go through the door and I'm gonna trust God to close it behind me so that I'm not I won't be tempted to go back into unbelief but I'm gonna go through the door and I'm gonna embrace his son it might take nine months but I'm going to embrace the son and I don't care how long it takes but that was God speaks is going to become my life and it's going to become my strength some people need to walk through the door to salvation because you really don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you don't understand yet that he died on a cross to pay the price for your sin and to give you an opportunity to know him in a very personal way and to have an assurance that when you die heaven will be your home and that's the door you need to go through today you need to walk through that door of a living relationship with God and say these words Jesus I don't fully understand it all but I do give you my life today and I ask you to help me to understand what that means and I ask you to forgive the wrong I've done and bring me into this life I've heard about this morning this miraculous life of God teach me what that is and guide me into that and all you have to do is have that cry in your heart and get up and go through that door what is to be done for thee please don't make the mistake that this woman almost made when she said well it is what it is my family have been very good to me I found comfort in a place that is short of what God has for my life no have the courage to get up when I was a young Christian I I had I had a really bad temper and it followed me into the kingdom of God you know old things pass away but it takes a while for some little things to pass away and I was struggling with being a good husband and being a good father and just a lot of stuff going on inside a lot of stuff I I was told one time I in university I just wanted to be a adorn greeter you know so that people come into residence you just say hi how you doing put your suitcase over here kind of thing took a course and failed it I mean how smart you have to be to do stuff like that you know I was told that I wasn't leadership material so here I am today some people to be honest some people still hold to that viewpoint but they're entitled to it but I remember being in a service and I felt God drawing me to something and as far as I was concerned like I was reading the Bible and there's a there's a little kid that had you know like five loaves and three fishes and fed 10,000 people but he at least had loaves and fishes I didn't feel like I had anything I was afraid to speak in public I was still fighting with a bad temper I just was really not a good husband yet and working on that and and a lot of just a lot of stuff I mean but I got out of my seat and I came and I knelt at an altar and I cried and I said lord I I feel like the least of your servants I don't have anything to offer you but if you can take this body and use it I invite you to do so and he did and it was an open door I felt an open door and I just went through it I didn't go through it in strength I didn't go through it with the certificates on the wall I didn't go through it with reputation I didn't go through it with achievement I didn't go through it with ability I just went through it because I felt God calling me to something now I don't know what that is in your life God knows it the Holy Spirit knows it and eventually you will know it but he stirs your heart to believe for something quite often it's impossible except God do it and if he is speaking to your heart this altar this morning we're going to worship for about 15 minutes and as we worship this altar is is an open door into another room and that's how I want you to consider it today that I'm getting out of where I am and I'm going to go I'm gonna embrace the Sun and I'm not gonna walk away discouraged today because it doesn't happen when I before I hit Broadway it might take nine months for me to even realize this new life is here but I god I'm getting out of where I am and I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna believe you that you're going to do through my life something that will glorify your name then my testimony at the end of this journey is going to be only God could have done this I know I couldn't have done this I know in my own strength it was hopeless but God you can do this for those who belong to you and so I'm not preparing just a little room in my heart I'm going to open my whole house and say Lord you come and you occupy this place and you do what you need to do but take me God where you want me to go and give you the courage to keep going through every open door that you set before me give me the courage to not say to never say no to you that I just keep going forward and going forward and going forward as you start to open the doors I remember when I first got asked they started asking me to speak in small churches folks I'm telling you they've been reducing me I'd be sick in the bathroom but I would be there as as I'm leaning over the sink saying God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind I would go through the door and I would step up and the moment I would start speaking the Holy Spirit would come upon me and I would be in a surreal place I would realize I couldn't be doing this if God's Spirit wasn't on me and then people would cry and people would get saved and it would be just phenomenal what God and you walk away saying how did that happen I just walked through the open door somebody has to get up and believe God and so I want to challenge you with these things you you've got to realise this morning we didn't all just parachute in on the Bible School and tell you how to live your life we've walked this road we've come the steps and we're reaching back to some and saying come this way this is where life is so we're victorious you have no idea what God can do through a surrendered vessel my father I thank you Lord for giving me the ability to share your heart today and I know I have I don't feel like I've left a sentence undone I pray God for me for everybody here to give us the courage even as a congregation to take that step that you're calling us to Lord you need a testimony of miracles in this generation we can't be just more people singing boring songs and more there has to be life and so gods start with me and start with us as leaders Lord God Almighty take us through we've never arrived to the point where there isn't another door before us give us the power Lord to yield to you and to obey you help the people of this congregation North Jersey and those online help us to hear these words and obey them thank you in Jesus name we're going to stand please and as we do if God speaking to you just come forward to the front of the auditorium the balcony good either exit and you can make your way down in the annex you could step between the screens and come believe in God today come believe in God you know when we sing that song I surrender all sometimes we we just see it as like job and car and how about unbelief I surrender at God and I walk through this door and I'm asking you God to close it behind me so I can't go back again let it be father and ask our new elder Victoria Griffin to come lead us in prayer and out this altar if you will Vicki there's a lot of people here making the same step that you've just made just pray God give us all grace and Oh God or we can say Lourdes that we've trusted in your name or Jesus Lord we don't bring anything like God to offer you Lord God I sacrifice a small god but God we pray today Lord God and everyday hereafter Lord God if you would give us the grace ho God to continue walking through every door that you open God Lord God that you would take away every fear every doubt my god your God that you Lord I would remind us or God we're God that's how you've kept us or God of how you've provided for us or Jesus of how you've loved us or God Lord with an everlasting love or God a love that never fails it never gives up on us or Jesus boy got you sauce or God you sauce or God boy we were unlovable Lord God when no one would come to rescue us and you rescued us or God then Lord that you established are going Oh God and Lord we just ask for God or we stand today and we surrender everything to You Lord God or there's nothing that we have that you haven't given to us or God there's nothing that we would ever need that you're not able to supply so God we come to you today and why God and we just mend our Nicci Lord God what we submit to You Lord God to your authority Oh God and we trust you God God we place our lives in your hand or God we know my god that you love us or God we would never steer us in the wrong direction or God your plan for us is good nor gods your plan for us is good Lord God and more we ask you my god that everyday God that you would give us the grace to walk in it my god every morning that you would give us the grace to walk in it more God do every difficulty that you would give us the grace to walk through it oh god oh god you're our Savior our father our King boy thank God we place all our trust in your hands Jesus we place our life in your hands God hello we know my god that your plan your will or God is what's best for us or God open our eyes allow us to see and give us the patience to wait on you Lord God not to be discouraged or God Oh God not to become impatient Oh God but to just wait on you and know that you're working all things together for our good in Jesus name
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 12,369
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: bSQF2ArvHi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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