Marathon Training with Kids in the Rain (emotional)

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right here huh [Music] do you hear what we're doing today yeah pretty sure i'm down hey are you about ready to go uh no did you see how how wet it is out there what did you say to your mom about that because i don't always want to go but if we're going to do the marathon we have to run three times a week to get ready for it do it so are you gonna still do the run because if you're gonna do the marathon we have to train three times a week so we're gonna go today all right uh we're leaving for running in about five minutes yeah and now you're eating chocolate cake you say that like it's a bad thing i am not excited about running in the rain today i never i'm really excited about running in the rain but it's usually just the initial getting wet like once i'm wet whatever but i am glad that it's close to 60 degrees out that's pretty warm are you eating a piece of chocolate cake right now too all right but we have to leave for running in just a few moments eating the chocolate cake yeah i know time to change your shirt you're scared what are you scared of [Music] being nice is it what can we take it's like a bath or a shower when we get back yeah okay yeah we'll get all warmed up it's wet but it's not too cold out there yeah that kind of makes a difference but all right let's get changed yeah but you said i didn't eat tweets each week we're going to run three times this is your third time running yeah oh my goodness all right let me see that all right right here time to go my shoes have holes all over them but i don't think it's gonna matter i think everything's gonna be so wet that we're just gonna be soaking when we get done [Music] how is it yeah okay so he's kind of crying we're in like the first block and he's saying that he doesn't want to run in the rain so i asked him if he wanted to quit and he said that he wants to run the marathon and i said well if we are going to run in the marathon we have to run in the rain today because we have to get these training runs in so then he said that he is going to keep on running and wants to run and i don't know it seems like he's doing better right now he said it seems like you're not crying anymore [Music] i feel like forrest gump when he's in vietnam big old fat rain [Music] oh big puddles [Music] oh my feet are soaked how you doing down there oh you don't like your feet wet [Music] he's pretty far back that's cammy and then past him you can see it right there uh this is a pretty miserable day right now look at the river you can't even see it across it barely so much fog we just gotta push through these training days if we stand any chance at running the half marathon the half marathon is like about three weeks away and he hasn't ever run more than three miles so we can't really miss a day much so the last time we ran which we didn't film it was like 30 degrees and snowing like crazy and blowing sideways but we still did it so it's like not optimal but it's just that time of the year where like you can't really take days off hey we did a mile high five [Music] oh my god how are you feeling um okay yeah is it uh it started raining a little bit less huh how's that feel it's good the only thing that feels good around here the rain kind of stopped a little bit i mean it was like a torrential downpour so i'll take it and i think rain air will too once we get to like half of the bridge you can start running okay okay one more mile that's right one more do you want to run or walk okay let's go [Music] yeah we gotta go around this big river thing [Music] we're live one minute or like a couple seconds from home yeah we can almost see it oh we did it high five [Music] oh [Music] reiner how was that run that was okay but it was so wet yeah i wish that without her work yeah you could stop by did you ever want to quit oh my gosh oh that was so stressful yeah yeah a mile through the rain is just pouring down and he's just like whimpering and crying yeah and i'm wondering like what do we do get ourselves into what are we doing oh hey you took all your clothes off yeah okay so you can't just stand there though it's stressful and i brought it it touched out a bit of the mile yeah i really liked that and i wish it was kind of sunny yeah were you crying yeah what were you thinking about when you're crying i was thinking like i wish i did want to go back at that one but i really wanted to win the marathon yeah i did it's kind of a tough decision huh all right when he's just like crying and we're just running i found that i just have to like trust the process and know that there's like i don't know good times and bad times i was worried that like people would see us especially if they heard him crying and be like what are those people doing to that child yeah it doesn't like look good it doesn't look good like even though we're like totally letting him pace however he wants to pace himself and all i could really do then is um well just keep on going but also like we try to focus on some positive things but that didn't really work like being like hey let's jump in the puddles doesn't that sound like fun but there was a turning point maybe halfway through a little probably a little more than halfway through because i'm sure like the rain died down like quite a bit at that point and so i think that helped and he seemed like he got a lot more positive okay what do you want thank god the only thing that i saw that really worked is trying to give him as much autonomy as possible because there's so much we can't control in that situation like we can't control the weather we can't control once we start we can't really control the fact that it's like three miles and that's gonna be hard can't control his emotions no but we can control like we let him have the decision if he wants to run or walk and i think that made a big difference because he could say i want to walk yeah and then we walked and then he'd say okay i want to run and then we'd run he's crying and then yeah the weather stops and then he's like everything's like okay so yeah it's weird how it's so hard to go through these like difficult emotions but yet they're gone like really quickly yeah i was not when i was like it was raining i was like i do not want to be filming right now there's no way to like spin this into something positive feeling or whatever all right that's it time for a hot shower yeah all right [Music] you
Channel: Fight for Together
Views: 9,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fight for together, family vlog, family, family adventure, homeschool, home school, homeschool vlog, large families, parenting, unschooling, unschooler
Id: 5O_GGOenINk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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