Maracaibo: The Uprising Expansion - Overview

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[Music] hi my name is paul grogan welcome to my overview video for maracaibo the uprising an expansion set to maracaibo designed by alexander fister and published by games of and distributed by capstone games in this video i'm going to be giving you as i say an overview of what's included in the game and then going through the different ways that you can play the game with the modules that are included in there if you enjoyed this video please give it a like and leave me a comment and also if you want to support the channel directly and help contribute to me making more videos like this then you can do so at forward slash gaming rules right let's have a look at what you get in the box okay so first of all are the new player boards now these might look like dual layer boards and in fact they are dual labors but they don't come dual layer what they've done is they found a nice way of giving you dual layer boards without actually making them dual layer in the box the reason i'm saying that is quite often uh when a publisher creates dual layer player boards the glue that they use ends up making these warps you end up getting them and they they tend to be warped so what they've done is this actually comes as a fold-out sheet and what you do is you punch out these and then there's some sticky pads and you stick the sticky pads on and then you fold it closed and in essence you've got dual layer player boards as i say they don't come like this you you have to make them now you will notice uh if you've played the original game which you assume you have because this isn't a standalone expansion you do need the base game to play it that the art style is a bit different than the previous one and we've also got these slots now let's talk about the board and let's talk about the slots first of all this slot here is where you will place the combat action now the reason why it isn't just printed directly on the board is some of the modules that we're going to see later on in the video will have you flip that over to the other side a similar thing with this space here in the base game you have one action that you can unlock that simply gives you five money but when you're playing certain modules you will flip that over to this side with all extra stuff on it the other thing to mention as well is this space here now the tile that goes in here is one of the home ports tiles so i'm going to talk about the home ports now which is one of the modules there are 15 home port styles included in the game and if you are using this module then what happens at the start of the game you will shuffle these together each player will get three of them at random and then out of those three you choose which one you're going to play with and that home tile that you choose slots into your playable there and gives you an action that can be unlocked as normal now all of the homeport tiles actually have two immediate two two things on them there is the immediate effect you can see by the tan background which is always to spend money to get a certain number of points i think it's always ten points yeah it's always ten points but it's different depending on the title so for example this one only costs three money to get ten points instead of four to get ten points and then there is another action that you unlock so once you've unlocked it you get that as an immediate benefit and this is an ongoing benefit now if you don't want to use the home ports you can flip this tile over and the back of each of them is all exactly the same you can see the back of all of these tiles is exactly the same which is when you unlock it you gain two doubloons immediately and you have an extra compass icon now let's just have a look at the old player board for a minute because there is something i want to tell you about the old play box this is the old play board as you can see different art style and this action no longer exists so if you want to play the bass game but with the new player boards you actually can't play the base game the original base game you cannot play the original base game as it is with the new player boards and that is because this action has been removed now i've spoken to the designer about this and this is an improvement to the game this action was not used very often and only came in later on in the game so the designer has actually changed that action it no longer exists and it's been replaced by this one which is as i say get two money immediately and another compass icon which is much more useful and if you're playing with the home ports module that's where the homeports module goes right that's the new player board let's talk next about the quest tiles the expansion comes with a whole extra set of quest tiles and you're thinking well wait a minute paul these look exactly the same as the old ones and you would be right these new quest trials are not exactly new quest tiles what they are is the same quest tiles as before but with different artwork on the back because if you remember the rules whenever you gain a quest tile you put it face down on your board here and if you were using the original ones the artwork wouldn't match so this is just an extra little bonus thing that they've added to the expansion so that you can put um so you can the artwork matches for the quest titles so there you go so no nothing new in the quest tiles apart from the artwork has changed right that's it for the new player boards next we're going to move on to two new city tiles and you can see that these are new tiles because they've got the u in fact everything with a u printed on it is from this expansion so yeah two new city tiles that you can use for one to four players and you can mix them in with the original ones just to give you a little bit more variety there are also 10 new legacy tiles now i've got these face down because i don't want to give any spoilers but similar to the legacy tiles from the original game these are overlays that are going to go on the board either during the campaign or as part of a scenario set up and they are going to change the board state and make it play in a different way so as today i'm not going to show you any of these just in case you want to avoid spoilers next up are 22 hint tiles now these are only used when you are playing one of the scenarios where you're trying to track down a freedom fighter and release her so yeah these are specific hint titles they are labeled as l38 but they are only used in one particular scenario and then we have loads of new cards so we have 36 new project cards so these can just be added in to your normal decks and these give a whole more extra range of different options and things they're all fully explained in the rulebook yet but yeah lots of different ones there that you can shuffle in we also have a whole bunch of new story cards uh well story cards for the campaign but also set up cards for each of the different scenarios or whether you're playing without the story different difficulty settings um yeah different scenarios and then the campaign so yeah the campaign i think is about the same size as the previous one i've not played it yet so we will find out but yeah whole load of new cards there we have new cards for the automa so there is a new automa which is jack and we have new autumner cards for jacques now these are divided into a and b which we'll touch on later on and there are also two additional cards for the gene automa which you can add in again just for something different and there is one new career card as well which is the gaming rules um special one so thank you very much to gamesup for that the expansion introduces five new ways that you can play the game first there is an all new campaign which starts off with card 150 you can see this is chapter one and like the previous campaign it has set up instructions what legacy tiles you place on the board where the quests start with and then you just carry on playing the campaign it will evolve over time and the board will evolve with placement of new legacy tiles very similar to the previous campaign but with their all new story you don't have to have played the previous campaign in order to play this one unrest is a scenario in which the european nations all start off in control of the various locations on the map and players are going to be using their combat points to remove those cubes instead of adding the cubes when you're playing this scenario you flip over both your combat action tile and your resistance tile before the game starts as they contain the action which you're going to be using in this particular scenario the combat action tile is essentially similar to before except you are spending combat value points to remove the cubes from the board instead of adding them onto the board and if you remove a cube from a city you get the whatever was in the flag from that city the resistance tile which is down here is actually divided into two parts the top part is the normal thing that you will get when you unlock it but the bottom part is actually available even before you've unlocked the top part and what this is this is space where you can store the cubes so whenever you remove a cube from the board with one of these actions you actually place it on one of these four spaces here and get the bonus printed on there immediately now once you've filled it up with cubes then you can remove all the cubes get three money one point per combat token and then you can start putting cubes on again but if you look carefully there is a not equals two sign between each space so you cannot put two cubes of the same color next to each other and because in this scenario you're actually removing the nation's cubes from the board instead of gaining them then there isn't actually any end of game scoring for influence in the nations what that means is whenever you would gain influence with one of the nations you simply just gained two points instead the all-inclusive scenario uses the home port and the resistance tile but it also uses the uprising module which basically means you place legacy tile l40 next to the board at the start of the game and this changes the combat action for the game so now during the game after you've revealed a combat token you can choose to fight for or against the nation if you choose to fight for the nation you resolve the combat just as you would have done in the base game but if you choose to fight against the nation then you use the new combat actions here which is basically liberating a city or liberating a village the other thing with this scenario is that you see this information here well this is a way of randomly placing certain legacy tiles on the board at the start of the game and what that means is every time you play this scenario it's going to be slightly different because of the legacy tiles used cooperative in the caribbean is the first of two cooperative scenarios included in the expansion like in unrest the european nations actually start with cubes on the board and the number of cubes that they start with depends on the number of players in the game you also have a random setup of legacy tars as mentioned just in the previous scenario to make every game slightly different now in this scenario you also play with jacques jacques is the new autumner and his deck will contain a mixture of amb cards depending on the difficulty level that you've chosen what's going to happen is after all players have taken a turn you will reveal the top card from jack's deck and then you will perform the action based on which card this is that's been revealed this round so if this is the first card that's revealed in a round you will do action number one if this was the second card revealed you'll do action number two and so on and so forth all the cards revealed at the end of the round will go to the bottom of the deck now the number 20 action which on this card will do if it was the 6th or the 7th card this is quite clever because jack doesn't actually have a boat on the board but this action simulates that jack has reached space 20 and what that means is all other players are going to get one more turn in the game unless it was the last round of the game in which case all of the players will get two turns now in the cooperative in the caribbean scenario you have two objectives you have to remove every single cube from the board if you don't do that you lose the scenario and also jackie's going to score victory points during the game based on how many cards he's been through each round and certain other things and if all all players at the end of the game have to score more points than jack if they don't then you lose the scenario the last scenario is also cooperative and this is the rescue again you will start off with cubes on the board and random legacy tiles depending on the number of players in the game but your objective in this scenario is to try and find where freedom fighter looser is being held and then free her and this is done by the hint tokens that we mentioned earlier on so these hidden tokens will be scattered around the board at the start of the game and if you go to a location that has a hint token there then before your main action you can take the hint token and what you will do is you will place it onto this card so if it's a red token it goes on a red space if it's a green token it goes on a green space once all of the green spaces are filled you then flip this card over and you have found where freedom fighter looser is being held captive you will then need to rescue her and you will need to do other stuff that's printed on the back of this card that i'm not going to show you because i don't want to give too much away now to win this scenario you need to do all three of the following you need to remove all cubes from the board you need to have found and rescued the freedom fighter and also in this scenario jack is in the game as well so you're also playing against jack in this scenario and again like before all players must score more points than jack in order to win the game and there we go that's just a rough overview of everything that's included in this expansion i've actually got some playthrough videos planned for this i will be later this week doing a three player playthrough using the co-operative in the caribbean scenario and i do have plans to do some of the other scenarios later on as mentioned at the start if you enjoyed this video please give the video a thumbs up and leave me a comment and a big thank you to all of my patreon supporters who helped from the channel if you want to support the channel directly you can do so at forward slash gaming rules until next time take care and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Gaming Rules!
Views: 5,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, board game, gaming rules, paul grogan, Maracaibo, review, Maracaibo uprising, Maracaibo expansion, Pfister, Alexander Pfister, table top games, tabletop games, games up, gaming rules maracaibo
Id: 0Z4EbC_psa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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