Maplestory Boss Mule funding with 5% Requirement

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hey there Meers today I wanted to share with you a quick guide on how you can font a new boss mule with the 5% changes first of all ensure you have a minimum of 6K Legion and 8K preferable and to have 300 to 500 not Stones ready the items are going to be focusing on today is horn tail accessories zachum accessories AR carium necklace pink bean belt and cup which is a pocket item which you need to unlock charm for Magnus shoulder and badge and finally pencil your gear first thing you need to do other than getting to level 200 obviously is to go and check your class Discord to figure out which fifth skill jobs you need once you've figure them out you can start opening those nodestones and leveling up your skills once you have acquired all the equipments previously mentioned with either help of a friend or finding a party through party finder you can start star forcing everything to 10 to 12 stars and getting them to 3% of your class stats on the equipments except for the weapon secondary and emblem you want to get 3% attack magic attack boss or IED another thing I would like to mention is do not use cubes that cost meso instead use the mystical cubes that you can get from bosses which you should have hundreds if not thousands of them sitting around your other characters guess what now you're ready to do 5% on CRA in order to do that there are two options the first option find a friend who is willing to carry you and wait for you to do the 5% the second option find a struggle party on party finder you need five fragments for from the first three bosses to get the Hat top and bottom you don't really need the weapon since you're going to be going for abso weapon soon and it takes 2 weeks minimum to get the weapon once you get your C equipment now you will do the same exact thing to them you're going to get them to 12 stars and 3% stats and now you're ready to start going for your abso gear now that you're ready to do Damian and Lotus it's time to do the same thing again either find a friend who can carry you big shout out to be for carrying me or go through party finder and try to find a struggle party now that we killed both bosses here are the things you need to know to obtain your abso gear for shoes gloves and Cape you will get them from Lotus which you need six boss fragments and 120 Haven fragments for Damian you will be getting shoulder and weapon from which you need seven boss fragments and one 140 dark tree fragments this whole process depends on how many fragments drops and how many mules you have to do dark tree and Haven weeklys this process can take from 2 weeks to 6 weeks depending on you and your luck finally I just wanted to add a little bonus scream for you of things you can do to help power up your boss mules first of all if you have the power two try to push it to 235 so you can get the full six Arcane symbols second try to do your Arcane weeklys and dailies to level up your symbols as much as you possibly can third do your Monster Park for the medal and touch of exp fourth abuse the hell out of events and last use boss Cubes but don't forget try not to get burned out because if you get burned out your whole progress will go away and you won't be able to progress further so take it at your own pace and don't let anyone else influence you if you found this video helpful Please Subscribe and leave a like and let me know what you want to see next in the comments also you're always welcome to come on Twitch and say hi and ask me anything any questions you have or any concerns or any video suggestions whatever you have on mind make sure to come and let me know
Channel: PerkyPert
Views: 6,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fjbpm8BJdeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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