MapleStory Beginner Guide - IED and BOSS DAMAGE from Familiars [Free to Play] [F2P] [2022]

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yo what's going on guys so today i'm going to make a really quick familiar guide video it is basically free stats that you get from just hunting monsters they drop cards of course and you can kind of collect them or buy them in the auction house i'm playing reg servers so that means you can buy your cards in the auction house and honestly that is a lot easier than reboot that's why i don't play reboot for example there are a lot of things that you can't buy and reboot um in the auction house and it's kind of annoying so i just kind of prefer having things accessible to me but anyways getting sidetracked um you click on rover with the familiar manager on your equip tab and then you have your overview your overview is just kind of showing you like how many folders you collected badges blah blah blah all the stats you're getting from these these are all just kind of poop familiars i'm just using it for aesthetics um equipped badge effects so badges are going to unlock you your third slot if you are just starting the game you're going to only have two slots so you can only summon two familiars at once you need to summon three familiars at once by unlocking the third slot and in order to do this you need to unlock 10 badges so badges are when you go click on the badges tab you click on list and you can fill out your badges pretty quickly by doing like the new like beginner area monsters you just kind of kill the monsters and you collect their familiar cards and you put them into your badge and then they account for that area so these ones are super easy you know this is rihanna straight um this is for iran's beginner area this is edelstein which is you know just three it's really easy um i just remember like going there and just like killing the monsters really quick and like doing all of them you need ten badges so i recommend doing these i and um what is this this is um i think somewhere deeper into edelstein yeah this is like another part of edelstein um you know there's a resistance area um yep and then this is yeah you can do a lot of your badges at edelstein um so yeah that's like three right there um another one i recommend if you're a high level you can do stuff like this you know what you don't even need to be high level you can kind of just get your badges from the auction house like you just buy them because people train in these maps and they usually just have these familiars and they sell them um if you don't have there's none in the auction house you can just ask when you're like high-level friends in the game for them if you're playing wreck server um yeah these are kind of hard to find but you know i did find them myself so they this is a really good set it gives you all stat gives you damage pretty good stuff completely free um lion cast lionheart castle and l math this is pretty good it's six it's literally just six cards you can get that really quickly um this is hard i don't think anyone has this because these are impossible to find these little um cygnus night creature thingies um yeah um these ones are super easy yeah uh all the um are what you call it arcane river maps they are just kind of super easy to find but yeah point is you just want to get 10 badges and that is going to get you your third slot and moving forward um i'm going to explain familiars and what potentials they have a lot of them seem like crap like example like five plus five defense yeah no um a lot of um the familiars that are rare are pretty crap the only good um potential line you can get from where is let me go to like i said um 15 ignore defense or ied so i just named it um fifteen percent ied bird fifteen percent ied blah blah blah um just to know that i what it is and then i have a thirty percent boss um epic familiar you can only get boss damage from epic boss damage comes from epic or unique or legendary but you will never get legendary if you are free to play because you have to buy familiars that turn into legendary from the cash up so i am not going to spend money on familiars for now i'm just it's just not worth it i don't i heard it's like a huge rabbit hole i'm not going to get into that yeah just know that rare the best stat you can get from rare is ignore enemy defense iud so i believe sometimes when you're hunting monsters it is possible for the cards to be epic i don't think it's possible to be maybe it is unique i don't know but i it's probably like really rare um you can get epic though but i would recommend just creating them or buying them in the auction house in order to get epic you have to merge about like maybe like 100 cards into 100 rare cards into one and then it turns into epic and then epic it goes into unique you have to merge cards so from rare to epic it is an 80 chance to tear up from epic to unique it is a 40 chance to tear up so it gets a little bit harder um but yeah you get a lot better lines and um unique i haven't gotten anything good so far let me show you guys some that i got uh so there's some really stupid lines for example like shroud your character in darkness it's completely aesthetic and it's not aesthetic it's literally just crap it's like it's so bad um you can get great damage i like this one this i got this one it's a crit damage plus three all skills plus one um [Music] yeah i just named these things like weird things like critical critical damage yeah i just keep these because why not um it's better than nothing um this is a pretty good one so this is the best one you can get this increases your item drop rate um a little bit and then you can actually that's not the best one the best one you can get is when you see large amounts so look for a large amount this means your item drop rate is increased by two times or 100 so you look at your stat window when you summon these item familiars um let me just see if i can summon for you guys real quick it's uh where is it like i have it here yeah okay i'm gonna select this one and then you're gonna see in your stat window i'm gonna summon it with my okay all right there you go so yeah you see right there 100 plus 64 was my original because i have um 40 draw pendant and i have a do i have 40 no i have a decent holy symbol if i had more drop rings it would be pretty good but um when i'm bossing i get about um do my daily bosses i get about like almost i get like a few cubes per day it's like 164. so it's not that bad i can get more but i'm not really focusing on getting cubes right now but yeah um that is probably one of the best lines you can get drop rate um you can't get mess so i think but um drop rate is probably more important at the moment if you're just farming and stuff and then you know farming cubes and breaks over and reaper whatever so i just ignore these by the way i just i just i just collect these familiars for no reason they do nothing to me um so you can get boss from epic epic is really hard to get stats like this i actually bought this from the auction house you can buy pre-made epic familiars in the auction house and they are kind of um they're kind of pricey they're like 40 mil on average in vera right now i bought one i was like okay let me just see if i get lucky and i just i immediately rolled boss i literally like jumped out my seat i was like oh my god that's so rare um the highest that you can get is 30 boss in epic i believe and then the lowest is like 20 which is still good like if i rolled a 20 boss familiar on two more um i would keep that i only have one boxing familiar um and it felt so good to roll um but yeah epic you want to reveal those potentials as soon as possible so for epic you can also roll 30 ied you can roll 20 ied which is better than 15 it's like a little small difference um i think 30 percent ied would be great um if i rolled that for epic i would keep that um you can roll like i said damage the bosses 20 to 30 percent and then just item drop rate by a large amount muscle drop rate by a large amount that would be 100 um i think that one's pretty rare i don't have that i don't think um that'd be nice yeah i have like two of them but i have like two or three of them but i don't have the mess of one that'll be very nice but you need that when you're meso-farming when you're drop farming whatever just training in general you just want to have that up because you can get more node stones you get more arcane symbols or what do you call them yeah they draw from arcade river daily or monsters but um yeah you just want to get that there's also a 60 line but you want the 100 so when it says large that is what you want because you know large is in charge so just get the large amount if you see anything else just throw it away because it's not optimal unless you just started the game and you just want to farm a little bit but just farm until you get the large amount so for example if you're just starting the game you can go into the auction house and you're on rec server by the way um you can go to the auction house and you can buy like a crap kind of familiars they sell it in stacks of 100 um they're selling for about like 40k per um familiar card so that's 40k times 100 that's like four mil um that is going to give you these i i just bought a few for the video um yeah ascendion so i'm gonna see i how many do have yeah okay i have 49 slots you get 100 um you can buy more uh familiar slots in the cash shop but you do start with 100 i might buy more in the future i don't know i'm just gonna just need more room for uh familiar cards so i'm going to just go ahead and type in 51 and then that'll be perfect it'll just fill up to 100 500 um and then if you are starting off in the game and you don't have um ied you don't have you know your legion up um you can actually get ied oh like one person that's pretty nice um you can get 15 ied oh that's actually nice total damage um let's see okay this is this is bad you get strength that's not bad um okay this is another they have they put a lot of like useless lines in the familiar cards i don't know why but um [Music] okay so i finally rolled 15 ignore enemy defense um it just says attacks ignore 15 monster defense um so this is pretty good if you just started the game and you need to solo some bosses in order to get some money rolling through your account um a lot of bosses early game have a certain amount of pdr which is physical damage reduction and you need ied to counteract that so this is a completely free not free sorry it's a really cheap way you know not expensive way to get id so say you have your three slots open you can get that id familiar times three for example and then 15 plus 15 plus 15 would be 45 percent ied which is pretty good um you can obviously get like 45 50 id once you reach legendary or unique potential or something like that but it's just gonna take forever and it's pretty rare so i haven't gotten it yet i've been farming failures for so long but 50 id is completely free um it's also a rare stat um on your um sorry reverse that yeah it's a it's a rare set if you have like a rare emblem or rare like whatever it just has 15 id so it's like the lowest tier um yeah obviously i would recommend getting different sources of id when you're starting off the game but this is basically a 45 free ied just from rare um once you tear up to epic you should be getting um up to 30 monsters uh ied so that is pretty good too but i if i get 30 idea i'll i'll be happy so just to recap rare the best line you can get from rare is fifteen percent ied and you can get um some like meso and drop but it's not really important i wouldn't bother with those um rare tier familiars um epic rank the best you can get is 30 boss like i have in here 30 boss and epic it's super rare you will probably never get it's like a one like like a really low like single digit percent chance to get it you get 20 boss from epic so always reveal epic um familiar pots um you can get drop rate by a large amount in meso drop rate by large amount when it says large it is 100 percent or two times so it's just like popping two times card or two times meso um from legion or whatever um that is going to be pretty helpful for farming in the early game um and like in whatever just in general it's really good um there is sixty percent there's forty percent but remember large when it says large amounts that is the best possible one i'm gonna go ahead and just uh yeah so just look for a large amount and that is 100 i really beat that um dead horse but yeah just remember large is in charge you want 100 for millions um if you want meso and drop now in order to train your familiars if you want to do it the ftp f2p way free to play away you have to kill monsters and in order to um level up your familiars you have to kill about a certain amount of monsters and if you don't want familiars by the way you go to collection you go to extract and you just select all so i'm going to what am i okay i don't want that okay go to you're gonna extract tab under collection and you're gonna select you can actually type in say you don't want all these essential cards just type in ascendion and just select all of them and then extract i'm gonna keep that one id percent where is she [Music] okay i'm gonna keep this one so i'm gonna unselect it it tags ignore 15 idea keep that one and then i'm going to extract and remember um when you extract um you want to hit escape or yeah just hold down the escape key because trust me it is going to lag the out of you i don't know why next one hasn't changed this in years probably it just lags you so just hit okay and then you're gonna hold down the escape and it's gonna just spam that and then you are free from that stupid window that lags it literally lags you to the point where like your window closes it's really stupid um yeah so that is saved and then in order to like never accidentally extract your familiar you're going to click on it or so you're going to go to collection you're going to click on it and then you're going to hit the lock key it's around here and she is locked i'm going to just name it it costs 2 mil to um liam it familiar it's not really worth it if you're free to play and you just started the game yet they have low money um just do i'm just gonna do like 15 id all right so two mil to name a familiar just because it's easier for me to look at it from the name rather than looking at the stats um so yeah um iud familiar is you can get three a stack of three and that's 45 ied it's pretty good for bossing if you just started the game and you need to do true damage to the bosses so in order to summon familiars in the first place it'll appear as little like um time limit in the top right of your screen um you have it naturally right here it's going to be a skill select familiars and you're going to keep on this i have it couponed to f11 um so whenever i want to summon my familiars when i'm bossing um you press f11 or in my case if i press f11 um you can go to setup and then you select which one then you hit save and then that one that familiar uh set of three familiars will summon once you hit your keybind or in my case f11 so when i want to do bossing i'll do like 30 you know boss when i want to just do uh farming i'll do um this one increases i don't drop rate by a large amount so that is 100 drop rate um just to recap and then there's also a meso one which i haven't gotten yet which is kind of lame but and there is a fatigue system so there's a summon gauge and in order to fill it up again you go to the shop and you have familiar essences and in order to get familiar points you just have to extract cards that you don't want and in order to have like a lot of um familiar points just go to the auction house in red server and you're going to buy a lot of ascendion cards those are the ones that are sold typically because a lot of people farm in those maps in lemon limina limina i don't know it's um it's end of the world it's um black mage map um yeah so you just buy a lot of these and you extract it and then you go to the shop and then you get this so i want to go ahead and just do that real quick to show you guys um how it works um so i have 50 familiars i'm going to open them and then i'm going to extract and i'm going to remember when uh extracting you want to hit the escape key before you hit or after you hit okay because this animation is just so laggy for no reason and i would rather just have the animation turned off so nobody lags from failures we don't have to hit escape key but hey it's nexon um set up i wonder if kms even has that fixed um yeah so i've just extracted all those familiars you're going to go into the shop and now i have about 500 familiar essences from that and they only cost 300 to get familiar essences um which is kind of like a fatigue potion from ardent mill similar concepts i can buy about 10 of them so let's just go and do that um oh yeah michael's going for the shop while i'm here so i would never buy this um i don't know if it gives you anything good i can experiment with that later but i this is just like a randomly generated familiar you could get something rare so it's not like a huge deal um but it costs money so or time familiar preset coupon this gives you a preset a familiar preset is basically your so you get five you can get one to five you can just keep adding them and adding them it's only last for 30 days by the way so once you run out in a month then you have to go buy more familiar badge preset i okay this is for badges so this doesn't increase your badge or sorry you're two to three um you start off with two or i think you started with one sorry no actually scratch what i said earlier you start off if you start the game like as a new character you have one familiar slot and this will be crossed out you will not have three unlocked immediately you'll have to collect badges like i said in the beginning of video you have to collect badges in order to get 10 badges you have to collect 10 badges in total to get 3 slots [Music] so in order to train your familiars you have to kill monsters around your level i'm assuming that's like within like a 20 to 30 probably like 20 level difference and above and below um in order to train your familiars you got to kill monsters one monster kill equals one exp and for i'll put up a reference on the screen um from level one to two it's a 300 exp requirement it goes up and up and up so one to two 300 monsters killed two to three 600 monsters killed three to four it just you get the point it's just it doubles and doubles and doubles and then four to five is the max for free to play players um that will be 2 400 mobs killed from four to five so from level four to level five it's going to be a lot of mob hunting you're just gonna have to just grind it out if you're grinding i highly recommend training your familiars otherwise it's kind of a waste um because you're just missing out on like potential boss damage stats on your familiar so i'm going to show you how to train real quick train your familiars real quick so i'm going to just select um [Music] let's go to fusion where is okay it's just good okay so let me explain this real quick this is kind of confusing but i didn't know about this at first okay so you see the blue outline on this this can be ranked up because 100 of the i'm assuming 100 of these have been merged into this or something like that um i just i don't know i don't think that's how it works but ignore what i said um but yeah so if you see the gray one you cannot level this one up you can only level up the blue outlined cards so for example i'm gonna just do three because i'm gonna train three and then level those up so i got three and i'm gonna go to setup and i'm gonna immediately this is my routine for training familiar so you're gonna just select one two and three you're gonna save that and then you're gonna go to collection and then i have 53 slots open i'm gonna go ahead and extract these real quick um what are these called burst clear i can just extract all of these actually i'm gonna strike all of these and then i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to hold escape and then i'm going to go back it's kind of a pain in the ass but it's kind of it's better than lagging you know it's disconnecting me a few times if i don't hit escape so definitely always do that so we're going to go to info or yeah okay yeah info and then okay i have more slots now so i'm gonna go subtract 100 by 21. so i can't do math in my head because i'm just i failed math okay don't judge so 100 i'm on my calculator 100 minus 21 would be 79 so i'm going to go and hit 79 on this and then i have a perfectly filled out one um so we're gonna go to fusion and then you see how they're all gray you want to go to the blue one click on that and you're going to select these gray ones and fuse that into the blue one and the fusion does not like you thank god the only thing in the familiar tab that lags you is extraction i hope to god one day they fix it they haven't addressed it like recently or at all honestly but extraction is the only thing you need to hit hold the escape keeping info just revealing familiars extraction is you know extracting for familiar points for the shop fusion is melting them together to level them up so yeah so yeah you have to do that a lot so the point is you have to buy a lot of sembian cards because it is a pain in the ass to lower familiars so it's gonna be nine left okay nice okay now we're gonna just go scroll all the way down and it's not fully leveled up yet you have to level up or it's not gonna level up from just me um melting them together or fusing them together it levels up from you doing that and training so you can't just do one unfortunately you have to train your familiars by killing monsters around your level so i'm going to fuse those and it's going to be done after that so nice um we're gonna go back to setup so you see these two are not juiced up and then you go back to this one and this one is fully juiced up once you see that the yellow bar is completely full that means you can level it up by um training so once i hit level five i can rank it up to epic so i'm gonna go ahead and do that with my other two familiars to show you guys that it's an absolute pain in the ass but hopefully if i get boss damage or ied whatever um it'll be worth it so we're gonna go from that one to this one we're gonna go to collection we're gonna go to fusion we're gonna select the one that is not juiced up you can't actually level it up because it's you know pretty maxed out so we're gonna click on this one and then you're gonna select all of these gray ones and nice okay so it's 58 out of 100 so you need exactly one hundred and seven cards to extract it or um sorry fuse it together to level up um so 58 let's see if i can do math today is it 32 is that right is that going to be no i can't math okay so you need um i need 10 more so this entire video is just me not being able to basic math i'm just this game is giving me giving me brain rot so yeah okay so that is maxed out so you look up set up and two of them are leveled up and then the last one we're going to do all those and then let's see if it's going to be 9 39 there i did it finally correct math um 100 at 100 so i'm going to go to fusion and click on the last one um alrighty and then fuse all those together and then that should be 79 um familiars so i'm getting better at math nice all right so we're gonna add these together so a reboot actually sucks because you have to train them yourself you can't buy them optionals which is why i prefer wreck server by a huge um huge huge amount i honestly played reboot and i just couldn't handle it it's just you can't buy things and it sucks um but it is free to play so it's whatever um yeah okay so sent on so these are all all three of them are juiced up now which means i can train them so i'm gonna go ahead and just train off screen and i will come back once they are leveled up so i can show you guys that they are pretty easy to get epic familiars and hopefully i can get boss damage if i get boss damage in this video i will scream so i have this as three and i have all of them juiced up and they are level one meaning they can hit level five once i kill about like thousands of mobs it's a pain in the ass i know so i'm going to save that preset and i'm going to hit escape and i'm going to summon my familiars and yeah so these are ready to be trained so you just want to go into any map i don't have a hyper template rock because i stopped buying an x because i'm on budget um just pick any map um i recommend frenzy service for sure oh my volume is actually really loud make everyone there we go so yeah um you just train just train every single monster you kill counts as one exp and like i said i'm gonna put up the chart again you kill a certain amount of mobs per level um first level 1 to 202 is frigid mobs so it's gonna be pretty quick so before i go all out um i've already trained for like honestly like a minute and it's already i've already killed like 200 and something mobs so it's easy to level up from one to two just showing you guys so fairy bros actually gave me a daily gift today and it's the wild totem and i am contemplating using it but i kind of hate how i have to train for exactly two hours and there's this is a huge controversy on um the reddit for maplestory and it's people are just like i hate wild totems because literally wild totems make me feel obliged to train for two hours straight and it feels like i'm just glued to this game and a lot of people hate that i'm i'm one of them but i'm not like it's more of like a reboot complaint like you just need to because you know the direct server you can buy frenzy servers from like people in the game who have a fancy totem um and it's unlimited as long as you have money to pay them um but wild totems are kind of controversial and reboot because you know it's the only way to get um enhanced spawn besides kitchen from kana's so um i don't know what are you what are you guys like thoughts on that like it's just it's like funny to me but yeah i do hate that i have to train for like two hours straight because i have to activate this wild totem i usually use it for like mob uh sorry my uh mule training when i'm training my mules from like religion i just need a while i'll totem on explorer class so i can share it so something to look out for is that i noticed when i go into the poyo and frito portals the yellow and red in front of wolf portals um it automatically disarms and like de-summons my familiar so make sure you're hitting the familiar um key again because i don't know why it does that it's i guess it's because i did um oh it's because i did the bird shooting game and it was just really dumb but yeah i've there's so many times where i just like um i do the pollo and frito and then like it uh deletes my familiars and it's really annoying like i'm trying and i will like train for like a good five to ten minutes without realizing that the familiars aren't summoned so i'm not gaining exp so when you guys are training please i hate the mighty ruin so when you guys are training please uh make sure that you are um you have it summoned again because when you go into maps that are like you know the bird shooting game the dancing game they are automatically um d summons if you're in the map uh polygon freedom map that's like the um the defending bridge and you know the other ones where you don't really you just kind of move your character around then those ones will keep your familiars i'm pretty sure but yeah so for example when you do inferno wolf um it doesn't uh de-summon your familiar so thank god let's see yeah no it's still there and nice got a surprise mission so so far i have been killing mobs without frenzied spawn or wild totem i am pretty um good at training without frenzy spawn um they are currently level four and this is the hardest this is the home stretch this is where you really have to kill like 3 000 or something mobs to level up to level four level five but once it's level five i can show you guys that you are done training it from epic to or sorry from rare to epic and you could potentially get boss damage or like ied and those are completely a really good lines that you could use for bossing and like it just makes you stronger so like do this so i'm almost done training let me see if i can enter this show you guys that the familiars will stay oh my god i got this one twice in a row so yeah if you do the bird the bird shooting one the polo frito bird shooting um it like de-summons your familiars and that pisses me off dude it doesn't piss me off but it's like it's annoying you know all right so i got a thousand as usual yeah look it literally de-summoned oh my god okay gotta re-summon that jesus christ all right so yeah there you go um just make sure when you're doing like the bird shooting the other ones that are like weird games in play and frito make sure you're re-summoning those because i have been training without them sometimes and it's just detrimental to my time consumption playing this game so i'm pretty sure i'm almost done yeah it's gonna be finished in a few and i'm just gonna say that i only popped a two times card yeah two times exp i have my fully charged um cannon of spirit and i have my of course uh monster park extreme gold potion which gives 10 exp um and i have my legion which is only like five point exact approximately five point twenty five percent exp bonus and then i also train with my um what is it um you have the hyperstats uh presets now i think that's new um yeah bonus exp maxes to level 15. um once you're at my level you can get you know boss damage you can get bonus exp obviously have my own um uh full damage one i don't use this to like you know kill stuff i just use the train um i i would say like definitely train with hyperstat um exp at 15 you know it's a lot um it adds up you know if you're training for hours and hours past 250 it definitely adds up let's see if it's done now though getting sidetracked yep level five all right i'm going to end the video here oh another inferno wolf i'm gonna go ahead and do it real quick i have to cast all my buffs because i'm using like a drop pendant i'm using metal pendants stuff like that so oh oh right here wait where is it over here kind of missing all right so got to do it so slow oh my god why do i do it so slow i usually like one shot it's because i have so many like draw pendants on i have all my drop stuff i don't have my embossing familiarized but i get i i'm able to kill it within um the time that's all i care about i'm not that strong so i got um how much that gave me 500 ml exp that's not give me like 38 it's not bad um but yeah i am going to i'm actually addicted to training right now i mean it's not fast but it's like i just i don't know why i just like hitting monsters in the game that's why i'm able to trade my familiars pretty fast i guess um i'm gonna stop though so i'm gonna do the return scroll all right so we're back in town and we've got all these bad boys juiced up and let's click on my familiars and let's show you guys that's uh how did the familiars all right so there is an 80 chance remember there's an 80 chance from epic or sorry rare too epic blue to purple and then from purple to gold or epic to unique that is a forty percent chance it goes from eighty percent chance to forty percent here chance um so we're gonna go to um setup or now we're gonna go to collection and then you're gonna go fusion and so when you go to fusion after you level up your familiars from training and from merging the cards together um you're just gonna see rank up glowing up here it's gonna be like yeah rake me up and it's only going to ask you to rank up once you killed a certain amount of monsters around your level and you have all of them merged together like i said so we're going to break this up it's an 80 chance okay that's unlucky but i've got three more and this animation you can't really skip it just makes you see it it's really stupid i wish you could just turn off the animations but um uh fusion and then let's rank this bad boy up all right so this is what it's supposed to do it's supposed to go to epic 80 chance and then i'm going to go back to attraction go back to fusion and then i'm going to go back to this one and this will probably rank up too okay nice yeah it usually does rank up because it's an 80 chance you know it's not 70 chance like the scrolls it's 80 chance so you know the odds are definitely in your favor but i got pretty unlucky with this one so when it's not um ranked up you do not have to train it any further you just have to get more sentient cards and you have to select all under fusion tab and then you're going to fuse it and it gives you another chance to rank it up and it's going to keep you know say theoretically you just keep failing keep failing keep failing it's going to you have as long as you have unlimited obsession cards you can rank it up to level um to premiere to epic so i'm gonna rank it up and it's probably gonna wake up nice so now is the fun part so we're gonna go to setup no no sorry we're gonna go to from fusion tab to the info tab so once they are newly tiered up you gain a question mark um even if the potential wasn't real from epic or sorry even if the potential was revealed from rare it will go back to question mark and then it'll do the same once i go to from epic to unique um so we're gonna reveal this potential hopefully it's boss damage or ied usually you get crap like this so i'm not surprised i'm not gonna expect me to get box damage in this video okay crit rate plus five and then moment of truth no so yeah like i said it's very difficult to get boss damage in epic tier but it is possible because i did get it from my junior boogie familiar 30 damage to bosses so i just want to let you guys know that it's completely possible it's just very unlikely that you will get it and i definitely do not recommend um doing this if you are you know you don't have the patience to you know train your familiars but yeah it is possible it's free it's literally free boss damage and it's this is the free to play way to get um boss damage extra sources of boss damage if you don't want to do legion legion gives you about 40 boss damage not including the um you know kana and the demon avenger legion block character card whatever that gives you five percent boss damage at level 200. um but yeah this is the way to get bossing familiars um i would recommend if you want to just i so i think rare to epic like epic you can obviously get boss damage but from epic to unique once you're unique you can get higher chances and better stats um like boss damage and um you know drop rate sorry yeah boss damage and preferably ied if you're using this for bossing using the familiars for bossing that's what i'm doing for um definitely do that um but yeah i'm not going to go ahead and just you know train again for from epic to unique for this video but i'm gonna do it off camera and my own time but um just know that you have to merge 100 sent in cards together into um from rare and then you have to train by killing a certain amount of monitors i will put up on screen um and it has an 80 chance to hear it from rare to epic and then it has a 40 chance to tear up from epic to unique and that is where the potentials get a little bit more nutty but i haven't actually gotten any boss damage from um unique tier yet i've only gotten like drop rate messes obtained all that good stuff but i hopefully one day i can get like 30 40 boss that would be amazing and then i could probably solo some hard bosses until then but you know until then i'm not going to worry about killing bosses that are difficult to kill because i need like i don't know like 400 boss damage hopefully i can get to like 500 boss damage i need to reroll my my weapons and you know stuff like that secondaries um this is the only thing i'm proud of it's the um guitar that i have i just rolled this with like i don't know if you cubes see that i was like oh my god i mean i know that the m-pod sucks it's attack luck but whatever um that's the point of the video i'm just i'm just rambling but yeah if you guys um have any questions about familiars um please comment below if you have any tips for new players for not if you're a veteran seasoned player you need you know you have a lot of you have an extensive knowledge of familiars please comment below and let people know because the familiar system is in my opinion very difficult to understand when i first started the game it was very like confusing to me and i just want to make this video to explain it to people who are just coming back to the game or have never played this game in their life and they're just kind of like okay i need you know boss damage i need ied whatever so yeah this hopefully this video was helpful and just remember that you need to unlock 10 badges and you unlock badges by collecting familiar cards in each location or you can buy them in the auction house if you're wreck server and you need to level up familiars by just killing monsters it's a pain in the ass but this is how you do it and i hope this video helped and with that i hope you guys have a great day and happy maybelline
Channel: Senpapi
Views: 9,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DAgirdxOz6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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