Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) | Essential-Oil-Plant Portrait by Dr. Malte Hozzel

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foreign [Music] Manuka is a shrub or a small tree that is native to New Zealand and Australia its leaves are evergreen small and fragrant and its flowers are white or pink and also fragrant people call it the New Zealand Tea Tree because of the use of its leaves for tea by the Aborigines of New Zealand the maoris Manuka is used in Maori medicine for its antiseptic and the bacterial and the fungal and antiviral properties probably since thousands of years it is a highly important medicinal plant for the maoris infusions made with the leaves were used to reduce fevers and treat stomach and urinary problems the gum produced from the tree was used as a moisturizer for Burns and to ease coughing decoctions from the bark were used as a sedative a mouthwash and to treat diarrhea and fever a decoction of the leaves was drunk for urinary complaints and as a fabric Foods an agent for reducing fever the steam from leaves boiled in water was inhaled for head colds [Music] [Music] [Music] on Captain Cook's Voyages of Discovery around New Zealand from 1769 on his crew boiled the leaves of Manuka to make tea Captain Cook liked the bitter taste European settlers also adopted the practice and a common name tea tree is still used for Manuka and the similar looking but genetically distinct kanuka in fact three different species of mutasai are growing in Australia and New Zealand are known as tea tree the Australian Dietrich the Melaleuca alternifolia the New Zealand Manuka the leptospermomscopalian and the kanuka the concieres so Manuka should not be confused with the Australian tea tree or with kanuka it is a successful colonizing plant with large numbers of seedlings covering large land areas rapidly the essential oil of Manuka is known for its purifying virtues with white applications in diffusion it is used to clean the air Manuka reveals a soft delicate herbaceous scent with Woody notes and is very appealing working from the Maori knowledge base of traditional use east cape tribes worked with Scientists in the 1990s to discover that Manuka Leaf extracts had antibiotic properties this is due to a high level of the natural chemical called leptospamon present in the distilled Manuka oil importantly they found that pepto-spamon acts against the methicillin-resistant bacterium staphylococcus aureus the original superbug that is a serious problem in hospitals today although it was later discovered that leptus permon is not present in all Manuka or kanuka Oils this initial finding spurred wide-ranging Research into the beneficial properties of Manuka and kanuka oils the main bioactive components are trichotones the leptosparmon flowers and the sesquitapin called kalaminen the essential oil of Manuka is distilled from foliage that's had been cut from the trees no other part of the tree contains significant amounts of oil so maintaining High foliage growth is important for oil production in aromatherapy Manuka essential oil is known particularly for properties such as powerful atmospheric and antiseptic anti-inflammatory antihistamine and expectorant research has shown that this oil is 20 times more powerful than tea tree oil on certain germs so it is traditionally used as a valuable Aid in case of mouth infections ear nose and throat infections skin infections Etc oil producers promote use of Manuka oil foils anti-inflammatory antiseptic and the viral and antifungal properties the oil is recommended also as a decongestant muscle relaxant pain reliever and against head lice and intestinal worms Manuka is considered also as an antidote for insect bites used by the maoris since ages use it to build our base on in the science side of things is looking at improving ways of doing our quality control both here and on at the plantation things and that's in the development of working with partners and developing new instrumentation which we can measure things more accurately to get better quality control down the chain through to the brilliant product and what products it goes into it treats fungal infections and is used against dandruff best diluted in coconut oil it is also useful in case of many skin problems like skin rashes and it creates softness on the skin it has this special connection with the skin and is therefore used for multiple skin problems such as abscesses ringworm ulcers blisters warts herpes fungus Super Shuttle wounds sunburn impetigo varicose ulcers bed sores shingles Etc oil has its connection with the skin it is considered Pitta reducing especially for prajakapita the skin bitter and it is good to use a diluted also in a coconut oil base Manuka is also traditionally known to help in case of gingivitis tonsillitis mouth ulcer and bad breath also for respiratory problems such as bronchitis Qatar colds flu sinusitis and cough Manuka has proven its Curative Energies and also its capability to reduce high blood pressure as to be mentioned foreign is used in case of anger depression stress it is known to reduce irritability nervousness and latent fears Epistles focus it is good against hypersensitivity it is a good stabilizer and protector for the nervous system due to the high degree of sesquito pins and try ketones as we have seen it increases personal energy focus and it is grounding and to give spiritual clarity is it not wonderful that our Global connectedness today has made it possible that such ancient Treasures of folk medicine from the other side of the globe could reach us in our own cultures and spread Their Blessings everywhere under the guidance of Edna Botanical knowledge linked to Modern research truly we can only bow down to Nature in her endless care care and giving attitude for sustaining life on our planet in such amazing ways [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Oshadhi
Views: 1,034
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Id: 0z_GqZsvGDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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