Manufacturing plywood boards: then and now
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Channel: Victoria and Albert Museum
Views: 3,697,434
Rating: 4.7542081 out of 5
Keywords: plywood, manufacture, veneer, process, how is it made?, rotary cutter
Id: eF5LVBW1vl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I bet those guys got a lot of splinters.
The film about the modern way skipped over a few important parts. Glossed over the details.
The machination that was used in 1954 is pretty impressive. Everytime I saw a worker without gloves on grabbing a sheet I winced a little in pain for their hands.
Having watched the old way, WOW there must have been some pretty horrific accidents during that time.
Ended up being a pretty good chillhop video.
10/10 would zone out to again
As a denizen of the Pacific Northwest, it hurt my heart just a bit to see those old growth forests destroyed for the sake of plywood.
background music had me jamming
As someone living in the PNW it always pains me to see old videos and pictures of our logging industry. We used to have some absolutely massive trees but the area was pretty much clear cut completely over the last 150 years and the only old growth you can find now is in national parks and even there the trees aren't that common.
This is how we used to make plywood. We still do, but we used to too.