Manor Lords: Early Access - Beginner Let's Play - Dutchyville - ep2

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hey everyone flying DUI here and welcome back to Mana Lords episode number two of duville uh yeah let's just keep going Let's uh click on normal speed for now and yeah we have a popup because I have to I had to restart the game in almost all cases resources and man of Lords have to be physically moved it can take a moment so feel free to change the game speed yeah thank you for that uh what's this exposed Goods in the store oh yeah because we moved something around right tools Stone and firewood uh we don't have a storage house yet we will have to make that soon but uh we are going to make the uh wood cutters Lodge over here first because we need fuel we have plenty of food because we have berries and we're getting some eggs from some of the houses and we still have some breads as well yeah now the stocks are getting damaged over here which is very annoying because that will uh break it down so I think the next thing that we want to build is the uh storage house over here and we can put the stuff over uh in a safe spot with a roof now this will be the market and maybe we should plan to make this the center of the uh thing so I think I'm going to build the storage house over here oh we don't have enough Timber we do not have enough Timber the loging Camp needs to uh get more Timber first okay let's put a family on the wood cutters Lodge it is now finished because we need firewood quickly so this is how the building looks like very uh simple but yeah the more the more um the the buildings that are going to look better uh will be later in the game because we can upgrade to level two and level three then they're going to look very nice the houses the same counts for The Granary we can upgrade this to a large Granary as well and the same counts for the uh uh the storage house let's go to speed two that is times four cuz we really need to get this going otherwise we are going to die I think yes we are running out of fuel I know the either needs food or fuel I know I'm working on it I am waiting for the timber okay we have the timber so let's build the storehouse now I think I'm going to build it here yeah nice so please uh work on this so that we can put these Goods under a roof before they all going to get uh deteriorated and you guys need to hurry making firewood luckily it's April so we don't use that much this is heavier than it looks it's heavier than it looks yeah I I guess so chop we only have one month fuel I hope I will not uh uh completely ruin this that would be very bad for the first play through okay so this is their their Pantry or something it's just a generic storage I think a pantry is for food and uh yeah one of these staples is one firewood I think and I I think she picks it up and brings it to the market at least I think so luckily it's very close yeah there's a firewood stall okay good what do we have for food over here we have some bread we have berries that's it but yeah there are a lot of berries on other parts uh that need to be uh collected it and that is what these people are doing they are going to the uh the forager HUD and take the berries over here and bring it to The Granary or to the market okay let's speed this up because I want to build the store out the store house and I hope that we'll have enough fuel we have room for one more family we have five and we have room for six so don't really have to expand yet but I would love to expand quickly okay we have two months of fuel again so I think we are fine let's get all the timber in would love to make carcoal that would uh that is that is double more efficient so should look to get that going at some point what do the name of my uh my Ox again York and York is going back to the Hitching Post we can upgrade this to a small stable and order another ox or a horse I don't know if a horse can do the same things as a ox have no idea okay and we have built the storehouse so this is the storehouse it looks okay I guess let's put a family on over here so we have no families uh left to construct but I think we need to uh get the goods over here and we have a new message a strong militia is Paramount to the survival of any settlement luckily a shipment of weapons has just arrived and you will now be able to create your first militia banners to serve you and protect your people however we will need more weapons to equip all the people as the element grows either by making them or importing them from other lands let's form the militia oh we have 20 Spears and large Shields now let's take a look over here because that is the Army tab that we need to do now we can make militia footman spear militia po R militia and Archer militia can I do this right now without losing these people to work I don't know and I'm going to try to find this out so uh what is this food man here the male villagers will be evenly distributed between all militia units they will then try to find the required equipment the weapon and shields depend on the unit type while the maximum quality of body armor and helmet depends on the villages residential level after bringing all the necessary equipment home units unit recruits are marked as ready to Rally only then you will be able to Rally your units so what do you guys need you need swords and shields well you need these things well we don't have those so go away do we have this yes we have Spears and we have these shields so we can make some spear militia and when we get more male population because we now have 10 they will uh go when we have 20 we can make an army of 20 because we have 20 Spears and 20 large Shields and what are what are these things then what is this these are pull arms what do you need oh you need pole arms yeah that makes sense okay and The Archers need uh War bows okay I will absolutely make a lot of archers because I am an Archer fan but for now we're going to just click the spe militia and do I need to do something else I can pick a rally point and that's it so they are now done I guess but will they then wear the Spears and the uh Shields or will they do it when I make a rally point I think when I make a Rally Point yeah there are no assigned families to guide the ox but that is fine okay we need more population so I can make a 20 Army to protect my [Music] Village okay did they bring everything to the storehouse almost there are six tools left and there we go they bring it under the roof I like [Music] that perfect oh that was the ox making a sound Market food variety is going up uh we have 14 months of food why is no one bringing this home no idea they should should be allowed over here right everything is allowed so that should be the case [Music] recruits are missing yeah yeah that will come up what is tap the thing doing oh oh when you press St you can see the attack armor charge anti-armor shield and impaling okay so that are the stats in this game apparently very interesting okay we are having saved ourselves with the fuel we are doing fine we now need more uh more families coming so that we can put more family on other things cuz right now we have one on the storehouse one on The Granary uh wood cutting logging and berries and I would love to make planks as well that we can continue building other things um are we getting more Timber I think it's time to upgrade some of our houses uh but we need four Timber so maybe we should just make more more plots because that is cheaper right and we need way more houses later on anyway so let's get a couple more Burg plots over here what if I build one here yeah there we go now we have no family working on this so what I think I'm going to do is put the family out of the storehouse now since they have taken everything there and they can start working on this new plot I think that is a a better idea okay let's go to speed four and let's build another house think going to build one more here as well I think we're going to build houses here here here and here and then make this bit of a center with industry church and the tavern and the blacksmith maybe make a big busy shopping part here and that's surrounded by the houses I think that is what I'm going to do okay we have brought the temp because it's very close to my loging Camp so the free Family cannot work on this and then we have room for two more families what do we need to do to go to the next level we need two plots to be level two and they can only go to level two when they have water access when they have a church and when we have clothing so we have to work on that uh the well is very easy the well is in the residential area and you need to build this where there is underground water now this is the marked spot let's put it over here that will be the next thing to do there we go we have a new family uh we now have uh six families and it also means that we have another uh male Troop and is that one now going over here it should go there soon hopefully but we still have room for an extra um family to move in let's build this well and when we have built the well we need to build a church and clothing now clothing uh let's see should be industry or yeah we have a weaver that can put flex and wool into yarn and linen or we are going to use hides to produce leather do we have anything that that gives this uh hides no because we are not hunting so what we should do is start hunting this wild animal uh thing next that we also get some hides that we can make into leather so that will be the next thing to do and we need to build a church and the church you need 20 planks and five Timber so we need also need to make planks and planks is over here the saw pit so you have timber timber is uh produced into firewood and Timber is produced into planks and you need a lot of planks in this uh this game I think so uh and we have the Forester to uh plant new trees but that is a waste of a family slot I think so not going to do that uh we do have two spare families so maybe we should just start making the uh the s bit here and start getting some planks so that we can build the church uh let's see maybe we should make some roads oh yeah we need to remove the Hitching Post it's in the way over here let's do it there and then I will build a road here so something like this and I will also build a road here this way just to have a little bit of uh roads going to this uh main road I guess something like that okay let's keep going and then we are going to build that uh sh bit I think I'm going to build it over here next to the this is more of a wood industry over here there we go it's going to be the next thing to do and then we are going to start hunting some uh food and food is doing very well if 81 berries so this is a uh Rich deposit and later on in the game you get Technologies where you can get infinite stuff I think when it's a rich one it's a Rich deposit when it has a crown above it for example over here there's also a rich Berry and here we have a rich iron so this is unlimited iron so we would love to take this state here also unlimited clay then we just need unlimited Stone and then we have everything that is over here so oh this is the enemy so if we want to take this down we have to fight and if we lose that then I think we lose the game there we go we have now 12 of 36 so the male population automatic go goes and gets uh all the stuff did they also pick up where are all my Shields and stuff wait a minute is it laying around somewhere why is that not in the storehouse where is it I have no idea where is where are my uh Shields and Spears that I have left where are they I don't see them are they stolen that happened in my uh test run I have no idea guys [Music] oh you have your Armament over here yeah yeah but you are you are my militia but where is the spare stuff then I don't know guys I have no idea where it is I think it's laying on the map somewhere let's put a uh family on the storehouse maybe they are going to get it it should go in the storehouse right yeah so it should go here the stuff that is left should go to the Storehouse and not somewhere else I think otherwise I don't know how the game works which is very possible what are you doing oh you're going to pick the uh firewood and put it in the storehouse right yeah what are you going to do you're going to go over here as well now there only two cards I think so one of them is going to walk around I'm not sure how this works guys where are my spare Shields if you guys know tell me in the comment section I have no idea I really don't know what I do know is that I want more uh houses what if I make one here like this oh no I want them to have a garden I think uh yeah we're going to build houses on this side we could build one extra here the snapping is if you turn off snapping it's still snapping which is very unfortunate oh wait I can do it like this and then turn it around that is a way you can do [Music] it okay guess it's going to be the way how to play this game I guess build it from this side and then turn it around uh did we build the Sal bit yes let's put a family here to well then we have no one building so we need more families now let's go to speed four and we will tell this solit that you can only make planks when there are 10 Timbers in the reserve so there are four now so we are not going to make any planks until we have 10 when there's a family there of course and yeah the clothing we can do a couple of uh ways uh where is IT industry he from hunting we can also do wool and flax now let's take a look at the at the flax now that is [Music] farming flax fertility we do have some good Flex fertility on the back here that would be amazing for a farm um then we also they need a farmhouse and then they will start doing this um or do we go with sheep and how does that even work do I need to order sheep well let's find out I guess we're going to get some sheep over here uh where is it is it also farming no don't know oh yeah we never got the apiary um forger Hood hting camp that is the Hitching Post [Music] Yeah The Well has been build as well oh well sheep f Farm why do I have sheep must first be imported to fire the livestock Trader okay so we got we can't do that then I think cuz we have no Traer then we need to make a pasture and then we can do a sheep farm okay so that's not that's not a thing we can do so we can only grow Flags but it's going to take a while so I think we're just going to start hunting there's also more more food right so the next thing that we are going to do is uh go and uh hunt this thing down now what is a good way to do this because they need to walk a lot for this maybe I should put it on this side so that I don't have to walk that much something like this and then I will put a road let's make a junction over here and you can change the curvature by control and then doing this now I love to make some some curvy road so we'll do it like this and then make a bit of Curves in it what what happened here oh well that's fine it looks a bit uh not natural and I like that there we go a road out of our town towards the uh Animal Hunters that's going to be the next thing that we want so let's speed this up and we saved ourselves we have seven months of fuel we have so much food already it's going to be very nice it's going to be uh uh we are going to have a nice uh stockpile in the I love it and where are my tools then where are my eight Shields and Spears left but they they should be somewhere but I don't know where they are maybe they are not visible I don't know it's not in the storehouse get to a large stor but we need planks for that I don't know guys I have no idea but they are not picking it up so it's not somewhere on the map then I think very very strange if you ask me yeah that's a storage of the saw pit yeah I don't know so I guess we're going to put the storage down and we're going to start making planks so they go under the uh the things sometime then they will saw it into planks over here they put it over there now we have five planks so from one timber you make five planks and we need how much for the church 20 we do have the stone already from the start of the [Music] game and yes we need to wait oh never mind they already brought the uh the timber so they are now starting to work on it and it is finished already so that is nice just a small hunting camp to hunt the animals and yes they are not going to run away uh I'm going to put a family over here because we need hides now there's a hunting limit when a population of a herd drops to this number workers will stop hunting um I think that is important to keep the uh animals growing they need to reproduce themselves right so and apparently you find uh some bows and arrows and you shut down Bombi how dare you shooting down bumpy well that is our first uh meat so we get another type of uh food which is good against diseases and we will get some hide so we can finally make some clothes yeah now we have no more uh people working I guess we will put the the family out of the saw pit when uh uh we have enough planks now what do we have for vegetables over here we have some Co how do you call it in English I don't even know I think the what are these things are these carrots yeah I think these are carrots hey we have a new family we now we have seven families so we have one ready to build again and we have another one oh no no we don't have another one we have a family member join a family so we have not two but three in the house and yes they are getting their stuff so it is somewhere it's somewhere laying around the Spears and shields but I don't know where I want to no where are these things man I don't know it should be somewhere where are they going to put this stuff man one here okay they can get helmets I guess it's four 6 8 10 10 12 14 six left yeah there I don't know it is it is not visible I guess now that is interesting right meat minus one oh that is interesting okay uh do we need the people on the storage here in The Granary I don't think we need that for now so let's put down the storage and The Granary and uh let's start going and get something else uh produced so maybe we should start doing some farming of fla we have lots of foods coming in I mean it's June so it's a bit late I don't know if we going to farm anything actually but I on a farm so you need a farmhouse used to employ families on the fields Farm Workers plow the fields as soon as the winter passes but no later than November then they will sew them with the chosen crop Harvest happens around September then the crops are transported to The Farmhouse and wheat is trashed into grain ooh ooh that's a nice building well we know that we have a good field over there fiure manal Lords need to be very large to be effective but also take long to plow by hand for a starting Village try a field size of about one Morgan uh later if you want the region to focus on farming you can consider spending a development point to unlock heavy plow upgrade which allows plowing much bigger Fields far more efficiently using oxen IO remember to check the ground fertility some crop types are more picky about the soil they grow on yeah okay emmer I think is some some sort of wheat Flex barley and Rye so the barley needs to go here and the flax need to go [Music] there uh let's go with wheat I guess no let's go with flex because we need more clothing I don't think we have enough clothing by only hunting so why is it oh it was stuck over there let's make a plot over [Music] here okay a little bit bigger and let's not do it uh yeah you can only add four four lines right you cannot do five yeah one oh there's no video video Farmhouse employs families who work on the fields the workforce is distributed proportionately in accordance with the field sets priority level when crops are growing they absorb certain nutrients from the soil temporarily lowering its fertility and th diminishing yields over time to combat this consider changing crop types or even better leaving the field follow for a year okay and now I can click here and we can change the thing oh it's only 46 [Music] really well I wanted to go with flags that can be weaved into linen crop rotation bring back the Lost fertility crop rotation triggers after the harvest season ends sking the field fall regenerates the most fertility oh and then the second year we can do something else oh that is interesting so if I make four plots we can just switch things around plowing progress sewing progress crop growth Harvest growth field priority and force early Harvest okay so we can do some harvesting okay but now they're not going to work here because we need a farmhouse [Music] do we need one Farmhouse per ploth or not no idea but this is a nice spot for The Farmhouse I [Music] think okay well let's see how that goes and the flex can be weaved into linen with the Weaver [Music] okay going to set up that industry uh let's build a road that way uh I don't need that much gure now it's Farms wait it told me I could click it there we go what is happening oh they have a disease there we go oh and there's a road coming out of there as well so let's connect that road as well there we go people suffering from disease may stop working access to herbs how do we get that might speed up their recovery while a varied diet increases disease uh resistance yeah so someone is sick right now don't know who someone is sick that's not good so I have no idea how the Farmhouse works but uh I'm going to make four fields and get all the crops because I like farming now let's go to speed four so have enough fuel still going fine you're making some planks so that we can start making um the uh church we need three Timber so my Ox needs to bring it over [Music] there do I have resources stolen by nearby Bandits they have stolen goods from us awaiting orders one two three four okay we cannot take these down I think well they have taken our Goods did they take the uh did they they take the uh Shields and Spears I think they did yeah I don't know where they were I don't know how that works I only know that we are eating a lot of [Music] berries ah we are building The Farmhouse nice okay they they can start building when there's only one of the three Timber so that is good to know what are you bringing what are you why do you have your your cart over here I don't know maybe we can upgrade a farm I'm going to make a field here here and then one behind the houses and what I also like to do is build a road behind the house because they have this this entrance right so let's make sure that we are uh using that just for from some sort of back back road over here I like [Music] that there we go maybe we should put a road next to the uh the fields what is what yeah I'm going to put roads next to my Fields I think that looks perfect yeah is it finished no it's not finished not yet we do have the timber uh are we getting uh meat yeah a little bit we have a lot of firewood we have eight months of firewood it's going fine and we have six hides so we could make some uh clothing by the HIDs do we have them in the storehouse no because no one is working in Storehouse watch your head then The Farmhouse interesting I don't know how many people can work here I know that is June so we need to hurry if we want to get some Flags so what we should do is is change the flax into the wheat next season or something okay there are only three types at the moment wheat flax and barley emmer is wheat so that's a bit annoying to know if you don't know that emmer is wheat I think and flex and barley and we have Rye oh there are four types it's not showing over [Music] there need to do some planning about it did we build a farmhouse there we go they are building on it guess they're going to build a fence yeah there we go okay oh yeah we can put a lot of people on The Farmhouse let's put one uh one season over thing over here farming Cycles if the field is not set to follow workers will plow it and sew the crops as soon as possible if the field is not set to follow burn the field wow yeah but what does follow there we go follow is to not work the field [Music] right yes so you can put another thing on or you don't okay interesting uh oh you're working on the field and can we see yeah it's now getting a bit of a uh plowing progress okay interesting and we have a new family and now we have no more room so what can we do we can upgrade our houses to get an expanding living space and I think that's a good idea so let's upgrade these two going to do the other ones as well we don't get any wealth at the moment because you only get wealth later in the game yeah and I still don't know where my Shields are we have five Shields and Spears left so they did not steal any of my Shields and spear they they stole something else I have no idea all right why are you walking all the way over here no idea let's get another field here so H we have the flex over there barley needs to go over there so we should make two Fields here then for The Barley you know that we can switch them around okay and we know that that we're going to build two uh two barley here then need to fill this with I guess emmer don't snap that's fine come on come along they can switch emor and flex can switch each and the Bali and Ry can can do it as [Music] well barley and then the rif field goes over here and these fields are not going to be can I stop this yeah crop type follow so we're not going to use them right now let's only do the this one we have them we have them set up for now yeah and now I can't build a road in between it so we're going to destroy them cuz I want a road need to do it one by one and then build a road around it why because it looks better and that is very important okay this is heavier than it looks it's snapping it's so annoying I don't want it to snap but it's it's snapping well let's do it this way then barley stop snapping like this so I might build another Farmhouse over there and now we need another one so the barley and R over here will be changed the old oh why is it [Music] snapping they need to stop the [Music] snapping uh let's make a connection to the road over here there we go and then go around here and make a connection here as well and then like this okay at least we now have four fields and let's make a connection over here and maybe here as well because why not so bit of Ro done see right how does it look on the map here when I zoom out yeah it looks okay those hardworking people man that's what they are so we're not going to do any crop type here we we will do follow and I think when we change them later on yeah we is 60 over here 59 56 57 barley 39 43 52 and 57 so we will go with barley over here apparently I I can't do any Ary I don't see the Ry in this uh this screen over here oh well and oh it's a long episode guys I will end it over here uh we have room for more people we're getting more families in and and the next thing that we are going to do is uh start getting some uh some lettera I think so hopefully I will see you guys there thank you so much for watching and uh I see you in the next episode bye-bye
Channel: FlyingDutchy
Views: 819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manor lords, manor lords trailer, manor lords gameplay, manor lords release, manor lords update, manor lords review, manor lords ep1, manor lords ep 1, manor lords part 1, manor lords battle, manor lords playthrough, manor lords beginner, manor lords beginner let's play, let's play manor lords, lets play manor lords, manor lords lets play, manor lords tutorial, manor lords preview, manor lords learning, manor lords walkthrough, manor lords game, manor lords pc
Id: QHNDXapn2q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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