Manhunt 1v1 SCRAMBLE CRAFT! (Speedrunner or Hunter)

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i can't mess around getting back in hey yo no you idiot jeez this is crap crap baby land land land relations welcome back to the world of scrabble craft today we have a brand new challenge in front of me is my rival my brother we've been rivals since i was born i win but you win what stop we're 14 months apart we've been battling since birth kraken today we have a new challenge in scramblecraft we are going to don't look at me what were you looking at that was my victory cody you were looking at your victory okay anyways scramble craft is the most random minecraft mod pocket of all time me and cracking kid will be trying to survive this world and racing to the end of minecraft first it'll beat the end of dragon will win this scramblecraft challenge are you ready to begin oh yeah dude i'm going to be the king of scram craft once and for all dude you won't be able to deny it no you will not be good all right guys so we have so many mods installed look over here on this right side there is a crap ton oh god crack crack and i crash no we're good stop punching me using anti-lag sheets you are using lag sheets give me this dandelion poppies you're following me you have all this world to travel and you decide to go in this northwest projection it's a tactic dude it's a tactic annoy cody until he explodes well i guess we're both like speed runners right now dude we're both trying to beat the ender dragon as quickly as possible well the thing is we are both also hunters so guys if i press comma here it will unlock a little tracker on kraken kid so i can then go to his location and steal from him you nervous well we can't do it at the beginning okay there is a 15 minute all right sorry a 10 minute a little protection on you okay you have a little protection aura because i know you're gonna cry if you die early and i kick your butt so oh nice i just got a armor pantaloons you're never gonna find out what that recipe is well maybe i just get a grin of immunity dude uh oh i just had a chest oh well i don't really need a chest a grain of immunity yeah oh yeah right you didn't get that blocked all incoming damage that would actually be kind of dope oh okay yep i gotta make sure i break some uh these trees so they can decay and give me some random items so i now have an axe kraken uh well i have an ant-man's uh helmet okay can't beat me on that tier three that's gonna give you like two armor apple let's grab that thank you very much we'll put this into our uh little tech guns inventory i got a green of abatement what drives away those pesky slimes so it's not gonna be like the best thing for me but hey i will still hold on to it uh anything else i can think of whoa backpack backpack thank you for the oh and i just got a 10 armor chest plate well i'm already ready to win the game dude what are the freaking chances and they're from the same set no they're not okay but they look like they're from the same set this backpack okay i'll put it on and i have a mobile crafting station with me this is nice let's go try and chop these pigs down because not only random recipes but we have what else kraken random bob drops we got like so many different things to do my game just crashed oh that means i get a free few minutes yes um okay yep that's nice uh well how much damage does this do oh it does only 40 damage um how much health does the ender dragon have alexa kraken are you alexa i am not um but what the heck are you saying got 40 attack damage it's just something i may have acquired by uh slaughtering a pig i just the things you do on scramble craft the quinky dinks what's going on um i have two faces hold up i know how to fix this i'm back i'm back oh the boys are back in town boys are back it down uh hey hey kelly can you be my alexa she's right next to me she's ignoring me my oh no kelly's my fiance guys and uh she's just working next to me and ignoring me and oh my god oh my kraken what cody what i thought i got the gring of the void it would teleport me instantly but i i got the gringa blink oh my gosh dude i imagine you got it this quick i'm getting so many good items what are these drop rates illuminati pet or a meta pet okay gives me a brewing spam pat and then that will give me fire resistance that's nice there's multiple ways to get to the end in scramblecraft it is not just your normal path uh what is this a green of clouds provides a slow and easy ascent oh we're flying i'm doing it i've become one with the gods oh wait i can't i'm not stopping flying stop fly down boy i have levitation for two minutes there's a spaceship i hope you take so much fall damage when you fall ah at the wait hold on i can move oh if two minutes you know what maybe i can make it over to the plane this this is actually the play wait did i drop my axe i dropped my axes back there kraken was slain playing enderman crap i lost everything okay i just picked something up oh i dropped the green of the clouds where did my axe go well i can just craft it hey what is the recipe no i'm flying away what is this what is this who are these people oh no oh no no no no no these these are enderman's okay well these guys come from i believe there's also a mutant enderman so i'm just gonna i'm gonna continue down my path oh my they are coming after me they're following me i've now reached the pirate captain almighty pirate captain if i kill you you will give me uncraftable drops that are so op has anybody got an infinity item in uh scrambled manhunt kraken i don't know oh well these guys that's a good question actually dropping me on my forehead 14 seconds remaining okay i got it i got a dip because apparently they don't miss with those flint lock weapons and there's a skeleton taking aim at me let's just let's get back to the beginning oh what does this drop i just got a pickaxe okay we're going into the walls we have a pic oh no that enderman's gonna get me there he is i die oh wait keep putting me toys on cracking i thought you said it wasn't yeah it just lagged for a second but no my stuff was uh still there okay i didn't think it was though i didn't come back to this tree and i just got what it okay some sort of vengeance injection these are screwed the spirit vengeance burns hurt mobs um okay let's go try that burn wait i'm pressing x now does it do it oh my god no it doesn't we can get cooked pork chops for days i still need another axe i feel like just keeps disappearing these are some other pantolons what are they nightly greaves they're not gonna be as good and neither the arctic ones okay back up the top of the hill i had a crafting table around here somewhere i'll be honest do not know where it is did you just dump that pat yeah my evie crystal flower is gonna give me a wand of mystery what do you do mystery wand can't hear you over the top step stop dubbing your wubs will not wob fast enough spruce okay uh we're going to get the axe back once and for all there we go i'll take a crafting table have you found a desert by the way kraken i need some sticks i am not cody but if i do i will be sure not to tell you i found my axe i just kind of couldn't find it for a second i now have almost two rows of hearts we've been playing for uh i think seven minutes or so and yeah i've all but beat the game oh what's this mystery random random recipe he's going to give me copper dust ew get out of here bud yeah well good luck cody i'm going to go into my own call for a second no no no no no no no wait wait don't go into your own call he's gone okay he just left me uh what is this uh wool pet summons and dismisses the wolf okay i will take that place down the leather or the uh spruce sapling barkley is he called barkley because he he barks torches i should probably get a lot of torches okay there we go that should be enough uh that's an ingot let's go pick up the ingot and ironwood and get okay i thought it's going to turn into a nugget but it will not gravel i don't have an easy way to break gravel that is randomized we see any other flowers if i had a shovel i could break snow and try to craft that but we're not gonna get anything chicken and get fire resistance okay let's do this egg there's a chance for a mob to spawn from it but no it did not happen i haven't tried a chest recipe either glider don't need you just rune pedestals okay what is this okay let's try that recipe make a crafting table put a crafting table in the middle and then surround it that will give you a oh apparently that is not randomized so anything to do with crafting tables just aren't randomized if i had a stick i could try that nope can't do any of these bo i've already tried that i don't think i tried a spruce belt but i don't see any other spruce we're going back up to the ship we have uh the injection now which would be able to help us okay i don't want to fall please no okay i can get up to that wing uh let's go into the water okay we're gonna go back into the oh i don't want to use the cloud ring though can i just i'm going to get rid of that i don't i don't want it because the levitation was just so annoying even though it helped me get up if we aim up there yes we are up here barkley okay we're being fired at we need to project our weapon but we don't have one at the moment let's put our food up here automatically eat and turn on the skull thing and let's get down here let's beat the crap out of him oh punch punch punch what's the attack damage on this axe i'll need to check the pickaxe is it better than the axe teleport teleport we gotta find the king is that him okay i'm just gonna lay into him with this gauze cannon i don't want to miss it might be worth it to kill him because i can't get the one-hit weapons oh he just killed my pet did he die okay he's dead he's dead let's grab everything that we can and we can probably go oh there's so many good things in here default recipe scroll we're taking a lot of damage but we're also tanking uh am i dead no i'm not we are still holding do party golding gets they're gonna break through my armor though it will not last forever okay we're down here uh i have a few more shots with my gauze cannon remain or god's rifle remaining i i shouldn't have used it should have used it at the moment i think it was worth it iron ingot dubstep pat nice i don't need it uh where were we at we have a couple dude parties a random item scroll okay they gave me a spider sword hold shift for description flowing for the fangs that made this simple sword a toxic blade oh i poison things now and we have sticks i found a desert there's a little boat over there uh the string can that be used to make a bow it cannot therefore it is junk to me random recipe scrolls okay [Music] uh i just got a recipe for a ring let's take a look at what that is we can scroll through okay there's this one bring a restoration slowly repairs items and all that don't need that okay crafting we can try uh cobble tools that's a yo-yo uh those boots how much armor do they provide nothing really there's something else right there oh light gray dye gonna leave that now let's just try the wood recipes oh and i could try iron as well smg mags flint ins ablaze steel oh yeti horn helmet okay i'm putting that on yeah we look nice and cozy let's get some more sticks i'm gonna just look through all these recipes for tools this is probably my best pet uh place the sticks and i gotta try axe okay that was the yeti thing here's the blaze deal doing that shovel no no no no coal block will give me oh just some pillars that it's sometimes a risk okay the sticks you know i only have limited sticks and i'm gonna have to go out and get some more i use them up and same thing with the iron and stuff but if you get a block like coal block it can then be transformed into another uh recipe but just didn't pay off this time eight armor two armor toughness that is better we'll see if we get anything good here nether gacks that's very good i'm looking for an ang axle though anything to do with a gasoline nether gas would be sick too what are you a spiral stone stair okay i mean that sounds it look cooler than it sounds alright now i know for sure i can get those pants we have good pants now yeah those were only eight armor they did have 24 000 or 23 000 durability don't know how much these have but it looks like such a goofball if you guys want to play the scramblecraft mod or modpack both are linked down below the mod pack is pretty much everything we have in here minus the parasite mod um speaking of which i haven't seen any parasites oh cracking trigger the duke party uh there's a spawner over this thing i think spawn spawn spawn oh no it's these things i hate these things i don't know if i should be duping them but the drops i can get from them are sick die and then they just go through the ground it's better for something that you just what get a master wand got him six seconds remaining come on yeah it's so easy killing zombies that are duped whoa uh that's that's a lot of damage okay i'm very in it it's so far away we've gotten so many good drops from this i'm gonna destroy the spawner because i really want these things to go away and i want to be able to collect my thoughts here where is he he's dead no he's not dead he's coming back from life so we got this gooey mutton i think it gives me good saturation so i'll put that in there a raw nether glob it i won't be able to deal with that apple pet he throws apples okay wait crack is nearby he is and i think we are approaching the 10 minutes here so i'll go and tell him or warn him that we'll be battling very soon we can delay each other smoke bomb where did you come from oh oh my god flame on flame off flame on flame off i look like a freak am i ghost rider i feel like i was wolf pet can go away because i don't it's not going to work anymore uh i got spiked gloves with the claws of a bear the strength of your arms these gloves need you far from harm while wielding to enjoy the view i mean that's not gonna do me anything what's this long shot oh if i didn't have the blink this would be kind of good for me but i'll do the blink the blink's a little bit more dangerous but i can spam it much faster and go much further too so with the two armor toughness i'm actually gonna put that on so we are now freaking looking kitted there's a lot more wizards is this a blood moon there's so many mobs spawning we gotta we got a dungeon right here let's go down and take a look oh there's a boss here i can't mine it oh looks like we're gonna have to go through this dungeon entirely what lies below is the question wow this is still going nine million years later wow hello ma'am mom is that you [Music] hey me you idiot oh i thought your mom no do i sound like mom yes you sound just like her voice yo she watches these videos dude she's so pissed okay arrow drop no thank you kraken i'm almost ready to win this you're not even going to be in the end by the time i like get the job and now we can hunt each other by the way um really okay i'll be seeing you very shortly then oh so thanks you gave me the heads up are you like an evil villain that always tells uh the person your plans maybe or maybe i'm just distracting you with those plans while i secretly go and kill the ender dragon you gotta be able to spell ender dragon can you do that didn't think so also kraken you know you're out here playing minecraft don't you have a baby that is uh crying in the background oh i do cody i do have a baby but that's not crying in the background okay if anything you're crying in the background i know you're gonna say something like that how's he doing by the way you know he's doing great dude he's getting big he's nice and uh chunky right now what are you feeding him stop chunkifying your baby babies are supposed to be chunky okay don't go chunking chunky monkey oh we're being pinned here but you don't stand a chance for flame on oh they did wow that's actually a lot of lootations emerald nothing are you uh near a desert by a transfer never been to the desert uh you know maybe you can go look at the grand canyon or something do some sightseeing uh with jonathan your baby almost seems like you're down in this dungeon that ain't me chief oh oxygen tanks we don't need that gold block they're going to give me a juggernaut pet in a random random recipe kringle the blink ah second one do i have the blaze okay i'm probably gonna destroy this so cracking kid can't get it so i'll place it and then burn it and we'll get rid of that oh things are really getting quickly uh going up quickly diamond uh stew no bread oh god i see a name tag of a dead penguin you know you don't win the challenge if you kill me right you just sent me back to the spawn yes but you get a free ender pearl oh my god ender kill is on right now wait what not under uh pearl we get is it an ender pearl or what do you get you get an ender pearl if you kill a player baby zombie get away how do i get to you idiot oh you're down here finally welcome to the jungle i i've been down here but i'm like these walls are protected i can't mine through them as my pants are freaking they're getting weaker i think you want to know about your pants getting weaker cody what are you talking about don't listen to that that wasn't for you uh yeah you're not gonna be able to get through here kraken unless you follow through the dungeon is your name tag there's no cheat sheet well unless you blink very fast but i do i doubt you're able to do that you know in real life kraken if you just blink really fast just go until you pass out blink blink it blink a blank blanket no you're not oh what are these pressure plates too oh they do something they do something we're actually in trouble how do i get out oh no there's skeletons right there mr skeleton please let me go oh he's got friends he's got friends whoa i can blink back up jump there we go we made it through where he's gonna push clearly we are getting close to that boss minicon you so i think i found the toilets or something like that i opened up a lever and like and all these guys got released skeleton guy your armor's gonna be busted here in a second um i'll let you be oh his door don't close oh guys we had to restart the server there was a mod that was causing a glitch and sadly the mod that was causing the glitch was the one it was the one with uh 17 attack damage my big scythe weapon but i just got this fiery sword and i'm kind of happy about it eight attack damage i will take it well we're in the hallway getting pinned by these zombies this is probably the biggest dungeon i've ever been a part of kraken you are i have made a mistake wasting your time getting all my scraps as i'm looting everything oh yeah yeah dude i definitely made a mistake i'm not just there you collecting items falling from the sky or anything items wait how are you getting items flowing from the sky plus you know there's actually a decent amount of enderman out right now so i'm definitely not getting some ender pearls stacked up out here you're not nothing like that dude so don't worry about it you keep going uh is this boss room oh my god it's not i feel like i'm going to circus oh no i'm not hello are you the boss he's the webmaster oh he's dead he was a mini boss you're almost through oh that guy's got some freaking cool helmets what is this we're going to keep avoiding this all there's a boss here somewhere oh found a necromancer uh can we avoid using my minigun that's a big question he may have some good supplies for me and her pearls and all that uh he's invulnerable at the moment but they kill some of his minions let's try using range i need a clear shot he's summoning in stuff he's unhittable right now uh let's take check the lootations oh there's a lot of good loot here i just can't access it okay we hear kraken guys i was able to hit him once i think i'm not sure how i was able to do it just gotta stay on it it was like when he did that before he did that attack yeah we just got one do it to jump every single time that is so weird oh aim low aim low that's what i gotta do can i preserve the minigun i can't he's invulnerable right now wait for that thing to go down and now fire yes that's it that's it he does one attack then it goes down maybe just to range i'm gonna get out of here i'll hide i'm not hiding no i gotta go over here he knows exactly where i am crap i'm just gonna confuse him just gonna confuse him he's fighting the bars though uh do i use this minigun i try to use melee oh that's a lot of damage who is he getting the turtle backpack cody hey easy with that minigun dude okay oh he gone you go i'm all around you oh crap yes zombies my zombie minions what happens when you cook some kraken you get some calamari whoa you're wasting all your good stuff against me cracking no no no no no yes give me that ender pearl where were we at necromancer stop healing yourself it's not going to work it's like a small hitbox that you can hit him you got him down oh i'm able to hit him when he's in the thing just shift and then left click and he's on fire right now this is good news for me let's go what i realized is i had to use a sweeping edge to be able to take him out dude so many things are spawning in this thing's dead he was he hit a weapon a sword and a bow so there's some good crap here i'm going to sift through atlanteans and you know we got that one ender pearl that's not gonna be really enough i got a uh curse mob uh curse bone staff meaning i can summon some stuff and let's just go through it and hopefully get something good here oh and you know what since every recipe is randomized guys and their pearls are also rude boost okay we now have a way to get into pros so easy sticks we can't tell kraken sticks and oh wait he must know because he's been killing enderman up top am i morphed if him my arm whoa okay i thought i thought i was as the necromancer but it's only because i have the flame on thing uh how do i take that off flame on flame off okay cool now my penguin hand is back i think oh that's not what i wanted what are you what are you i was just using two party dude party went bad we now have some mean looking wolves i have no clue what they are capable of we just we're here for string we need about like what 12 ender pearls or so we're gonna need uh times two string half a stack a string would would really do it i just need to make sure i don't blow it up oh what is that that's a cool item and i i think i just got a bfg there's a bfg right there we gotta get it okay dude party has ended we can clean this mess up right now okay he's gone he's gone please okay there's another string i just got a bfg dude oh it's called the tfg but like dude it's the same thing oh that is so dope and what is this block i think i just found a nuke nope uranium block put that down that can kill you i think unless it's like purified uranium which i'm unsure about there's a skeleton this oh what a mutant enderman i do not want to do a pimp flip wait where is it i'll kill it for you he angry bro cody i'll kill that mutant uh enderman you don't have to do it they must drop me something you wouldn't say that unless they did what do you mean dude they they they suck they're horrible what do they drop you must tell me oh he's bullying me is he dead oh no he's right behind me so that must have been what hit me the first time i don't need a flint and steel to kill him i wouldn't need it anyways there's two of them they have multiplied whoa i'm being attacked by a wizard and also this guy this is not fair i wish i had infinite miniguns but i don't he's dying he's dying what's he dropping fenders oh drop the stupid slime thing pick it up pick it up chloe i almost got caught on fire well there goes my secret tactic yes i've fought three of them so far i almost have enough how do you know oh uranium how do you not have enough yet only hey i get like two or so each time how many did you get i know i got eight what yeah i got like two then i got like three i have a total of six right no i have seven right now and you've killed three maybe i killed two i don't know it just things got really chaotic i thought i saw two at once but like maybe that's my eyes yeah go ahead and look at the recipe though it doesn't help how do you get argent energy i took do you have chat on cody uh yeah did you did you see any notifications there bud you're in the desert who's gonna have to go to another well i wasn't hoping to have to go to another but i was having such crap luck with those mutant endermans so i decided to come here see if i can't get lucky i lost one of my higher vendors uh mutant enderman's okay well in the nether kraken you're gonna die you're gonna cry and you're gonna go all the way back never gonna make it to the end i oh i spammed it no don't break oh thank god that was a mistake okay so i just gotta go in this direction for a very very long time yes oh kraken's using default recipe scroll that must mean he's making some drop thank you i that is the fourth one i've gotten this oh just give him the green of the void you know what guys if i since i only have 10 all right you know i'm able to i'm probably going to be here first before cracking kid he's going to get the notification here but i could kind of just camp out at the end portal and wait for him to finish it or in i could just wait for him to finish it and then i could go and kill him or follow right behind him and then take out or steal a kill or go to the end that way that means i don't have to go and find some blaze powder yes this is the play although i gotta find this thing whoa there's some stuff in here back up down the cliff you go this is actually really cool it's like a hallway ah and it leads to this waterfall guys i can deal with you one at a time not all of you at once drop maybe i can't deal with you all at once this axe is so good i didn't mean to break that there's a backpack and just a crap ton of scrolls some blueprints i thought i saw an eye of ender er no it was ender pro okay we got the bfg we're rocking and we are rolling here guys what is this random item school gonna give me [Music] no way this thing is so good we are now with three rows of hearts we get extra damage potion protection luck holy crap this is so sick oh my i've been looking for this thing forever and you know that chest i broke that had the ender pearl it was just right here oh kraken's got dude party why does he have to party uranium block i have it in my inventory i guess i'm not dying from that why am i oh my god i gotta just gotta do it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven no that's all i needed that was literally the perfect amount let's go what's up and the dragon it's time to take you out oh hey ain't it chief uh oh i got a scar well let's take aim fire oh that's down everything is mad at me right now but i'm not even looking oh this this happens all the time dude do they teleport you when you're on top of these if i get on top of this come on yes no no oh that half second bro oh no i just made it up there i feel like the easy oh wow we are getting teleported all around the easiest way to get up is just laying on one of these all right taking aim that's a hit get back up on this oh just missed it come on touch up break it get over this one we're on it breaking in explosions baby all right we got a bit of a buffer here so we won't fall off so easily down down this is gonna be a snipe oh it went slightly left but it still worked and then the one just the left of me was good what is that he's here i i didn't even notice i was so preoccupied he's being mobbed can he withstand it crack it was slain oh but he knows the coordinates oh my god his bed was probably placed there come on yes no where am i no no no no no no no no no um okay this isn't good uh do i have a teleport out of here oh no we're good we're good everything how do we get out of this mess teleport anything i'm gonna die okay we kept all of our items uh he didn't set his bed i didn't set my bed what's up dude dude cody get away from me what's up dude keep spawning back here you just gotta do that to me before i even spawn in a nice angle upper yeah oh you say screenshot of those coordinates dude i literally don't even fully spawn back in before you kill me oh no oh no i'm gonna leave you alone i can't mess around anymore we're almost back we're almost back okay we're in the stronghold um so is he so is he wherever you are he's right down here where's he going is he already in okay i don't think he got in he's right there i can't mess around getting back in hey yo no you idiot oh they're all coming for me now we gotta get to a high spot guys aiming firing did i get the last one i did change my spawn point this time though yes there's the ender dragon bfg bfg bfg fire so much harder than the normal one oh my god i missed we only have one shot it's jesus this is scramble crap baby land land land ah crap okay save myself i've only got a couple more shots in this and the the bfg uh the gauze cannon wait is he healing he's here i know what cracking kid's doing oh my no no no what he's trying to sabotage this whole thing there's so many of them up there uh he's right up at the top i can't break him well if i break one i guess i can break them all gotta get a clear shot for this i'm being mugged back at the top taking aim yes they're all gone he couldn't have made that many whoa okay let's talk to him hey what is your plan are you trying to sabotage both of us right now if i can't win no one can win you can't hold me back or maybe you can crap cause i am so dark dude i'm blind i can't see anything come on kraken that's a hit no more shots in this thing only got the mini gun remaining anything good from this i didn't get anything landed he landed you can't have any more of those cracking can you oh i have a bunch dude i found it pretty easy way to make them ah we're being absolutely destroyed by these endermen yeah i'm getting destroyed by the enderman not by the ender dragon dude what do we what do we have that's making them so angry i don't know i didn't even look at him no i didn't either well if you're scared to lose and you're trying to both sabotage me and yourself maybe you should just quit cracking forfeit right now my arrows can't even get through the hordes to get to the end of the drag yeah i know i'm actually facing that problem too that's why i went in with melee oh my gosh come on show your ugly face he's back in the center no i thought he was i've never seen anything so crazy oh i almost went off the island again if i didn't have these extra hard dude i'd be done what what wait did we get him um he's like one hit dude who's gonna get it no he's one hit come what no oh my gosh i thought you got it did you even shoot at it i was shooting um i have another go oh my gosh i just went to the portal again i have another go and i was just shooting at it from far away i didn't think i got it i thought you did atlanteans editor we need an instant replay on that i can't lose a speed runner hunt challenge to kraken kid okay dude i think you have better armor than me or something now because i was getting wrecked you don't have a chest plate oh i did and i had boots but they're gone too hit that like button if you want to see another speed runner hunt challenge thanks so much for watching atlanteans i'll catch you in the next one atlanteans unite good night you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 310,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrunner, scramble craft, random, minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft vs hunter, mod, mods, speedrun, beat minecraft, random recipes minecraft, minecraft randomizer, atlantic craft, the atlantic craft, minecraft mods, challenge, manhunt, hunters, hunt, fun, funny, game, games, minecraft manhunt, manhunt but random recipes, random recipes, randomizer, manhunt scramble craft, manhunt randomizer, superheroes, man hunt, imposter, mystery, mystery manhunt, imposter manhunt, among us
Id: Ry2PspTES2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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