Manchester Derby FULL Super Sunday post match analysis with Keane, Richards and Neville ๐Ÿฟ

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Manchester city with the win and they were on top throughout the game with 27 shots eight of them on target their XG pretty much in line with their goal tally they had more touches significantly more touches in the Manchester United box than United did in cities many more passes in the final third and the Lions share of possession Manchester United with just three shots only one of them on target that was Marcus rashford's goal of their XG 03 of that was from Mar rashford's goal and of the three shots only one of them came after the 15th minute of the game for Manchester United only nine touches in the Manchester City box 58 passes in the final third and just about a quarter of the possession in that game and we'll come to Manchester United's performance in in just a second but from City it felt very much M as a case of it's what they do well I said before the game it's about being calm being being composed and waiting for the right moment in the first half I thought United defended excellently well City found it hard to sort of break them down although they did have some chances and it's just about playing a normal game relaxing believ in your ability and in that second half the game's always going to open up man united defended so well but they can't do it for 90 minutes being that deep making them short runs they tie you out they grind you down and then in the end the quality just Shone through it's it's two different teams you know it's one who are trying to find themselves people have talked about the structure and the style of play I thought today they did it in certain parts in the game but in the end Man City just blew them away with their quality yeah in terms of those criticisms that there have been for Manchester United one has been about the the structure first of all whether there there is a definable structure and and secondly about at times commitment from from Manchester United were either of those things do you think lacking particularly today I kind of don't want to be too hard on United today because I just thought Man City were brilliant man man city showed why they're what are champions that's 11 League losses now for for United what city do is they find out all your shortcomings and when you're up in that pitch and it's tough there is no hid in place it's like a boxer we've seen the box when you're in that ring there's no hiding place and they just wore them wore them down United made a substition Johnny went off after about 69 minutes had to ch changed the back four and they just they were kind of hanging on there anyway and the stats at the end of the game um show you how strong and dominant this man city were and Man City even people like har and de bruy weren't that their very best but then you have people like foden who step up we spoke about a before the game an amazing brilliant player and United it still leaves that question mark over man united where does this man united team going particularly when it was the last 20 25 minutes they couldn't get near city city toyed with them but again I'd probably to the outfit is more credit to city than really being critical of this man united team because again man united we know they shortcomings but when you play Man City it's just there's no hiding place so man united will have to take their medicine today but again huge question Marx again for this team and unfortunately for the manager that calmness and belief that you talked about from Manchester city is based on evidence that's 21 points they've taken now from losing positions this season they know that they can finish a game strong yeah I think they believe in their their ability you see the quality players like Roy said I don't think de bruyne was at his very best today and Harland too but you've still got Bernardo Silva you've still got foden you still got Stones going into to pockets for when man united were trying to to press and I think the big difference for me today was man City's bench if you look at who they could introduce on the pitch and then who Man United and yes we all want to see youngsters doing doing very very well but man city can bring on a World Cup winner and is's involved within the goal and that is just the different at the moment I think I agree with Roy it's not a time to be very critical of of of man united today because I did see good signs of what they was trying to do but in the end they' just not got the quality needed for this level in terms of man I guess that's 11 League games they've lost you know that's that's one scary stat when you consider you look at what United are to give up so many goals and defeats we spoke last week it was the Fulham game they lacked a bit of energy they lacked they had that but the last 20 25 minutes city were just again men V boys at the end and they were just hanging in there and they were making mistakes and again blad's coming off the bench not quite getting up to speed City's players coming on it coming on and making a difference giving them energy and towards the end then you're thinking it could be four or five have to take it yeah had two more defeats this season than they had in the hole of of last season already for for man Manchester United they did give themselves a bit of glimmer of hope at8 minutes into the game when Marcus rashford put them in front but Phil foden with a you know an equally impressive strike almost for for The Equalizer but there was a little bit of controversy at the at the beginning Eric ten hog was booked for complaining about a challenge on Marcus rashford when when Manchester United were on on the attack any any thoughts on this no it's it's not a foul I think Royal agreed with me on that but just on on on folden who talks so much about what's his best position I said before the game when you're confident it doesn't matter where you play it's what you do when you're on the ball goes into a little pocket and then can he beat Lindelof of course he can and can he stick it in and this is him this season he's probably on the the season of his career and what I like the most about folden he's stepping up even when de bruyne is on the pitch he was excellent before de bruyne came back into the team and we thought would he play with it himself and no he's showing up mentality and yeah United have got the players back here this is I'd be critical of United Defenders they have the bodies back but two or three players are just having a breeder at the wrong time you got for and we've seen him do it many times this season cutting in and the players are just just having a breeder for that Split Second you can't do it against Ford and we've seen it before there's to retrieve them because when he's a left footer cutting in like this people think it's dangerous but when you've got bodies in there and this is still early enough into the second half it's not as if towards the end this is where you got to switch on just to retrieve them look you got to get out to the ball you got to get out his forward he's one we spoke he's an amazing brilliant player he wants to come in on this side he's coming to a stronger foot get out to him get out to him and that's and it's them fine details it it was a little bit difficult for him in terms of body shapes because when you've got a center half who's playing on on the wrong side the way I used to defend I always used to show someone a certain way but because Phil foren can go both ways I agree with Roy it would it should of just got Tighter and made his mind up for him but he let Phil fom dictate to him and then but when he comes in Mike that's what you want your help from your teammates if he does show him in I know people go you can't show him in the par but if he does for will go where he wants to go that's why he's a brilliant player but that's it's not as if they didn't have the bodies back they had it but that's what you come around I when I was in midfielder I saw somebody come into my area I'm going happy is this is where I can go and nail somebody but there's two or three I'm just a bit no no hey get there especially with a player who's in the form that Phil foden is and and none surprising that he was the one who put Manchester City in front for the first time in the game yeah look at his position here just makes that run and he goes in to go out that lovely little one two and these are the areas that he wants to be and this is where he's at his best and can he finish I think a lot of people in there maybe tried just blast it but the way he just puts his fruit for it and sort of puts a good direction on it and places it almost maybe the goalkeeper could do better maybe I I think this giv go business with players we've got to see more of it the little one two you can take two or three players out of the game for and he doesn't do anything brilliant there quick play Casmir one or two switching off but this is on 80 minutes United are gone here the concentration levels they're tired whatever changes in the back four a quick one two more players need to do that give and go go after it maybe keeper could do better going to be a big summer for for England and a big summer potentially for for Phil foden we know he likes to play in the number 10 role we know also that he's played out wide at times for for Manchester City but has flexibility within that what do you think he or how do you think he's best used for for England it's just about rotation isn't it you see a goal today one from the left one from the right the the the difficult thing is obviously Jude Bellingham is playing sort of in a number 10 role at Real Madrid it's all about the rotation you don't have to stick so we've got Kevin De bruyne at Club level Jude balel it's ridiculous but they've got to find a way to get him in the team but not just in the team where he's isolated out on the wing where he can make these movements and whether it's a Stones jumping into Midfield to negate that that transition from from the opposing team these are all the things we need to be looking at now because we've been saying for so long well Phil forens wins all these stuff for Man City when he goes to England he's not the same player he's not the same player because he's not got the freedom to do exactly what he wants to do if he gets that freedom he'll produce like he showed today there's great competition with that England squad obviously Garrett's very lucky but foron has to be in a start in 11 and as brilliant as he was going forward to the the other bit of the game where I was looking at him he's running back he's getting back and doing a job for the team to me this kid's an an absolute team player and he has to be in that England team erling Harland was was a play had that terrible Miss in the in the first half and I was going to say it's I mean this this level of Miss is very unlike him but he is a player who has few touches who will have a a few you know arai shots yeah but it doesn't seem to bother him or indeed anyone else because you know the goal's coming that is that is a thing it doesn't seem to bother him he continues to make the runs he knows he's going to get the service but that is a bad it would have B Miss they didn't get the result of course it would have that would have been a big moment if United managed to hang in there but when they win the game and he scores himself as we see then you forget about the misses but United Amber back comes on again just couldn't get up just knew he going to get CAU where watching it you sense it he's never going to miss this chance again rodri another huge player for City the pressure they're squeezing up the pitch they love winning the two players getting into be there cool as Abed pep has that in this group of players brilliant finish he's never going to miss Po from United but that's Man City yeah and and again it's it's not about his involvement throughout the the whole of the game he hadn't touched the ball for 15 minutes before he scored that goal you know if you're if you're looking at the game purely from from t tactics you want your Striker to be more involved within the buildup play you want him to have more touches create more chances for his teammates but in this team honestly he doesn't have to because you've got de bruyne you've got Fen You Got B you got rodri who can play them passes it's more for his role is to keep the the line very high so he can draw the defender towards him that leaves the space for the others to get in in that little Corridor or in that little pocket of space and then he finds his movement rather a lot of his runs if you watch him he goes to the back post he he doesn't want to go to the ball he lets the players go to that and he will go to the back post and then he'll get his tapping and that's that's what he's needed for and it's always tapping for him all of his finisher generally one or two touch finishes because he's not getting involved he's not trying to link up with people he's thinking I am here and I'm sure pep telling the same and his teammates because he's got great quality around him you just got on the end of things no interest in the rest of the stuff and he managed to do that again today for for Manchester to city um let's go back to the the best moment of the game for for Manchester United which was Marcus rashford's goal it feels like it's been a a really critical period in his career and this can only help him of course it can of course cuz he's listen he's had critics the last few months and he's been defending himself and that's how you defend yourself we know he's got quality but there's a lot of people question his body language for a reason they don't obviously don't like what he see there was no dness quality and he's a Lo kid he's don't he's been a brilliant man united player but just recently had his games where he's off and he seems disinterested and people don't want to see that what they want to see stuff like this and we mentioned halftime he doesn't have to think Marcus is definitely the Instinct type of player running him behind the ball's L back to him again what a this an amazing strike not many players could strike the ball like that brilliant goal and but again I suppose you always want to see more of it from him and they've lost the game so that's that'll be just a small consolation but it was a brilliant St from United yeah 72 mph but it has to be to be that goalkeeper you know it has to have that accuracy and that speed yeah but it it's interesting to see the way that that he approached the game and and the way that he took that goal where he had very little time to to think about what he was going to do particularly after the interview that he gave this week defending himself defending those accusations of maybe not having the right body language maybe looking like he didn't care enough at times and he he sort of rebutted all of those those accusations and and said look sometimes there are other things going on in my life sometimes the performances aren't there but it's not because I don't care about it we've played with a lot of players and there's very few players that don't care you every time you go on the pitch you care about your performance the team performance you want the fans to to egg you on and be with you it's just sometimes from a fan point of view his body language doesn't look like he's always so you see with Phil folden and the way man city set up their aim is to get the ball back into or 3 second so it always looks like their body language is basically on the front foot with rashford sometimes he he's quite a relaxed sort of personality and that can be seen as he's being lazy of course he cares about he's been there since he was a Youngster in the interview he goes on about the offers that he he could have had he turned them down because he wanted to stay at Man United and I just feel sometimes it's very difficult to be in a team which is not doing very well and because he's a local lad a lot of the responsibility comes on him could he have done better this season performances wise of course but I think the point he was trying to get across was he loves the club he wants to be at the club and he just needs to perform at the level everyone expects but when a player comes out a little bit the bit I wouldn't be happy when he's talking about the sacrifices he made his family turned down money financially listen the kid's doing all right you know he's doing okay it's worked out well for everybody but when you're at a big club like man united obviously and there fans this is talk you know you speak to fans who go to game every single week home and away and a lot of them are saying the same thing so maybe marus also has to reflect and look back and go maybe there is some times where I'm not maybe closing people down and he's got other strengths in his game I I I get that and sometimes it's very easy to criticize a player but also because he's got high expectations from the last year or two where he scored lots of goals so there's an element of a compliment towards him but man united want to see more of it and there's nothing wrong with defending yourself but also if there's people close around you say well just maybe sometimes you do need to maybe do a bit more there's nothing wrong with that he's he's learning and as a top player there's always Improvement to to get better Gary Neville has joined us from the Gantry Gary Champions League still a possibility for for Manchester United as Eric tenh was saying yeah it is I I think last weekend fulham's more of a problem than the game today I think today was likely going to end in defeat I mean obviously they were winning for parts of the game but um Villa play Spurs I think next week so there's a chance obviously one of the teams or both will drop points so United can get close and I still think there's a long way way to go you know after the March International there's the running and I think that you know Viller and Spurs have still got to do a job so I think there's still hope for United there but they're they're inconsistent and the last last week's defeat against Fulham was a blow today I think most people would expect they would drop three points yeah even if they they' factored this one in how much more difficult is the is the job now it's going to be very difficult when you look at the whole season and the manager there spoke Dan hag spoke about their their moments and this team seems to be all about moments and when you probably invested that money the quality to have you still think you need a bit bit more than that it's well yeah it's fine sitting against Man City and and picking them off if you can which they did well today but it's the games we've looked over the last few months you just don't see that consistent performance we keep saying about man united they've been digging results digging results out eventually eventually that catches up from man united in terms of the bigger picture you need more that that was the best defensively from a discipline point of view and a compactness point of view of the whole team I've seen them actually probably in Eric tenh hard's whole period at United um I think in his perfect world they would be 20 30 yards further up the pitch playing as compact as that they were really at the edge of their box and I think the problem they had at the end of the game was or not the end of the game probably the last hour of the game they couldn't get out so the rashford and gacho have gone so deep and then obviously Bruno and momy were in those positions sort of at the front they couldn't then get back up the pitch because they didn't have the energy to and they didn't win the ball and sort of pop it about quickly enough but there's something there today that meant that at least he'd addressed the Carnage and gaps and Chaos that we've seen in Midfield over the last few months that that at least stopped today they were more controlled and I felt more disciplined it must have give you more confidence though going forward with that performance today it was more controlled and disciplined I think there's obviously then caused another problem they didn't couldn't get up the pitch but what I think Perfection would look like and what city and Liverpool are at the best is that shape that compactness 20 yards further up so that you're more competitive you can win the ball higher and you don't have to run then 80 yards to score a goal which is what was having to happen with rashford obviously and maacho being so deep you got some missing some key players though as well oh yeah the whole Shaw I'm very much enjoying you being sorry because he always he always talks about structure he always talks about balance I just want to no today I'm not some games after United I've thought what the hell is that at least today I saw that there was a plan and that there was a real sort of attention to detail of how they were going to defend so today I think is something that you can buy into a bit more in terms of how they look because sometimes in the last few weeks you think what are they doing where are they all they're all sort of that's where the stands have dropped that we're almost praising they've lost the reason you're at man united is to perform in big games and to compete against the Man City and Liverpool but now we're sitting here going I thought they' done all right better they got beaten 3-1 and the last half an hour they were just hanging in they couldn't get a kick yeah but they're playing against one of the best teams Premier Leagues ever produced they're decimated in the left side of the defense because Maguire and Martinez would play there and so would obious the Sha and molasa to lose your whole four best defenders on your left side it it and then losing Johnny Evans who's your fifth I mean that was probably just pushed them over the edge towards the end as well it was there was a lot to ask today if United with with the players they had out in the defensive positions it was a big big ask anyway playing City you talked about moments in the game Roy there was a moment where Garo felt he could have had a a penalty for a challenge by Edison what did you think you know I I just think it ends up being brilliant from the goalkeeper he has to get that right and I think he does I really think he does and again these are again really important part of the game and he just gets enough of in it and if he could have just G could have just got it obviously a touching it before you're thinking penalty but I end up I I think that is brilliant goalkeeping I agree with Roy that that but the goalkeeper is probably the only player on the pitch that can make that challenge and get away with it because now if your player goes in the Outfield positions they always get booked for the follow through or the sort of if you like the aggressive nature but the goalkeeper I think still has the ability and the allowance to do that and I think the right call was made yeah it's an interesting one isn't it because to to play Devil's Advocate because I think you're all sort of in agreement here you know you know that we of we often say just because you play the ball doesn't mean that it's it's not a foul on the follow through so why isn't it a foul on on the follow through here mik I just think that the timing was to Perfection and when you're going for a slide tackle like that you have to follow through somewhere and it just gets the ball and I believe it's just fair if if gacha would have took a little bit of a Nick on the ball we're basically saying yes but because he gets there he's going to go through with the follow through so I think it's a perfect brilliant tackle it really is ends up being a brilliant tackle he just gets the timing right and we talked about the importance of of this game for Eric tenh har because obviously it affects what Manchester United may be able to achieve this season and affects whether or not Manchester United could qualify for the the Champions League it's his 100th game in charge that's a 61% win ratio which I think is possibly higher than than people may expect given the negativity around the club at at times but they have faced 20 or more shots in a game it was 27 today 14 times they've been beaten by three or more goals seven times across a 100 games and there is always that that question at Manchester United of where has the money been spent why are we not seeing it on the pitch yeah you I mean we've obviously talked about this night and day it feels like but playing today we're just tired Kelly you're like the players second no I mean yeah stop talking about it when man united aren't playing then and answer it when they are there there's there's only sort of if you like look there's the pep and clop factors of these two unbelievable managers that just completely get the best out of their teams and there's an element of when they are still here that you feel like you can't compete against them you know I think to me I come back to the fact that you always think are we on the right Journey it are we in the going in the right direction um and it's that idea of can you see a style of play can you see a performance level that you think right okay there's something building last season I think was really good in the sense of winning a trophy getting into getting into the Champions League get to an FA Cup Final I think there were a lot of good things about last season in terms of setting a foundation for ericon I would have expected them this season not to win the league no one expected Manchester United to win the league but they didn't expect them to be in six so far off so I think that's the problem they've lost 11 games in the league the performance are inconsistent so it's that element of is this just because there's a bit of a sort of a you know that's what happens in your second season he just needs a third to get it right or actually are they just is this what they are and is this what he is that that's the challenge that I think inos and sort of Jim rackliff will have in terms of thinking where are we at in this journey are we going in the right direction is this part of what the sort of if you like future looks like that's why the summer us the next few months just for example they miss out in the Champions League and they don't win a trophy get to the fa C final whatever then you look back and you start thinking you know where are we going so that's why the next few months if he can get off the line and win the F cup and if he can get into the fifth and get in the Champions League then it looks different next few months are huge for him but even if that that does happen does it feel that broadly speaking Manchester United are on that Journey are they heading in the right direction under I'm not sure I'm not sure at the moment I again a huge question marks you know every week you see United the point is when you watch United you just don't know what you're going to get 11 defeats is nowhere near good enough but of course the manager still was it 100 gamees I always sit here and give say give the manager the benefit out but as I said come to Summer you can reflect and see where United are at so that's that's why the next few mons are huge for him uh all kinds of um focus for Manchester City this season looking in terms of that performance City haven't been criticized for their performances but there have been suggestions that they're not firing on all cylinders where does that performance sit do you think I think it was a very good performance in terms of what they want to do returning the the ball recycling it I think in the first half they didn't have the real sharp movement around the box but in the second half they it's so difficult to criticize City because you know at some stage within the game they're going to come back they're going to create a chance but I just think where he used to see him last season where everything was pretty much perfect this season dropped off maybe a fraction but it's only by their standards still great to watch and still doing all the right things still chasing Liverpool down for the league yeah well it's it's it's certainly looking that way it's going to within a point of of Liverpool they've got those big games coming up against Liverpool and against Arsenal and and these this is going to be a title defining few weeks isn't it it is and I I I genuinely think Liverpool and Arsenal have to think that they've got to beat Manchester City I think they have to think that way to to create this Monumental shift in belief that City have that they're going to win the league that this is their time of year that they're experienced they've won three on the bounds I always think when we lost titles whether it be Chelsea with ancelotti or Wilt to scoring at all Trafford on over M scoring Old Trafford the team that went on to win it came to Old Trafford and won they didn't just come to Old Trafford and draw and get a point I think they did okay they came and shocked us and I think that's what Liverpool and Arsenal are going to have to do to take the belief away from this Pep Guardiola team because it's they'll be thinking it's ominous at this moment in time Liverpool got the the point at the at he had Arsenal beat Manchester City at the Emirates so while Arsenal have still to come here to the the yeti had the next game for for City it's big title game is the game at anfield and that's pep guardiola's record there does that have any bearing do you think on on what happens next week well it's not clear but the rest of his record is pretty good and and obviously sometimes when you see records like that you think well well obviously that can be broken as well in terms of the percentage of getting results there and it's going to be very difficult because you look at Liverpool Liverpool obviously hanging in there in terms of grinding out results like to did yesterday and it's going to be very very difficult but pep and Man City are more than capable of going there and getting a result a result being maybe a draw even but yeah that record's not great and uh but not many teams have great records at anfield as much as as Gary says Arsenal and Liverpool have to go out and win those games if Manchester City win them both could we be done and dusted by the end of March well yeah probably but I don't think that will be the case I think a Fields a tough place to go I don't know what it is about the place when you go in there and the atmosphere and the fans for some reason they just got an aura around there and for some reason going there even going back to my time never one one at one at anfield and you see pep record one of the best in the business just one win in eight so it's going to be tough the only saving grace I would say for man city is that Liverpool are wounded with injuries at this moment in time depends who's going to be back fit for that game yeah and that's that could be a significant factor when they when they face each other and then of course it's it's Arsenal and they're going to have to come here to to the etti had and that with an Arsenal side who are in good form who do seem to have a you know a depth of squad now to to draw on players the ones who have been injured coming back from from injury could be an absolute crunch game yeah I mean I I said before the game Liverpool have got momentum and energy and the clock Factor on the way in I think Arsenal at this moment are the best performing team both defensively and they've now started to take the strid in attack and City have got the most experience they've all three got something but this is where we're going to find out about all three of them can City do it again can they get over the line again can Arsenal do what they didn't did you know last year obviously they they completely fell away with 10 games to go this is that moment again I always wanted to see Arsenal in the same sort of position again with City coming here to see how far they've developed I think they have developed they've obviously got CBA they've got rice they're better than they were last year they've got more power I can't wait for these next couple of games because we find out really what these teams are about and Manchester City that's the barometer that's what they've all got to try and knock off the perch and that's why I say you've got to come and beat them you can't just say well the city might drop points at that ground and at that ground if you're not going un beat them yourself you have to beat them if you're Liverpool and Arsenal and from City's point of view the top seven the current top seven are their opponents over their next eight games they've also got the games against Copenhagen admittedly in the in the Champions League they've got the FA Cup quarterfinal coming up against Newcastle it's all set for for Manchester City between now and and what mid April I I I think the fact that they're even challenging on all fronts this season after winning a treble last season is is a credit to them but the games do come thick and fast now and you know you don't want to lose a key player in this moment I think if everyone's fit I think it's always that timing of the Run isn't it they always start a little bit slow and then it's this time the key part of the Season where they seem to uh perform the best so it's going to be exciting for sure and a little bit of luck sorry thron in there they got a home draw against Newcastle and obviously they've had a really good result in the first leg of Europe so all looks fine from that point of view
Channel: Sky Sports Premier League
Views: 268,469
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Keywords: sky sports, premier league, football, Sky Sports live, Sky, Sports, sky sports football, premier league highlights, epl other 1920, manchester united, manchester city, man united, man city, man united vs man city, man city vs man united, man utd, manchester derby, erling haaland, phil foden, kevin de bruyne, foden vs united, rashford vs city, marcus rashford, bruno fernandes, andre onana, alejandro garnacho, haaland vs united, gary neville, micah richards, roy keane
Id: lBB66iGGHhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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