Managing Risk and Reputation in a Complex World

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On any given day, a substantial proportion of the business news is about strategy beyond markets. That makes it timely, topical, interesting, and engaging. [MUSIC] >> This program is about interactions with the public, it's about interactions with government's, it's about interactions with legal and regulatory authorities, all of which can have a profound effect on a firm's profitability in the marketplace. >> It's evidence-based, deep structural thinking that literally does not exist anywhere else, at any other school. That's what's really exciting about it. >> The program is intended to equip today's leaders and tomorrow's future leaders with tools that they can implement on the day they return to their organization. >> New ideas, new tools, different ways of thinking, and maybe employing new tactics, broader strategies in the non-market-oriented realm. But more importantly than that, I'm developing a confidence around the importance of these sorts of things. >> You can't sort a come up with your business plan and then come up with your plan for dealing with governments and the public. You need to think of those two things at the same time. >> It just creates a broadening of our traditional points of view that we otherwise wouldn't have had. >> How an organization handles a crisis can have short-term and long-term impact on an organization's reputation and ability to participate in the marketplace. >> And if you can do a better job dealing with those things than your competitors do, that's really a powerful foundation for success in the marketplace. >> I feel more prepared and effective as I return to Google to advance policy issues on the ground, as I know what to say, when to say, and how to say it. >> Imagine you're a deep sea diver diving in the dark and someone comes along and offers you an oxygen tank, a flashlight, and a grid map of the bottom of the ocean. You liked diving, but now you have an extraordinary opportunity to think about the world, and understand where you are and what your choices are, in a very different way. >> Participants in the program will walk away with a set of concrete tools for how to interact and how to start strategically understand what's going on with interest groups, with activists, with governments, and with the courts and regulatory authorities. Ways of conceptualizing what those other folks are doing, and how to deal with them strategically. [MUSIC]
Channel: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Views: 3,483
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Keywords: stanford, stanford gsb, stanford graduate school of business, mba
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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