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Channel: Steve Cutts
Views: 50,531,011
Rating: 4.6623621 out of 5
Keywords: Steve cutts, man, in the fall, flash, after effects, stop motion, hand drawn, nature, environment, world, Adobe After Effects (Software), Earth (Planet), Adobe Flash (Software), Man by Steve Cutts, Steve Cutts Man, Man animation Steve Cutts, Animation, Motion, cartoon
Id: WfGMYdalClU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Happy Earth Day!
For a holistic approach to reducing your consumption, waste, and overall environmental impact, you should check out /r/ZeroWaste!
You can also check out the wiki for a more comprehensive guide as well.
This is so disturbingly accurate
Im not an enviormentalist, i just think consumerism is bad for our socities hapiness and self confidence.
I feel like this animation is an extremely one sided guilt trip and disregards the fact that all of this isn't "Mans" doing, it's like 0.000001% of us from the beginning till now. Humankind is just as much a victim of bourgeoisie exploitation as our fellow animals.