The Man Whose Skin Fell Off (BAFTA-AWARD-WINNING DOCUMENTARY) - Real Stories |
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 990,436
Rating: 4.8656511 out of 5
Keywords: alex lewis, skin condition, extraordinary people, medical documentary, Full length Documentaries, BBC Three, ITV, Documentaries, Amazing Stories, Documentary Movies - Topic, BBC Three documentary, BBC, TV Shows - Topic, timeline, tlc, Amazing Documentaries, Documentary, medical, Channel 5, Channel 4, transgender documentary, Full Documentary, PBS, doctors, medicine, Real Stories, Sky, only human, Topic, Extraordinary people, Movies, BBC 3, documentary, PBS doctors
Id: OUWqyQYkZrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 3sec (2883 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wasn't sure until ".... any knocks or severe friction, such as constant wanking, the skin falls off."
Blocked in UK Mirror: The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off (2004) You will both laugh and cry within an hour. 48min - 173747 views
Latest Change: Safari 11.X.X fix.
lol wut a fockin character
I've already seen it, what a cool bloke.
What a genuinely lovely man. His whole family radiated warmth. I'm sure he's very missed but I'm glad he's free from his pain.
I enjoyed the part where he made his own word up to the church hymns ...”I have always been a crap singer & Ive enjoyed the harvest festival”! That and the wanking part! OP was right!