Man spots odd silver jeep at Walmart for weeks, decides to approach driver

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[Music] this man spots odd silver jeep at Walmart for weeks decides to approach driver but before we start please make sure to subscribe to did you know and hit the bell so you never miss an upload from us also leave a like right now the car was sitting in front of the shop again like it knew his routine but it was so big and peculiar that stood out like a sore thumb to him easing into a parking bay he decided in a split second to walk straight up to the vehicle and have a look at who the occupants were he tapped on the window and waited for someone to open the door he loved three things his family dogs and cars so when Jake Holloway noticed a particular silver Jeep frequenting his local Walmart and Target in Altoona Iowa he immediately took notice the car was always parked at one shop or the other and it made Jake a little nervous that it never seemed to go very far every time he saw it the same thoughts went through his mind who drives it what are they always doing here and of course nice ride as soon as he was inside the store he forgot he even saw it until the next time he found himself out shopping again was he the only person seeing this it would take Jake weeks before the curiosity was strong enough to find the answers to his questions and in the end he would need one final push over the edge which compelled him to actually go near the silver Jeep it happened to be a sticker stuck on the back bumper of the car that finally made him take the plunge it was a day like any other except at this time the Jeep was very close to where Jake parked that's how he saw what he did proudly there for the world to see and I served in Iraq decal sticker Jake couldn't take it anymore he had to know what the story was behind this Jeep and hanging out at Walmart he parked the car before he could talk himself out of it he quickly got out of his Toyota slamming the door shut behind him he walked this short distance to the Jeep and stopped outside sunlight reflecting off the window made it hard to see if anyone was inside at all so lifting his hand he knocked firmly on the window and stepped back the driver's door was pushed open and there was presumably the owner looking back at Jake to get the conversation going Jake opened with some Car Talk complimenting the owner on his ride and introducing himself he soon learned there was more to the silver Jeep than he ever thought possible the man's name was Nick and Nick had a story to share just as Jake suspected he was a veteran returned from the war effort but what he wasn't expecting was the tale that followed Nick had just returned from his fourth and final tour to find out that his wife was leaving him and it got worse he had nowhere to stay and no money left so he did the only thing he could he went to look for a job slept in his car and tried to get enough food to feed his boxer he had been sleeping in his Jeep for some time when Jake finally decided to have this chat Jake couldn't just leave Nick like this so he decided to do something about it after saying their farewells Jake went home and immediately jumped on Facebook he wanted to share not only the experience of meeting a veteran but also Nick's plight I see a lot of people out there posting about wanting to help people for the holidays here's my request I don't know this guy from Adam and I don't know his whole story there's been a silver Jeep Wrangler in the Walmart and Target parking lot in Altoona for the last few weeks it moves from time to time back and forth noticed an I served Iraq sticker in the back window today and I finally got the nerve to stop told him I liked his Jeep he liked my Toyota Jake social media message began and after I asked him if he was alright he told me his name was Nick and after he'd gotten back from overseas his wife left him and left him with his Jeep and his he's got no money and broke his a joke told me he just got a job at the d-o-t Department of Transportation but hasn't been paid yet said he started selling things off the Jeep to have any money at all Jake continued writing stating things just as they were showing the sheer helplessness of the old veteran situation it broke my heart if you want to do something for someone out of pure selflessness please Jake said imploring others to help if you see him out of the kindness of your heart do something nice for him or his best friend the boxer dog a few bucks a gift some dog food that's my request makes me sick to see a soldier on the street Jake's post soon made its way to almost everyone in Altoona and hearing about Nick's tragic situation a small army of people were lining up to do what they could for him it seemed the story touched everyone's heart and the community responded in a huge way within just a few short hours things started happening people were showing up at Nick's Jeep to offer what they could money gift cards and even dog food for his loyal boxer dog the biggest gift was a weeks-long fully paid stay at a hotel for Nick and his dog Nick now has a warm place to rest and his best friend is taken care of you
Channel: Did You Know ?
Views: 945,038
Rating: 4.8493533 out of 5
Keywords: Did You Know, Man, spots, odd, silver, jeep, at, Walmart, for, weeks, decides, to, approach, driver, precious metals, did you know gaming, wrangler, bullion, jeep wrangler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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