Man sets to END homelessness by building HOMES with recycling Plastic waste.....

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[Music] [Music] i am here at nelson wating's house this is not just an ordinary house it's a house that was built with plastics yes plastics within 72 days he built this house now this is my third interview with him the first time i interviewed him he was using plastics to build pavements and now he has done this guys i am super excited you know we're always talking about affordable housing and this was just under 10 000 follow me [Music] hey nelson i'm good it's been a long time it has been a long time it's been what how many years since we did the first interview i think two years now i think yeah two years ago and then we did another one online online when you started building this and now this is it this is a whole show this is the whole show so this is all plastics plastic thirteen thousand forty kilos of plastics for the building and the floor is five thousand two hundred first of all what made you go into building a house with plastics because i know you for doing the pavements what came out with that innovation i've been seeing uh singing my desk on the street sleeping in front of shops i know what my mom went through so i have that feeling for them so i have to think ahead that what can i do again with the plastic or what i was already doing that's the paving vlog so you're you're killing so many birds with one stone i want to do that for ghana first of all your job creation second of all we know that ghana is full of plastics so you're clearing up the plastics yes and then what's the third one schools under trees and house housing deficit you want to reduce that by using the problem that we have in the city that's the plastic to solve the problem of schools understanding how how much plastic do we use in in a crutch you know uh in a crowd i think guys generating around one million plus wow tons of plastic annually and only five percent is ever recycled i'm super proud of you nelson for you know all of the good work that you're doing and that's why you won a goober award obviously an emmy awards and all of these and i wanted more the goodbye because now we've improved never plus so you have to give me a new one you have but when you started out you know doing this and your you know innovation your passion for this did you get enough support are you getting the support that you need the support that we are getting is not enough to move us to the next level where i really want to reach okay even though we have little support from the un mesty sdf gcic and the seed yeah they are not really enough for me to move where i really want to move where do you need to move to what what needs to be done for you to move to that level where you know people can call you i'm sure you're getting enough calls how many calls are you getting a day for housing needs since you know this was outdoored everybody knew about you know that you built a house using plastics how has the calls been over 500 calls a day and i have to let my house take even help me answer some of the calls because now i can do the even the real work i'm doing basically i gave my main line to the republican now my goodness it's a problem for me so you we spoke about the upscaling what do you need in order for you to upscale so that you'll be able to meet those 500 calls that are coming in we are not really actually it's in two forms either we have contract from the government nelson build thousand houses okay we pay 50 it will change the company totally we can be able to accommodate other orders coming in or this is a soft loan maybe with small interest or no interest for neoplastic grow big people really need place to sleep with this i was surprised the calls coming in people need even single room house and it costs less than 10 thousand dollars and you built it in 72 days like i thought when you're building a house it takes longer than that how are you able to do in 72 days okay so they are we don't use motor or cement delaying them they just interlock with each other with a male and female ends okay that's it's just like like like a lego bricks okay that we fixed so just fixing it and this house we built it ourselves we didn't call any mess you know to help us we built it with school children anybody passing around they are interested to see what we are doing they will come hey come let's arrange that's why you see some of the bricks not really straight okay yeah cause you've got the community to help you to help me so you don't really need to spend much in building this wow yeah and in terms of people be like oh my god i'm living in a plastics house in terms of environmental issue in terms of health issues is that is that good for my health to be staying in the house that's built with plastics okay so uh it took me i did this about seven times to get it right now our brakes is not solid we have a groove or hole in between the brake that doesn't allow the heat from outside to get in and also maintain the temperature of the room even with that it saves your electricity cost why am i saying that your aircon or let's say aircon would not be starting off in because it it has the ability to keep the room temperature stable okay yeah so what about is there any emissions did you have to do some testing for the bricks so that because it's plastics right and we know that plastics there's health issues that comes with that is it safe okay so we've started the testing process with gsa ghana standard authority and when you look at the brakes how it has been designed there is no emission in in why because of the hole that we have in between the brake the room or the walls in is always cool and even we we use pop cement to do the finishing that also prevent heat from coming to the room so there's no heat in the room even if you tie the wall in it's very cold okay yeah and what about fire because that would be another thing that somebody would be worried about because it's plastic so in terms of fire if there was a fire to break out in this house right now how would it look like what would happen okay so the bricks is not made up of 100 plastics okay that people are thinking it's made up of only 30 percent plastic the rest is sun and the sun serves as fire retardant to the product let's give example if if a car catches fire right now the first thing that will come in mine is let's get sun to quench it off fire okay the sun you need to serve as a fire retardant to the product so if this house in case you bend it will bend just like your concrete building okay that is how the block is designed okay and i see that on the on this side you're building a concrete um place why are you building a concrete place what's the idea behind that i mean i know how we we always behave we want to see if you come here and all the places plastics and i want to explain something to be very difficult now once i have the concrete combined with this when you come here i will tell you okay look at this i built this house this date this one this date which one am i doing more maintenance on which one is cracking this building can never crack this building can bet with the concrete one you always have to do yearly maintenance yeah but this you choose to paint or leave it like that wow and with something like this can you paint it can i paint it a different color you know are you able to do that i'm able to do that i just left this out for people to believe that it's plastics okay when you go in they're all painted okay i can do the same what i did in out what did they say and plastics can last up to what 200 years 500 years before it is it to even start decaying 500 by then you and i i you know what guys seeing is believing yeah should we go inside and see what nelson barton has done to this house in 72 days wow so this is plastics 13 400 kilos of plastic waste from agates and veggies you are kidding me it's true it's true this is a proper home and the decoration who did that who did all this i did everything myself so your interior design not really not really you know i really want to do things that uh the ordinary gunner can afford that is why i try to do things not to bring in more cost so obviously the the ten thousand dollars is not inclusive of the decoration no no so if you were to add the decoration totally how much would that cost about 75 to 80 000 ghana cities so about thousand fifteen fifteen thousand dollars yeah and in terms of the house how many levels can you do for now we can go to two levels okay why is that because of the moves that we have our carnivals are made in saturday that they can carry two okay all right yeah so obviously this is a prototype prototype that's right it's just one bedroom big hall kitchen combined okay so it's one bedroom can we go and have a look yes we can go this is a small kitchen unit guys this is you have everything everything in there your gas cooker your safe and you can have some beer was watching football if you want to stand here watch tv no this is this is great okay let's have a look so this is the bedroom okay it's 14 by 14 feet square and we have the washroom washroom in here as well yes and they've been sticking the tile to the wall it's a different technology altogether really i have to try this more than 10 times but now i got it solid wow you know this what you're doing is not just um about ghana but it's about africa we've got a huge issue when it comes to plastics and waste management and stuff so i think that there's a bigger picture for you nelson very big i can't see that there's a bigger picture because as much as yes you're going to start off here um but you do have to look at you know other african countries and how you can solve so many issues for them um but i know that in the beginning where it all started was you were working for a chinese company company and they wanted to sell and you got your percentage and that's how the dream started well god knows what i can do for my country so i i gotta even though we are about 10 people looking for buyers i got the opportunity to be the one to sell it i got my percentage not even one dollar i build my factory what would you tell people about perseverance because i think that's a word that goes along with your journey being able to be you know perseverance has been something that i think that is part of your journey what i can say today you that when you need something and you know what i really want will help humanity don't even think of uh if this will kill me you have to do it because if it's for humanity i believe heaven will be on your side and you achieve your dream wow that's amazing and let's talk about your educational background in terms of what you studied is this something that you you've studied how has your educational background been oh i was not able to go to the school i really want you know i went to government school at the age of 13 i have to start working in the factory i go to school i close i go to work like that i was given the opportunity because the chinese was so much in love with me i don't know why and fortunately for me i was posted to the recycling department that is where the whole thing started and why is it at the age of 13 you started working in terms of background why is it a 13 year old boy was going out to work oh we are you know my we are about eight we have about eight and uh i don't want my mother or dad to get too much stress taking care of us and this passion has been in me it's my grandmother raised me he said you have to do everything by yourself so that has gotten into me until now i don't have to wait for my parents no i have to help them before i will go to the senior high school i have to get some money so that i can pay that i can help them pay the admission fee buy books dress for myself wow yeah and were your other siblings doing that or was it something that nelson was doing well that's they are also very serious i have imaginable still working with me we all applied for them to be in the military unfortunately looking at our structure we're shocked at why we have good structure what do you want again we're all rejected but god knows why now we are all working and i i i like what you've just said sometimes you know you have you think you want to do a certain thing but god puts you in a place but in a different journey um and how has the support been from the community when you first said you know i'm going to build a plastics house what was the reaction of people people came in to help but i know what they are saying but like i said i'm somebody i don't if i want this once it will benefit humanity i don't care what you say i will do it i know the forces in heaven they will be on my side they were saying this guy is he crazy how can you use blah blah to build the house that is i think that is the reason why they came in to help me build it wow so this house not one person the whole community school children they come they want to fix it like legos you know they are playing like they are playing people their house so building a house those people that cannot afford the hundred thousand house that can afford this house but obviously it's still ten thousand for somebody that's selling something on the street is still quite relatively high is their payment plan that somebody could say you know per month i'll give you 5 000 ghana city and you can do that for them because maybe gathering the whole 10 000 may be quite expensive for them is there that option uh looking at my capacity now even though i have plans which i can disclose some of them unto you we in future not only the money aspect will be seeking for we can have a plan for those that doesn't have at all yeah bring plastics you quantify it to the pride of the building we'll give you a house wow that is our future plan because uh neoplast want to see every ordinary ghanaian of his own house living in wow and we also have the payment tents you can make some deposit we start for you when you have the money we'll come and continue for you whilst we take care of others all this will help will come to pass if at least we have not the government giving us money per se nelson take this money a contract yeah give me nelsonville thousand houses if you are if the government is able to pay even 50 to us it will change everything others will benefit so many benefits the jobs creation the plastics we need to take from the environment because looking at this me i call it small hour it's thirteen thousand four hundred kilos of plastic waste you you can imagine times my goodness now we will be fighting over plastic like yeah how to even get those ships to use because now even the rich will never leave his metal outside he will put it in his boot and sell it the money is fun that what you call waste you can sell it and get money that is what neoplasts want to take plastic too and you know you've been you've been helping the community for a while because you started off doing the plastics like i said the pavement sorry um and with that i know that people supply you with the plastics and you pay them on a daily basis how many plastics were you getting daily my collectors are over 300. you have 300 collectors over 300 that you're paying wow depending on the plastic they're bringing yeah the kilos they have the capacity to take about 20 000 kilos of plastic waste from the environment but the problem is neoplast we can only recycle 3000 kilos the rest have to turn them back because they also need the money they've suffered walking in the sun you can't tell them go and come back next week so sometimes we have to even stop them for three months don't bring plastics because the area i mean i'm operating is just one acre of land and if the plastic takes more space than even them the real machine will be working with wow yeah so for now plus to grow apart from the investment in terms of like how much land would you actually need and how much workers what is your vision for neoplast we need about 40 thousand uh 40 acres of land to operate wow the plastic waste alone will take about 60 percent of the of the space we were seeking for two million dollars to start with because we realized putting in big money people try to go some from it we bring it to two million we're still having difficulties like i said we don't really need uh now with my board we've decided we don't really need money now nelson take this money do this give us contract give us nelson build thousand homes you will pay fifty percent first as you move on we'll be paying yes that will change the company that will change the company totally from the state wow and how does your family feel about i know your wife your beautiful kids how how are they seeing daddy how's your wife what is she saying uh i really put them into stress you know because i'm the type if i get money instead of letting them enjoy how easy to do research and my wife will always be complaining and i understand it know that she's a burden i understand it because you can't get money the president gave me ten thousand dollars to actually buy some equipment who did the president yeah i have they i don't know what they can have oh okay yeah i use that money to upgrade myself instead of saying oh family take two thousand thousand i used everything because you're passionate about if i want to achieve something i don't care once i know it will help me manage i don't care what they come away but now they are happy last time she was here seeing the ambassador of denmark sitting right in front of me eating in my plastic house so since then she now she has agreed to my dream really that's amazing i mean the government has uh given you some money how has you know other missions and stuff that you're coming i've seen denmark did something for you what did they exactly do for you so they took us to training on how to work with the plastic extrusion machine and that really helped me and my workers now we've improved from the last time you you were here that's why you're seeing these beautiful cows yeah it really improved wow mesti professor from born washington has been so amazing to what he didn't give me first come on but he taught me nelson you can build your own machine no need for me to give you money to go and buy his assistant oliver mr oliver watching also the same nelson i have not we are not giving you any money go and find a way to do this and that has built me up now i bought my own machine this brings us in not we didn't import anything from china or whatever i build it myself i know because the the machines that your place you do the plastic pavements with it right so you did this everything everything myself no machine from china no i built everything here myself so what what does that tell you about africa and the opportunity and the things that we can do for ourselves we have the opportunity that we don't believe in ourselves when i was building this house like like i finished whenever i finished setting up the place i can't hear from ourselves china people are doing well i say what i was laughing what china so i i came i called him come i built this house myself the bricks i i mow them myself nothing from china but it also tells me that ghanaians are now believing what we can do because if you are thinking this breaks from outside ghana outside africa illinois it's africa ghana neoplast we did it wow yeah so they were actually saying china yes why because they don't believe that they don't believe they don't believe it they don't believe it i did everything high five let's sit in the water hey watch some tv tv ah so nelson from the roof to the ground bees to the ground 13 400 kilos of plastic waste mainly from the gates that is why you're seeing the outside very dark it's from the garter and the beaches yeah wow i mean i am wondering what next because nelson every time that we have an interview you surprised me with something else what is next for nelson we want to take out their roof we are not into they start any business as existing business what we want to do is to help the ordinary canyon that is what neoplus is in so we we are not in to compete today real estate uh owners who are selling in dallas because definitely the online cannot afford that yeah even me at my state now i cannot afford that so this is for the ordinary ghanian and also to clean the environment that is why we are doing all this a bowler house that just looks like a normal house even stronger even stronger and stronger so it's stronger than using cement this will never crack because the walls are not so rigid like the concrete one if there's shakes in the head it will just expand he said contract when the it becomes stable so my next move is to tackle the the roofing sheet which cost me a lot i spent about 17 000 in putting up the roofing so if it's plastics the price down now the other night and in between 500 to 1000 and also own a house that is what i want to achieve not to compete i'm not into competing any real estate developing i want to help the very low income ghanaian because i know where i come from yeah you know where you've been yes and you know what you've seen yes and i would and and and i can't go back i have to move forward i can't go back i have to help guys this has been a very inspirational um interview and i hope that you've been inspired because nelson started working at the age of 13. he did not give up he had his passion he knew where he was going and so listen if you have passion and you believe in what you are doing continue with it because you know what something big may happen i hope that you've enjoyed the dental show tonight and i'll see you next time
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Keywords: recycle plastic, recycling plastic bottles, recycling business ideas, recycling clothes, recycling, plastic, diy, recycling business, best business ideas, recycling ideas, build homes, with, homelessness, Plastic waste, waste recycling business, do it yourself, plastic bottle garden, environment, DENTAA SHOW, dentaa amoateng, dentaa, odana network, plastic recycling, recycling plastic, recycling business opportunities, plastic pollution, life hacks, recycle plastic bottles
Id: 5pcXP37XayY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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