Man Of No Ego - Blinkers Removed (432hz album)
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Channel: Man Of No Ego
Views: 3,474,117
Rating: 4.9297299 out of 5
Keywords: Man Of No Ego, Blinkers Removed, Web Of Life, K-Pax, 432hz, 432hz music, Alan Watts, Osho, Psychill, Psyambient, New Age, 432hz album, Osho Music, Music Osho, Alan Watts Music, Music Alan Watts, Psychedelic, Downtempo, Man of No Ego eBook, Space Ambient, Meditation, Yoga, Yoga Music, Sleep Music, Spiritual, Ambient, Chillout, Man of No Ego Live, Ambient Music, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Psybient, Suduaya, Solar Fields, Asura
Id: GRe3GUaw1iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2015
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how did it change your life ?
This album is also nice:
and this:
This youtube psychedelic music channel is very nice, lots of good stuff, check it out:
edit: little bonus song + epic video:
I got chills in the first few second, brought me right back to my trip last weekend lol
Dig the tunes but can we all agree that 432 Hz isn't a magic tuning with healing powers? Because it simply isn't.
Holy shit I watched this 2 days ago! Yeah pretty amazing.
as much as I loved existing without ego, those that I loved thought something was wrong with me, I associated as a table because words are labels and interchangable but there is a certain bliss when you find yourself again after being in the oceans of infinity for too long
432Hz conspiracy! Google it!
For those who enjoy this genre of music, it's called psybient and we have a cool sub for it at /r/psybient :) !
Is sitting through a whole hour long video fun? Or like a movie?