Man of Conflict (1953) EDWARD ARNOLD

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome home ray hi your office is waiting for you boy fine did you hear that i moved evans down the hall and fix this office up for you take a look at that [Music] i ordered that changed [Music] the sign you heard what the attorney said it might take several months i only heard what j.r ordered what were my orders i tried j.r but your attorney said it was a legal matter it takes quite a bit of doing to change the name of a corporation jr you know that do you know you ruined my son's homecoming but j.r you just can't make that bigger change with only two days notice i talked to your attorneys i was trying to protect you they said that i'd get out of here dad do you know how long i've been waiting for this day to come to bring my son home from college and show what i worked so hard for all my life to show the world that's captain and son but j.r your attorney's just still working on it if he is not of this plant within 10 minutes have the factory police throw him out well he got his degree all right magna [ __ ] laude this smart boy another vernier smart boy congratulations ray we're all proud of you come along son mr compton well here's your office son i want you close to him so as the years go by you'll know enough about this business take over lock stock and barrel nice office dad uh you're not really going to fire mr cornwell are you well of course i am but hasn't he been with you a long time hmm apparently not long enough to know that when i give an order it's an order look dad he didn't spoil my homecoming i appreciate you wanting to put my name in the firm my son there is no room for softness in the compton world but with taxes on your competitors trying to cut your throat of every opportunity and agitators and comments trying to get into your factory throttle got to be hard gotta be as hard as the steel and this sword [Music] you know i think the best way for you to be getting an idea of the empire that you're going to be president of is to study our catalog find out what every factory is making evans come in that seems like a destructive way to make a point the important thing is i made it no halfway measures in anything remember that my boy your old man is a big man because he never did anything halfway evans i'm assigning ray to you i want you to answer all his questions tell him everything he wants to know because you know in a year or so he's going to be your boss in mind [Music] all right miss ghana there's counting six we make nothing but mental office equipment their desks chairs filing cabinets lockers safes and so on all right miss garnett will you draw the curtains please i'll tell you what we'll do we'll wind up our trip in st louis at the opening of plant number seven and uh miss ghana will you please send those teletypes out today to all the plant managers and tell them that i want my son to read all the key personnel at each establishment yes mr camp well my boy you're really going to see a dream come true at number seven within a couple of years we're going to manufacture our own automobiles yes uh the compton special now what do you think of the trip now well it sounds all right but it seems to me that the only way for me to get the feel of the business is to work at it just but you're working at it now it takes time no dad i mean really work in the mill in the machine shop i want to know how and what we make not just how much profit we show i'm as anxious to learn about the firm as you are to have me learn but one of the things i've been doing studying catalogs efficiency layouts payroll reports even this trip i can't learn anything that way and i can't learn what i want to know listening to evans or or going around with you shaking hands with your plant managers in the various cities do you mean that you really want to learn to be a machinist and you would start you want to start at a machine shop like your old man did i don't see any other way dad and here people have been telling me how i've been spoiling you all these years yeah you're a chip off the old block you're my son yes you are come here i don't know whether you've ever seen this but it might interest you that's where i started you don't have to do it the hard way like your old man did but i'm glad you want to do it you start the machine shop on monday bring compton apprentice no favors no special treat i've got to do it on my own right and will you uh let me help you buy the tools because the machinist must finish his own you know well uh as your future boss i give you permission to knock offer you go shopping with i had no idea a machinist laid out this kind of money for two these things are expensive because of course you can't measure a thousandth of an inch you know with a dime store rule well tell me how do you like it you put up over 300 houses last year making you total a little over a thousand man only for compton employees of course when you get into the machine shop you have to hear what a terrible monster i am people are funny do nice things for them give them nice houses to live in reasonable rent and all of a sudden they hate you human nature i guess every single place it's amazing no it's nothing to it if you put up 300 little crack all you got to do is move in a good crew no i i don't mean that each house all they grow is petunias why because i like petunias i keep a dozen gobblers working on those places year round keep them in order you know the uh uh the the double ruffle petunia is a very attractive flower but i like the nice old-fashioned one the single one you know the color is more distinctive you mean they can't grow any other kind of a rose bush some other flower of course not they're my houses and my gardens aren't they yes but look son i pay my help good wages i give them nice places to live in and if any man doesn't like the way i run my business or the town well it's a free country he can go someplace else but as long as he's working for me and he lives in the town that i build and own he's got to do it my way or our way that's why i'm counting on you to keep things the way they are when you take over someday have you heard from betty coughlin since you've been back well she won't be back from europe for at least nine months maybe a year do you think yeah you two will ever get together i hadn't thought much about it hmm i think about it if i was you looked at i like betty maybe it's more than just like but don't turn her into a petunia huh [Music] well mr compton i i guess you're all ready to go to work huh yes sir i'd appreciate it if you didn't call me mr compton just treat me like any other fella starting out to work here anything you say uh ray well uh apprentices don't generally get anything with the dirty work to do but in your case i'm not afraid of dirt well uh mr evans said that you'd like to learn something about the machine tools lays ear cutters and whatnot yes sir let's see i know i'll start you out with ed jinx he's one of our top men come on jinx shut off the lathe i just put on a new apprentice turn him over to you teach him how to run a lathe uh ray this is ed jinx how do you do mr jenks hello ray don't forget what i told you i'm holding you responsible in case he gets hurt well i certainly anxious to learn all i can what do you got in there oh my two i hope i got the right somebody dying leave you a fortune wait no i i saved up look this is a lathe a turning tool it's practically the granddaddy of all machine tools all of the others are more or less like them milling machines drillers borrowers gear cutters planers shapers they they're practically all alike and that delays they couldn't have been invented you know how to read a blueprint i think so well put your tools on the bench and hand me that fancy micrometer of yours how much longer do you intend to stay in the machine shop you've been there six months now i had junk since i'm learning fast that i may get over being an apprentice in three or four years three or four years well you yourself said it takes a long time to become a full-fledged machinist which i know but [Music] uh know something yet with all those machines in there and all you guys that know how to run them it still isn't a very efficient factory is it huh boy you lost me no what i mean is do you ever get a feeling of accomplishment out of what you're doing like i'm getting on me i don't know i get a lift out of the fact that you've learned something that i taught you to do but how do you feel about what you make nothing much anymore none of us work for anything but the checks now that's the way it seems to me too even after working here almost a year men perform what to me seem like minor miracles of precision and they don't seem to get any kick out of it at all the only kick that anybody gets out of working for compton is in the seat of the pants [Music] you know and i can't get over how that gear cutter operates must have taken forever to make a gear before that machine was invented yeah things are a lot easier now than they were 30 years ago a good night ray see you tomorrow good night well i didn't believe it when daddy told me you were actually working now i have to j.r compton son in overalls and i left the perfectly beautiful clean young man in rome to hurry back to this what's the idea joke or are you slumming let's get out of here hey say do you know who's been your partner for the past year no all men compliment son oh no a good night boys good night [Music] probably seems kind of silly to you it kind of does even to my father but well it it's important to me to learn more about the business and just how much profit it shows really darling you don't have to explain to me you just never struck me as the type to get grease on your hands that's all what's the matter with that what's so terrible about it look it's my first night home i don't want to argue with [Applause] you i don't want to argue either but well the way you make make it sound if somebody works with our hands and gets a little dirty doing it he's something out of a sewer i didn't say that well it sounded that way [Music] i was just a little surprised that's all after all darling i remember when you wouldn't even change a tire on a car you had to call a motor club to keep from getting yourself dirty i come home and find you wallowing in it you know i've learned more in that machine shop in one year than i've learned all the rest of my life put together betty you should meet that jenks he can run a lathe with his eyes closed a what a lathe it's it's a turning tool see the legs on that chair they can be duplicated on the lathe i don't think they were made that way though you used to be more interested than my legs and those on a chair i still am did you get lots of whistles in europe i don't answer to anybody's whistle but yours you're spoiled spoil me some more let's get in the car and drive somewhere not tonight honey it's it's too late late it isn't even midnight but you forget i'm a working man now have to be on the job at eight o'clock eight o'clock in the morning you'd be surprised how many people get up that early even earlier lots of them how long are you going to keep up this stupid masquerade it's not stupid and it's no masquerade and i'm going to keep at it until i learn what i feel i have to learn well i'm not the type to play second fiddle to a machine don't bother to drive me home i can find better company on the car radio dad what have we got lined up today what do you want me to do ed suit yourself mr compton it's your factory i've been working in the shop to try and learn the business too try and find out how a machinist feels to understand your problems you couldn't have any of my problems so it's a big waste of time for you to learn them well we've been getting along all right haven't we yeah men generally get along all right till i find out that one of them has been living a [Music] if lie don't know who i was to start with you you wouldn't have had anything to do with me look yet i'd like to be friends again like we used to you better put on your goggles mr compton this is liable to throw some chips what right have you got to be so superior that you can't even be civil to me just because i'm the son of the man who owns this practice i told you to put on your goggles here let me see you better get the first aid come on [Music] he's lucky the metal didn't strike the eye just a superficial cut in the lid no serious damage well it's a good thing if he had been blinded i would evans come in here okay that's all about him yes mr clemson put a fresh vantage on tonight and it'll be fine tomorrow thanks doctor evans did you take care of the shop all done j.r jenks has been paid off and is on his way will doc preston a day is pray to teach him a lesson too you told him we were holding them strictly responsible yes but after all he wasn't at the machine wait a minute do you mean that jenks has been fired because of this naturally naturally it wasn't his fault he told me to put the goggles on then he shouldn't have started the machine until you had them on firing jenks docking preston it makes no sense at all oh doesn't it look ray you could have lost an eye lots of fellas do jenks and preston were responsible for your safety i don't care what happens to them i only care what happens to you they slipped up and i will not tolerate slip-ups the only slip-up as you call it was mine and i think it's unfair to penalize two innocent people for my mistake compton's never make mistakes that sounds like a shocking statement to you doesn't it it's incredible they'll make it your slogan i made it mine we are infallible we must be otherwise how could we have risen to the position of importance and power we enjoy other people are wrong but you as a compton are never wrong you can't possibly be serious i was never more serious in my life how do you think i built up this corporation by admitting my mistakes of course i made mistakes hundreds of them but nobody could prove it because they wouldn't dare and i i could yell louder than the other power and bear that in mind the father that can yell the loudest always wins the argument so uh cut away your lungs what has this got to do with firing your jinx everything jinx because he started the machine before you had your goggles on and preston because he should have been more watchful and even though i ignored the warning to wear my goggles i'm right because my name is compton [Music] exactly [Music] i'll go home have a rest take care that i and think over what i said remembering it's the philosophy of success i think it's rotten [Music] just so yes i'd like to see mr ed janks i'm sorry he hasn't come home from work yet would you like to come in and wait for him well thanks i'm his daughter jane i just got home from the office won't you make yourself at home [Music] daddy will be along soon he's hardly ever late unless his foreman keeps him over for something would you excuse me a moment sure [Music] do you work with daddy yes what's your name what did you say uh ray [Music] ray what compton compton you must take an awful ribbing having that name in this town what's the matter with your eye oh it's nothing it's just a little scratch would you like some lemonade or something no thanks i've got to get my dinner started did daddy invite you for dinner no oh that's good because i only bought two chops somebody'd have to end up with scrambled eggs i like scrambled eggs [Music] ray comptona are you you said you worked with daddy oh i i did until i got this silly little cut i think j.r has a son named raymond or something like that but he's been away at college for forever i guess he couldn't be you would you throw me out if i were [Music] i'd be awfully tempted you know how people in this town feel about compton i've really got to start my dinner i'd better wait outside for your father oh you're perfectly welcome to wait here no i'm not i'm jr's son what i mean is never mind know who this is i just found out yeah doc i want to tell you i didn't have anything to do with your being fired all right you've cleared your conscience you better leave now hello yes this is miss jank speaking mr murdock [Music] i see yes i i understand perfectly yes just mail the check to me [Music] goodbye [Music] comptons don't lose a minute do they i've just been fired too [Music] well where is this mr murdock mr murdock is the vice president of the security federal bank does my father own that bank well he hasn't interested it phone mr murdock tell him i'm on my way over to see him used to wait for me understand he's to wait for me yes mr compton but may i inquire just why you're interested in miss jinx no you may not i want to know why she was fired with all respect to you mr compton that is the bank's business look i'd better straighten you out about something remember i'm the heir to the compton estate someday i'm going to take over my father's business lock stock and barrel and you may be one of the first people i get rid of unless you get off that plush horse of yours and tell me what i want to know boy anything is to come anything at all who told you to fire miss jenks well uh you understand i was very satisfied with miss chenk's work she's been with us almost five years now she's a very pleasant person answer my question well mr evans called he suggested that the bank cut down a bit and and uh suggested that they start with miss jacks well yes and she's a perfect secretary in every way she works hard minds her own business but just because her name happens to be jenks because she's the daughter of a man whom you blindly choose to hold responsible for this accident to my eye you fire her too now go ahead i dare you to justify that kind of action i don't have to justify anything to anybody if i may say something i should never give it into the idea of you're going into the machine shop you're too emotional you can't be trusted trust it for what to be among people that are beneath you you've got some sort of a crazy complex you take all their troubles on your own shoulders and you're above everybody else you're the supreme law the infallible lord of the land i suppose look son you just got a slight cut over your eye you might have been killed i can replace jenks a hundred no 100 000 times over and over but i could never replace you ed jenks is about the most decent human being i've ever known his daughter's a nice girl i can't allow you to persecute those two people for something that was my fault to begin with you can't allow me no if you don't give them back their jobs i'm clearing out clearly not where well it doesn't matter just just so long as i'm not a partner in this kind of inhumanity is it inhuman for a father to be interested and concerned in his son's safety well i can see there isn't any sense in trying to talk to you about this thing you you seem to think you're doing something commendable i think it's unspeakable but your father said you ought to stay in if he phones again just tell him i haven't been home where are you going sir i don't know out i may be home tonight and i may not come on get in and drive me somewhere were you still mad at me about last night you're the one who got sore have it your way let's kiss and make up [Music] oh you really put your heart behind that one didn't you why didn't you come to the house for dinner with your father we saw enough of each other today so i gathered from the way he talked to daddy what's happened to your rain nothing oh yes something's changed you a lot i noticed it last night now with all the wild stories i'm hearing why are you deserting your class my class as you call it is mankind so is yours but you just haven't had a chance to find it out yet so i found out that's all and that's a change for the better as far as i'm concerned well fully for you what's the next step swap this mansion on the hill for a shack across the tracks no maybe get rid of the shacks across the tracks that's all let's stop all this arguing ray come on honey get in let's go someplace and dance and have fun let's forget this nonsense after all we haven't been together really been together for almost a year not tonight betty i'm in no mood for it where are you going i don't know [Music] that's him [Music] you ready captain yeah what about it [Music] for being a confidence and that's for ed [Music] james [Music] are you sure you never saw the men before no i didn't know who they were well didn't they say anything to you well not much they are you quite sure that their jinx had nothing to do with this no of course not how did i get in here the highway patrol found you now you rest i'm going to find out who did this if i'm going to tear that plant apart ben bye man won't change the way the men feel about you and me it's of no importance of how the men feel about anything i'll see you again tonight my father wanted to come and see you too but i told him not to there's a lot of talk going around that that he was the reason you were beaten up last night ray i want you to know he had nothing to do with it i never thought he did not even for a moment he really feels terrible about it though who did beat up my son i don't know and neither does my father know well you can tell your father i'm going to find out what's he going to do i don't know but don't you worry until ed tell your father not to worry either i can understand why why you and he might think daddy had something to do with it i mean well dad being fired on account of you i never thought that are you awfully hurt well i i have a few caved in ribs and the doctor says i i have a slight concussion but i'll be all right oh dear daddy has the men working on it trying to find out who did it what man some of his friends just friends dania i'd like to help your father he's as anxious as you are to find out who did it i mean because i really would like to help him just tell him that thanks for coming over to see me take care of yourself there is no question but what some of you know who committed this assault on my son until you come forward and name the criminals ten of you will be discharged daily so think it over be loyal to a few hoodlums and lose your job be loyal to gr compton and get a reward think it over does he mean that 10 guys are going to be fired every day whether they know who done it or not that's what he means that will get some action j.r that's the only thing they can understand there might possibly be some demonstrations mr compton you're employed to protect the company's property how you do it is up to you have you given any thought as to when you want to go back to work what kind of work well i think it's a waste of time for you to go back to the machine shop you've been there a year now that's enough isn't it look son i want you to learn management you can't find out anything about my problems working over a lathe i think i've learned quite a bit about your problems working over a lathe what have you done about ed jenks and his daughter uh something i'll probably regret for a long time i told evans to put him back to work i only did this to teach you a lesson you'll not get another honest hour's work out of jenks you'll see you cuddle a worker and you create a loafer what are you creating by these wholesale firings well i stopped that today too not because i wanted to not because i was giving in but i'm going to find out who beat you up if it takes me the rest of my life i'll start work first of the week well see in the morning i i've got a date uh better call blue jane janks [Music] ray i want to thank you for both daddy and myself for getting our jobs back oh it's only as it should be i know but well it was a nice surprise just the same the bank seemed kind of glad to have me back why not i hear you're real efficient pretty too i'm glad you think so i think a lot of nice things about you i hope you do about me too i do ray but i can't be casual about you i have to beer i'll get hurt that doesn't make sense yes it does you're the town rich boy i'm just one of the girls that works in one of the places your father owns i'm not any different than most other girls oh yes you are naturally i'm flattered that you want to take me out i guess it's natural to dream a little and think i'm the only girl for you you are jane that cinderella stuff and i stopped believing in cinderella about the time i learned there was no santa claus you threw what's that for i guess i'm through i mean ray i never felt about anybody before the way i feel about you it's it's not a pleasant feeling it scares me i don't get it first you say you like me i do then then you say you don't like the way you feel about me i do how cinderella and santa claus got into this i i don't know all i do know is that i i think about you all day and all night i love you jane please don't punish me just because my father's rich want to kiss [Music] please take me home now no don't try to kiss me again just let me go home and think about you for a while [Music] now before we take up anything else i'd like to very unofficially introduce to you the man who will one day officially represent the compton company mr ray compton i i don't blame you for not quite trusting me but i i would like to make plain why i'm supporting your organization it's really very simple i believe that the company will operate more efficiently and show more profit if the workers are happily secure in their jobs and treated with respect and dignity and he stood up their biggest life telling everybody how he was going to support the organization try to get you to give in to him this is incredible my son working against me i asked you a question i remember well have you told your father about us have you told yours don't joke with me ray i'm serious well he he knows i've been seeing a lot of you does he approve frankly no he has his heart set on my marrying betty coughlin fine old family loaded with dome big deal amalgamation of combined fortune that sort of stuff the only problem is that i'm in love with you clear up to here and then some look i'm the one that has to approve not my father i'm asking you to marry me i don't know whether i could take it or not me being my wife being your father's daughter-in-law the girl from across the tracks who married into the family to get into the compton fortune treated with suspicion all the time as if i wasn't even housebroken hey i ought to take you down to the lake and wash your moth out with soap such awful talk from such a pretty mod i'm only trying to be practical ray realistic i love you jane how much more realistic does it have to be i love you too ray but we're both grown up enough to know that well that isn't all it takes the really important part of a marriage is mutual respect and admiration and friendship i don't well i mean real friendship the kind that goes beyond what generally passes for the word i don't know whether we'd ever get a chance to prove how good we were at the important part of a marriage why not why look you're going to own the factory someday most of this town you'll want to keep them as you should you'll have to spend most of your life with people that are well on the same level as you are even if you don't like it ever you'll still have to do it i don't see what what that has to do with it ray i i don't want to cost you anything i never want to have to face the day when i see you looking at me thinking that you should have married a girl like well like betty coughlin no wait don't interrupt me a girl who is raised with wealth and able to be at ease with millionaires able to be a perfect hostess to even to a president of the united states or or the queen of england i could just see myself in that spot any one of my thirty maids could do better i do love you with all my heart ray i could never stand letting you down i thank you for your proposal but you'd better think about it for quite a long time you're not just an ordinary guy with a head full of dreams and ambitions starting at the bottom of something you're starting right at the top you need someone who can keep you there not pull you down one by rung you know what i'm gonna do first i'm gonna kiss you again [Music] second tomorrow i'm gonna take you down to see a head doctor and get some of that crazy thinking out of you and third when i get home tonight break the news to my father and after he congratulates me on my splendid choice [Music] he'll be married that'll be that now i don't want to hear anything more out of you except yes i say okay i mean yes [Music] so [Music] hey you're still up dad i've got something wonderful to tell you no i heard something about you tonight that i don't consider so wonderful you're at the bottom of all the trouble that's going on at the factory can you deny it what am i being asked to deny don't play kg with me you know what i'm talking about yes i do you lost your senses what could you be thinking of here i am grooming you to take over the factory to take over everything and the moment that's going on you're busy selling out to the enemy actually lending the name of compton why why because i want to take over a healthy business not a sick one yes sick you have no efficiency in your factories because you've destroyed the initiative of your men not one of them worked with you or even for you they just worked for a check and what are you going to give them when they're working for you security a chance to advance for those that want treatment as human beings dignity fine fine we'll trade them that for what we're paying them now then see how much work you're going to get out of them on that kind of a basis there's one very simple principle you can't seem to understand you can buy a man's time and his physical presence at a certain place but you can't buy enthusiasm loyalty initiative a man's joy in his work joy and working yes something you must have known once but you've forgotten it and that's where the trouble is i only learned it a little while ago the joy the the great sense of accomplishment i felt the first time i turned out a perfect piece of work on a lathe look at those hands they were dirty but they had a dignity a man feels when he knows he's done a worthwhile job you can't treat your machinists like some low species of animal they're human beings and worthy of of respect ah you're stuck underneath you're just as soft as she was he coddled her she filled your head up with a lot of pap about about love thy neighbor if i listen to her why i'd still be pushing a broom around somebody else's basement shut up i'll go back to your precious workers and tell them for me that compton will not give in i'll close up the factory if necessary and i'll starve him out of town and you do why you don't deserve to bear my name on rehearse i told you to shut up why you ungrateful ray i didn't mean it ray come back ray i didn't mean it ray i loved you mother [Music] oh i loved you so much [Music] [Music] mr compton i want to go in the machine shop for a while yes mr compton anything i can do mr compton no just leave me alone you want about your business yes [Music] [Music] my second [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] sun is uh coming up soon mr compton yeah look at that take a look i feel how smooth it is [Music] and it's [Music] it's absolutely perfect i made it i made it from this blueprint [Music] what is it huh i don't know i don't know [Music] but i made it i made it he'll listen to no one you you'll close the factory go out of business look boy come over here sit down look you're you're just all wrought up about what happened between him and you tonight no not me more ed i was i'd have to be to get you out of bed at three o'clock in the morning i don't want his factory i don't want anything from him all i want is i want jane to be my wife we'll we'll move out of away from here and i can make my own living i i don't need my father's money neither does your daughter hello yes no no you didn't wake me mr compton yeah i think so i i don't see any reason why not no no one o'clock i'll be fine what yes yes he's here just a moment he wants to talk to you what's he want i don't know what he wants to say to you but he told me that he'd like to get together with us at one o'clock this afternoon he wants to talk to me that's what he said [Music] [Music] hello [Music] yes dad [Music] i'd have to believe that you didn't mean that otherwise i i could never see you again [Music] when you get it down to 875 000 then you can stand at the same machine with me yeah i'll be there now you better get some rest i may have a pretty rough time of it this afternoon so long dad [Music] let's continue please gentlemen this uh this next item is a rather odd one i think you wanted to speak to mr compton about this oh yes uh it's uh about everyone having to grow petunias what do you got against petunias well nothing but some of the people living in your houses uh are marigold and astro fans some like snapdragons and there's quite a group that would like to plant stock oh yeah well that's fine that'll save us some money fire all the gardeners from now on all our renters will will maintain their own garden however those who stick to petunias well they can have the free gardening service as a sort of a special inducement [Music] my factory police just picked up two of your soapbox harvest over there they were telling a large group of the men that it was us the factory police had beat up your son that we made a mistake where did you pick him up half an hour ago have a look at him bring him in paul you have no authority to hold us we'll sue you for a million dollars yeah maybe two million we grabbed them outside the gate of the foundry here's who i heard you're gonna be sued for false arrests mr big shot i'll put you out of business your private army finally caught up with you compton we weren't even on factory property when they pull this in just a minute you're one of the dirty muscle boys who ran my car off the road and beat me up too bad i didn't do a better job now these demons did it holy jr and you too son we've got laws to take care of assault and battery cases just because they broke the law don't you do it let the court decide the punishment for these two are these your men no they're not they're as red as they come they work in a pair take them down to jail and book them call up the fbi real proper charges first thing in the morning it'll be a pleasure you know i think it's about time we handed out some presents to help celebrate this wedding anniversary i've got something here for jane oh it's heavenly you like it do you mind if i put it on there beautiful thank you it belonged to my wife ray's mother i'm quite sure that she would want you to happen thank you so much that goes for me too dad and now something for you son this is the most valuable gift of [Music] uh all thought that uh you ought to have it in as much as you're going to sit in the driver's seat from now on it'll keep you from forgetting what i forgot the joy a man feels when he knows that his work is worth doing [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 200,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stars: Edward Arnold, John Agar, Susan Morrow, Hal R. Makelim, Man of Conflict (1953)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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