Man Mysteriously Dies, Then His Security Camera Reveals CHILLING Clues: JOHN LANG

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from what I have read elsewhere he was clearly mentally ill. Accounts like this always leave a lot out to make him sound more rational.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/easilypersuadedsquid 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Newscaster] The suspicious death of a central Fresno man has now been deemed a suicide. 51 year old John Lang was found barricaded inside his burning home with stab wounds back in January. - [Narrator] What is up, EWU crew? Are you guys ready for one of the weirdest stories to ever hit the world wide web? Today, we're going to talk about the mysterious death of an internet activist and police whistleblower, Mr. John Paul Lang of Fresno, California. Grab your thinking caps because you're going to need it for this one. On January 20th, 2016, at around 3:00 p.m., John's neighbors noticed smoke billowing out of his home and called it in to 911. As his home was highly secured by iron gates, the fire department had to force their way onto his property. According to news reports, when they attempted to enter the house, they discovered all entrances had been barricaded from the inside. When firefighters were finally able to get in, they found John unconscious and bleeding, lying on the floor at the back of his home. Investigators found something quite intriguing in John's living room. There were two monitors that appeared to be hooked up to a surveillance cameras outside. A mattress lay on the floor nearby as though he slept next to these monitors. John was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The fire, they say, had been set intentionally. Okay, let's back up a bit here. Exactly who is John Lang? Well, that's a great question. At the time of his death, he was 51 years old. Apparently he was born in Ohio, but it isn't clear when nor why he relocated to the Fresno area. In fact, there really isn't a whole lot known about this individual, outside of his activism. He said he worked at the local Payless Brakes and Tires, but we weren't able to find out what he did there. Internet searches also show two businesses being connected to Lang's north Van Ness Avenue address and his phone number. They were Lang Marine, a marine supply shop, and also the name of his YouTube channel. And the other was something Valley Handyman. We also know that he was once married to on Alma Lousberg, and that together, they had one daughter named Emma. From some of his online posts we gather that their marriage had been on the rocks at some point starting in 2009. Court records reveal that Alma filed for divorce in August of 2011 and that it appears to have been finalized three months later in November. And really, that's all we know about this guy's personal life. There isn't even a single photograph of him anywhere online, which, in this day and age, is really just odd. Don't you think? You'd figure would be able to find a pic or at least a little bit more information about him on the internet. Starting several years prior to his death, John became known in the Tower District community for this police accountability activism. And for exposing corruption within the Fresno Police Department. More specifically, he apparently alleged the cops were conducting an unethical and potentially illegal license plate scanning scam in low income neighborhoods. Supposedly, they would patrol store parking lots scanning license plates, to see if they could find criminals and drivers of unregistered vehicles. Then they would pull over their targets when they left the parking lot. It's not exactly clear how Lang discovered the scam. But a brief search of court records in Fresno County shows that one John Paul Lang, was cited for operating an unregistered vehicle in September of 2008. John began to voice his concerns about the PD in comments on articles from the local newspaper, the Fresno Bee. And that's where it seems a lot of his troubles began. On his now defunct website, The activist explains what appears to have been some kind of breaking point in his narrative. First of all, he stated that Fresno law enforcement is trying to set him up on a charge related to illegal images of children. He wrote, "As I've mentioned in the past, Fresno LE "had already illegally and secretly entered my home, "copied my hard drives in order to get a good game plan "for the eventual false arrest. "There also appears to be a pattern here. "Anyone who has ever talked publicly about, "accused or discussed Jerry Dyer's supposed scandal "with that 16 year old girl had found themselves "in some type of legal peril within a few short years." A quick Google search shows that Jerry Dyer did in fact face allegations as John described. He signs off with, "And with this letter, "I have for certain signed my death warrant with Fresno LE." He also stated that in 2013, he sent emails to the Fresno Bee and the Sacramento Bee newspapers informing their editors that a Fresno Bee employee by the name of Jody Murray, had been sharing the IP log data of Bee commentors with Fresno sheriff personnel. And sheriff personnel were subsequently harassing these folks who are posting comments on the Bee website. He claimed that following his sending of said emails, he was being watched, followed, and harassed by the Fresno PD, and that officers were using intimidation tactics against him. He also documented most if not all of these alleged incidents, either on or on his YouTube channel, Lang Marine where we frequently posted footage from his home security cameras. He also filed a complaint about it with the Office of Independent Review in March of 2015 which John claimed heightened the harassment from the local police. In one video posted in April 2015, a dark colored van can be seen parking directly across the street from his home. Its door slides open and a man can be seen holding up some kind of large camera pointed in the direction of his house. Of course, that's not something you see every day. If it happened to you, what would you think? What would you do? Another video posted a month later shows several police parking alongside his block. They seem to simply be having friendly casual conversation. Although the officers did not actually do anything to Mr. Lang that night, he felt the incident was designed to mess with him. On January 14th, 2016, almost one year later, John made a desperate post on his Facebook account which read, "Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. "If anything happens to me in the next day or two, "it will be the result of Fresno PD, "my neighbor, and an employee at my job, "Payless Brakes and Tires on Blackstone." The next day he had posted on the wall of Corin Hoggard, ABC30 Action News Facebook page. He told the reporter, "Corin, you want some news? "Corrupt Fresno cops are going to try and kill me this weekend, possibly tonight. "This is no joke." And the following day, he posted a YouTube video of a van parked in front of his next door neighbor's house. The side of the van reads "Guarantee Carpet Cleaning" and has a phone number. And here's where things get really, really creepy. Some people have said this business doesn't even exist. According to one YouTube comment, "Is anyone else weirded out that the carpet cleaning service has no location, and their website has one sentence per page, no pricing, and no information? Now a man is seeing exiting the van from the passenger side and smoking a cigarette before walking to the neighbor's gate to stuff a flyer into it. While many people thought the man was dropping the flyer into John's yard, it was his neighbor's yard. We'll pull up an image right now so you can see exactly where this man was standing. This is the little box that he stuffed a flyer into. Admittedly, the guy did look back at John's house several times throughout the video. Even seemingly glancing straight into the camera at one point. A quick search about this company reveals that it was originally registered with the state of California in 2015 and that it was owned by a Clovis resident by the name of Zaki. And just last year, the company was dissolved. Now, back to the topic of whether his business is real and legitimate. Some people have taken it upon themselves to actually call this phone number and to their surprise someone answered. It was Guarantee Carpet Cleaning. They say the business is real. But according to one Redditor, Guarantee Carpet Cleaning's website was deleted right after John posted this video on YouTube and only three days before he died. They stated, "I'm a little creeped out at this point." What the heck? Could this possibly be true? And if so, why? Another Redditor claimed they called the mysterious phone number, asked about John and got a peculiar response. Their post read, "The person who answered the phone "proceeded to call me stupid "and said that the cleaning van was near his house "because they were servicing one of his neighbors." This exactly lines up with the fact that the man in the video stuffed a flyer into the neighbor's gate. So, is Guarantee Carpet Cleaning a real business or simply a ruse? It may forever remain a heavily debated mystery. What do you think? In the caption of this video John wrote, "If I turn up missing or dead tomorrow, remember this van. "I think I've seen a couple of guys sneak out "the side door and into the building "when it was parked in the carport this afternoon. "I've been causing the city of Fresno a lot of problems "recently, which I now regret." If Guarantee Carpet Cleaning is to be believed, why would John be so freaked out by his neighbor hiring a carpet cleaning service? Why would he post the video to YouTube, even though they were simply servicing his neighbor and placing a flyer in their yard. Was John simply delusional and losing it, and some internet sleuths theorize? That night, he made a serious request for protection when he made a Facebook post that read, "Anyone want to crash at my pad tonight? "Must be a legal gun owner. "I think the bad buys may come and get me tonight." In the days leading up to his death, John made several clearly distressed posts. It was obvious he feared for his life despite whether his fear was unfounded or not. Many people claim that John was unmistakably suffering from paranoid delusions and mental illness. But this cannot be confirmed. And on the other hand, anti-corruption activists say this is yet another case of snuffing out a whistleblower. So when John Lang's body was discovered by first responders, Fresno Bee journalist Rory Appleton originally reported the death was suspicious and was being investigated by homicide detectives. According to this initial article, Fresno police lieutenant Joe Gomez said that Lang had sustained multiple stab wounds to his abdomen and upper back but it wasn't clear if he died from the injuries or from the fire itself. I mean, that sounds like murder. Right guys? Wouldn't you say? Four days later, the Fresno Bee once again reported that John has sustained multiple stab wounds to his abdomen and upper back. Listen to that carefully because those details are about to change. Twice in a week's time, they reported that Lang had been stabbed in the back. Nearly two whole months later, the publication corrected their initial report with new information. On March 31st, 2016, the Bee reported that John's death has been officially confirmed as a suicide, not as a homicide. They quoted a spokesperson for the Fresno Country sheriff and coroner, Tony Botti, in saying that the activist had sustained "three superficial, "self-inflicted stab wounds to his chest "and no cuts on his back, "despite initial reports by law enforcement." They added that a coroner's report would be released the following month. Botti also said that officials believed Lang had started the fire himself. When the coroner's report was finally released, the story became even more controversial. According to Deputy Coroner Loretta Andrews's report, which was performed the day after the fatal incident, the manner of death was recorded as suicide and the cause of death was determined to be inhalation of smoke and soot due to fire. Interestingly, the coroner's mention in the report that Lang's clothing had been removed and was lying beneath his body in the white body bag in which he had been placed. They specifically noted that there were no tears in John's T-shirt that would correspond with the stab wounds. Wait, what? How is that possible? The report goes on to say that Fresno police brought in two different knives with the body for the coroner to examine. A Japanese kitchen knife with a smooth Granton edge and a seven inch blade length with a 3/4 inch wide tip. They stated the second knife was a serrated bread knife with a blade less than half an inch in width and 10 inch in blade length. Based on the appearance of John's stab wounds to the sternum and front of the heart, they concluded that the serrated bread knife was the weapon used in the stabbings. Let's just stop there for a moment. Recall that the Fresno County sheriff spokesperson, Tony Botti, publicly stated that the stab wounds were superficial, which would mean they're very shallow, not penetrating much past the skin layers. Yet, here in the coroner's reports, we see that the front John's heart had actually been penetrated, which would suggest it was, in fact, not a superficial wound. In fact, the coroner's report says the first stab wound at the top "perforates the sternum "at the left fourth rib level, "perforates the anterior surface of the pericardial sac, "and perforates the upper front "of the right ventricle of the heart. "The heart wound is linear and measures less than 1/4 inch. "The inside of the heart is free from injury. "The pericardial sac contains less "than 50 milliliters of liquid blood." Okay, so let me get this straight. They are telling us this guy stabbed himself with a serrated bread knife so hard that it penetrated not only his thick breast bone but was even plunged into his heart. A serrated bread knife, piercing his own heart with a serrated bread knife? Anyone else confused about this? Any of you ever used a serrated bread knife? I don't know about you, but that seems to me like it would require incredible strength to be able to do that to yourself. What do you think? Most bread knives don't have a pointed tip. They're usually blunt at the tip because it's the serration that is the purpose of this tool as it is used to slice bread. Next, they say the second stab wound, termed the middle stab wound, also pierced the sternum and created a pinhole wound in the pericardial sac, which created a superficial scrape on the lower right ventricle of the heart. And the third or lowest wound, was also documented as having penetrated the sternum but did not go completely through it. As far as stab wounds go, that's it. Three to his chest area. Not a single mention of any stab wounds or injuries to the back, as was initially reported by the Fresno Bee and police spokesperson Tony Botti. Um, yeah. What about that? That the heck? The coroner's report also states that Lang had soot all over his face, hands, and feet only. Nowhere else on his body which might suggest that he was actually wearing the clothing that had been placed beneath his body in the body bag. Except for one thing. Remember, that the examiner said that his clothing didn't have any tears where the stab wounds would be. That really makes no sense, does it? So, now you're starting to see why this case has become so controversial. They also said there was soot inside his mouth, throat, and lungs and that his left lung had collapsed. Additionally, they noted that a blood sample revealed a 31% saturation level of carbon monoxide. These findings, they concluded, points to the cause of death being smoke inhalation. It may also be important to note that their toxicology reports showed no evidence of drugs, alcohol, or other substances in his body. Interestingly, the coroner's report also includes testimony about the crime scene from Deputy Coroner Loretta Andrews. In it, she explains that Lang's outdoor security cameras had been functioning until just prior to the firefighters' arrival and that his indoor security cameras had been functioning until the day prior to the incident. She goes on to say that indoor footage shows John sitting in the living room area of the house with a large knife. Apparently, he displayed the knife in front of the camera and took it to another room. She says Lang later approached the camera, shut it off, and that no other footage was recorded after. No videos of him brandishing the knife have ever been released to the public. Some people online have also pointed out the involvement of police in the coroner's autopsy. Indeed, two Fresno Police Department detectives, one Fresno Fire Department fire investigator, and Bureau of Investigations technician from the Fresno Police Department were present. However, it is not uncommon for police to be present for autopsies. Wow, that's a lot. And a lot of it doesn't really made much sense. How did he get stabbed if his clothing has no holes from the knife? Why did they say he had also been stabbed in the back if he hadn't? Fresno police claimed it was a mistake and that incorrect information had been released to the press in the initial reportings. So, as you can imagine, this case has a lot of people worked up. Many activists say that it's clear John Lang was murdered and that it probably involved the local law enforcement thanks to the victim's scrutiny of their alleged corruption. Critics believe the man was mentally troubled after his divorce and that he eventually reached a point in his paranoid delusions that he ended up killing himself. The case has been widely discussed in a sub-Reddit devoted to the matter. Additionally, a group of hacker activists, or hactivists, calling themselves Anonymous has directly challenged the Fresno police. They even released a YouTube video in which they basically say they're coming for the police and that they know what the crooks did to John Lang. Now more than four years later, people are still debating what really happened to this man. Can we really just pass it off as mental illness and suicide when there seems to be so many discrepancies? If nothing else, you've got admit, portions of that coroner's report, really don't make a lot of sense, do they? And why isn't there a single photograph of this man anywhere online? Curiously, someone submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for all crime scene investigation documents and photos from the city of Fresno. They objected to this request to the extent that they sought disclosure of documents not required to be disclosed under the investigatory records exemption. And disclosure of documents and information that are protected by the third-party right to privacy. Instead, they produced responsive documents with privileged information redacted and/or withheld. Unfortunately, no crime scene photos that could have shed more light on this mystery were released. As you can see by these documents, there were tons of photos that we may never, ever see. But there was an interesting tidbit found in the released documents. Do you think it's true? According to the fire department investigation unit's official documents, "it is also my opinion, "that the person responsible for this fire "is also the victim. "There is no way someone could have entered "or exited the home during the fire. "John Paul Lang was the only person inside with no way out. "John Paul Lang had access "to the supplies needed to start the fire." Under evidence, they stated, "Physical. "Gasoline can and lighter found in the AOO." Area of origin. So, what are you thoughts on this, EWU crew? What do you think really happened and why? Be sure to leave us a comment down below and let us know your perspective on this case. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe. A playlist is going to pop up right now with more videos you'll love. Until next time, take care. And don't forget to watch your back out there.
Views: 3,173,648
Rating: 4.8009787 out of 5
Keywords: Explore With Us, EWU Crew, investigation, documentary, unexplained, creepy, detective, detectives, journalism, investigative journalism, news, evidence, stories, true story, john lang, true crime, true scary stories, unsolved mysteries, crime documentary, true stories, scary stories, mystery, unsolved, analysis, conspiracy, police, horror stories, scary true stories, investigative, john lang marine, scary, true horror stories, unsolved true crime, real stories, theories, scary storytime
Id: wsFBeetiYMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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