Man Has Nightmares About a GHOST Child, Turns Out It's REAL!

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[Music] so this video is a bit different than the videos I usually post on this channel but there's a very good reason for that you see last week law was researching the top 5 ghost sightings video that I posted I found a story that was really amazing with a bunch of creepy videos and photos to go along with it but it was just too big a story to do within the confines of a normal top 5 list basically this ghost story needed and deserved a video all its own so I present to you the supposedly true ghost story of dear David Adam Ellis is a successful writer and illustrator in fact you've probably seen some of his web comics on BuzzFeed but lately Adam has been getting a lot of attention on Twitter for something very different Adam claims that the ghost of a dead child is haunting his Manhattan apartment and he has photos and videos to back it up now before I begin this story let me reiterate that Adam Ellis is a successful writer and illustrator he's not a youtuber who needs to fake ghost encounters reviews and he's not a twitch streamer basically he has no connection or vested interest in the supernatural in fact when researching this story I searched his entire Twitter history and found no serious mention of ghosts or the paranormal before he posted his story so the story starts on August 7th an adam ellis posted quote so my apartment is currently being haunted by the ghost of the dead child and he's trying to kill me now Adam suffers from sleep paralysis a frightening condition where someone can wake up unable to move but still experiencing dreamlike sometimes frightening visions and sounds on one occasion Adam says that he awoke in a state of sleep paralysis to find a young boy sitting in the green rocking chair at the foot of his bed the boy had a large misshapen head with a bizarre dent in one side the boy said watching him for several minutes then rose and begin to walk toward the bed Adam says that he'll work screaming right before the boy reached the bedside a few nights later Adam had a dream where he was sitting in a library when a small girl approached him and said you've seen dear David haven't you he's dead he only appears at midnight and you can ask him two questions if you say dear David first but never try to ask him a third question or he'll kill you Adam awoke terrified a few nights later Adam Ellis had another frightening sleep paralysis experience with dear David Adam woke to find David sitting in the green rocking chair again watching him sleep Adam following the instructions the little girl had given him in his dream asked dear David how did you die David replied an accident in a store Adam asks dear David what happened in the store David mumbles a shelf was pushed on my head you're getting the to question rule at a mass who pushed the Shelf but David doesn't answer Adam asks again who pushed the Shelf but still no answer Adam says that at this point in the dream he realized that he had broken the two question ruled and woke up in a cab after this a few months went by without another encounter Adam says he googled accidents involving children named David or any similar name but found nothing around this time Adam moved into a larger apartment one floor above in the same building he continued the story tweeting another month or two goes by and I sort of forget about dear David I think he lost track of me because I moved upstairs but lately something strange is happening for the past four nights my cats gather at the front door at exactly midnight and just stare at it almost like something is on the other side [Music] uneasy Adam went to bed but he says he could still hear his cat meowing at the door for hours next week Adam Ellis purchased a Polaroid instant camera he started taking random pictures around his apartment when he noticed something strange when he took pictures of the brightly lit hallway outside his apartment door the pictures on the instant camera came out completely black even after multiple tries okay now I'm gonna take a photo of a hallway just to show you what that's like [Music] and as you can see the first one has already developed let's see what this one does that's gonna take a man so I don't know Adam even tried moving back hoping that from a different angle more light would be visible from the hallway but no such luck it had now been months since his last dream of dear David but that night Adam Ellis had another nightmare he dreamed that David was dragging him by the arm through an old abandoned warehouse he woke up with the strange bruise on his wrist Adam dismissed the dream saying maybe I injured myself the day before and my arm was hurting during the night which manifested as a dream there could be a totally logical explanation for it a few days later Adam began receiving strange calls on his cell phone since there was no caller ID he didn't answer assuming it was a telemarketer or some other unwanted call but eventually he did answer the phone and immediately wish that he hadn't Adam says that he heard breathing and then a faint childlike voice said hello the small creepy voice chilled Adam to the bone he hung up without saying a word in late August Adam began planning a trip to Japan he bought a motion-sensitive pet monitoring camera so that he could keep an eye on his cats while he was overseas that same night he received a motion recording alert from his camera and saw this [Music] [Music] half an hour later another alert if you watched the top of the shelf you can see a decorative turtle shell fall from the spot where it's mounted on the wall [Music] after these events things are quiet for a short while but then a week later cats start behaving strangely again [Music] [Music] in another clip is captain Maxwell was caught on camera seemingly swatting it something that wasn't there for hours on end another week later and the camera record the strange late-night event as Adam walks through the house preparing for bed [Music] [Music] Adam says that he continued to experience dreams of odd apparitions and strange things peeking through his second-floor window but soon after this he left for his two-week trip to Japan so that's the strange ghost story of dear David up to this point you can continue to follow Adam else's unsettling ghostly encounters via his twitter the link is here and also in the video description [Music]
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 2,355,795
Rating: 4.8448811 out of 5
Keywords: ghost child, ghost boy, real ghost, real ghost child, ghost, ghosts, ghost story, ghost stories, real ghost encounters, ghost encounters, caught on camera, encounters caught on camera, real ghosts caught on tape, best ghost videos, ghosts caught on tape, real ghost videos, real ghosts, caught on tape, viral ghost story, dear david, nightmare ghost, ghosts caught on camera, ghost caught on camera, nightmares, nukestop5, ghost encounters caught on camera
Id: vsEPE3Jh_y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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