Man Films His Last Seconds Before The WAVE Hits!

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like and subscribe right now or this spider will crawl on your face when you're sleeping 10 monster waves caught on camera our season oceans are unique to various variations of waves some are so big and terrifying and i'm not talking about what surfers are used to these waves look as mortifying as though they want to swallow whatever and whoever is on the water here are 10 enormous waves that people were able to record on their cameras number 10 ravaging waves in the north sea the north sea is famous for some of the biggest waves ever recorded in history a video of such a terrifying nature surfaced online posted by a youtuber called kens it's footage of large waves coming straight for a ship the person on board got his camera out just in time to capture this insane and unforgettable moment with the tone of his voice it relieves me because it seems he has the confidence that his ship is able to handle the mightiness of these waves as a matter of fact the person recording laughs and excitement when the waves hit the ship so massively covering the whole ship before it resurfaces it's horrifying without flinching he continues recording and describes this experience as awesome indeed it's an awesome encounter for him as for me watching that clip is absolutely frightening i wouldn't have the nerve to even record it but we're glad he did before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number nine the rogue wave on the bay of biscay the bay of biscay is famous for rough storms and violent seas despite that many people enjoy cruising and boat riding in this area for fun while others use it as a passage round a massive wave was captured on video at this location this rogue wave starts when the water around you is calm and all of a sudden the wave appears and starts fighting with your ship that's a pretty terrifying experience two men on board a ship had their cameras on just in time to capture this wave they were on an oil slash chemical tanker pink coral in february of 2014 their ship was sailing to rotterdam when a huge rogue wave met them on the way and attacked the beam of their ship from the video we see the ship rolling in the direction of the wave the waves are so strong that they try immersing the beam of the ship in the sea it just shows how powerful these waves are the waves are trying with their might to tilt the tanker ship but in vain number eight oil rig in the north sea oil rigs are important platforms for oil exploration all over the world in the north sea there are a number of oil rigs some of which go through the rough beatings of mother nature a video filmed by an offshore worker in a nearby platform captured this stomach crunching on sea moment an oil rig was being subjected to monstrous ways that were smashing against it this was caused by a terrible storm and bad weather happening on the coast of scotland this disorienting footage clearly shows the countless big waves setting the oil rig as it manages to stay put oil rigged workers have a strong heart for their jobs they're worth the money and should probably be paid more they work in the significant industry knowing they'll be dealing with extreme weather conditions at sea such a video is true testament to effective and brilliant engineering that oil rigs can withstand during such massive weather conditions number seven a boat over a tsunami wave march 11 2011 was an awful day in northern japanese history an earthquake of a magnitude of 9.0 was felt all over the area causing horrendous destruction thereafter tsunami warnings ensued and people knew they had to run to higher and safer grounds several distraught videos of the wreckage of property and their city being swept away by the tsunami water resurfaced and it was disheartening on the same day there was video footage of a japanese coast guard ship tackling a tsunami wave on shallow water a huge wave was looming on the horizon and their ship safely soared through the scary wave the crew was powerless to do anything but they kept hoping that their ship wouldn't be overturned so that they could get to dock safely mother nature can be really brutal and we are grateful when we face such powerful waves and come out alive rough waves and violent waters are terrifying when we are left helpless but being able to come out of a bad storm alive is phenomenal let's continue with more of these unbelievable waves number 6 cruise ship versus the waves when choosing a destination spot for the holiday some people love the idea of a cruise ship cruise ships are meant to be vacation friendly people on board usually relax grab a couple of drinks and usually there's so many other activities on board coming up to dangerous sea waves is not what people signed up for but sometimes nature does its thing a video was captured by people on an aircraft above a distressed cruise ship the cruise ship was fighting the waves that were seriously trying to drown it the cruise ship is almost tipped over but it stays afloat the video is very hard to watch since the waves are really massive and intense the cruise ship is big and strong enough to tackle a monster wave and i sure hope the people on board were safe with little to zero injuries number five aurora australis braves the stormy sea aurora australis is a commendable australian icebreaker this ship helps in research cruises the atlantic waters and supports australian bases in antarctica a video captured aurora australis tackling a towering wave on the high seas aurora astralis was on her way to antarctica when it met its match aurora is 95 meters long with a displacement of 8158 tons this monster wave started at 9 meters and went up to almost 15 meters high and it was captured just in time as it was dumping its waters ahead of the ship luckily the ship recorded no damages and it continues to soar the great high seas aurora australis has probably seen much worse in all of its three decades traversing the high seas we're glad we get to see such videos and understand the kind of work sailors go through every day number four antarctic cruise ship just like the previous video we got another video of a stranded cruise ship that had battled the ravaging waves in an arctic cruise ship from the us lost an engine in the high seas it had 160 people on board 100 passengers and 60 crew members the ship was slowly moving in the sea to a scheduled port to dock and be repaired all of this was caused by massively brutal waves and strong winds of over 90 kilometers per hour the waves were so high and intense the argentine navy stated that the clelia 2 declared an emergency reporting the loss of an engine caused by the overwhelming high seas you can clearly see how the waves are brutal on the cruise ship these aren't the kind of ways one would expect while vacationing on a cruise ship such scenarios aren't uncommon but still come on nature give vacation a break number three new zealand ferry when a journey that's usually three hours turns into eight hours then you know there's a big problem we use fairies to cross over islands and we're grateful when we disembark alive and safe this ferry in new zealand met a mega wave on its path cooked straight inter-islander ferry that was traveling from wellington to picton in march 2006 they would fight and did not capsize passengers on board arrived alive although there were damages that were recorded on some vehicles that were on the ferry what a terrible day it must have been and with that it's now time for today's best pick today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber so if you come across a photo online and want to know more details about it just send it over to us we might even feature it on our future video number two tanker in a big storm look at the size of that humongous wave it looks double the size of that ship this picture is traumatizing to look at the weather has changed and the sea is raging with its waves this picture of the monster wave is of a tanker ship on the high seas in the midst of a terrible storm video footage of the tanker ship was bravely recorded as the ship was at war with the gigantic waves in a big storm they say smooth seas don't make good sailors so kudos to the captain and crew on this big oil chemical tanker the tanker is 750 feet in length and 40 feet high the cameraman got steady footage despite the storm and thus has let people see a world we haven't been privy to other tankers that have braved such a rough is the pula ship in what looks like a typhoon the tanker with croatian crew members and captain brace themselves for a fight this ship is 182 meters long and 32 meters wide and might look small in the storm but the size helps it manage the storm number one surfing on the big wave the top of this list had to be given to this man that pushed the limits of surfing surfing is an amazing sport unless you want to take on the biggest recorded wave in history rodrigo coxa a surfer from brazil did just that he took it as a challenge to surf over the biggest wave ever recorded in 2017 on the coast of nazar portugal the surfer amazed a terrified audience with his crazy idea onlookers were odd and were holding their breath in fear wishing rodrigo the very best you'd think that if he does a single thing wrong he'd probably be swallowed by that monster wave coming for him the wave was a whopping 80 feet he graciously made it to the end safe and sound having fulfilled his craziest idea yet winning the world surf league big wave award amazing
Channel: Viral Now
Views: 3,015,702
Rating: 4.1657166 out of 5
Keywords: top, viral now, education, entertainment
Id: suWosaO1F6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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