Man Fakes Conversation with Himself to Check If His Phone Is Spying

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it used to be if someone wanted to spy on you they had to get a clear view into your home and a pair of binoculars but these days you can get a lot more information on someone without ever leaving the comfort of your chair is there any privacy left in the world of smartphones and social media is Siri an AI that was programmed to spy on me is my Google home peeping on me when I'm in the shower [Music] today's video will be covering the basics of internet privacy and cybersecurity we're not cybersecurity experts so some of what we talk about will be oversimplified for the purpose of Education if you're curious there are many resources that we'll be able to touch on these subjects with more specificity than we will and with that out of the way let's get into it today's video is sponsored by north locker I hate to break it to you but the virtual assistant you got for your living room is absolutely listening in on you usually what leads to Google or other AI assistants collecting audio without our knowledge is what's known as a false except they refer to noise or words in the background that software interpreted to be the hot word like okay Google and as unlikely as that sounds more often than not it's what happens when a couple from Portland found that their private conversation was recorded by their Amazon echo and sent to a person on their contact list Amazon explained that echo woke up due to a word and background conversation sounding like Alexa then heard a send message request Matt which point Alexis said out loud to whom the background conversation was interpreted as a name in the customers contact list Alexa then asked out loud contact name right Alexa then interpreted background conversation as right is that spying or is it more like a child overhearing a conversation and repeating it to people these companies are very open about the fact that they collect information but what should concern us is what that information is used for in a statement on information gathering Google product manager David mozzies said language experts review and transcribe a small set of queries to help us better understand languages the percentage of queries that they collect is around 0.2 percent and they insist that audio snippets are not associated with user accounts as part of the review process and reviewers are directed only to transcribe snippets that are directed to Google every time you ask your Google home what the weather is like or which actor was in that movie your audio is being collected so Google's AI can better understand the nuances of common speech should we be worried when Google doesn't want us to be but in 2019 a contractor for the company leach Dutch audio data to VRT News in Belgium the leak included around a thousand excerpts 153 of which were conversations that should never have been recorded and during which the command ok Google was clearly not given so while Google and other companies hold on to our audio data to make their service better no one can guarantee that this information won't be used against us and of course this is all completely legal when we purchase an AI assistant we opt in to have our data used by the company that provides the service the best way to keep our privacy is to not let them in our homes in the first place what's the safest way to go skiing don't skate I love ski roads do you want to go with us thanks Jill I would never do that ah so yourself Oh Jill we're gonna hit up that breakfast place at the lodge what city what a little nerd grease bag also brew here's an ad for sleeping pills it's the sleep cycle with so many microphones around us these days it's hard to believe that none of them are listening in on us it's almost a universal experience now that we bring up something with a friend and suddenly we've been thrown ads that eerily pertain to our private conversations are we actually being spied on though vice writer Sam Nichols did experiment in 2018 to prove once and for all his words whether our phones are recording us without our permission by saying a bunch of phrases that could theoretically be used as triggers twice a day for five days comments like I'm thinking about going back to uni and I need some cheap shirts for work resulted in changes literally overnight according to Nicholls he was being told mid semester courses at various universities and how certain brands were offering cheap clothing whether this is due to some conspiracy between phone companies and advertisers is still up to debate though it's possible that Nichols despite believing he never mentioned these ideas online actually did and just didn't remember or was already receiving ads with these products and services but only notice them once he began his test there is room for human error in his experiment not to mention the problem of bias around the same time as Nichols experiment wand era a cloud security firm founded in 2012 performed a study on major smartphone apps including Amazon Chrome Facebook Instagram and YouTube but could not find a single instance of an app taking any audio nor sending any data that was not expressly related to its function in addition researchers at Northeastern University led by computer science professor David Chavez used an automated system to rigorously test another 17,000 smartphone apps for evidence of recording and leaking audio data without permission they likewise found absolutely no sign of any unwanted activation of smartphone cameras or microphones toughness argues that recording audio is the least efficient way for a company to gather market research the computational power necessary to take millions of audio clips convert them into text and then use that data to customize ads is ridiculous not to mention that this whole process would probably take longer than a single day to come into effect no the more likely reason you're being offered deals on Facebook for products that you only mentioned in passing is that you without realizing lingered on a picture of a custom alarm clock espresso maker for too long on Facebook or you went into a Bed Bath & Beyond looking for a custom alarm clock espresso maker while you left your location services activated on Google Maps dadly the only way to keep our identities a hundred percent private these days is to opt-out of most of the services that have become the primary form of communication for folks for many of us social media is the only way we know how to connect and plan with our loved ones this isn't necessarily bad but we have to use these services with the knowledge of what exactly they ask of us in return it's been said that if you don't pay for a service you are the product and that is unfortunately true most of these big tech companies say they only use our data to target ads or to improve their service and I do believe them to a point I don't doubt that Google's intention is to make knowledge more accessible I don't doubt that Facebook's intention is to bring people together I don't doubt that these tech companies want to do what they believe is good for people but they are at the end of the day businesses that must earn capital the question becomes not is my phone spying on me but who is buying my data from the Cambridge analytical scandal to the equifax credit card breach the new world we live in provides more opportunities than ever for criminals and miscreants to ruin our lives without ever having to look us in the eye we just have to ensure we can tell the difference between paranoia and preparedness speaking of paranoia I haven't checked my email in 15 minutes and that makes me anxious bro what do you need now chill and I at the noodle house House of noodles and he wanted to email you some pictures of a meal okay so why doesn't he just do that well with all you talk about privacy and hack is you got a moleskin yeah what if someone hacks my nudes just use Noord Locker like I do when I have files I don't want anyone peeping into the accounts setup and login is simple and encrypting files is as easy as a drag-and-drop if you use Nord Locker they can help you take back control of your security and privacy you can keep your data safe wherever and whenever you decide to just go to Nord Locker dotnet slash Bru or the link in the description to try it out for free that makes me feel better you've been very helpful honest helpful as Noor lockers tech support staff were available for 24/7 Noor Locker has a fantastic user-friendly experience for both Windows and Mac OS you can even share encrypted files by email messaging apps airdrop file transfer services and the cloud with whoever you like as long as they use Noor Locker service but don't worry it's free with up to 2 gigabytes of space hold on what if no unlock it gets broken into or something that's the best part in addition to having superfast encryption for files of any size nor Locker uses end-to-end encryption so only you and the person you're sharing with can see your files just go to nor Locker dotnet slash Bru or the link in the description with the coupon code Bru you can get 32 percent off the 1-year plan and keep your data safe it's a limited time offer so check it out after this video hey bro I just I just sent you some pictures dang-son those noodles are real hey powder hound see if I can do this check check check just like hey powder hound mmm No hey bout a hound know that's hey powder Han who won't sweets time eating inside when you can be on the slopes ripping so fresh pull ripping some fresh pal RIP in some fresh pal rip in some fresh POW ripping some fresh POW ripping some fresh POW strap on a feed bag and shred a little Nara grease bags now
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,117,683
Rating: 4.8630967 out of 5
Keywords: is google listening, is google always listening, is google always listening live, is alexa listening, is alexa listening to your conversations, is facebook listening, is facebook listening you, is your phone listening, is my phone listening, phone listening, facebook listening, google listening, alexa listening, how your phone spies on you, phone spy, facebook listening to you for ads, facebook listening to conversations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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