Man Explains Messy Divorce To Judge

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[Music] all right Vanessa good morning to you good morning all right could you tell me your name and your date of birth please Vanessa and jty 126 1980 thank you Vanessa all right so so you're here on a bench warrant it issued for missing out on a status conference on a couple of drug charges you picked up back in December of 2022 now you had been on a diversion program meaning that the state had essentially agreed to stop your prosecution for a while to allow you to participate in diversion but the prosecution the state did ask the court to take you off a diversion so they could proceed with the case and they did mail a notice out to the address that you provided to them when went on diversion but that got bounced back so a warrant issued for your arrest your new court date is going to be next Tuesday June 25th at 8:30 in the morning it'll be in downtown Superior Court in the South Court Tower you have already been working with a lawyer and we will alert that lawyer that you're going to be in court next Tuesday so they can be there to assist you now the judge set your bail at $500 it is secured so you can work with the bail company just make sure that if you do post your bond you don't miss that Court data okay any questions no thank you ma' thank you Seth [Music] Green Seth good morning can I have your name and your date of birth on two all right so Seth you are here on a misdemeanor warrant it issued out of the surprise municipal court for failing to pay fines on a disorderly conduct charge you have um your next court date is going to be July 6 16th at 1:30 p.m. and that is a Tuesday so Tuesday July 16th at 1:30 in Surprise municipal court the address and telephone number of that Court are on your paperwork so you don't have any excuse to say I didn't know where I was going or how to get in touch with them I'm releasing you on your own recognizance set your promise to appear don't miss your next court date because you may not get so lucky next time and that's your paperwork out of here okay than you Lily Arnold Lily good morning hi name and date of birth for you please Lily Arnold 4251 1994 thank you Lily all right so new charges one count of narcotic drug possession class 4 felony one count of shoplifting for removal of goods from a store Class one misdemeanor and one count of shoplifting for concealment of goods of Class one misdemeanor now the shoplifting charges allegedly occurred back in April um of this year April 27th uh the drug charges that drug charge however um was from yesterday now you will have a court appointed lawyer to defend you you have court dates coming up Lily they're going to be in downtown Superior Court in Phoenix yes they're going to start in early July the first court date you've got is Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 your next court date is Friday July 5th at 8:30 okay so what you're going to need to do is get yourself to the South Court Tower which is one of the buildings in downtown Superior Court it's pretty easy to find in fact it doesn't make a difference what building you walk into they're all connected with hallways and corridors and and elevators and escalators and all that so you're going to find your way to it so the second and the 5th of July I'm releasing you on your own recognizance your promise to appear make sure you make your court dates don't possess drugs without a prescription and don't return to the scene of the alleged shoplift okay any questions no thank you ma'am thank you all right is it Dez hi good morning did I get that right yes all right so dearis tell me your full name and your date of birth dear um August 3 2001 thank you so much all right so now you're here on a couple of new charges narcotic drug possession class 4 felony drug paraphernalia possession Class 6 felony on those charges you will get a courta appointed lawyer your hearings are going to be in the downtown Superior Court in downtown Phoenix on Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 and Friday July 5th at 8:30 now they're going to be in the South Court Tower which is just one of the buildings in downtown Superior Court and you are released on your own recognizance your promis to appear so make sure you make those court dates so you don't pick up a warrant okay thank you all right you're welcome ma' Joshua Hayes Axel you'll be next all right Joshua good morning morning name and date of birth Joshua Hayes 12887 thank you Joshua you're here on a couple of new charges one of the charges I did not find probable cause on after I read the police report I just didn't feel there was sufficient information if there is additional information that wasn't provided you still may see this charge but it's possession or use of a narcotic drug a class or felony so if there's additional information you still might see that charge but for tonight I found no probable cause what I did find probable cause on was dangerous drug possession of class 4 felony and drug paraphernalia possession in Class 6 felony now on those charges you will get a court appointed lawyer your court dates are in downtown Superior Court and Downtown Phoenix they're going to be in the South court tower on Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 and Friday July 5th at 8:30 and your court appointed lawyer will be in that courtroom but you've got to get there on your own because I'm releasing you to the supervision of preal services which means there is no bail to pay you will be released but you will have to call pre-trial services within the next couple of days the telephone number you have to call is on the paperwork you're going to be handed on the very first page halfway down right in the middle of the page you can't miss it don't forget to call it because those pre-trial officers will contact your judge and let them know if you haven't and your judge would have the authority to remand you back into custody so make sure you do it no weapons no drugs don't return to the scene of any alleged crime um and I'm made a mistake on his paperwork so I'm going to have to print it out because I didn't his paperwork saying he doesn't get a lawyer but he does and I'm going to make that correction right now do you have any questions for me no' all right if you would please take a seat in the other room we'll bring the paperwork out to you in just a second sorry about that Axel Axel good morning good morning name and date of birth um a that uh February 12th 2001 thank you all right so you're here on new charges narcotic drug possession class 4 felony drug paraphernalia possession Class 6 felony those charges will get you a court appointed lawyer to defend you you have court hearings coming up in downtown Phoenix at our Superior Court complex the courtroom you're going to go to is located in the South Court Tower and the two court dates you have right from the very beginning are Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 and Friday July 5th at 8:30 you're getting released axle on your own recognizance which is your promise to appear there is no fail to pay just make sure you don't miss your court date so you don't pick up a warrant um because at that point in time you might be held on bail okay um don't possess any drugs without a prescription do you have any questions um I was where where they where they arrested me um they left my car there and I I got trespassed but I'm allowed to go back for my car right um if if you've been trespassed if you actually receive a trespass notice no you can't but if there's somebody that you have that's a family member or a friend that trusted who's not been trespassed then they if you would trust them with your keys that they wouldn't steal your car then they can go back and get it otherwise you can contact the arresting police agency and ask them what to do um in other words they may actually maybe send an officer out there to meet you just to make sure that you go back and you just leave right away I don't know what but those are a couple of options I can think about just don't go back on your own because if anybody were to see you there and you got Trust passed you could get arrested and even if you think the reason is totally legitimate I wouldn't want to see you come back down on a new charge okay so those are your Alternatives is is trying to find somebody who you might know and trust or contacting the police department that arrested you and saying hey look at how can I get my car back they could come down there with me I'm sorry like I asked him if they could come down there with me yeah all right yep exactly all right thank you so much thank you James Waldo James good morning morning tell me your name and your date of birth uh James galdo May 26 1978 all right you're here on a new charge narcotic drug possession class 4 felony and James you will have the benefit of having a courta appointed lawyer to defend you you've got court dates coming up in downtown Superior Court which is in downtown Phoenix in our South Court Tower it's going to be Tuesday July 2nd at 8:30 and Friday July 5th at 8:30 you're getting release James on your own recognizance meaning it's your promise to appear make sure you make all court dates so you don't pick up a warrant and do you have any questions for me all right thank you so much grab your paperwork all right Michael good morning honor good morning Michael how you do to day I'm good not bad good G get huh first B first day back in two weeks um so Michael tell me your name and your date of birth and I've got a question to ask you absolutely my name is Michael Frank Leon date of birth is 10:26 of 88 all right so Michael first thing is is you're coming to me as a page two meaning that you had been in custody on other cases um but under the circumstances I'm going to ask you are you still being held in those cases or have you yeah I'm here I have court next week on the 21st I plan to sign for my for those cases and then I get sentence on 21st of the following month okay all right so here's what I'm going to do I can't just o you on a misdemeanor warrant because that's why you're here it's a misdemeanor warrant out of Mason yeah McDonald Mountain justice court and it is um I don't remember I think it may have been oh it's an initial arrest warant that's right yeah so yeah they're charging you with criminal trespass of the yard so here's the deal um I can't just o you because you're going to miss your court dates um which would be June 21st you're still going to be in custody um this Friday and I don't want to see you miss your court a pick up a warrant because it's just going to screw your release up so what I'm going to do is put a $50 Bond on it you don't have to put if you post it you're going to screw yourself up don't post it $50 you have a court date this Friday June 21st at 8:30 let the judge and McDonald Mountain know um that you're still going to be in custody until July 21st or whatever for your sentencing um and and see what he can do about your court dates coming up now we'll make sure that you have a courta appointed lawyer um just don't go back to the scene don't contact the homeowner whatever residential yard that may have been um and do you have any questions absolutely not your honor thank you very much for thank you Michael I appreciate your patience have a great day Nicholas good [Music] morning all right Nicholas name and date of birth for you Nicholas Renee fimz 92691 all right thank you Nicholas okay so now you're here on a completely different type of a matter than anybody else if you've been listening right along um kind of forget what you've been listening to because I have something completely different to tell you now you're here on what we call a fugitive of Justice matter essentially what that means is you got arrested in Arizona on a felony warrant that was issued in a different state and that state wants you back so we need to talk about your extradition rights now extradition is just a legal term of the process to get you from Arizona back to where the warrant issued and that was out of Hillsboro County New Hampshire so we did before you even stepped in the courtroom we did to have to get that warrant validated to make sure that they actually would be interested in coming back here to pick you up and actually extradite you back and they said that they would so we've got to talk about those extradition rights that's what that card was for did you have a chance to look at it at all before you came in yes your honor all right I'm going to talk to you about your extradition rights um to explain it to you even if you already know what they are bear with me it's my job to make sure we have a record of it but you have a choice you have to make here this morning and that's whether you want to exercise your extradition rights or whether you want to wave them and I'll explain what those mean if you want to exercise your extradition rights what that would mean is you are entitled to have a court hearing right here in marova County Superior Court that hearing would be on Monday July the 1st at 1:30 in the afternoon now I cannot appoint an attorney to represent you for an extradition hearing like that here in marova County because while it may be a criminal matter back in New Hampshire the process of getting you back that extradition process is not criminal in nature it's civil and we just don't appoint lawyers in civil type of matters now you could hire your own lawyer at your own expense and the public defender does staff those hearings with lawyers that you would be allowed to talk to about your case it wouldn't be your lawyer but it would be a lawyer okay now uh you are entitled to bail um and that bail would be set at $50,000 it would be secured it would allow you to work with the bail bonding company now if you posted your bail and you got release from custody you'd still have to come back for that hearing on July the 1st otherwise you would risk losing your bail money and another warrant with issue for your arrest but this one out of Arizona um uh to be arrested and you'd still have that warrant in New Hampshire um so you'd still have to come back now if you don't post your bail you'd be held here in marova County um at least until that July 1st date now the decision to exercise your extradition rights takes between 60 and 90 days and the reason why it takes that long is because it requires the governors of both states to sign an extradition warant to have you returned and that doesn't happen right away so if you wanted to exercise your rights you've got the right to the hearing on July the 1st you got the right to hire your own lawyer at your own expense you've got the right to bail which would be $50,000 secured meaning you could use a bail company you've got the right to force the governors of both states to sign a warrant to have you returned the process takes between 60 and 90 days if you don't post your bail however you do remain in custody for potentially that 60 to 90 days okay now that's one decision you can make the other decision you can make is just waving your rights which means you're giving up the right to that hearing and everything we just talked about and it's basically telling New Hampshire just come out and get me I'm willing to come back voluntarily if you make that decision I have to hold you non bondable here in Maricopa County jail for a period of up to 30 days it gives New Hampshire up to 30 days to come get you now they know where you're at they have said that they want to come and get you so I would hope that they would come and get you before the 30 days but they have up to 30 days if they wanted to to come and get you okay um so I do have to hold you non-available that's because they need to know exactly where you're at when they come and get you all right um um so you've got that choice you can go through the process of having that hearing or you can just tell um new hamper you want to go back voluntarily and give up that right do you have any questions about the process um I do your honor and I apologize no don't apologize I have told you almost everything I know about the process but if there's something you don't understand I'll do my best thank you um so I've never done this before I don't have Criminal history I've been a first responder for a really really long time um and the reason I bring this up is I'm I'm currently divorcing my ex-wife and it's getting messy and She's accused me of a million things I've been to court a million different ways this last time however your honor I was in court um the same month that that warrant went active uh may I believe um and I had in communication with Hillsboro County uh the clerk of the court uh explaining to them like hey I heard I had a case I just came out of court in the surprise courts um can you elaborate what's going on what have I been accused of and they gave me you know some details um but they told me at the time there was no warrant and the only thing that they needed was a current address um so I gave them the address and um I got another court date The Honorable Stacy Avalar told me that in the event that this mucks up me being able to be in attendance because I have my next court date early July here in in in Surprise and supposed to be 3 hours she said to mention that I am due for court there um so you have a case here in Arizona uh well yes so my ex-wife was she she accused me of a multitude of things and tried to get a bunch of restraining orders on me your honor the reason that I bring this up is because as relates to this particular extradition case she referenced those accusations and charges in court in Arizona last month the judge said okay that's very serious do you have any evidence to support any of these claims restraining order to aside I understand New Hampshire is looking into him and everything else but I need to know here now and she said no and that went on the docket and he dismissed it and it was a big day for me and my family and we they're watching and um reading for me um so I I don't know I guess I just was confused I thought that because we brought it up already once in court and he said there is no merit to any of those accusations if you don't have proof dismissed I thought I was okay and I hadn't I hadn't received a single piece of mail your honor or phone correspondence from New Hampshire I didn't know otherwise I had plenty of frequ with flyer miles I have a great strong community of Christians behind me I would have gone there I've been to court a lot throughout this divorce um and I wouldn't have missed it I just no one notified me so now I'm in a position where I'm in jail and I didn't even know I had a court date that I couldn't I would have gone and so I I guess I I don't know how much I can do or you can do your honor but at this point in time because it is a warrant that was issued by a judge in a different state there's nothing I can do I cannot release you on your own recognizance that is not um an option um a bond is set actually this warrant out of New Hampshire instructed our court to hold you non- bondable and not even give you an opportunity to leave custody but under Arizona law because it's a pre-adjudication warrant not a like a probation violation or parole violation because it's a pre-adjudication warrant I have to set bail for you it is required of me to do that bail is set given based on the nature of the allegations I don't know anything about the details I know what the charges are and we don't have to go over the details of those here tonight um because it really doesn't make any difference in terms of um because I don't have any evidence whether or not any of this is um uh whether you have defenses to this or there's any basis all I can tell you is these are indictments out of New Hampshire so a judge or a grand jury had to have found some probable cause at some point in time it looks like February 14th of this year but the warrant issued for failing to appear on May the 6th I don't have the option of releasing you the only option I have is to like I said is give you the choices that I gave you um now you said you had some court hearing here in Surprise now is it criminal charges no okay all right okay because that might affect the analysis if you wanted to wave so at this point in time there's nothing I can do other than to tell you you're either going to have that court hearing on July the 1st if you wish to have it or I can hold you non bondable and we can just let New Hampshire come out and pick you up and get you and that's really at this point in time at this hearing it's the only thing I can do for you understand your honor um if I have the 50,000 and can pay that um so I'm supposed to be on duty at 0400 today um I don't know that's going to happen yeah there's even if you try because it's almost 0300 even if you tried posting your bail or you had people right now on the phone trying to post your bail right now you would not get out by 0400 there's just no way it takes even for people who are getting released on their own recognizance it takes them sometimes three four five hours to get processed out um so uh yeah so you're not going to make an 0400 uh and anything at this point in time you all right do you know what you'd like to do um I would like that hearing um I feel like because she mentioned these same allegations already once in a court and the judge said that there was no merit to them that I'm being tried for the same thing twice um and they didn't even let me know I had a court date so now I'm stuck in jail so I would very much like to fight it okay absolutely um okay so the record will reflect that the defendant has decided to exercise his rights a hearing will be set in downtown Phoenix Superior Court in the Central Court building on Monday July the 1st at 1:30 in the afternoon bails been set at $50,000 it is secured it will allow you to work with a bail buing company if you do post your bail don't miss that court hearing on July the 1st you would risk losing your bail money and a warrant would issue for your rest um also if you are police no contact or physical contact with any alleged victim or witness don't possess weapons alcohol or drugs any other questions no your honor thank you so much uh Nicholas for your patience with me thank you um would you like me to you can just leave that right there on the podium just back here
Channel: Benchside Broadcast
Views: 2,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime, Judge, Court, Trending
Id: UFwHz0LXnx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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