Mama Zebra’s Answer To Two Men Trying To Save Her Baby Goes Viral

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mama zebras answered two men trying to save her baby goes viral love them or hate them zoos and animal sanctuaries are essential to our understanding of the creatures that live alongside us observing these animals up close provide zoologist with a wealth of valuable information and hey they're awesome pretty amazing to look at - but zoos aren't solely for our benefit it's here that animal lives are saved as well when it was time for one resident zebra at a Spanish Zoo to give birth zoo keepers and guests alike rushed to the enclosure for a glimpse at the incredible miracle but things quickly took a turn for the deadly forcing the keepers to take drastic measures that nearly cost them their own lives as well located in Valencia Spain the Valencia bio Park is one of the country's most popular animal attractions the zoo boasts over 4,000 animals and an extensive collection of African fauna though bio Park is perhaps most well known for its unique habitat designs using immersive exhibits a concept known as zoo immersion in Spain bio Park places visitors into the animal's habitats as opposed to the other way around instead of railings and cages natural barriers such as rivers ponds and streams separate guests from the animals the absence of metal cages may unsettle some visitors yet these open environments have proved to be just as safe if not safer than standard zoo exhibits still this zoo Immersion complicated things when one of the parks newest residents fell into trouble it all began in bio parks zebra habitats where a german-born mare named La Nina and a French colt named zombie were first introduced spunks immediately flew between the two and just a few months later Lenina became pregnant after 13 months Linea went into labor in the fall of 2018 zoo staff hurried to the exhibit to keep watch over the expecting mother and a flock of BioPark guests followed suit as soon as they caught wind the birth was a quick one and after a few short minutes lenio welcome to healthy male full into the world but no sooner was the umbilical cord gone than the baby zebra did something unexpected he stood up in the wild it's common for a zebra pole to stand within the first 15 minutes of its life due to the threat of predators this newborn was more than eager to explore his new world though this eagerness would merely prove fatal for the minutes old fall as the young zebra trotted on new legs he began inching dangerously close to the enclosures watering hole Lenina tried to stop her newborn but it was too late splash the fall tumbled headfirst into the water the guests had a good laugh over the clumsy misstep yet little did they know the incredible danger the baby zebra was in with Lenina exhausted from giving birth she was unable to muster the energy to save her fall the newborn was going to drown as the full sink beneath the surface the watching zookeepers immediately sprung into action scaling the rocks of the enclosure they slipped down into the watering hole and hurriedly swam towards the struggling zebra but things wouldn't be easy even in her exhausted panic steak Lenina wasn't going to let anyone near her newborn especially a pair of humans so as the zookeepers approached the mother zebra prepared to attack luckily the zookeepers have been trained for moments like this and remain calm even in the face of such imminent danger they snatched up the squealing foal all the while splashing it linea to keep her at bay but this tactic did little to scare off the protective mother who had somehow gathered enough strength to enter the water in pursuit of her baby the zookeepers were just moments away from being trampled when something miraculous happened she stopped apparently Lenina had sensed that the zookeepers weren't looking to harm her or her baby and decided not to pursue them with beasts made between the three the zookeepers pulled the pole from the water and placed him back on a dry land Lamia rushed to her baby side cleaning the newborn as he sat and caught his breath cheers rang out from all sides of the enclosure as the guests helped the zookeepers out of the exhibit thankful that the two men were there to help but perhaps the loudest cries of joy were shouted out for the full who was back up and walking moments later as if nothing had happened it was easy to see the onlookers had already fallen in love with the baby zebra and before long the whole world would too videos of the darling zebra rescue soon made the rounds online with millions of people relieved to see the full it survived the frightening ordeal just a few weeks after biopark posted their own recap of the online event their video received over 60,000 views journalists were also eager to hear and talam the survival story with some joking the newborn should be called Mila grouse or miracle in Spanish the zookeepers wound up loving the idea and went on to name him Mila gritos or little miracle once a few months old Mila gritos adapted well to life of BioPark though he made sure to never stray too far from his mother and if there was one thing the young zebra likely learned from his fall in the water it's this always wear your water wings however Millar gritos case is a rare one as most animals don't get so lucky when things take a turn for the worse especially in the wild fortunately like the zookeepers at bio Park Valencia there are plenty of wildlife advocates out there prepared to help these animals in their time of need
Channel: Did You Know Animals ?
Views: 796,296
Rating: 4.7904148 out of 5
Keywords: animals, pets, did you know, kittens, cats, dogs, trending stories, inspiring, Mama, Zebra’s, Save Her, Baby, Goes Viral, Mama Zebra
Id: 3lEzSjpdLWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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