MALEFICENT is MAGNIFICENT! (Movie Commentary & Reaction)

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yeah i'm definitely in that process where i'm like something's missing yeah welcome to my world sure i don't like it hey bud how's it going if you're new to the channel welcome take a seat and if you're coming back billy i'd say to look before you leap but we know you can't jump welcome back to another movie commentary reaction my name is sam steph and we're the movie buds [Music] so maleficent yeah so you've seen this i have i have not this is the spin on what is it uh sleeping beauty so this is kind of like a yeah live-action remakes they did but not so close to the story yeah it's a retelling re-imaginary exactly re-imagining reimagining reimagining oh they got the castle it's gonna be in the movies not clever yes transition let us tell an old story and you see how well you know it actually not super worlds yeah there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together right like me in one kingdom lift folk with a vain greedy king a terrible villain of course yes naturally yeah you've seen this chic all-black outfit envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors for in the other kingdom they needed neither king nor queen trusted in one another gross ew community savages who likes that you might take her for a girl she was a fairy alrighty interesting take feathered wings and the horns and everything but yeah that's cool i appreciate the creativity that they put into it you know sure cool i'd also love to be able to heal trees and her name was maleficent not people though no just trees specifically hurt people heal trees put down on a t-shirt good morning mr chanterelle i love your cats oh yeah you and no one else he just ripped his hair off that was attached to him yeah i think this whole concept is cool yeah this gives a lot of room to like you know go a bit crazy with the creature animations and stuff sure i guess that's what i'm enjoying so far what's all the fuss about border cards yeah and those are the fairies from the original right tell me what a human thief at the pool of jewels they look weird yeah it's gonna say there is a bit of uncanny valley going on she's always in a hurry with her big wings yeah you deserve that not her fault you've got weak ass wings yeah stab him them come out they mean to kill me yeah you deserve it yeah they're headiest to look at excuse me that's extremely rude don't listen to him you're classically handsome look at those cheekbones it's not right to steal but we don't kill people for it oh i'm trying cheekbonk come out this instant hey little [ __ ] get out of here we're not gonna kill you we're just gonna beat you up take your wallet i believe he's just a boy and you're just a ghetto can i make it any more obvious who are you i'm called stefan it's not like the english version of you pretty much gotcha they pulled a reverse aussie and dropped the o yeah you have to give it back give watch back oh your thief little prick that's what you get for stealing yeah [Music] traumatic rock dropping if i knew you would throw it away i would have kept it i delivered it home as i'm going to do for you yeah you rock yeah someday you know i'll live there in the castle are you a prince well he becomes king i just can't remember how yeah so your parents are farmers then my parents are dead devil nah they just recognized how trash you are it's a disney movie dead parents equals heroes true no not really though you really shouldn't come back here you know it's not safe that equation doesn't quite work here you'll see well then they [ __ ] up yeah they're flipping the script if i came back would you be here perhaps oh what's wrong iron burns fairies i'm sorry ah you knew yeah i like your wings yeah they are pretty cool they're pretty [ __ ] sick maleficent thought of how stefan cast away his ring so that their hands might touch again yeah but they didn't yeah thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel steal something far more precious oh in that sweet yeah somewhat maleficent what's up after all these weeks look who came back how you doing [ __ ] yeah so what do you do for fun what's up you dusty [ __ ] um okay okay [ __ ] go hard sure became the most unlikely of friends friendship slowly turned into something else oh in that nice yeah [Music] it's funny though because maleficent has a name like literally means evil right and on her 16th birthday stefan gave maleficent a gift he told her it was true love's kiss sure mate keep telling yourself that but it was not to be yeah i thought she was going to say but it wasn't true love's kiss as the years passed stefan's ambition pulled him away from maleficent while maleficent rose to become the protector of the mars all right so basically he's trying to steal the crown yeah i'm pretty sure he succeeds yeah right [ __ ] yeah ng saving kids left right and center yeah just fairy kids yeah we give a [ __ ] about the human ones i mean she saves the human once we just don't care yeah maleficent often wandered alone sometimes wondered where stefan might be trying to steal a throne yeah she had never understood the greed of men she's like oh damn it stefan all my other friends are so ugly why don't you come back the human king had heard of a growing power in the moors to strike it down right just like i know logically how that works i just can't get my head around it they're like oh they've got stuff we better destroy it to make sure they don't try to [ __ ] with our stuff right but they don't want to [ __ ] with your stuff leave them alone well it's basic fear response yeah it's very simple i know you're a [ __ ] it just frustrates me every time of course i could have not the mysterious moors well i say crush them we know your highness we talked about this before we left it's like oh [ __ ] it's angelina jolie go now father a king does not take orders from a winged elf maybe you should you are no king to me also have a little respect my god yeah i know can you [ __ ] fly yeah bring me a head dusty [ __ ] also love the detail they put on the cheekbones yeah i was just thinking that to make it look as much like the animated version sure arise and stand with me no one comes yeah guys suck we talked about this ah cool the tree people the ends yeah yeah i was gonna say well i swear that one looks like a ball rock yeah one balls will [ __ ] you up true story tasty though yeah fair enough i mean i haven't had actual wild boar but you know various kinds of pigs yeah you should be afraid my dude that [ __ ] is cool great effects so far yeah i just love that they went for it you know like this to me is how you do a remake slash retelling just [ __ ] go hard why not the original exists so have fun with it just laying them out yeah she didn't even bring weapons to the party she's just taking you down with her bare wings yeah [ __ ] lamb snake [ __ ] i know i would be terrified i'd like [ __ ] this i'm going home so the second they popped out of the ground i'd be like nah i'll commit treason for this yeah none of this man he's gonna die anyway yeah fair enough yeah he started this i know right shut the [ __ ] ever wait is up [ __ ] just having a heart attack yeah he's just not scared ah iron yeah smart move right did he know about this was it just a happy coincidence might have been just a happy coincidence doesn't seem like something you'd want to advertise the true story i promised the people we would take morris and its treasures [ __ ] why well you [ __ ] failed too bad you dirty santa claus looking [ __ ] for half a second there i honestly thought he was gonna take the pillow i see you waiting for me to die won't be long waiting patiently i mean they'd kill you but why bother yeah i will choose a successor kill the winged creature avenge me wait what yeah on my death you will take the crown bro you started it avenge me yeah you serious oh this next part is [ __ ] insane okay are you really [ __ ] going there bro yeah what maleficent just holy [ __ ] guys props for a good story but damn this is kind of still a kid's movie wow okay so they're doing the thing all right how is life with the humans [ __ ] fantastic i came to betray you yeah maleficent i've come to warn you they mean to kill you okay king henry will stop at nothing you have to trust me okay yeah the years faded away and she forgave stefan and all was as it had been long ago maybe a little too much trust yeah just a touch it can be that way when you meet old friends after a while oh i was sitting in the cinema like no no they're not going here no way you're absolutely kidding bro um like he doesn't kill her makes my skin [ __ ] crawl wow yeah you filthy [ __ ] what's wrong with you i can't do it i guess that's something but the fact that you thought about it dude wait wait yeah this [ __ ] just dismember yeah [Music] oh my god yeah that is maleficent in the original didn't have wings yeah true story okay that's i feel like that's almost worse that is some yeah like that's betrayal that she knows about yeah you almost feel like death would have been a mercy yeah that's what i'm thinking like holy [ __ ] my guy that's i feel like that's worse wow oh my god oh you filthy this is just the way angelina just sells it completely i mean she's a legendary yeah but i'm almost like man couldn't you have gotten a worse actor so that i wouldn't feel this so damn hard like holy [ __ ] it's so raw wow that was um that was not nice oh not stoked yeah obviously a lot of people who just took their kids to see it thinking oh it's a remake of sleeping beauty isn't that nice yeah what is this i have avenged you sian she is vanquished oh you have done well my son you will be rewarded i bet you he [ __ ] thinks he did the right thing oh yeah he's like i didn't kill you piece of [ __ ] that gets me pity points right yeah i shall do my best to be a worthy successor i know that actor from a few things he's south african yeah i don't know does a good job with the accent okay so now she has to learn how to live without wings that she's had her whole [ __ ] life pretty much jesus mate yeah something to help her walk having that much pain also having to completely rebalance yourself as well yeah she's used to having a whole lot of weight on her back yeah god it's definitely just like let me lighten the load for you let me uh make this easier for you i'm doing you a favor really just oh god don't worry though they commit to him being the bad guy okay i feel that's important to note because the whole movie i was like i swear to god if they tried to give him a redemption knock i'm gonna be so pissed yeah yeah old mates [ __ ] scum sorry about it because stefans and steve's and stefano's a bad name all over the stefanos of all countries pretty much cruel [ __ ] off bird doesn't mean no yeah you'd uh you'd not be in the best place yeah no doubt you [ __ ] for real wicked oh yeah then that was this oh [ __ ] okay oh gee oh what the [ __ ] oh okay it just uh becomes a guy uh all right why she needs help i see so she was like i need an emo what have you done to my beautiful self would you rather i let them beat you to death [Music] kind of stop complaining i saved your life it's a weird way of doing it i feel like there were many other ways to go about that she had options what do i call you be about and in return for saving my life i am your servant okay sure all right i need you to be my wings um you just took away his weight yes she give him back there you go ah okay right you're like for real it's been a long time since i saw sleeping beauty oh yeah she had a crocodile the first of his life king stefan king shitheal [ __ ] yep was it really worth it just takes a wife like maleficent meant nothing to him just to add a little more salt to that wound yeah just a bit of insult to injury he did this to me so he would be king yeah yeah just knowing how petty the reasons are too yeah that's fair enough yeah i mean buddy come on what did you think was gonna happen what a way to create an enemy yeah they've definitely taken the she's actually the protagonist storyline um head-on yeah you know they definitely as far as motivators go for her going full like that's kind of yeah yeah it works yeah this is believable yeah i'm with it i am with it i am completely behind her on this one that's kind of the direction i was going for sure yeah holy [ __ ] any kind of vengeance she wants i'm like yeah fair enough yeah hell yeah girl get yourself a goth throne whatever you need oh she figures i mean this [ __ ] is going to be king i guess i have to be queen right yeah i didn't vote for her oh yeah okay yeah that sweet young kid yup not so uh young or sweet anymore no she a bit pissed yeah which uh makes sense fair enough all right so eyes in here is the crow is raven crow it's pretty big it might be a raven do you not always know the difference be honest there's been a um child huh yeah yeah king stefan and the queen have had a child right yeah okay they say it's to be a grand celebration for a baby wonderful they go through the whole original story but then adds so much more and it's not even that much longer right props to them cool all manner of folk came to the christening even a trio of fairies yeah i'm with you of course they're willing to accept the uh forest creatures that look the most human these are not just any old gifts we're magic and very good for children [ __ ] no [ __ ] you don't say sweet aurora the gift of beauty okay i swear they're just [ __ ] making little sparks and talking [ __ ] you'll never be blue only happy okay i'm glad she didn't mean the color because i'm like she wasn't blue that would also not be great we washed inside out we established this my wish for you i'm with you on that one yeah a multitude of emotions is valuable they teach us things exactly kind of like how maleficent's pure [ __ ] rage is gonna teach stefan how to not be a little [ __ ] hey i'm with you what's up bestie [Music] this is the ultimate way of showing up your ex yeah she got a new look you everything it's [ __ ] hey just amazing what a glittering assemblage how quaint even the rebels they're gonna say angie was the perfect choice for this yeah i really felt quite distressed not receiving an invitation yeah you're not welcome here she's not welcome yeah all right i will say that's the one thing that does disappoint me a little bit in the original it was just pettiness yeah just pure pettiness you're not offended why no to show i bear no ill will i too shall bestow a gift we don't want your gifts really mate yeah stay away from the princess [ __ ] what why out of the way trash i do not like those little fairies yeah it's really fair the baby didn't do anything she's just [ __ ] shiv stefan and get out of there listen well princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty that's a lovely gift i'm not done yeah quiet second choice no one is thinking to just run up and try to stab her or something yeah well they're all [ __ ] terrified sir [ __ ] before the sun sunset's 16th birthday yeah love how they remade the scene she will prick her finger fall into a sleeve from which she will never awaken why yeah i'm begging you i like you begging yeah that makes sense do it again that's a good look for you babe oh power move [ __ ] power move we love to see it the princess can be welcome only by drew love's kiss that makes sense yeah irony yeah no power on earth can change it all right i'm not mad yeah i know right this feels justified yeah show up to a party outdress everyone curse a baby yeah ordered his men seize every spinning wheel in the kingdom the wheels were broken and burned i mean someone could just make another one yeah he entrusted the child to the pixies to a remote hideaway 16 years and a day in traitorous little [ __ ] i know right especially because it's just stefan who did it they could have just killed him yeah stefan shut himself behind the walls soldiers rode to hunt maleficent yeah good luck that went so well last time but she made walls of her own the moors might never suffer the touch of a human fair enough yeah she reveled in the sorrow her curse had brought it sucks that this is her joy now yeah but we do love a petty [ __ ] sure there's a time and place no doubt the fairies began their charge i don't think you guys have the right to complain about it today maybe shut the [ __ ] up you just cop whatever's [ __ ] handed to you pretty much what we need proper disguise blend in two three i'm so happy that they uh gave the cg a rest specifically yeah that looked weird yeah we are no longer fairies three peasant women raising our orphan child no more flying and no magic maybe take the baby no just leaving them out there we don't need to watch the baby that's not our whole [ __ ] job yeah that wasn't the whole reason for us coming here why are you always hiding or anything you're always hiding you just [ __ ] left a baby outside walked away i love how they just made them idiots like in the cartoon they were kind of silly but here they're just [ __ ] morons it's great oh yeah this was cute it's so ugly you could almost feel sorry for it yeah that's angelina jolie's actual daughter oh really because all the other babies would cry when they saw her but it's her mom oh god this kid just has this memory of her mom being like i hate you the fairies were perhaps unequal to their tasks why is she crying she might be hungry stefan could have entrusted her to like some human people yeah you actually know how to take care of a baby it's going to starve at those three looking after it that's possible yeah yeah do not seem too bright what the [ __ ] it's hey guys don't you think that being alert is more important than getting good sleep do you not know how babies work no they don't okay the flour has milk wow okay so literally this baby is being taken care of by the crow who is the underling of her enemy because these fairies are that [ __ ] pathetic yep pixies sorry pixies yeah they don't deserve the title of fairy cause the pixies suck and that one song they're famous for i'm joking it's a good song calm down stop doing that i'm not doing anything yeah i think that's the problem you guys are [ __ ] stupid well someone is and i will not tolerate paul poor professor umbridge i love how she thinks that these two are raining water on her yeah from next to her i mean they're all that dumb i mean i guess they are magic okay you're all being rained on that makes sense what the [ __ ] why why would they just blame each other oh come on that's funny that is kind of funny that's comedy man i'm with her yeah further consumed by paranoia and vengeance yeah this is what you [ __ ] get me yeah and vengeance i know right like don't you love how that's such a thing though people will be like i'm gonna violate someone and then be mad when they're pissed about it yeah pretty much you know how could you do this to me yeah i know right but it's such a thing how dare you hold me accountable for my actions yeah it's like just like uh i don't know the more normal version of the bully thing in school where the bully's picking on the kid and then the kid who like fights back gets in trouble yeah that was me yeah that was me [Laughter] the wall cannot be burnt it is indestructible nothing is indestructible and stefan has [ __ ] lost his mind oh yeah you wanted her to not [ __ ] take revenge against your child should have been like yeah sorry i did i did the thing you can kill me if you want just as a good father much less a good king just as a decent person decent human being move [ __ ] not even human being because you know what i'm saying yeah right it's a thing that all beings should do yeah you should just do that honestly you shouldn't have [ __ ] up that bad to begin with yeah but yeah if you do [ __ ] up take a kind of bill oh yeah exactly this is pretty simple i love how she just spends all her time yeah he's great [Laughter] this is completely believable this is totally in line with her character it's great and they all just keep blaming each other yeah that is fantastic and uh pretty much putting this child in blatant danger yeah they are terrible guardians completely negligent beast is about to fall off the cliff she's like ah that's funny let me get my glasses wow okay what hey she's vindictive she's not evil okay what it's not like a care or anything god hello that's right and they're actually mean right ew a child yeah go away yeah go literally me with any child yeah i don't like children specifically you i have a vendetta against your father i don't like these children hey rude decent amount of that's attached she's like i don't know last time someone in your family decided to touch my extremities things went very badly we're not having this go along go go go there you go bye-bye i'll kill you yeah you know what [ __ ] the spinning wheel i'm just gonna stab this child as maleficent had said aurora did grow and has definitely gotten used to being taken care of by her supposed enemies yeah this is what i mean by yeah there's the one [ __ ] up it's like kid didn't do anything but they got to follow the original story obviously and as the seasons changed so did she well that is generally how things work time passes and people grow yeah whoa no [ __ ] crazy tell me more get the [ __ ] out of here oh no it's so cute yeah forest dog forest dog that's a [ __ ] she wondered at the world about her and at what lay beyond the fearsome thorns curious little bestie but she was not the only one who wished to get through yeah i feel like maleficent has spent more time caring for her than her own [ __ ] parents oh she absolutely has and that's kind of the point yeah right right okay maleficent [Music] you just think any random woman is maleficent yeah look a woman kill her yeah yeah that holds up that's what i was gonna say for the era and everything this totally tracks yeah a witch a witch [Music] nice girl and he's like a [ __ ] crow dog thing looking at that like what did you do to him give him a mario mushroom yeah this is what happens [Music] hey yay throw them all some of them like i'm flying i've never been blown around by the wind before oh okay oh just smacking this [ __ ] around that would have been fun up until this part yes that's all right the concussion would have been so strong you wouldn't remember it yeah make friends with her just so i could like get blown around by the wind to be fun do the thing yeah again again again how could you do that to me you said anything i need not a dog yeah that's fair it was a wolf it's the same thing weird wolf they're dirty i'm behind birds ah right yeah like what have you got against the wolf that makes sense anything but a filthy stinking hat yeah rude she's still just flying forgot you were there just leaves there there by accident [ __ ] walks away oh [ __ ] i forgot i'll come back for you later [Music] yeah you might as well just adopt a flat out at this point yeah i mean you're more her mom than her mom yeah oh [ __ ] goddamn pixies worst babysitters ever right they haven't even realized she's gone no i don't think they have oh no i was just joking i don't know maybe that i remember to be honest [Music] they're like wow you're not at all ugly like your dad was [Music] they just stopped biting her yeah that basically the owl house the fairies are just like savage right right hello little fairy give me your skin i know you're there don't be afraid yeah i am not afraid then come out then you'll be afraid no i won't well you should be she remembers you from when she was a baby yeah there is that yeah you're the funny horn lady wait are you the one who's been taking care of me all this time yeah i know who you are do you do you you're my fairy godmother what oh she does remember her yeah i mean kind of yeah i mean tell's your fault man yeah you've been watching over me my whole life i've always known you were close by yes yeah she's like oh no my image oh your shadow it's been following me ever since i was small that's true i remember you pretty bad she's like oh [ __ ] i have [ __ ] up this is dear hello aurora i like that they're not pretending yeah i've now knew since you're a little but you know he hasn't aged at all i swear his lifespan wouldn't be like yeah i can't guess shut up magic it's everything i imagined it would be i've always wanted to shut the [ __ ] up now this is why they call you sleeping beauty yeah you don't get lines when you're asleep stay in character stay in character all right tend to take her back to the idiots yep who seriously don't seem to have noticed or maybe they're out looking for her i'm giving them so much here yeah you're trying i'm trying so hard good night beastie for real you are her fairy godmother just accept it i know right for one you're actually a fairy yeah like those other three dancers somewhat unintentionally her godmother so you mock me i know what you're doing you don't know [ __ ] stefan yeah presence has been requested by the queen the nurses are fearful she won't make it through the night [ __ ] paranoid son of a [ __ ] can you not see we're having a conversation [ __ ] you and who made the wings oh because this sick piece of imaginary conversation is more important than his wife dying whoa yeah holy [ __ ] this big [ __ ] that's so beautiful yeah yeah it's pretty which is pretty i've got nothing against this as a live-action movie but i would have been really interested to see all of it done as animated but i guess that's just my preference i mean i'm good either way you know that yeah like they'd be happy to see both the only problem i've had with the live-action stuff lately is it's been done poorly yes this one though yeah this one was pretty decent pretty solid but again reimaginings i'm all good with it's those just shot for shot remakes yeah especially when they kind of like missed the points they seemed well the mulan they just removed you yeah lion king they just did the same right they just did the same but you just lost all the emotional impact because none of the animals were able to express the same way right yeah fun well i'm glad you're giving her a nice yeah teenage hood i should be like 15 or something 16 something like that well she's supposed to go to sleep at the pin yeah that's right getting close yeah she's trying to try to take it back oh [ __ ] i revoke the curse i revoke my oh well she's sitting here like you know what the kid probably doesn't deserve it yeah stefan's a piece of [ __ ] and quite frankly he has suffered oh yeah [Music] not enough no he could suffer more yes that's unfortunate got some regrets mate don't worry i would also have regrets oh yeah absolutely yeah like oops just don't take out your feelings onto someone who didn't do anything seems obvious but a lot of people do it yeah they definitely do a lot of people don't realize that they're lashing out you know yeah they are start to see everybody as an enemy do all the fair people have wings most do then why don't you funny story yeah i had wings once they were stolen from me that's all i wish to say about it fair enough what color were they what did she just say dude it's kind of a sore spot just read the room so big they dragged behind me when i walked and they were strong being very nice about this yeah they could carry me above the clouds and into the headwinds they never faltered oh not even once but trust them unlike your [ __ ] dud that son of a [ __ ] yeah i like this they're bonding and angelina really does the subtle things the new one stuff oh yeah as well you know she's our top tier yeah buddy are you sure jesus where are you workers in their beds majestic get them back to work without delay what they're exhausted sire i'll have them back to work at first late i need them back to work now oh it's 3 hours buddy yeah the fact that you're traveling down this crazy downward spiral without drugs yeah not a good sign it is awake your mental health is just completely [ __ ] falling apart we're running out of time and he did it to yourself yeah he absolutely deserves it just the sad part is that um everybody else has to deal with this too yeah which is wife subject yeah which is where my argument of she should have just killed stefan on the spot kind of comes back into play that's fair man nobody else has to deal with his [ __ ] yeah exactly [Music] and creature design on this uh went hard yeah yeah aurora come here has she even met her dad no she's been uh been raised by the pixies this whole time the pixie's still just completely unaware she's gone they're just in fighting yeah blaming each other for her disappearances there's something i need to tell you what is it i accidentally cursed you yeah small accident i did not mean to accidentally but not really by accident costume there is an evil in this world i cannot keep you from it i'm almost 16 i can take care of myself what for [ __ ] 16 year olds i said that too i can't judge when i'm older i'm going to live here in the malls then we can look after each other nice plan sweet sweet not well thought out you don't have to wait until you're over you could live here now oh [ __ ] yeah do that right now keep her away from the spinning walls yeah and i will sleep in a tree and all the fair people will be my friends yeah she's not like she's got anyone to miss besides the pixies who they suck i'll be happy here for the rest of my life i'm going to tell my aunties tomorrow does she even know about her mom and dad no i don't think so [ __ ] i'm so excited i also liked the the naivety makes sense because she's been so sheltered yeah she doesn't know [ __ ] about i don't know diddly about doodly nice that's what keeps us monetized oh yeah this guy wait a minute where do i know him from no idea is that dick grayson titans brenton thwaites i think it might be you know what you could be under something here i think that's him okay [ __ ] dickie boy except the time you accidentally fed me spiders yeah of course they did though yeah those little dicks hello i'm sorry to bother you no you're not you're a rude little [ __ ] but i'm on my way to king stephen's castle hopelessly lost i'm glad that she is appropriately nervous meeting a strange dude in the forest alone it's that way the castle she literally has never spent time around humans yeah now [ __ ] off what's your name it's philipp oh okay fine of course hello it's dick it's jake what's yours aurora hello aurora yeah this is her prince charming or whatever yes her true love's first kiss a disney prince got shot it was nice meeting you once again my apology well you know what being such a clumsy fool i think brenton thwaites was a pretty solid choice it is appropriately handsome that's what i'm thinking oh forgive me that's good but i'd better be off then definitely uh pretty enough of a pretty boy yes i saw him and i was like i know those thick eyebrows anywhere will you be back this way nothing could stop me and i'll see you soon bye philip for now yeah that checks out yeah stop doing that that boy's the answer no divorce all right yeah she's like she deserves better yeah no he's stupid we'll not have that true love and break the spell there is no such thing ah yeah okay yeah that makes sense that might be how you feel she was uh throwing it in stefan's face right yeah yeah that tracks what about aurora that boy could be her only chance they just met my guy definitely uh reaching yeah turn me into whatever you want i don't care anymore gonna pull a wing stretching that hard mate [ __ ] me dad why is it blue what is going on you're not leaving tomorrow rora's 16th birthday even aware that she's not [ __ ] here yeah told us to take her back the day after her birthday on her birthday yeah wouldn't after make sense after all yeah to make sure that she doesn't prick her finger yeah why so i said what the [ __ ] oh she made her face blue it was pretty funny [Laughter] i need to talk to you about something so i'll be 16 tomorrow they know good thing they don't know much yeah maybe to her she thinks like he's taking care of them yeah she does think that yeah i'm leaving home yeah oh yeah no not a bad thing that could happen it probably would have killed her i'd not spend 16 years in this hover with these two imbeciles so that you could ruin it on the last day i'm sorry we are taking you back to your father what are you getting out of this father she doesn't even know who no you told me my parents were dead yeah oh guys i think you better come and sit down props to the actresses for selling the stupidity so hard yeah i don't want anyone to think that you know we're ragging on them very good mother i'm here yeah what's up when are you going to tell me that i'm cursed uh she's trying to figure out how to get rid of it is it true yeah it is i was going to tell you my aunt said it was an evil fairy can't remember her name evil's a strong term yeah they said vindictive maleficent you still don't know your fairy godmother's name no she just calls her fairy godmother i get that but thank you yeah yeah are you maleficent yeah here's the thing don't touch me let me explain yeah you're the evil that's in the world does she seem like the evil that's in the world she's upset i guess she thinks you know you treat me all nice and take care of you yeah find the boy you did this just to betray me yeah you're like well no it was an accident yeah it was an accident i just tripped and cursed you i'm so sorry i love how the solution is was find the boy yeah we need a himbo sorry to disturb your majesty [ __ ] this [ __ ] we found this urchin at the gate she claims to be the princess this [ __ ] doesn't even know what his daughter looks like father it's me nope he also doesn't care wow seriously what is wrong with you dude you did all of this to like protect her you look just like your mother okay at least he knows it's her yeah brought you back a day too soon i told those three idiots lock her up in her room like he's supposedly doing this for her protection but to me it just kind of goes to show maleficent's coming how little it was actually about protecting her and more so about not letting maleficent show him up yeah they have to find aurora which again you brought on your [ __ ] self right oh she got pricked no oh no she's just worried about the curse does she know that she needs to get pricked for the curse to do its thing i don't know they didn't specify i don't think okay cause she's like [ __ ] it i'm gonna prick myself yeah i am pissed off and i just want to be a problem now yeah i'm gonna [ __ ] take care of me while i'm asleep also why did they put her in the room that has access to the spinning wheels that is a good question seems like a bit of an oversight like you didn't check this [ __ ] no one knew that's the servant store right that makes a bit more sense just did a really bad job of locking her in gotcha yep what's up i'm looking for a girl of course you are [Laughter] he could be looking for a boy i need a horse instead of just taking his she's like that i could just turn you into one yeah turn into a weird feather horse i'm not riding with him i'm gonna have my horse he has his horse oh man this port i'm just gonna say crow cause that's what they said right come on you gotta wonder if she could have just turned him into like a giant bird or something could have flown there would have been faster yeah and i appreciate that it's like yeah she's in a trance wow you guys did a [ __ ] job of burning them that's not how burning like come on they're all still intact they're all a little bit broken like what the [ __ ] if these things are wood you've completely [ __ ] failed at the burning i mean i guess maybe the magic protected them [ __ ] just repaired one right yeah true but still yeah like what it just looks like it's the worst possible job ah it's good enough yeah like this is how burning works right like we set a fire near them yeah okay yeah so she's definitely oh yeah like entranced or whatever yeah yeah yeah appreciation not just a [ __ ] idiot oh hey you know this is what happens when you curse someone i guess yeah and sleep bonk it's done yeah sure is actually does kind of make me want to watch sleeping beauty again yeah the original only so much because i'm not into old movies yeah they get those to a certain point where just the pacing and the dialogue delivery is just a little too dated for me but visually it's great they kind of went for that whole like living tapestry sort of look he's waiting for you in there if we go inside those walls we'll never come out alive he's just [ __ ] crazy just floating along and don't come it's not your fight thank you very much i need you diova i can't do this without you dear mom oh buddy i can hear you he's like i need to be needed okay we love a sassy crow look at her look at what you've done i'm sorry what who i mean you better be talking to yourself yeah buddy she's only sleeping she's only sleeping you know they're idiots why did you entrust her with them yeah he's made a lot of really poor decisions she's only sleeping forever [ __ ] this is definitely your fault what about the kiss she loves kiss does not exist it's her only chance i mean it would have if you hadn't [ __ ] destroyed it hey that's abuse it's not new for him no yeah it's very much tracks this piece of [ __ ] totally does that i love how she's like yeah this guy is probably true love yeah let's just drag him along that'll do never only had one conversation but i mean he's hard i guess so hey it's about as close to true love as these people know yeah brutal is this iron yes right yeah you would be freaked out yeah i'd be freaked out doesn't just fall from trees you know i don't know where i am in king stefan's castle this is where i meant to be my father sent me to see the king bruce wayne yeah king john of ofsted and it totally tracks that they would believe that he could do this yeah you pretty boy aurora kiss the girl want to kiss her very much i don't feel right about it i do appreciate that he at least needed some prompting oh obviously an enchantment you say he's like i don't know about this i don't know this seems kind of sus yeah i feel a bit wrong here yeah at least he should yeah and i think he does he's definitely hesitant because even if you feel like you have to do it because someone's gonna die you should still not feel great about it yeah she doesn't wake up because he's just some random kind some dude spoke to once it's supposed to be true love's kiss like it's his fault he's gonna kiss differently because i'm gonna love her more right i do love that they just tossed him out literally bodily throw him out [ __ ] off dick i told him wait this is your proof that true love doesn't exist this is a random boy this one random boy that she spoke to briefly clearly love doesn't exist but they do use this for a really good setup sure sure guessing you've guessed where this is going i have a few thoughts i will not ask your forgiveness what i've done to you is unforgettable oh see she owns up to her mistakes i was so lost stefan yeah i was gonna say at least one of them has accountability you stole what was left of my heart and now i've lost you forever oh she really is the fairy godmother ain't that nice she's just basically her mother yeah well i mean that's kind of how godmothers work you know the mother dies yeah true no harm will come to you as long as i live then dear old just [ __ ] kills her and not a day silence brutal i don't miss your smile why this is ridiculous i love the way they spun that it's like yeah that is true love yeah that makes way more sense love someone has for their child yeah i buy that yeah i'm with it and like oh there there it is hello godmother what's up how you doing kid beasty still calls her such a cute nickname you know what yeah it is now true in love hey hey they just sneak out and [ __ ] off he's none the wiser she's here sire of course she's here yeah someone had to take care of her because you [ __ ] want to cut a lot of stuff out of evil armor the spikes and everything yeah no i'm the good guy yeah these [ __ ] useless spikes that do nothing besides make him look more evil yeah precisely are we going back to the moors now if that is what you wish i did love how maleficent lives in the forest but she always maintains that perfect ruby rose lip hey oh [ __ ] if you got the magic what else would you use it for precisely uh the iron chains right yeah okay yep that checks out did not stop to think about the whole iron thing makes sense and i it's pretty [ __ ] heavy too [Applause] the whole dragon bit into it gotcha [ __ ] sick he's like you know what this one i'm good with this yeah i'll keep this one [ __ ] being a bird this is mad it does make you wonder why she didn't turn him into a dragon when they were trying to get to the castle but it's all right yeah whatever drama that's why drama the vibes yeah it's very in character maleficent is absolutely someone who does [ __ ] just for the drama yeah that's pretty much been her whole heart yeah man these dudes are [ __ ] strong if they're managing to hold down something that size you know what they've been training in this [ __ ] armor their whole life yeah good point they're [ __ ] yolked yeah it's unfortunate she can't fly anymore you do still have magic though force them away i guess the iron is impervious to it right okay sure that's a thought oh [ __ ] yeah okay [ __ ] sentient wings and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they ate him oh no okay yeah [ __ ] stephan and his do mama dude when you've been grinding diablo for three months straight bro come on what is wrong with you like how do you see yourself as the good guy here you have to be aware of what you've done yeah you think but no yeah it's like finally i will have my vengeance [Laughter] now no one can hold me accountable yeah his vengeance against accountability yeah because you want a show you want to fight yeah this guy is [ __ ] insane yeah they've done a great job of selling out i know that's the point oh yeah how does it feel how what to be a fairy creature without wings not great why would you do this in a world where you don't belong that's how he sold it to himself they're the ones who are wrong of course well to be fair everyone is the good guy in their own minds oh yeah absolutely you know what i mean like it doesn't matter what you [ __ ] do yeah no one looks in the mirror see the bad guy yeah yeah [ __ ] sick just in time yeah ain't that nice hey [ __ ] serving up angelic lyrics yeah nice you're [ __ ] now and yeah betrayed by the daughter that you [ __ ] sent away trusted to a bunch of idiots yeah hey he's still being trapped there yeah there you go all right well you know i guess he is a dragon he should be able to deal with some fire i remember how he dies i hope it's in a real nasty way yeah this is still technically what like pg-13 yeah yeah there's only so brutal they can get yeah yes drag him girl [ __ ] literally yeah drag this piece of [ __ ] hello now she's just gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him no magic just gonna [ __ ] wail on you now yeah it's over was it worth it stefan no dude no no you [ __ ] sack of [ __ ] very real though yeah oh yeah there you go see you bye i mean i guess uh he gets to see his death coming for a little while not even that long though i wanted more mean i know pg whatever but jesus i think dread did the best death by falling scene i think that's what makes stefan such a good villain people like him just [ __ ] exist they really do give him enough power they do crazy [ __ ] just like this no doubt well i mean even before the power did it for the sake of getting the power which did you even enjoy nope like what did you do with the power i know right didn't spend any fun times with his wife really sent away his daughter ruined his previous relationship nice made everyone around him suffer like a real man yeah maleficent brought down her wall of thorns she invited aurora to see how the moors had been when maleficent was both a child bringing life back yeah that's nice i think that was kind of one of the shittier paths just made everyone in the moors suffer as well yeah but you know depression be that way but that was not all ptsd actually it would make a lot of sense i mean for having your [ __ ] wings cut off yeah these little pricks hey pixies get [ __ ] [ __ ] off it's crowned to our little aurora whom we have sacrificed yeah yeah there you go that's nice now leave forever sacrifice [ __ ] okay you're banished our kingdoms have been unified yay you have your queen huh cool yeah the story is not quite as you were told yeah that makes sense i think i like this version better for i was the one they called sleeping beauty oh yeah she was the narrator see i like it because it just takes everything from the original and then just expands yeah adds to it but in a way that just like completely changes the story yeah yeah yeah at least the tone or you know what i mean yeah the meaning yes the emotional center of it and now this guy gets to actually meet her yeah now you can go on a date yeah maybe have a few conversations yeah you know just find some common ground make a few jokes maybe yeah my kingdom was united not by a hero or a villain but by one who was both hero and villain didn't need to spell that out yeah i don't really see any of the villain in maleficent i know they made a look though i mean she cussed a baby yeah okay yeah yeah i get the point that they're going for yeah i just i don't think i see it it's just like no one's really a hero or a villain they're all just people you know yeah none of this good and evil [ __ ] yeah it's just people being dicks yeah trying their best well in some cases yeah stefan wasn't trying his best he was trying his best to be a dick all right okay um i [ __ ] really liked that that's actually better than i remember yeah i remember seeing it in cinema and being like that was nice but never really thinking about it much yeah no second viewing i definitely appreciate it way more yeah i enjoyed it greatly quite honestly and i mean obviously great performances oh yeah like i said angelina was perfect choice for that i think that was one of the best translations of an animated character into live action i've ever seen absolutely like the [ __ ] cheekbones that could cut glass yeah it's great yeah no i agree if you had to rate this on friends bar what would you rate it you know what i think thinking about it again i think i'd go for yeah a seven really yeah okay i think i'll go for a seven solid seven you know what i was gonna say i'm gonna be generous but i don't know if enough i feel if this is generous because i actually do [ __ ] like it this much i'm gonna go with a nine oh yeah solid nine would re-watch this yeah that's fair well i did re-watch this but you know by choice not for money yes sure let's go with that but no i had a lot of fun with this one yeah i do love how they just went hard with the mystical fairy sort of designs and stuff they really created a little world you know they really did which you know you can't really make a one-to-one comparison between the animated style of the original but i appreciate that they saw and recognized that the original had a very distinct look and style and feel to it and they were like okay we've got to make this stylized as well otherwise what's the point yeah glad they didn't go for the whole oh no it's got to be gritty and realistic so we've got to take all the fun out of it yeah angle well that was the main thing it was still fun and heartfelt yeah but distinctly its own thing as well yeah very much which is always great and whoever played stefan did a great job of selling the [ __ ] toxic spiral into crazy yeah no he does villains really well yeah he's also in um elysium all right and yeah he's just an insane south african man very nice yeah he's great he's a really good actor well yeah that was maleficent until next time you've been with sam steph and we're the movie buds
Channel: The Movie Budz
Views: 181,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie commentary reaction, movie reaction, movie commentary, movie commentary channels, the movie budz, maleficent, disney, sleeping beauty
Id: _bcxGiV7Vrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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