Maleficent 2 Press Conference - Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sam Riley

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first up we have hard as dickinson followed by to toe edgy for the wonderful Elle Fanning ladies and gentlemen maleficent herself Angelina Jolie ladies and gentlemen the brilliant Sam Riley and also ed skrein hey ed thank you ladies and gents for being here I'm going to kick things off of that sorry and I'm gonna head down the line if that's okay harness I want to start with you we've had so many princes in our lifetime of storytelling how did you how did you find your prince and how you would portray him one of the many reasons that I was excited about this is because I think with this sort of archetype of a Disney Prince and the sort of stereotype of coming along and sort of saving the day there wasn't it wasn't really it wasn't really there in this and I think that was quite refreshing and there was an opportunity to sort of open up the world with them with sort of Prince Phillip and I think he was just someone who was trying to find his voice a little bit and trying to figure out what it means to be a sort of ruler and then yeah you know I just felt really sort of lucky to join a really great ensemble and support a story that was fresh and bold and exciting yeah yeah brilliantly written absolutely brilliantly to tell for you what was the appeal to taking on this character yeah similar thing I I just felt that there was a lot there that was very rich you know with Connell it was it was this idea about leadership as well in this in this community in this sort of stressed conflicted tribe and what they were what they were going through and these really strong ideas in this in that area story about about you know fear of the other and this and segregated identities and communities and powers of integration and all of these things were really present as I was reading it and it just felt like in so many ways this story was uncovering all of these themes that are so relevant to to to to us you know and so yeah so Connell was really just in the center of that and I was excited to to join al since then since we last saw Aurora she has these wonderful qualities that we saw in the first film but she's grown in so many ways as a person how would you say she's kind of the the the growth of her from the last film to this film yes she has I mean five years have passed in her life and she's now queen of the Moors and she has this you know this new responsibility and a new power and she like you know Prince Phillip there's kind of trying to figure out who she is as a ruler and how to how to use that power but she I mean Aurora her strength is her kindness and also she stays very true to herself which was something I wanted to to to keep in in the film she is soft and feminine and she wants to be a wife and have babies and there that's a there's a beautiful very very strong that's a very strong thing that you know isn't portrayed a lot on screen I would say I think like a lot of the princesses grow up and they're like well we're gonna make her a strong princess and make her tough so we're gonna make her fight and it's like is that what being a strong woman means like we just have to have a sword and have armor on and be fight didn't fight it's like Aurora can do that in a different way in a pink dress and it's beautiful that she keeps her softness and vulnerabilities that's her strength I'm Angelina congratulations again on this extraordinary character but I wanted to ask you about how important it is for you for for the character and the film to have a message but a message that's kind of learned through experience and time really in terms of the way the character is learn about their kind of journeys yes I think I think we all have very complex characters which is which is really nice and not often the case in an ensemble and the way we bounce each other learned from each other and change over the years for some of us and for Maleficent yes I loved the first one where we went back and said well we think of her as evil and dark and first movie we asked why and and went deeper in and I think most women most people have you know aren't born with a certain hardness and and an aggression they something happens along your life where you you lose trust you don't feel safe and you start to fight in a different way and you protect yourself in a different way and and then through having a child she finds her softness again and and but then there was a question in this of well she's not just soft and trying to be small and cover her horns and adjust she is she is a fighter and she is a creature and she is all these other things and and is she allowed to be both and and can she find herself and and or just keep apologizing for that thing within her and stay small and so she's on her own journey to find out what that means so I think it has beautiful messages about being you're finding your true self and being it embracing others and also one of my favorite themes is that family is not made of blood yeah some I'm talking about finding your true self we know what he really wants to be a bear you know dream I love I love your card so he just brings this kind of just the the way he's he's he keeps Maleficent light and he reminds her of certain things a beautiful relationships gotta watch is that fun to play with when you're filming in terms of you know this relationship between Devo and Maleficent yeah it is it's I think we sort of tried to imagine what these two people have been up to for six years he's obviously not flown off yeah but it's sort of a little bit less their servants mistress relationship this time you know we become the parents of Aurora but we you know it's it's fun it's nice he's grown a little bit of courage and sometimes he's but more important it feels as well so that is a bit more important what about for you I mean he's he's a really complex character in terms of he can't quite worker whether he's a good guy or a bad guy but for you trying to find that and how you play and what his was that about what his you know what motivates him that you kind of tried to find you know I always trying to operate in this great area you know if I'm playing a protagonist I try and bring them to the dark side from wayna antagonist up bring him to the light and you know for me that was what I loved so much about the first Maleficent but to have a character like Bora with you know this incredible arc I mean this is the type of arc you imagine you have when you're number one on the coffee in some independent movie that's been based and written around you you know to step into the fantasy realm of Disney and you know with everything that brings to learn from you know this incredible caliber of actors and human beings and to have this kind of character with this such a full emotional narrative and arc you know this is the dream character in so many ways and yeah I kind of feel like we're just scratching the surface so it's like really exciting to explore bora and his changing attitudes towards outside influences thank you and great straight in before even said he's got a question that is kid walk gentleman right here and then we'll get lady in the red here we go hello sir hello this is for Portugal and it's for Angelina Jolie this some talks about evil and good and in a way with what things are happening in the world right now in the real world can this film or this story can you give us some inspiration out to fight evil well I think I think it helps to maybe identify where some of the darkness is coming from and what is the true darkness and really in this film the mistress of evil is less maleficent and more queen inggris who is someone who I'm gonna have a soundtrack during this answer okay I think we're it is um you know we're when you see when you see us a leader like her who is so angry and so hostile and so much believes that the only way to survive is to destroy the other you we are we make it very clear in this film that she is afraid she is weak and she is ignorant and that is why she is behaving that way and that is why she is wrong and that is why the the leaders that need to take place which would be a roars character in the future are those who see the strength and diversity appreciate environment respect for each other respect for themselves and and are more forward-thinking and have a different vision so I you know that's these are these are themes that many children many people may see and may not really it's not gonna it's not great it's not political it's not trying to be but I do think when if in the end you're happy about the way the film ends and it feels right I think that heads you in the right direction I think for children it gives a nice guide thank you my name is Laura and I'm from Lee slits and to Angelina and Al and as a new mother my babies for half months I thank you she's caught you minor I love how sorry stupid new mom I love how it is news constantly reinventing itself and creating role models for young girls how do you think Maleficent tackle this being a being role model role models in the film well I think that if I think it's a few things I think I think it's not one it's not just girls in the film because we have strong women we also have the the character that that is wrong in the film and has to be taken out he's also a woman but we showed a very different diverse types of women that between our characters but also we have extraordinary men in the film and I and I really want to press that point because I think that so often order when a story is told to say this is a strong woman she has to beat the man or she has to be like the man or she has to somehow not need the man and we we both very much need and love and learn from the men and and so I think that that's also an important message for young girls to find their own power but to respect and learn from the men around them thank you hi I'm with the Norwegian paper VG and my question is also for Miss Julie what was it like working with you are Kimmy running and why did you want to work with him in the first place had you seen kontiki for instance Disney was very excited about Yocum and I think it was a really it's always interesting to work with different directors and have a new take on a on a film since our first director made a beautiful film and then deceived new fresh eyes does anybody else have a thoughts on you oh come on I admire it I mean it's not an easy task to sort of you know take something on this scale with you know I manage it all did a great job I love Contiki through this great film thank you and more questions from our audience please gentlemen in the front of your please thank you hi my name's Dave I report for my youtube channel absolutely love the film I thought you're all fantastic and you all had really great characters particularly for Alan and Jelena the first film of course was based on Sleeping Beauty a very beloved iconic film did you find coming back for a second round where you both got to really explore different elements different aspects of your characters did you find you had more fun doing it and did you find maybe there was a little less pressure in portraying the characters again doing a completely new story completely new take on the characters in essence basically I think for me I definitely felt a real responsibility to to do the second film because you know in the first film it was the first film that I had ever done kind of abets of that scale and probably only one I've done of the scale honestly but so many you know young kids saw the film and you know especially young girls would come up to me and say oh you're Aurora and they would look at me as the character and I'd never had that with the character before and so knowing hearing that we would be doing a sequel I felt a responsibility to those girls for sure and and I was so excited to just to get to show her rohrra as a young woman and grown up you know obviously in the first film I was 14 when I did it I was much younger and an Aurora still has those qualities you know that she does of kindness and innocence and sweetness G that G embodies thank you it was so fun to come back and I mean all of our I mean especially the three of us you know we were there in the beginning and to get to come back and be reunited I think but also our relationships have changed and grown cuz I'm 21 now and I'm older so we could you know I wasn't the kid on set anymore I really felt accepted on set in a way like a part especially with Michelle and Angelina they looked at me it was amazing it was amazing feeling because I felt like I really think cluded me like I was one of their peers and that was a really special feeling to feel that way you know thank you lady in the front please if we can get microphone Thanks any on this side hi first of all I wanted to say that I think you're all great and my question is for Angelina she's my favorite actress I mean one of them and also I do love al Fanning as well keep going keep going yeah you've achieved so much in your life and do you have any goals left for your future I'm just wondering it's like the pressure that I have ally I do I feel I love being an artist I'm not sure that's the I of course but I but there's there many other things I'd like the other aspects of my work to take you know to take over my life a little bit more so in the years ahead and really I just want to raise my children well they're all they're all at those very special ages where you want to not miss a moment and do your best to get it right before they're out in the world on their own and having to face everything and you know you hope you get all the good stuff in so that's my that's my main focus but I have I have some I have some other crazy ideas for future things we'll see what happens please run for president I think we'd all like that please and can I ask a quick I'm just because the film looks beautiful and so much about it even those little creatures that are the leaves on the trees that all kind of flutter off and all that kind of thing it's just such tiny details thing it's so beautiful the reality of when you're filming though was where are you and what have you seen or experienced of the world that you're in whilst you're filming it all of you I just think the design of the film is so extraordinary and and I you know I mean these soundstages that we were on and every inch of them designed to completion and and then wrapped around in blue and green screen and so I was very keen to sort of look and and see you know what everything was gonna look like was everything's gonna feel like and looking at these images and getting some idea you know but nothing I wasn't really prepared for what I actually language of the firmest and the just the scale of it and the ambition of it is really remarkable and was just sort of staggering to to look at and to finally sort of see all fully rendered an amazing achievement I think yeah even the colors and when you arrive in your world you kind of feel cold or in the cinemas you know I mean while you're watching it so beautifully kind of just takes you into that as well it's incredible and so yeah just asking questions and all these lady there on the end please hi I'm Katie from CBS and I just firstly I want to say I really loved the way the film builds up that original story in a really multi-dimensional way I think it's fantastic and I agree on all of your characters a really multi-dimensional and I was just wondering the film has quite a happy ending which is a Disney signature but do you think that there is anywhere for this story to go in the future even if it's just for your individual characters how you imagined they would continue on that's for all of you three very wry smiles monitors where would you like it to go somehow we have to get your tail back magic I yeah I think we have had lots of ideas what we'd like to be grandparents no pressure guys might be with the dark Wow sorry so you had to hear that now so early on we spoke about different things during the Jerry Springer I'm speaking about that he's not even be quiet I think there's lots of what into the one of the things that's interesting is without realizing it we've hit the chapters of Agra of the growth of a woman right we've hit her from her birth and her christening her being a little girl being a teenage girl to now being a wife and so in a way the chapters are following a few things but one of them is is how the woman grows and evolves and so soon it does make sense that now there's this chapter for Aurora as wife mother Queen and what is that and then you know what and now we've met and the dark fair and so what is the future for the Dark Fae and do they return and personally I like the idea of getting out of England in the story like basing England but going into the world because we have such a diverse the Dark Fae represent the world and so I would love to see them in the world and across the world that knows what you're doing any more questions from our audience please and I have one for you please Angelina because the way that you so kind of beautifully and delicately land I mean the way this the the presence and that kind of is it take up does it take a lot of practice to with the kind of raw work I don't even if that's what it's called but they don't they don't all look that elegantly you kind of late they pick the nice ones it must take a lot of practice though to you know it's a mechanical part of of the character we don't it takes a second well the guys know now I mean the wirework it was actually fun for me because usually having the only one with horns flying and then to watch everybody else in you're about to break your horn off and then it is you get in the wirework and your your horns are hitting it's it's such a do so many different funny things to think about you compelled me once flying yeah you know the one thing I learned with the wirework is this all in the glues it's all in the bum you know and your core then you're strung up there and um you know I'm not sure you guys expected to be talking about bombs and sorry to take it but um that was great fun it was it was amazing feels like the perfect place to end it talking about bombs shall we yeah and thank you so much for your time and for being here to talk about this film congratulations again and thank you for your questions ladies Jamie for coming [Applause] guys hey you guys huh is that from the Goonies [Applause]
Channel: HeyUGuys
Views: 370,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maleficent 2, Maleficent, Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sam Riley, Harris Dickinson, Ed Skrein, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Michelle Pfeiffer, Aurora, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Robert Lindsay, Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple, Lesley Manville, Joachim Rønning, Linda Woolverton, Micah Fitzerman-Blue, Noah Harpste, Joe Roth, Duncan Henderson, Matt Smith, Jeff Kirschenbaum, Michael Vieira, Red carpet, interview, interviews, premiere president, trump
Id: NvFu1GzD3ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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