Malcolm Gladwell Speaks On His New Podcast And Why You Should Trust Your Instincts

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlamagne tha God We Are The Breakfast Club we have a special guest in the building one of my favorite people in the whole goddamn planet mr. Malcolm Gladwell welcome back thank you thank you how are you sir I'm very well how's life been good good yeah I just uh my second season of my podcast just launched night vision is history I'm very excited about that don't try to control the conversation we don't get the name you never know when you guys will go off and somehow go after you watch a sex life business yes the podcasts are coming back when is it coming out I we got a rep a--so tree in a drop on Wednesday nights at midnight okay we got ten episodes and we're episode three is about to drop yeah that's um this week and it's about uh it's about the brown decision wait a minute hold on it already started back yep oh yeah I got two already what about Jack on DS Episode one is my attack on um white guys who play golf and then you attack white gossip well I did and you attack the hold I got every I got every white golfer in the country mad at me it was fantastic why why don't you like Jack he was a very specific thing it was uh it was all about you know when you go to LA a good walk spoiled a good walks boy you go to LA new vibe around and you see all this massive private golf courses they're like 300 acres in the middle of Beverly Hills you ever wonder how they exist how on earth can you pay property taxes on 300 acres in the middle of Beverly Hills the answer is they don't pay property taxes so you gotta really you've got a club which has got 300 members all of whom are very wealthy privileged people living in LA and they've cut a deal with the city in the state that they essentially get their private course for free so I just like I don't know if you're open to free acres and that's mostly how like wow how can you convince the city that they can get it for free like what it'll do is convince what it means to be a rich white guy yes there is a there's it's it's incredibly long storia basically they did they pulled two moves one they got a constitutional amendment passed to the California Constitution protecting golf courses from what they would from subnormal taxation and the second is they got a special legal ruling which which means that so for example la Country Club which is worth 300 acres in Beverly Hills is probably worth nine billion dollars but just the land you know said paying property taxes every year two hundred thousand dollars well that's ridiculous what it's a little but the whole so whole the whole podcast is just all about if you are a privileged white powerful person in the world you you can get basically what you want you just have to you're running the system right yeah I never understood that whole logic of like rich people not having to pay for anything like you know like rich people get everything free they do that your call sent to you yeah you don't pay for anything yeah great tax breaks yeah any sense I've never in said either they're the the rich you get is true the more things people I see it you got a little gift yourself their shine oh yeah glass you Gary my birthday is tomorrow and Gary Vaynerchuk gave me this today yeah case in point why golf do why did you fall while with liberal well because I said that taxpayers of La subsidize the private golf courses of La to the tune of millions of dollars every year so whenever I go to I'm a runner whenever I go to LA I want to run on the golf courses my point is look if the taxpayers of LA are subsidizing these courses why don't they open them up to people to walk and run and [ __ ] the dog to play frisbee a couple days a week just a couple days a week a have do to it where the white people go you know in other countries golf coach in Toronto my home my hometown the fancy private course it shuts down in the fall and opens again in the spring and the entire winter it's wide open to anyone who wants to use it go for walks go tobogganing go skiing going with her in Scotland the most famous golf course in the world is open on the weekends for people to do whatever they please this is not uncommon it's only in America that we think that you know Brentwood Country Club or I would love to run because right where I usually say when MLA I've got a barbed wire fence around it for goodness day and of course is being subsidized by the taxpayers la anything that's what the we got to give you Negroes out Malcolm and that's exactly what's happening I always wanted me now that you say that I always think about is that the reason like a lot of golfers didn't really like Tiger Woods like they wouldn't fully accept him I wonder about that he was in a very and I wonder whether we didn't think about that enough at the time and he was in a really weird position as I hear he goes in into the the most the widest sport in American outside of like sailing and it may be failing him and you know he's the biggest star that I've ever seen and he you know look like them right and I don't know you know I wonder tigers obviously really complicated gaya has gone through a lot but I wonder whether that's not part of the burden he's carried around all these years yeah I got it I got another kid who wants to do golf in the hood he's this little kid from Boston and he's trying to encourage more black people to golf because he said business deals happen on the golf course and I think a good networking yet be involved yeah I see all kinds of charity events though now with like athletes instead of doing all kinds of golfing charity tournaments and stuff ya know I had no problem with that I my problem was specific to the fact that you shouldn't get a tax break for your private golf course right not pay your way let me ask you this nothing Gladwell are you familiar with the rapid by the name of Kodak black I'm not okay so why would mark McClellan I'm sorry about what he had to say if we had a conversation about this behind the scenes so Kodak black recently said some comments and he ended up deleting his Instagram and Twitter afterward because people got on him but he's back but I'm he was talking about the type of women that he likes he said first he said I don't like black women too much and then he came back and said he only likes yellow hose he doesn't really like dark-skinned yellow hose Malcolm mr. gladwyn okay all right I can see why he deleted his Instagram they're like dark-skinned black [ __ ] is what he said right now there was a debate about whether or not he's wrong for having a preference yeah and I said okay but I want to hear what's your thoughts on that art because you know I feel like a lot of women will be like okay I like my man chocolatey I like my man brown skin and that's fine and when men say I like my women dark-skinned brown skin women or whatever but I thought it was disgusting the comments that he made but I want to get to address because I saw people arguing well what's wrong with him having a preference and what he likes what does nothing wrong with him having a preference but there's something really dumb about stating it publicly in such an offensive way right so it's a difference between you're allowed to to all of us are attracted to very specific things not for rational reasons just because we are right but we don't you don't go around and you don't explain it in such a offensive manner I mean that's just dumb I mean what if that was his first instinct mr. blank well I think that is resisting he should think twice about it yeah he's gotta take a step back and if he's a public especially if he's a public figure right who I mean relies on all different types of women of all different shades to buy music and clear answer it's just not very smart but I but I think you it's important to make that distinction though you know we all of us have a bundle of tastes and preferences that are sometimes weird and complicated and you know and we should be respectful of the fact that people like different things in the world but respectful is the key word and it's got it's got to cut both ways I'm respectful of your preferences and you state your preferences respectfully I just referenced your book blink and I it kind of ties into this whole thing we're just talking about you you said and like always go with your first not always now when you when you have experience in a particular field your first instinct is really useful where you don't have experience your first instinct it can be really problematic got you so that's I mean cuz that's what I see on social media a lot nowadays people going with their first instinct yeah but you know it's a matter of like so if you I had times when I was doing that book had tons of conversations with people in the music business that was really interesting so if you're somebody I'd have a friend who though works for a record label and he's been in that job is you know thirty years I said how long were you listening to to a demo or some new song how how much of it do you have to listen to before you know this is something special and he's like oh I mean I know almost by the way I mean five seconds six seconds that's because he spent 30 years in the business and his life is music and he's thought about music for someone who knows very little about music you can't you know your judgment after six seconds is useless yeah so it's all about what you're what you're drawing on when you jump to that kind of conclusion so people who are experienced communicators yes they can respond really quickly and you know you ever heard you know I mean what the best example is but but if you're not then you're your first instinct can be a real problem I agree with that too especially when you have experience in a field you always find yourself upset when you don't go with your first instinct like you start questioning yourself after you've been doing something for a while you like well maybe I could be doing this better maybe I should be doing this and you start listening to other people and you start making mistakes yeah could you have listened to yourself anymore yeah yeah no I think that the effect of experience on the way we make decisions is um is really a kind of a fascinating when you see it and you see it in sports right that's the why does I've always been fascinated was with the fact that it takes point guards so long to it to reach their full potential and that's because they have to make split decisions right in a fraction of a second and you cannot master that by the age of 18 you haven't played enough basketball right you know it takes you have to see so many different scenarios and so many different situations and learn through so many different sort of episodes of trial and ever error before your first instinct can be incredibly useful and valuable talk about back we always wondered how you thought about Kevin Durant joining the wars Kevin Durant I liked fact that players go where they want to go okay i I've had it with a system where some owner Chris Paul where some owner who has no connection to the game other than the fact that he bought a team for a couple of billion dollars gets to order around people's lives like I mean I think it's [ __ ] Kevin Durant wanted to go to the Warriors he wanted to play with people who were really skilled he wanted to live in the Bay Area he wanted to get out of Oklahoma City and by the way who can blame him I'm not mad at him but you know at one point you get some point where is you want to compete like not if I can't beat you I want to join you I'm gonna keep trying to beat you and beat you and beat you and beat you like that's just my competitive nature in there I want to destroy you and not as a person but in this game I want to bust your ass pause you know like that's how I feel I don't want to okay well I couldn't beat him on my join yet and to be honest but Malkin finish we answer the question I was yes I said no I would say I agree with that but as a second point here is that for someone like Kevin Durant playing basketball is a is something that brings him joy right and playing basketball with Steph Curry and dreamin and klay Thompson is his definition of heaven that is can you imagine what you what it feels like to wake up in the morning and say I'm going to go on the court with those guys no I can't deny in that that is a whole lot more fun than playing with Russell Westbrook I mean it just is and he never looked better like this he you know it's just like when you come to work in the morning how much how much of the joy you feel when you wake up is connected to the fact that you are doing the show with two people who I respect turns out no no no you want to hold he want the whole team on a high level basically makes this life so much I mean look he here's a guy he's really really really good at playing basketball why do we want to deny him the chance to play that at a level that brings him the most is it fun you know because you're beating everybody you know it was nobody has like four now but in anymore years three wait a minute wait so what if what if LeBron goes to the Lakers in 2019 and at Trachsel I mean or there what if the Celtics sign Paul George Gordon Hayward I mean there's a bunch of scenarios where that team stumbles they lost last year and they had the greatest team we thought about the Iberian round here I don't know I'm not so convinced that it's that it changes the competitive structure of basketball forever isn't it something to living up to expectation as well like because when you're on paper you're great but isn't it something like this living up to that I mean they they're going to have to go they're going to be under the microscope next year right and they slip up one engine I mean it's a bunch of scenarios but I basically I just watched him this season and I just thought there was a man having a time of his life it was and I just I kiddin how can you deny in there you know happiness happiness okay that's all we want now do you or do you think we should have the mentality that we are going to die one day I've been thinking about that lately cuz I read a couple books I read a want to Ryan holidays book I just finished reading mark manses book and they both talked about addressing your your your mortality mm-hmm you believe believe that because I believe like used to things you don't want to happen you shouldn't think about yeah your your dark place right now a young man if you think I'm asking should I be tonight no I don't think you should I don't keep God I mean what realistically what do you got left what do I think about sweetie about 15 let's talk about this 25 years from now nice no I mean what's what I don't know you can't control when you die so what's the point in what's the point in dwelling on I agree I mean I would dwell on the things of difference you can make now when you're alive it um you just bring you down yeah they say it gives you more of a sense of urgency you you lack a sense of version no I don't attack I didn't detect a lack of really laugh okay I think you've already got I don't mean if you were lying on a couch all day I would say yes you should think about about yourself right yeah absolutely but I don't think that's I don't think that's your issue you're a Jew I mean you might about them yeah it might maybe some Muslims will not do now what's your next book gonna be about have you thought about it I have we were started working on I have to started working on it okay I started cuz I I finished my podcast last week and I started work on my new book this week it's about it's about strangers but how do you deal but our problem with dealing with people that we can't trust um because it makes me that we you know we're with our friends we have a set of strategies for dealing with our friends that work really well but what we do is we then take those same strategies and we use them to deal with people who aren't our friends or we don't trust or we don't know enough about and it doesn't work at all hmm we get deceived we get betrayed we get and so I want to talk about uh why we're so bad with strangers what goes wrong mmm and I have a thought there's all kinds of really interesting directions you can go that idea uniform eww it very differently than I treat my actual friends though I know yeah no that's so that's interesting so sometimes and that's a problem sometimes because our strategies for dealing with strangers can be very unsophisticated strategies with you so think about this when you're dealing with a friend someone you knew really well your ability to interpret their moods is really quite extraordinary like you know somebody may look angry but you know they're not actually angry they're concentrating or they may snap at you but you know they're not upset with me there's not thank me because I know they got for whatever my friends I know or sometimes we joke around with each other a lot and we know we can do that but I wouldn't do that with the stranger because I know what my friends limits are and I know certain things they'll take a certain way we'll just go back and forth but if I don't know you like that and I'm not going to attempt that well you know when when a friend deceive you you know right know enough about them to know that that's not entirely on the up-and-up but when a stranger deceives you you have no basis for you don't have any long experience with them you have no way to so that's a really kind of interesting problem so about about what do you do in a situation where you don't have that kind of knowledge necessary to make a sophisticated judgment about somebody that's the that's the general idea but you get so many mixed messages in life they tell you the tree people you want to be treated and be kind to strangers but when you literally tell you don't talk to strangers yeah I had this really fascinating thing happen to me a couple weeks ago I was in Nashville Tennessee and I went for a run in this park outside of town and there's an 11 mile route and a six mile route and I went on a six mile route and then halfway to realized I was on the eleven matter and it got dark there's no lights in the park it's in the middle of nowhere and I'm like [ __ ] right I don't have any money on me I don't have my walk I don't have my you know I don't have my phone on me so I leave the park it's now pitch black I go to some intersection in the up nowhere I'm soaked in sweat you know I look like a crazy man and I need some you're all wild I need someone to drive me six miles to my car so I sit there decision and each car stops and I go up and I knock on the window and all of a sudden they see me right like for 45 minutes no one stops and then I have okay did I think all right so I should only ask really large men in pickup trucks because they're not going to be scared right none of them stopped so finally I was like I just getting serious like 10 o'clock so then the I knock and everyone's to it you know stops an 18 year old girl covered in tattoos driving a 15 year old Honda who just come from church group that's like busy at it so I had a sample size of like 50 people the one who stopped is the one person who shouldn't stop absolutely right and she's like a rolls down the road knows what's the problem that's like I screwed up she's like hop in and she's a naive little girl and I even but I will beat my daughter's ass it should be but you know I thought about it it's like she took a real risk on the other hand that is the kind of the world is gonna reward her for that behavior karma that is like and she turned to be this lovely person with a fantastic Chad she's just open to experience she was the cut she looked at me and she was like you know you could she said to me she's like go into any stupid but then we like I mean it was a fantastic I mean I was at a might I was like there's something really interesting in that that all these people the six-foot-six kinda pickup truck whoo there is no way I could harm that man would not stop and yet this you know you don't have a gun though now would your phones on you download the uber app for my phone I don't have a sword let me ask another lap right have you forgot a tag the robbed that anything ever because you run off like a lot I do know I never I've never been known everything I want to put that up unless I want that I'm Canada knowing people who get attacking we can tell that girl missing young lady is so lovely thank you so much the please don't stop for any random strangers anymore uh I didn't say that to her and I wondered about that and I thought but I didn't want to be the one to teach her to distress the world because I think uh that was the way she had chosen to construct her life she was clearly a deeply religious person who felt that you know she'd have a lot of money she's 18 one of the ways in which she can do good in the world is to take chances on people who need help I don't want to be the one to tell her not to do that why are you so trusting though why are you just so willing to jump in people's car yeah no choice I don't do I don't know where I was I'm literally using I am twenty miles out of Nashville I am in the middle of nowhere ten o'clock at night I can't I don't even know where my car is yeah you don't bring anything with you when you go running like some money well I thought it was it I don't need a fanny pack I thought it was put on our hispanic man has to have some pride anyway a fanny pack used to be something to run with it no I thought it was it it's a six mile course that's a loop that's I figure I run the course now come right back to my car little did I know there's also an 11 mile course right and it you know it gets dark in Nashville this is all going in for you mr. Gladwell Malcolm Gladwell gone missing after learning I was very grateful her name with Alex how many was that somebody no that was the other thing and I was oh no and you know and that made me feel terrible what kind of book that I'm not really I would not have picked up me right there's no way I would have picked up me I thought about as like that that there is something wrong with you Malcolm that you they that's your attitude you know what the world makes you that way do you hear all these crazy stories you're crazy like you say we can't trust people especially screaming what is the story of the Good Samaritan the story who is the Good Samaritan the Good Samaritan is the guy who is the outcast right he's from the group that everybody hates the good the guy who stops and helps them the guy who's been beaten up by the side of the road is the member of the minority who has been despised and there's a lesson in that story right there's an eye you know that Alex who picked me up hey Alex hey Alex I know does she know you're Martin Clara I don't think so I mean didn't talk about that she just thinks I'm a guy who got lost was that so crazy you ever see the movie A Clockwork Orange Oh years ago yeah I just think about her opening the door because the guy said he his car broke down on the side of the road that's right no listen if Alex had watched a Clockwork Orange she's not picking me up she so trust I would have called you in who-ville but I wouldn't let you just jump in my car I don't tell people in other ways but I think bringing them into your space where they could potentially harm you you know I would feel like not like I I paid for people's groceries in the story I've let people you know do certain like pass me online and the airport if it like whatever I can do that's small like that.i blood people food that's outside but getting in my car my wife did that one time we got into a huge argument you driving from Virginia and it was a girl on the side of the road and the girl was like I need to get to New York I don't have any money and a girl maybe I doesn't matter cuz I told I was like it could be a setup biruta got it she could have set us up my wife one time on two three years ago it was the snow was real bad and I guess her car I got like stuck over like one of the humps now in the car get stuck in the snow so some dude came to help to push it in and she liked to do come in and get a glass of water bruh oh how can you trust somebody that much because I didn't I don't know of what why are we have we really got to the point where we can't trust anyone in yes yes I don't know I find that heartbreaking it is but it's the truth yeah and then also crazy a guy unprotected sex with a girl you don't know you're strangling your truck back but you know what help somebody on the side of the road I hate somebody in the club and there's no matter exactly right let them come to your hotel room but right now that's crazy too I can't wait to read this book that's a couple years off I got a ticket without it so you'll be waiting for a while but no it's gonna be I'm looking forward I got it I have a little break before I have to do in the next season it might of my podcast so I'm gonna try and put that to good use I'll you know what I love about you Malcolm always hit it you always hear like people say um create things that are bigger than you and I feel like all your books are bigger than you and you don't mind like you're not trying to be the guy in the forefront you know I mean yeah well I've been lucky they fall had a kind of ticket on the life of their own but I thought I said you know when you if you create something you have to you're no longer in control of it right so you once it's out there it's out there and you should walk away and let the world do with it it's a world wants to forget about it and bury it fine the world wants to celebrate it that's also fine but you're not you can't sort of continue to try and control the process or take credit for it or I'll get too carried away about what happens to it well what's bringing you more fulfillment because I do see you seems like you're out there a little bit more what brings you more fulfillment the podcast public speaking or the books I think podcasts are just so fun um and I just love the idea that you know somebody will someone came up going me on the street yesterday I'm just like I'm listening to you right now I don't know I was really you know cuz as a it's the same feeling I've often thought you know when you were right on your write a book you know that people read it somewhere and so you get a certain kind of charge out of that but somehow the idea that someone is listening to listening to your voice is more personal and special it's a feeling of you know I'm not a musician but I always wonder what a if you're a musician and you walk down the street and you hear one of your songs what that must feel like what I feel amazing like to hear something you did out in the world the kind of anyway so I get I I get a little bit of a kick out of the fact that people are that I'm inside somebody's here you know that sometimes I get embarrassed if somebody's listening to my pack no don't why would you go to Paris about sex and sometimes it's really nasty uh will you but if you if you're embarrassed by that why do you do it now I mean with fret I do it because I like it I enjoy to China to me and my friends talking about real-life experiences but I don't necessarily like for people to listen to it in front of me oh I see what you say yeah yeah yeah well cuz you're something so intimate about voices that's the thing that's interesting I could I never got that I never get that feeling with with radio only because like you know we have guests on so somebody be like oh I'm listening to your interview with Malcolm Gladwell so it's like they're here to put a guess but I did get that I get that fellow with my book when people walk up on me with my book I'm like oh this is me you know like it's a different it's a different really sad actually what was that like yeah yeah the experience of putting your book out in the world Malcolm you know you know I don't know what is I can't remember that was a very personal book yes I mean it felt good it felt it felt really good like this to hear people read your story and be empowered by your story that I understand the transformative power of books and I know how certain books and certain people's stories impact in my life so to have that on they have that on other people it's very fulfilling fulfilling is a fulfilling in turn to anybody would be upset about how they were portrayed or anything did you think about that no questions already felt already wondering I kick it over how will I be you you made a lot more sense to me when I what else it when I learned about your parents how on earth did they get together it's the mud it's the most fascinating pair of personalities yeah and I still don't know and I mean I like that I have that sense of discovery in the book yeah because and that's what I always tell you know parents like we need to teach our kids about who we were before we were parents because a lot of us don't think our parents had a life yeah before us I still don't know I still haven't sat down had that conversation so I did y'all meet you know but and when you have to I mean that's where you come from right when you have two totally different characters like get together and combined on something you end up with something interesting that's the that's to me what the book is about yeah I was fascinated by yeah Malcolm hit me up and Michael said I love seeing you on the New York Times bestsellers list next to all these boring white people that lit until you hit it that list was like you know it was like a master list of the most boring white cars perfect day like let's come up with a nice it was quite easy to past few weeks though because Kevin Hartz on there Trevor never talked back going this right you know it's I see all right well Malcolm Gladwell we appreciate you for joining us revisionist history is out now that's right I know I I didn't want to ask them what do you think about the state of America because I'll you know we haven't talked to you in a minute those things have been getting gotten better than I was last honor worse any hoped I think was a you last time azan you said the Trump was two white guys Hail Mary how well Hail Mary and I I have been repeating that word of word those words of hope to everyone I could I was gonna credit ya know it's getting worse terrible no no hope is to go to the dance in my I guess I'm like I always said I'm Canadian I have an out thousand Gladwell [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 259,738
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Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, malcolm gladwell
Id: rmm0lkjZ8cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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